At first there was nothing. Then, there was everything.
Laura woke, what supposed to be her eternal slumber now interrupted by something very violent. The sound & noises came to her first. The repeated blaring noises of the deafening alarm systems that seemed to go on forever. If it wasn't the alarms, it was alert of the some sort. Sight arrived to her as her eyes eventually regained focus for the first time in what felt like forever. Her gaze landed upon the dull gray steel plates that made up the walls of the floating space prison she was in. She saw blood smeared on the floors, crimson streaks decorated the surface amidst shards and panels of glass on the wall. Wait.
Why was there glass and blood on the wall? Realisation then came to her.
That was not a
wall. It was the floor, and wherever she was, she was facing it. Looking around, Laura realised that she was in a cryostasis pod, similar to various others that now stood in room, now empty. Most of the pods had fallen off their supports but a couple still remained in their original positions. Then it all came back to her, the defining moments that led to her being in this damn god-forsaken place in the first place.
Laura had been in a secret rebel hideout, planning the next demonstration with several of the other rebel leaders, when there had been a raid by the UN Special Forces. Caught totally by surprise, there was nothing much any of the rebels could do. They managed to put up a good fight, but that was nothing compared to the battle-readiness of the UN soldiers. The next thing she knew, she was ferried to the space prison and placed in ice for
society's sake. There had either been a mole within them or a traitor. Laura was more inclined to guess the former.
Their followers had been loyal to a fault, that it was difficult to believe that one of them would actually betray their cause and their fellow comrades to the likes of the UN. The next thing that came to her mind was to free herself of her restrains, the only thing keeping her tied to the useless contraption she was in right now. The straps were easy to get out off, their purpose not meant to prevent escape, but to secure the body within the machine.
Eventually loosening all the straps, the blonde fell to the floor with a bang. Laura felt the throb of her back aching as it hit the floor. It was then that the blonde inspected herself for the very first time. The blonde was wearing the same grey jumpsuit that all the prisoners wore. There were holes and slits in several places, the fabric torn off by the glass shards by the fall. Except for un- godly amount of bruises that was sure to develop in due time, she was in-tact for now.
On her wrist was a black electronic bracelet that all the prisoners wore, and hers read. 22:07:2235, 10:48. The words, ARSON and MURDER was also embossed onto the braclet, likely the most serious crimes she was imprisoned for. Laura was stunned for several moments, before giving out a smirk as the realisation sinked in. A hundred years, give or take.
She had been asleep for almost a century! That would also put her to more than a hundred years old, but she guessed that anyone prisoners like here that had survived whatever had befallen them would be equally as old as well. Now, that for a strange turn of events.
She gradually stood up slowly, as the woman got her footing. She stumbled out of the room she had been in, looking upon the carnage the assaulted her eyes. The stench was repugnant and the sight not much better. Corpses littered the hallways, various shrapnels and god-knows what embedded in their bodies. Whilst Laura was traversing the obstacle-laden complex now filled with fallen pillars and wreckage among piles of corpses, when she saw a lone woman headed to the top of the prison, or where the top would normally be in this wreckage.
Laura tailed the woman, making sure to remain unseen for the moment while she figured out what the other prisoner was up to. As she got up to the top, a glance later, she saw the woman attempting to open the door with her wrist.
Did she have a special chip to get in there? This could prove interesting. After several brief moments, she heard the door open, albeit only slightly, and as she peeked around, Laura saw the other woman struggling to get the door open, using as much leverage as she could muster. The woman then shouted, asking for help for anyone present. She must have been desperate to call out in such a manner, when she had no idea who was present,
friend or foe.It was then that she rushed forward, lending her own force to the door, and the combined effort of the two women would soon see the door open, with more than enough space for them both to get through. Once they got in, the other convict began to rummage around in the various metal cabinets for supplies. Laura looked around on her own, searching in areas that the other woman had not yet covered.
Mostly, medical supplies, she noticed. Must be an medical station of some sort. The woman than spoke, turning towards Laura as she handed her a black coloured object. A weapon! A
pistol to be exact.
She was asked if she knew how to use one of these. "I do. Used them plenty of times before in the past. Pretty good with them as well, if my memory serves." She watched as the other woman continued cramping various items into her bag, as Laura kept a lookout. Several moments later, they were ready to leave, their raid finished. The pair began their descent down, their journey more treacherous than before, with their packs full of looted supplies. Laura was about to take another step forward when the woman in front of her fell as if knocked down by a hammer. She bumped into her fallen partner, sending the weapon sliding across the floor. The man now stood in front of them menacingly, ready to strike her as well.