(All rights to this picture belong to the individual, and should in no way be associated with myself or the contents of this RP.)
Name: Mairo Hemi Munro
Criminal Nickname: 'The Beast'
Preferred Name: Hemi (Maori version of James)
Year Born: August 20th, 2054
Age when Incarcerated: 36
Physical Attributes: 6'0'', broad in shoulder and girth (looks a bit rotund in the stomach, but should not be mistaken for 'fat'), typical Polynesian complexion, bald, covered almost everywhere in the distinct tattooing of his people.
Crime Committed: Numerous crimes, beginning with theft and robbery, ending in the murder and consumption of entire families; perhaps his 'greatest' crime was the death of seven police officers by his hand in close quarters.
Personality:Hemi was raised by his father on the tales of his people, the Maori of New Zealand; it is unfortunate therefore that he took the stories to heart, twisting and corrupting them into something altogether different to fit his own deranged mind and world view, fixating on the more 'savage' elements of his people - head hunting, tattooing, cannibalism and the death of your enemies by your own hand - even the Maori concept of personal honour, known as
mana, was warped by Hemi into more of a kill-tally.
There is a reason they dubbed him 'the Beast' after all.
Mentally he is neither sharp nor particularly quick, although he
does possess the keen intellect and cunning of an animal - too stupid to be manipulated by more intelligent folk thanks to his low IQ, more likely to rip anyone he sees as trying to fool him apart, he can operate on the level of a below-average mind but little else. This is countered somewhat with a learned ability to adapt swiftly to changing situations, thanks to years studying survival skills under his father and during a brief stint in the military, means that many have doubted and even mocked him...and paid with their lives.
As for ambitions, goals, agendas, he has none! Nor does he put up a facade like so many more 'academic' criminals - speaking plainly and openly, and despising anyone who does not do the same. Yet perhaps the most curious thing about him is the way he can sense a liar; looking deep into someones eyes, almost like an animal would, and seeing in them a truth or a falsehood.
Brief History:Born to a Maori father and a Scottish mother, Mairo - preferring Hemi as his name - was frequently put to bed with tales of conquest, warriors and the histories of both sides of his family. It probably did not help the young Hemi that both cultures were known as 'warrior people', Maori and Highlander swirling in his prepubescent mind like some heady concoction of testosterone and imagination bought to life in his dreams.
Like most young boys he went to school, had an average home life, but was bullied for his below-average intelligence; his father, a violent man at the best of times (to all those
but his son and wife), enrolled the young Hemi in classes which he believed would encourage the boy to stand up for himself. To this end he was enrolled in classes for Mixed Martial Arts, as well as Mau rākau, the traditional martial art of the Maori. Following both paths he grew, both in body and in skill within the arts, hospitalising at least five of his antagonists during his education.
It was when he became involved with gangs, shamefully discharged from a stint in the military for striking an officer while drunk, that his family made the hard decision to disown him - Hemi gaining his first tattoos then, but also committing several crimes, one of which left two dead from burns. He was incarcerated for nearly a decade, although his part in the deaths was never proven, and so he was released rather than being imprisoned for life.
As time went by, surviving only by his wits and doing odd jobs for criminals and unconnected civilians, he studied further martial arts and honed himself into the man he would eventually become.
Eventually, as things got more secure for the UN and Prime was introduced, he travelled to Europe...
It was here that, after several years of inactivity and actual-if-feigned rehabilitation, his mind appears to have almost completely collapsed and those dreams from his childhood truly started to mingle with his life from day-to-day; neighbours in hostels or hotels would complain of screaming and shouting, loud thumping as he performed various
haka religiously, clearly something big was coming and he was preparing himself as best he could.
For the next decade or so he inhabited the more rugged areas of Europe, buying a tent, and traversing mountainous areas of Eastern Europe, Britain and continental Europe. No one is really sure what happened to him during this period, but it is known that hikers, even entire families of tourists, would disappear without a trace only for their bones to be found later, devoid of flesh.
When authorities finally caught up with him, just as Herrity Apox unveiled his new orbiting prison (as luck might have it), he admitted to slaughtering and devouring innumerable victims; after all, he claimed, how was he supposed to survive in the damned mountains?!
Seeing no other option, and wishing to hand Herrity some live guinea pigs, Hemi was handed over to the Apox station and incarcerated there indefinitely...until now.
Perhaps worst of all? Hemi was never shown to have any psychotic tendencies, nor to be particularly sociopathic, just a little violent - in short, he knew what he was doing every time he did it.