Name: Laura Johnson Age: 20 Occupation: Culinary Student Nationality: Australian
Laura stands at 5'4" and sports a shade of long honey blonde hair which extends up to chest level. It can usually be seen tied into a long braid hanging down her back. Possessing a pair of moss green eyes, she weighs around 145lbs and possess a fair amount of womanly curves. She is no athlete but nevertheless keeps her body in good shape. Laura has a soft round facial shape which provides her with a youthful look, one often younger than she actually is. Her usual choice of apparel are plaid shirts and a pair of brown pants. She also usually wears a brown baseball cap.
Place of Residence: New York City, USA
Excellent Knife Skills: Countless of hours have been put into use, perfecting and improving her knife skills for cooking. She has experience with an assortment of knives used in the kitchen, most notably, the kitchen knife.
Exceptional Taste and Smell: Her great sense of taste and smell has gone a long way to aid her in her cooking endeavours. Distincly able to pick out individual scents and ingredients just by taste and smell alone has made her quite the cook.
Warm & Courageous: Brave and hearty, she is not afraid of exploring the unknown, and to get to know new people. Cheery and optimistic, she often brightens the atmosphere she is in.
Highly Emotional: Full of emotions, she can often be seen ruling her actions with her heart instead of her mind. She often lets her emotions cloud her judgement which can lead to dire consequences.
Obstinate: She can be rather stubborn, and insist on doing things her way. She doesn't like to be forced to do things and can be unhappy when forced to do so. Can take a great deal of persuasion for her to change.
Hoarder: She likes collecting things, even if the item she sees or wants to get has no value in it. Her logic is if she likes it, its good enough for her and she will take it.
Personality: Warm, friendly and cheerful, Laura is a an optimistic ray of sunshine that loves making new friends and meeting new people. She is light-hearted and talkative, and an extrovert in nature. Caring and loyal towards all that she trusts, Laura is an extremely good friend to have as you'll have no doubt she'll be watching your back wherever you go once you gain her trust.
A risk taker, Laura will not hesitate to take risks if the benefits are there. Except, when her emotions takeover her, she is pragmatic and objective-minded. Precise and meticulous, a trait incredibly important to a student in the culinary arts, she uses this to her advantage, achieving precision in whatever she does.
Name: Laura Johnson Age: 20 Occupation: Culinary Student Nationality: Australian
Laura stands at 5'4" and sports a shade of long honey blonde hair which extends up to chest level. It can usually be seen tied into a long braid hanging down her back. Possessing a pair of moss green eyes, she weighs around 155lbs and possess a fair amount of womanly curves.
Her face has a soft round shape which may provide her with a youthful look, one often younger than she actually is. She is no athlete but nevertheless keeps her body in good shape. Her usual choice of apparel are plaid shirts and a pair of brown pants. She also usually wears a brown baseball cap.
Place of Residence: New York City, USA
Excellent Knife Skills: Countless of hours have been put into use, perfecting and improving her knife skills for cooking. She has experience with an assortment of knives used in the kitchen, most notably, the kitchen knife.
Exceptional Taste and Smell: Her great sense of taste and smell has gone a long way to aid her in her cooking endeavours. Distincly able to pick out individual scents and ingredients just by taste and smell alone has made her quite the cook.
Warm & Courageous: Brave and hearty, she is not afraid of exploring the unknown, and to get to know new people. Cheery and optimistic, she often brightens the atmosphere she is in.
Highly Emotional: Full of emotions, she can often be seen ruling her actions with her heart instead of her mind. She often lets her emotions cloud her judgement which can lead to dire consequences.
Obstinate: She can be rather stubborn, and insist on doing things her way. She doesn't like to be forced to do things and can be unhappy when forced to do so. Can take a great deal of persuasion for her to change.
Hoarder: She likes collecting things, even if the item she sees or wants to get has no value in it. Her logic is if she likes it, its good enough for her and she will take it.
Personality: Warm, friendly and cheerful, Laura is a an optimistic ray of sunshine that loves making new friends and meeting new people. She is light-hearted and talkative, and an extrovert in nature. Caring and loyal towards all that she trusts, Laura is an extremely good friend to have as you'll have no doubt she'll be watching your back wherever you go once you gain her trust.
A risk taker, Laura will not hesitate to take risks if the benefits are there. Except, when her emotions takeover her, she is pragmatic and objective-minded. Precise and meticulous, a trait incredibly important to a student in the culinary arts, she uses this to her advantage, achieving precision in whatever she does.
Laura was left staring at the newcomer who had shot the man with a well-placed shot to the head. She like the girl's style. Firstly, her aim was true, and her choice of words was fantastic. Fuckface indeed. Real classy. Just her style. Facing the woman, she said "Fuckface, huh? I like your style!"The tell-tale sign of an Australian accent probably one of the most prominent and distincive ones around the group.
The first woman who had been her raiding partner earlier on was starting to come to. Her jaw was pretty busted, probably dislocated from the violent blow or something along the lines. Laura helped her up as the other woman's palm rested on her shoulder as the she pushed herself up, uttering a swear word along the way. An english accent. From, England, no doubt.
Names had not been exchanged and she knew none but her own. Seeing as she began to take charge, Laura would refer to her as leader for now. Leader then spoke, urging the two women to get the hell out of here. Their plans to do that, was however rudely interrupted by the loud groan of a dark-haired man who seemed to be in intense agony.
Either that or he was one hell of an actor. The man then tumbled out of the opening, a hand clutching his stomach, face contorted in agonising pain. Leader couldn't seem to resist the sight, as she scrambled to the man's side, eager to treat him. Laura gave a brief click of her tongue, as she observed leader's actions.
That was rather unwise, especially after what happened to her, but leader didn't seem to care. She ran over to him and began preparations to treat the injured man. Laura followed after her, the black pack containing the goodies and supplies they have gathered earlier slung over her shoulder. Leader called for the bag, her palm outstretched.
Unslinging it, Laura handed over the bag to her. Leader got to work immediately, her experience and medical training clearly recognisable. As she treated the man, Laura kept a lookout for any suspicious prisoners, after all they were all deemed dangerous enough to be solved indefinitely in a floating space prison.
Yet another newcomer approached. This time, a female. Laura heard her before she saw her, the sharp crack of a twig piercing the air. She levelled the pistol at the stranger, her black bracelet glistening in the sunlight. The stranger then spoke asking if they were friendly. The blonde replied. "Do we look friendly to you?"A short time later, before the stranger had a chance to answer, yet another one came into the area. A man this time. The place that only seen three earlier were now getting more crowded by the minute.
So I finally managed to finish my CS. Let if know if anything needs to be changed, because I am new at this!
Basic Information
Name: Laura Johnson Age: 24 Nationality: Australian Ethnicity: Caucasian Sex: Female Height: 165cm(5'4") Weight: 68kg (150lbs) Eye Color: Sky Blue Hair Color: Honey Blonde Physical Disabilities: None Physical Identifiers
Burn scar on back of right calf
Several cut scars on left arm
Appearance: Standing at 165cm (5'4")and weighing around 68kg (150lbs), Her body is athletic, while still retaining a good amount of womanly curves. Well endowed with an ample bosom and shapely hips, Laura possesses a fair share of muscles despite her womanly curves. She sports a shade of honey blonde hair which extends up to chest level and a pair of mesmerising sky blue eyes. Her face is roundish which may provide her with a soft and youthful look, one often younger than she actually happens to be.
Laura was born and raised in the suburbs of Sydney, Australia. The Thorne family was your average well-to-do australian family simply living their lives as common folk do. With a brother for company, the Thorne siblings were close, having each other for company as they grew up. Laura was spunky girl filled with determination and courage, something her brother sorely lacked. The older sibling could often be seen defending her timid brother, Logan from the numerous bullies he faced at school.
Academically, she was average, not at the top of the class, nor was she at the bottom. Her brother, however was a different story. A genius and a math whiz, he was constantly at the top of the class he was in, a stark contrast to his average sister. Laura wasn't exactly an academic like Logan, she was far more interested in the practical side of learning. When Laura was 14, she lost both her parents in a gruesome traffic accident. The siblings were now orphans, and all they had was each other. Logan was only 12 then.
The siblings were handed over to their legal guardians, their maternal grandparents. Laura took up several part-time jobs, which she went diligently after school. After work, she would study into the wee-hours of the morning, completing her homework and other required study preparations. As her brother grew older, he too chipped in with his own fair share of part-time jobs to support their family income. Their grandparents were retired and couldn't afford to support them financially.
Laura took up a hobby on her fifteen birthday, through the introduction of cooking by her grandmother. Her grandmother, like most grannies do, spoke most of her time cooking for her friends, neighbours and family. Cooking brought more fun into her life as she followed her grannie's example. Soon, she was experimenting on various dishes, adding her own flair on them. She continued coooking through the years, Logan happily reaping the delicious results of her efforts.
When Laura reached 19, she enrolled herself into the police academy. She poured her heart and soul into her training, which saw fruition as she graduated with flying colours. Laura became a full-time police officer and began patrolling the populus city of Sydney.
Their paths diverged as they grew up, Laura taking up the career path in law enforcement, while her brother, Logan sought to climb the corporate ladder. He grew out of his shell, abandoning his past timid self to become an outspoken leader in the face of adversity. Laura had always been so proud of her only brother, and the transformation he had undergone over the years. They both excelled in their respective fields, and soon enough, Logan earned a promotion overseas. He would be heading to the Seattle, in the United States to take up a the head position of the company's american branch.
Extended Information
Residence: None, Drifter Profession: Police Officer/Hobby Cook(At home), Tourist (Current) Aligned Faction: N/A Relatives: Mother: Amy Johnson Father: Michael Johnson Brother: Logan Johnson
Starting Gear:
Weapons: Sheathed and Holstered
Kitchen Knife
Glock 22 Pistol, two magazines of 15 rounds each
Pen & Notebook
Recipe cookbook
Package of energy bars
1.5 litre sports bottle
Face Towel
Medium-sized Blanket
5 cans of canned food
A Skillet
Foldable Penknife
Small Pocket Mirror
Small first-aid kit
Leather Wallet
Camping Compass
Police Training - Police training has provided her with a healthy dose of physical training and weapons know-how, along with a side of hand-to-hand combat. She is also physically fit, a requirement for her line of work.
Cooking Know-how - Since she took up cooking several years ago, Laura has become very familiar with the common cooking methods and equipments. Armed with her trusty cookbook and her cooking skills, she is more than able to cook up meals provided she has the ingredients she require.
Warm & Sociable - Laura has no problems mixing around with people and making friends. Highly likable and personable, she always loves meeting new people and making new friends.
Great sense of taste & smell - Honed by her hobby in cooking, Laura had used her great sense of taste and smell to her advantage. She is able to discern most ingredients through taste and smell simple by tasting or smelling their scents.
Brave & Confident - A trait that only got greater as she grew up, Laura is confident and courageous, not afraid to make the first move in the unknown, and always sure of actions she takes. A risk-taker.
Other Disabilities:
Highly Emotional - She tends to get highly emotional at times, letting her feelings cloud her judgement, which may or may not have adverse consequences in the situations she finds herself in.
I'm almost done with my CS, just finishing up several details. I've got an important question though. I know this takes place in the US, but does your character need to be American? Can they be of a foreign nationality?