Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KriticalKrab

KriticalKrab Massive Damage

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Feburary 23, 2020:
The light pollution of Jump City prevented distant stars from being seen, only allowing the moon's reflected sunlight pass the atmosphere. Though for those still awake new lights could be seen. It seemed to be a furious battle high above in the skies, above the clouds, it's possible it could have been held in space. Many colors of almost unnoticeable lights flashed high above, first multiple splashes of green, along with faint streams of red occasionally, and finally a unmistakably clear yellow blur in the sky. Almost as if a satellite exploded, but multiple NASA and governments reported no loss of satellites. Those lucky enough to have a telescope or high powered binoculars on hand could swear that they had seen shapes, although most were simple in design, they never backed down from their statements. Ultimately this was dismissed by most as, drunkards, or another UFO hoax attempting to cash in on Superman's supposed origin. After all, surely the Justice League would handle it if it was important, right? Days later multiple pieces of metal crashed into the Earth near a Kansas farm, badly burned and jagged, as if they were ripped from something. Publicly they were revealed to be the remains of burned up asteroids, perhaps even remains from Superman's dead home planet. On that same day LexCorp launched another satellite into space, claiming that it was to jump start their new high speed internet. As if triggered by the launch crime rates in multiple cities rose, Gotham, Metropolis, Keystone, Central, and finally Star city. Though the rates were slow, seemingly under control by local authorities and vigilantes, it was unmistakable that the criminal underground was somehow given a boost in it's confidence.
March 5, 2020:
The skies above Jump city were cloudy, and grey, signifying an incoming rainstorm. Regardless of the weather, many people were present on the streets, either on the sidewalk or in their cars. The sounds of honking could be heard on various street corners, even sidewalks held everyday men and women conversing on phones or participating in their everyday activities. As the day passed the sky continued to cloud up, until the sun could no longer be seen. Soon enough the skies began to sprinkle a light blanket of rain over the city. Dozens of umbrellas and people rushing down sidewalks could be seen. During mid-day the clouds seemed to part in an almost perfect circle above the nearby ocean. However, instead of revealing the sun they had wished for, they instead viewed a massive alien vehicle. It descended slowly above the ocean, onlookers desperately looked to the skies for their saviors, or perhaps someone to explain. Instead multiple tiny objects could be seen escaping from the ship, as they drew closer to the city their form became more clearer, and their goals even more so. The figures were clearly some form of attack craft, they began to shoot bright beams from their underside as they hovered above civilians, seemingly drawing them inside. Some of the craft even opened up to unload gruesome creatures, they were humanoid, that much is for sure. But they were clearly aliens, their armor and weapons allowed them to completely deflect the local police's bullets, and return in kind with their own. As the alien weapons fired, a blue pulse sparked in front, and the bullets themselves seemed to glow a darkened blue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River Corner
Just Outside of Jump City
Ashes scatter on her white tennis shoes as she walks through the remains of the blackened and broken home. She has her black helmet tucked under her arm and she glances over her shoulder to make sure that her brother's black and red motorcycle, the one she kept after selling all his possessions after his death, is still there. She looks across the blank area just before the forest, right next to the road, and she gently sets her helmet down on the ground. She walks into the house, though she could still be seen from the outside, since the roof and walls were broken down, either in the fire or over the years. Covering her hand in a little bit of ice, she runs her fingertips along the walls, feeling the ashes and burnt wood. It is hard to imagine that this only happened three years ago. She walks quietly back out of the house and walks around to the back. She sees the five gravestones before she sees the graves. She approaches them cautiously and stands before them, her eyes beginning to fill with tears. This is not what she wanted. Her eyes scan over each of the gravestones, reading her mother's name, all the way down to her youngest brother's. Next to his, her mind forms a mental image of her older brother's gravestone. At least he is with the rest of the family nowshe thinks to herself. Taking a deep breath, she steps away from the gravestones and walks back over to the motorcycle. She does not have the heart to call it her own yet. She pulls her helmet back on over her white hair and shoves the back of her hoodie down on her neck. She turns the motorcycle on and revs it up, spinning it back toward the direction of Jump City. That's when she notices it. What seems like a dark spot in the distance. What the-- Suddenly, screams come from the city and she swears under her breath. She yanks the throttle all the way back on her motorcycle and speeds in the direction of the city. As she comes closer within the ten minutes it takes to get to the outskirts of the city, she notices that those are not normal ships. Those are definitely not of this Earth. Within fifteen minutes she is in the center of the city. She pulls the motorcycle to a pause near one of the buildings and gets off it, taking off her helmet. She sets the helmet on the back of the motorcycle and looks up to see the beams carrying away some of the people. There is a small child just a few feet away from her, screaming and crying for her mother. Suddenly, one of the beams catches the child. Reacting out of instinct, River runs for the child and tackles her out of the beam, pulling her close into her chest and protecting her from the fall of the ground. River slides on her back, still protecting the child, and once they stop, the child jumps up and runs to her mother without a thank you. She doesn't care though. River just jumps to her feet and looks to the ships. Ice begins to grow on her fingers, but she doesn't know what to do. She has never used her... "gifts" for battle before. Who was going to help them though?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Press Dalton - Press Shop of Electronics "Thank you, come again!" Press said, completing yet another sale at his little shop. Another seemingly typical day at Press Shop of Electronics. Only when it began raining did the amount of customers decrease somewhat. After all, sane people wouldn't be using their electronic gadgets in the rain. As the few customers left his shop, Press sighed. Not much left to do now. Maybe he should close up shop early. Then a flashing red light came up on a tablet. Press was fully alert now, since he linked that tablet with his automaton Horus, who was supposed to alert Press for anything that was out of the ordinary. Turning on the tablet screen, Press was rather surprised to see what could only be described as a UFO. The UFO was already causing chaos and disorder among the public, and police efforts were having no effect. Press could not stand idly by while this was happening. Press locked the front door to his shop, then went into the back room where he kept his tools and other materials. Locking the door to that too, he pulled and rotated a few seemingly random items scattered about the place, then stepped back as a large container appeared in front of him. Two doors opened, revealing a slot for his body. Putting himself into it, Press' mechanical suit of armor was quickly equipped, each piece quickly and carefully installed with precision. As it booted itself up, Press was already out the back door to his shop. The door automatically locking itself behind Press, the wings in Press' suit extended, and Press shot up into the sky. He then changed direction and shot toward the UFO, flying as fast as his suit would allow. Reaching the location of the site, he flew over to one of the beams that had people already half way along the path inside the aircraft and grabbed as many people as his suit would allow to carry. After setting down the rescued citizens onto the ground, he flew back up to try to save some more, only for the aliens to shoot at him with their blue lasers. Doing his best to avoid the laser fire, he pointed his arm at them and returned fire, shooting a laser at one group of aliens and knocking them backwards with the resulting explosion. Quickly, he grabbed a few more people in the beams and did his best to get them to safety. Setting them down onto the ground, Press said to them through a voice filter, "Quick, get to safety." A laser hit him in the shoulder, causing him to lose his balance for a second, then he managed to right himself. There was no injury created, thanks to his armor, but Press certainly didn't want any more to hit him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

MC found the physical plane curious. Lots of items, lots of new sensations, and yet the people here seemed to covet other physical items. This worked to his advantage, as while no one saw him as an energy being, making sure to wear a physical robe, gloves, wear a mask, and hide his floating hand under his robe, MC was usually mistaken as a somewhat eccentric one armed fleshling. He was having fun conjuring various items to people on the street and gauging their reactions. From air filled sacks called Balloons to hunks of iron or even sharp sticks of metal called swords, MC got lots of varied reactions. After a bit he could hear sirens in the distance, and a little while after he saw some sort of flying disk in the air. Moving towards the commotion, curious as to what it could be, MC found a few aliens firing energy weapons at people, causing all sorts of random effects. He was enjoying the show as people grew weird appendages or the like, until an alien mistakenly fired on him. It didn't do anything, but it did burn off his robes, revealing his true form. "Ok, now people are going to panic. Good job, here have a portal!" He said as he conjured a portal above and below the alien, the poor thing in an endless fall screaming. His comrades came to see what the commotion was, but MC had already moved to the rooftops. Before the alien's comrades could save him from the endless fall, MC shot out another portal, flinging the falling alien into his comrades like a bullet, knocking them out. "Well well. Guess they're hostile. Well, I'll give them a couple chances. Fleshlings are so fragile." He said as he continued towards the center of the city where it seemed the biggest commotion were. Forgoing his disguise, MC made his way there by conjuring long range portals in the air, gravity having a much less pronounced effect on him compared to the fleshlings. Upon reaching the center of the city, MC found himself hovering near the UFO which was dispatching more and more aliens. Wanting a bit of fun, MC conjured a portal near the landing bay, and another on the ship's laser. Things would be fun if they were truely hostile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The day had started off cool enough, he supposed. ______ Jason woke up, his eyes foggy and hazy as he released a loud, powerful yawn that possessed the strength of one-hundred lazy assholes. Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, the boy glanced around his mundane apartment with an apathetic look, the thought of fully waking up not registering fully in his sleepy mind. The alarm clock beside him abruptly ruined any thoughts of additional sleep, when it started blaring it's annoying ass ring-tone at an extremely high volume - a bunch of kids singing 'Get ready to explore, there's so much to find, Little Ei-'around that time, he had merely shoved the alarm clock with his elbow - which had the additional effect of a tiny sliver of Kinetic power going into it's circuits, and causing it to explode in a hail of fire, electricity, and shrapnel. "Fuck!" Jason cursed loudly, rolling out of bed and landing on the opposite side as the frag-alarm-bomb pelted his room with heated plastic and sharp bits of metal. A thin sliver had managed to slice a small, yet deep cut along his cheek - blood didn't flow, due to his Kinetic Energy immediately settling on that specific injury and accelerating the healing of it's dead, slain cells. When the cut healed - which took a few seconds - Jason slowly stood up, sighing as his bones popped into realignment from a night of restless sleep. "On to the daily grind." He headed towards the bathroom, flipping his white and orange earphones onto his neck as he went by - while also grabbing his uPhone - a slim, expensive white futuristic phone that held years of obnoxiously loud rock music. As some edgy song called 'Bodies by Drowning Pool' played, causing him to nod his head with the obnoxious, yet catchy beat, Jason kicked open his bathroom door and headed towards the sink. The mirror above the sink was cracked from him once falling asleep against it, but he could clearly see his appearance; yep, there was him. A regular teenage boy with a lot of blonde hair, purple eyes, and a smirk, nodding a beat to some random rock song. Running a hand through his messy locks, Jason shrugged and slipped his headphones over his head and onto his ears. A minute later, he had the shower blasting. Good thing his headphones were water and shampoo proof. After twenty minutes of this - who said that he couldn't enjoy a shower? - Jason exited the shower and picked up the clothes he had left on the 'clean clothing' hamper, right next to the tub. A slim yellow shirt with a black design somewhere near the bottom, along with a black blazer with light amethyst buttons - buttoned once in the middle - and slim jeans and sneakers. Regular, casual wear; who said that he needed a mask to beat the ass of criminals, which had become his daily job? Not to mention that he looted their bleeding and broken bodies afterwards...but eh, they would spend the rest of their lives in the hospital, not like they needed the money. Jason was whistling along to Centuries, when faint screams from the outside world alerted him to something happening. His music was very, very loud, audible even outside of his headphones, so it wasn't a surprise that the screams had eluded him for so long. Slowly, he drew the blinds... Remember me... A large, floating attack craft greeted him. A group of weird, alien-like creatures abruptly turned from where they were shooting at cops with lasers, and gestured at his window. Jason's eyes widened, and his smirk grew. With casual ease, he kicked out his window, hands in pockets as he took a casual step onto his balcony. For Centuries... They shot their lasers, and he literally disappeared, the sound barrier breaking behind him with an audible, extremely loud boom that practically destroyed the upper part of his apartment complex. He was always wreckless. His blurring body, glowing purple, orange, and yellow, slammed against the attack craft. He exploded. That attack craft exploded The the aliens inside screamed as they exploded. As Jason landed lightly on his feet, his hands in his pockets, he glanced around with half-lidded eyes, noting that civilians were staring at him in fear as the attack craft fell behind him in an explosion of Kinetic Energy and fire. Jason took his hands out of his pockets...and cracked them. "This is gonna be fun." The ground underneath him exploded into huge chunks of stone as he blasted high into the sky, his purple-glowing form blasting into an attack craft that was releasing aliens. He landed on the hull, and with one punch, exploded the thing in wild purple energy. The blast sent him flying, but he was completely unharmed, energy crackling off of his form as he landed, hard, against a third attack drone, purple energy blasting from his feet as he leaped off of the craft. Time seemed to warp behind him as the force from his leap and the energy from his body was released into the craft, sending him flying higher into the air, where he tackled yet another ship out of the sky - his comparably small form shining purple and yellow like a beacon. Underneath him, the destroyed attack drone slammed against a large group of aliens, exploding in a fiery eruption, and annihilating them instantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Earlier today...
"WHAT!?" A blue-haired boy was making quite the scene at a well-known fast food restaurant - Burgers Drive-In - for a while now. Little did the public know, this blue-haired boy was none other than Velrus, the Techmaturge. How had he managed to conceal his identity so well? Easy. He had a paper bag over his head. Naturally, there were eye holes and a spike of his blue hair stuck out of a rip in the bag, but this was a Clark Kent-esque disguise. It was amazingly effective on the 'lesser' members of society for some reason. They couldn't tell who he was at all. Alternatively, perhaps Velrus hadn't done anything significant enough to be warranted noticeable as a villain yet. But that was impossible. At least in his eyes. Velrus was yelling at a young adult who worked behind the counter. The worker was embarrassed. Not by his own doing, but for the sheer fact that this blue-haired boy in front of him was possibly the most unreasonable customer to ever exist in all his nine months of working there. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I 'DON'T GET A DISCOUNT' !?" Velrus had been inside of the restaurant, yelling at the staff over the fact that he was unable to redeem a coupon for a discount. The worker sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation. Several other customers had been watching the event unfold before their eyes. "Sir, for the last time: you cannot redeem that coupon and you cannot get a discount." "WHY NOT!?" Velrus shouted. "Because that coupon expired five years ago." The worker replied as bluntly as possible. There was a long period of silence as Velrus processed this information. The hamster that was his brain began to run inside of its hamster wheel as quickly as possible, and he formulated an effective and tasteful response. "...SO?" The worker turned around for a moment. He was too tired to deal with this, yet it was clear that this 'customer' was adamant about the validity of his ancient coupon. "Sir. Please leave. Or I will have to call the authorities." The worker spoke bluntly once more, trying to hold back the choice words that he had for this specific teenager. Velrus was enraged. How could they deny his coupon? It was ridiculous and he would have none of it. At the same time, getting arrested was not on his to-do list, and he would take his leave, but not before making his cruelty and dangerousness known. "Listen well..." Velrus quickly glanced at the worker's nametag. "Dave... I'll leave, but know this: You have just made, THE LIST!" The List composed of several people who had wronged Velrus in the past. It currently consists of: Jump City as a whole, Dave, and an old man who accidentally bumped into Velrus at the supermarket. With his threat made, Velrus made a hasty retreat - bumping into the wall at he left because the stupid bag got in the way. There were way cooler places to eat anyway. The worker stared at the door as the boy left. And went to the break room. He knew when he had earned a rest.
Later, at the Laboratory
Velrus had returned to his base of operations - the nameless laboratory mansion. It was here the young genius was when the threat of the sky aliens struck, which he witnessed using a large flats screen TV and strategically placed cameras of which he had one. Naturally, he had very little care for the affairs of Jump City, and after the Burgers Drive-In Incident of 2020, Velrus wanted the city to receive some sort of damage. Perhaps later he would claim to have caused this invasion in front of the entire populace. That would definitely gain him the recognition he deserved. It had been a long while since he first tried to launch some sort of assault on Jump City himself. At that moment, it was possible to hear a loud metallic clang on the ground which happened in intervals. From the doorway, into the laboratory's amazingly large hall stood a robot which was holding some sort of machine. Upon closer inspection, the object resembled those which were coming out of the sky at this very moment. Velrus glanced at the object, then the TV, then the robot, then the TV. He did this for around 3 minutes before issuing a command to the robot which had somehow captured this otherworldly creation. "Destroy it and put it in the...Scrap Heap" The Scrap Heap was a small heap of different metals and contraptions which Velrus planned to use...someday. For some reason, the pile was around 60% AA batteries. Velrus did tend to have most of his robots run on batteries. It seemed really inefficient and stupid, but for some reason it was quite effective for Velrus. Perhaps he did something to those batteries to make them better. Still, batteries were the least of Velrus' priorities. He sat back and watched as Jump City was assaulted, smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just when Rocky thought he might have an ordinary day for once, the world was suddenly filled with alien abductions and explosions and- Ooh! This looks like fun! Let's play let's play let's play let's play! -and there likely was no such thing as an ordinary day ever since something claiming to be am ancient god had started living in his head anyways. Especially not since the thing usually acted even more like a kid than he did. He sighed as he quickly considered trying to get the being to act a little more serious, but that was typically impossible. Besides, it's not like he would be able to do much to help otherwise considering he was barely able to duck into an alleyway before the things had started abducting people and landing firing squads in front of the police. Fine, but remember the rules for being a hero- Save the mortals first, fight the villains second, minimal property damage. NOW PUT IT ON, DO THE THING AND LET ME SHOW THE OTHER 'HEROES' OUT THERE HOW IT'S DONE! For a second Rocky couldn't help grinning at the sheer infectious enthusiasm of the voice, then he pulled the hood of his rain-jacket down, reached into a deep pocket and pulled a worn, old circle of metal out of his pocket and placed it carefully on his head like a little kid's toy crown. As soon as he did blinding light flashed bright enough to illuminate not just the alleyway but the street outside, and the being known as the Monkey King was free once more. Tail lashing in excitement as power rolled off him in waves that sent his now massively spiky white hair fluttering, he crouched slightly before leaping from the street with such force that it cracked the pavement with a noise like a minor explosion and sent him sailing towards one of the larger alien dropships. As he did a metallic red and gold staff appeared in his hands and started shifting in size until it looked like a massive metal column though still he handled it as easily as someone else might a toothpick. With the same strength that powered his jump in his super-powered lungs he shouted out so everyone for miles would hear: ""JUMP CITY! THE GREAT SAGE EQUAL TO HEAVEN, HERO OF JUSTICE AND FRIEND TO THE WEAK, THE BEAUTEOUS MONKEY KING, HAS ARRIVED!" Surprisingly, he managed to time the word 'arrived' with the exact moment he swung the massive metal column down on the big alien dropship. Even more surprisingly, the column smashed right through the ship and cracked it like a walnut, resulting in what the Monkey King deemed a satisfying explosion. It was no Peking Opera, but one settled for what one could when making one's own effects, and the Ruyi-Jingu-Bang was a decent tool. Planting it beneath him such that it touched the bottom of the harbor then leaping off the pole itself, Monkey King shrunk the staff and gripped it with his tail as he launched, flipping to swung it down and extending it still further to repeat the attack as his high, chattering laughter echoed across the sky, swatting yet another ship from the air. "...Y'know, this is cool and all, but I SAID no property damage and that street AND whatever's below us are gonna be wrecked and covered in debris... Let me have my fun! They can't hurt civilians if I blow all of them up! I swear you're worse than the Buddha...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klaudus
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Klaudus This isn't even my classroom!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Most of the morning had been spent riding, but by noon, Masa's motorcycle churned out the noises of a machine low on gas. And so, with no knowledge of this neighbourhood, Masa rode into the nearest gas station, getting off his bike to refill it. Once the pump was secured, Masa's gaze raised to look at the crowd of strangers coming near. "Who the fuck is this?" jeered one of several gangbangers approaching, each moving with a swagger to their heavy steps. Out of the four, the tallest took the leadership of the small posse, leading the gang closer to the Japanese teen. Taking extreme offense to their disrespect, Masa took a violent step forward in retort, one hand punched into his pocket and the other pointing a finger at the tallest of the quartet. "Me? I am Masa Hayashida, otherwise known as Black #2" he started, his tone mocking them for their ignorance. "And you better kiss my boot before it finds its way up your ass!" he shouts back, taking the gas pump out of his motorcycle and slamming it back into its handle. The leader of the thuggish posse's eyes widened in anger, having never met a stranger so unafraid of his crew, though before he could begin to wind up his punch, an ethereal fist materialised beside Masa, quickly landing a savage blow against the thug's head. The man was sent stumbling at least ten feet backwards. Standing quickly, the thug appeared ready to continue the fight until he was cut short by an explosion in the distance. The five characters stood still for a moment or two until alien ships committed themselves to a bombing run of the block. The gangbangers scattered as Masa hoped onto his bike, revving it into life as he quickly escaped the scene.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 9 mos ago

The surface was so needlessly bright, even here within a darkened alley. Scragglefur was on a food run, trying to get enough food to feed his rat brethren. In fact, they were here helping him. The small group didn't usually go out during the day, but Scragglefur knew that this particular establishment would be easier to enter during the day, even if Scragglefur would have to use threats to secure what he wanted. Crawling on the ground with his rat brothers, he stood only to open the back door. Readying his whip and walking inside, he found that it was in fact empty. Royal Rat King Scragglefur gave the order to begin taking as much food as possible, as he prowled around to the front of the Italian-themed restaurant. It was empty, but it looked to have been abandoned in a hurry. Sniffing the air, he caught the scent of still-present vermin and adopted his most intimidating pose. Walking to the front door, he pushed it open and then turned to tell them to leave. As he opened his mouth, he was caught by surprise when something blue whizzed past him and left a scorch in the cheap wallpaper. Letting out his most terrified screech, he leapt onto the floor and used his four appendages to run back to his rats, which were already scampering out with enough food to last them a few months. As his rats left through the back door and back along the route they had trudged through, Scragglefur smelled a foul and alien smell on the air. Turning his back to the restaurant, he continued on, hoping that whatever it was, it didn’t come for him. With haste, he and his rats crawled back to the sewers they called home, like a hive of ants returning to their queen. They ran along back to their shantytown, they began to pile their pillaged grub and sort it based on color and smell. This was really just because Scragglefur preferred it to a large pile of food, but the rats themselves didn’t care as long as they had food for their ever-growing numbers. Relaxing and crawling about the mess that was his shantytown, Scragglefur went about his daily activities of drinking the sewer water and then eating whatever it was they hauled back from their earlier conquest. It didn’t matter how they got the food, in the end, they had food. But Scragglefur was curious about the absence of the humans who owned the establishment. But even more curious about the blue thing that whizzed past his head and the foul alien smell that even now still lingered in his memory. Donning his hood, he left the sewers once more, but this time on his lonesome. He prowled the alleys that comforted him so, until he found an opening onto the street. It was still bright out, but considerably less so than usual. Wondering why, the answer made itself apparent when Scragglefur looked to the sky and saw the behemoth object in the distance, or maybe it was multiple objects. His eyesight wasn't the best so he stood there looking for a few moments. When more blue things whizzed past his head, Scragglefur again let out a horrendous screech before running back into the comforting embrace of the sewers. From that rather unsavory experience, His Royal Highness determined one thing: Whatever it was, it was distracting the human vermin long enough to steal even more food. So, gathering up his brethren, he gave the order before heading to the surface again. “Stay safe. Stay sneaky. And steal as much food from the surface world as we can before this distraction wears off.” Mind you, this was given in a series of squeaks as they rushed from the sewers and onto the preoccupied surface, in what would be the biggest food-grabbing operation the rats had ever done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by philp123

philp123 The One, The Only, Philp123

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dissipo was under in his home under the bridge when everything started to go haywire. He himself was native to this planet but these were something else, He reconstructed himself into a small Remote control helicopter and moved towards the centre of the UFO, it was high tech but most people wouldn’t even notice him, they would just think it was some kid messing around. He reached the centre to the sight of carnage, people were running scared and there was havoc on the roads, he converted into his humanoid form again, he saw the incoming bombs fall he had protect the citizens he found the nearest grate and ripped it off. Escorting the civilians into it to protect them. The first bomb made land as he reformed into the helicopter he had to stop that UFO somehow. He took off leaving the civilians in the ground. Once landing in the hangar, he reformed himself and went into one of the smaller UFOs and moved around the layout was similar on most intergalactic graft that he’d encountered. He moved further and further into the belly of the ship, facing guards. There seemed to be more than he’d expected. He was strong, but he wasn’t invincible he doubled his size and Looked at the aliens in his new language “You should not have done that, this planet is mankind’s not yours.” They looked at him blankly and started firing. Managed to dodge a few blasts but one hit his right arm and he stopped dead in his tracks. They looked at the blocks as they fell to the floor then reassembled to form the arm. It was still no less painful than losing an arm, but he took it and carried on running turning his arm into a massive hammer and slamming it into the heads of the aliens and swept them aside. Thinking he had won he moved forward but they weren’t done, there weapons were broken but they brought out melee weaponry. “Are you really that persistent?”.he changed his arm into a sword and started fighting. They were as strong as him, he was little rusty but he managed to fight most and leaving the others to run. Once he was certain there was no threat he dissolved back into his normal form. He found the power core, it was nothing like he’d ever seen, his ship had one of the best core’s in his fleet, but this was insanity. Whatever it was it would probably break after it being hit a few times, right? He changed his arm into the hammer again and smashed the core as the glowing liquid contained within spewed on the floor and the Ship stalled. He need to go he reached the hanger and noticed the ship was heading straight towards the sea. “That wasn’t what I was hoping for.” He ran out and changed into the RC helicopter. And returned to where he was. He didn’t see what had happened to the ship he just flew as fast as he could to the centre of the city. He was tired like never before, he hadn’t done anything like that since he left his home system. He would struggle to take out anymore on his own. That’s when everyone else appeared to him, the portal humanoid, an elemental girl, a boy who could control energy, someone called the monkey king ‘who were these people?’ he asked himself, ‘And who else is yet to come and stop us…’ he now stood in the centre of the city regaining his strength watching more and more of the city getting destroyed by the fighter craft. He saw a crowd of human’s civilians hiding in a shop he shouted at them “Humans you must run, go underground, hide, these things are… dangerous.” as they left he turned his attention to the ever encroaching mother ship. It was huge, he couldn’t make it out very clearly but it was a massive structure, and whatever its motives were it was almost certain they wouldn’t be beneficial to the human race.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hot Socks was standing in an alley. One without an exit, save for the entrance. Such a trope existed only in chases in TV shows. On one end, Hot Socks. His right arm raised, ready to punch. Steam bellowed out of two holes on each side. It wasn't an extreme amount of steam. It was about one eighth of his current punching power. A punch like that would, at most, send someone back and break a few ribs. On the other side was a man with a baseball cap, dark black sunglasses, and a cheap dollar store bandana around his face. He had a knife in one hand and a cheap plastic bag full of loose bills and coins in the other. The two were at a standoff. Hot Socks didn't want to punch the man, but he wanted to stop him. The silence was broken by a loud
"What's that?"
The robber said. Hot Socks instinctively turned around. The robber made a break for it, and in response, Hot Socks lifted up his right arm. The robber collided straight into it, breaking his glasses and his noise. Hot Socks saw a weird ship. It looked real alien to him. He became a bit curious. He ran towards it, and near the ocean. He stopped. A small ship hovered over him. He was confused, but then he realized that he was, for lack of a better term, screwed. He started to struggle, but it was too late. He started to be brought up slowly, but surely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klaudus
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Klaudus This isn't even my classroom!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The engine of Masa's bike roared intensely as he sped down one of Jump City's main avenues. The streets were clogged with frantic civilians, abandoned cars, and of course low-flying alien spacecraft. Masa's eyes widened as he turned a corner, finding this new track of tarmac even more crowded than the last with nearly twice as many obstacles as the street he'd just turned off of. Clenching his teeth and biting down hard on his toothpick, Masa summons his guardian by name. "Locomotive Breath!" he shouts quickly, bringing forth the ethereal being in front of his bike, floating above his front wheel. Without further command, the apparition begins to punch, kick and bat away any object before it can knock against Masa's ride. Confident in his guardian's ability, Masa picks up the speed, causing Locomotive Breath's actions to quicken in turn. Now letting loose a wild fury of blows, Locomotive Breath pummels anything in the way, out of the way, sending cars and civilians alike flying to the side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cities. Sprawls of Cities. Dark alleyways, decrepit pits of trash.... People without homes or cares. She, too, was without a home. And this city was nothing like the glorious arching gates of her homeland. It was a tragedy.... not a place of hope and destiny. At least, it wasn't to her. Her bare feet padded against the streets of New York, the chill coming down from the overhead countries brushing right past her more heat and cold resistant skin. She still wore her slaves clothing, a long leather slit skirt slid down from her hips and a shirt made from the same material, sleeveless, stretching down only to cover her body until it hit between the rib cage, where it slanted into a V shape and ended. Her back was left exposed, where a stylized 'S' was burned into her shoulder blade. She was one of the lucky ones. Being a maiden of the ship was better than being a scully-scruber, the lowest of the slaves. They wore nothing but rags and spent all day in the darkness. She had barely kept her beloved circlet hidden, but was able to hold onto it and still had it within her possession despite her pod's crash landing. Those without homes eyed her curiously as she passed by them silently, stepping lightly as to avoid drawing attention to her steps. They usually 'clanked' when she walked normally, giving presence to her already strange air--what with her lack of pigments and grey eyes. She had taken refuge among these shadows and they hadn't seemed to mind. Some reacted with paranoia and left their sleeping stations, but others did not seem to give her the time of day. She had spent long enough in the shadows, however. Karmina was still out there. Somehow, she would need to find her and bring her home. The pale young woman kept her pace until the streets became somewhat less of a ghetto, shops were actually open and people still walked around at this time of day. However, no one seemed to pay her mind. Instead, all of their eyes were turned to a storefront, where many televisions played an emergency news broadcast. Jump City was under attack. From the distance she was at, she could not make out what was on the small screens. She made her way closer only to see what was there, her empty stomach dropping like it had fallen into a pit. The screen also flickered, the broadcaster, who was recording live, also capturing footage of people with strange abilities forming a counter attack. Spaceships. Images flashed before her eyes. Taalunia under siege. Red. Fire. Her bloodletters.... Her teeth clenched and so did her fists as she thought of the people without homes who had been kind to her on this planet. Would it too, fall under the whims of the next 'master race?' "Move." Her voice seemed to boom despite her small size. People began turning their heads in her direction and reacted simply out of shock when they formed a path for her. She stepped forward, crowding the view of the TV's as people stared, and put her hands on the glass. She stared at the screens of the TV's behind them, and waited until an image of a spaceship came up. There. She pushed her hands through the storefront's glass, a warbling sound emitting from it. A collective gasp formed behind her, but she continued pushing until she was through the glass entirely. New York would not see the likes of Marilyn again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KriticalKrab

KriticalKrab Massive Damage

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

March 5, 2020
The golden Mothership continued to approach Jump City, but now the military had arrived, or more specifically the Air Force. Dozens of jets approached the alien space craft and launched an uncountable amount of missiles. The weapons all struck true against the space craft leaving plums of smoke around it, obscuring everybody's vision of it. However, as the smoke cleared the ship appeared to be without so much as a scratch, and in retaliation the ship blasted giant bright blue lasers into the fighter squadrons. Some of the fighters were immediately shot down, some managed to eject, and some continued to do what they could against the alien invasion. "This is channel 14, your most up to date news source in Jump city, and boy do we have news!" A news anchor shouted over the sounds of chaos, heavy rain, and winds blowing across the skies. For those watching TV at this moment they could see the anchor was Sally Sandsmark, a large '14' sat at the bottom left corner, and on the bottom of the screen read 'Breaking News!' those two words continued to roll across the bottom during the entirety of the broadcast. You could see that she was currently in a helicopter encircling a weird group of individuals. "A mysterious ship has appeared over Jump City and has begun abducting people! The reasons are unclear, but what is clear is that these are no friends of ours!" The anchor struggled to stay standing as an explosion fired off nearby. "There are a group of super powered individuals right outside this window fighting against these invaders! But the question remains, where is the Justice League? Where is Superman?"
You can hear the family you just rescued run away. The ships around you continued to offload aliens, some even took notice of you. The group of invading infantry that noticed you roared some form of battle cry and rushed at you with glowing lances and swords.
Your efforts to save people from the beam seems to pay off as some return to the ship or stop all together. It might be worth attempting to infiltrate the ship. The people you had just rescued run in fear as you took a hit, however the aliens wouldn't stop. The invading infantry continues to spray their projectiles at various targets such as cars, buildings, and especially you.
The aliens were apparently no strangers to portals, perhaps worth investigating? Although the alien drop-ship refused to fire their main cannons on you, the ground troops had no such problem as they happily trained their rifles up at you and began to unleash a barrage of blue pellets.
The aliens you thought you had killed slowly rose up or attempted to crawl away, perhaps their armor is far more durable than you thought. However they all dissipated quickly into a bright orange portal, leaving nothing behind them. But apparently you do good work against their common attack craft. A few of the remaining ground trooper squads brought their weapons up and focused their fire onto you.
Your antics, or rather the Monkey King's, were rather effective at bringing down the craft. However some of the remaining ships sought to end you and began bombing runs. The aliens that had survived your attacks quickly trained their rifles onto you and fired when they could.
As you were brought onto the drop-ship you could see other humans being held inside pods or being transferred into one. The interior of the ship was a cool blue, as opposed to it's red exterior. You could see that the aliens were taking care not to hurt their captives to much, but they weren't above a bruise. Unfortunately for you it appears this drop-ship is full and is now on it's course back to the mother-ship, along with many others. Perhaps it will be worth attempting to learn more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bolt was out exploring Jump City with eyes full of wonder and amazement at the size of the city. Where he came from, there weren't any cities and now that he was in the city looking for work, Nikolai would take in the sites as much as possible. "Damn this place is huge!" he said in awe as he wandered about the urban area. He soon came upon a bank and decided to rob it. He charged up his body with electricity and burst through the doors. The poeple inside the bank gave screams of shock at the site of him and his incredible powers and bolt just smiled in response. "Lady's and gentlemen if you would kindly get on the ground and don't anything stupid then this will be quick and non-violent" he said to them. The second he finished speaking a security guard took out his gun and aimed it at him and fired. The bullet hit Bolt in the chest, but luckily his costume had a bullet proof vest and only sustained minimal damage. "I thought I specifically said to get on the ground and not do anything stupid. You just made a big mistake sir" Nikolai said to the security guard and he fired off a bolt of powerful electricity. The bolt electrocuted the man and people gave more screams. Bolt just laughed and headed for the bank vault. Once he had finished robbing the bank Nikolai made a quick getaway with his metal surfboard by using electromagnetism. ----- Kobby was sitting in the park of Jump City meditating on the idea of how his destiny would be, but the spirits were vague and said that he would have to figure it out for himself. His journey to the united state was all a part of his journey as a shaman and the spirits told him that the land would be the key to figuring out what his purpose was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

River rolls her eyes at the oncoming alien hoard rushing at her. "I really did not want to do this," she says, and she draws in the water from around her. Two large water balls appear in her hands and she hurls them toward the oncoming aliens. Upon contact, she makes the water freeze around them, freezing them in place. That took care of about half of them. The other half keeps charging toward her and she pulls an old prank. She wets the ground underneath them and freezes it, turning it into an icy Slip-n-Slide. She jumps out of the way as the aliens slide down the path toward and she gives them an extra shove down the street. She grins and then heats up the water underneath them to a boiling point, so it evaporates immediately. She looks up toward the mothership, thinking back to the movie Independence Day. If we want to take out the whole infantry, we need to take out the controlling source. She looks around and sees a drop ship that looks like it is heading back toward the mothership. She quickly scans the area and notices a building tall enough for her to be able to at least try and jump onto it. She sprints to the building, jumping up to the fire escape, and runs up it to where she is on top of it. She sees the drop ship just ahead of her and she takes a deep breath, moving all the way to the back of the building. She gets a running start, leaps off the building, and shoots a little bit of water behind her to give her an extra boost. She lands with a loud bang on top of the drop ship. She then just needed to ride this back inside to the mothership and hopefully find a weakness that could stop all of the aliens at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

"Bloody hell. Screw this." MC said, lazily dodging the ground fire coming at him while the ship just dispensed more aliens. Getting a mischievous idea in his head, MC opens a couple portal tunnels until he is deep within the ship, easily finding the reactor. Opening another portal, Mc splits up the core into bits using his portals. But instead of causing a big explosion like he thought was going to happen, the ship just lost power and started to fall to the ground, MC portaling out and above the ship. The ship did make a satisfying reverberation as it hit the ground though, so he was a bit happy with that, or so he accepted, and began to look for something else to do. No one was firing at him at this point, having been crushed under one of the ships he grounded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Behind the moon, a large spaceship was double-parked. Aboard the Video Star, faceless goons and production staff shuffled about to get ready for the impending season of the Spandez Conquest Hour, while numerous aliens and monsters auditioned. One, a large mollusc with a muscular arms, was producing copious amounts of sticky goo, holding a number of combat goons in a headlock as it ranted for the camera. "ORESAMA WA... SHIKAKU-SURRUGU! MUTEKI CHIKARI NO SURIMMU! ORESA-" There was a beep as a shadowed figure in a production booth turned on the PA. "Japan season over. Now need Engrish. Good power though. You hired." As the slugman giggled at his acceptance, Spandez sighed. The season would be starting soon... but of COURSE someone else had to invade at the same time. This was so typical. He leaned back in his chair and started drinking his coffee. Badurong could have at least told him if there were other ships in the area. He did probably deserve it after that fiasco with Japan, though. He'd just have to get creative with the contestants' challenges this year. He'd already gotten five, counting... Assassin Slug. Maybe as the season went on he'd get more of the heavy-hitters he was accustomed to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Press had noticed the amount of people getting abducted decreasing, which certainly made his job easier. Still, he was only one person, and he wasn't able to save everyone. There was one ship that seemed to be heading back to the mothership. Going behind a wall on a rooftop to avoid incoming fire, he was about to instruct Horus to follow it when there was an incoming distress signal from Horus. Another crime was being committed during this whole fiasco. Opening a small window in his visor, he saw someone riding away on a hoverboard, carrying a large bag filled with money. Obviously someone trying to take advantage of the confusion going on. Marking the perpetrator on his minimap, he instructed Horus to follow the ship he noticed earlier while in stealth mode, then flew back up into the sky and aimed his palm at the thief. Switching the setting on his laser and using his auto-aiming feature, he fired a continuous laser, attempting to hit the bag and burn its contents. Whether or not it succeeded, he stopped after the deed was done and turned his attention back to the matter at hand. The aliens on the ground were still shooting, either at him or something else. Constantly moving around to avoid the laser fire, although not always successfully, he pointed his palms down and returned fire, shooting multiple lasers that exploded on impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She had continued to push until she was coming out of the window within the newscasting station. The pale woman looked around, sighted the mothership through the glass, and pulled her head back through to disappear from the scene.
Marilyn pulled herself up from the otherwise flat glass in the Drop Ship making way to the Mother Ship, finding herself stepping up in front of a woman that was not so different in appearance from herself. She stared at the white haired girl, unblinking, the erratic winds blustering her leather slave skirt through her legs and causing her own pale hair to be tangled behind her. Strange, she thought, she looks like a human. Almost like a Taalunian. However, since she was preparing to board the mother ship, surely this had to be among the enemy. Marilyns brows furrowed ever so slightly as she took a defensive stance, silent this whole time. Without removing her black and grey gaze, she lifted her left index finger to her mouth and bit down on it gently. When she pulled it back, the other woman would be able to see that the blood flowing was the same color as the chemical mercury. Then the blood hardened... shaping into a tiny blade. When it had formed, the pale alien pressed the small blade to the top of the inside of her own forearm, slashing it down harshly until it reached her wrist. Instantly the mercury-esque substance began flowing out in full. It would almost be grounds to worry about blood loss until Marilyn whipped the bleeding arm downward. From the palm of her hand, a sword had formed. Long enough to brush the ground of the drop ships floor. Solidified, the blood no longer trickled but remained sealed against her arm in a state of limbo. Finally, the colorless woman spoke. "Threat." She began running at the white haired woman.
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