"Keep talking like that and I'll learn how to use a gun, just for you.
Todd Dillon
12yrs, 1 month
Parkourist (yes, children can be that ¬.¬)

| Gender Male | Height 4'8" | Weight 63lbs | Hair Colour Brown with blonde streaks | Eye Colour Greyish Blue |
Todd's face, although the face of a 12-year-old, definitely shows his advanced maturity (and insomnia). He has slightly noticeable bags under his eyes, and a cat scratch on his left cheek. On some days, his skin is visibly pale, and on others it has a yellow tinge to it, due to his jaundice. But don't worry - he's not infected. He tends to have his hair swept to the side (in what he calls a "flat quiff") and wears the child equivalent of this.
Todd's face, although the face of a 12-year-old, definitely shows his advanced maturity (and insomnia). He has slightly noticeable bags under his eyes, and a cat scratch on his left cheek. On some days, his skin is visibly pale, and on others it has a yellow tinge to it, due to his jaundice. But don't worry - he's not infected. He tends to have his hair swept to the side (in what he calls a "flat quiff") and wears the child equivalent of this.
Swift Learner: Todd was a heavy gamer before the apocalypse, and a very swift learner. He'd been playing parkour-based games (including Mirror's Edge and Assassin's Creed) and practiced parkour. His skills aren't immaculate, but are enough to get around without him breaking a bone or two.
Strategist: Another skill to thank videogames for, Todd is incredibly good at spotting vantage points and using tactics to benefit him. This has also made him very silent and agile in his movements, and skillful at stealth.
Combatant: Todd had boxing and self-defense classes while he was living in Britain, and so is very good with hand-to-hand and melee combat. Another advantage that comes with this is that most people underestimate him.
Strategist: Another skill to thank videogames for, Todd is incredibly good at spotting vantage points and using tactics to benefit him. This has also made him very silent and agile in his movements, and skillful at stealth.
Combatant: Todd had boxing and self-defense classes while he was living in Britain, and so is very good with hand-to-hand and melee combat. Another advantage that comes with this is that most people underestimate him.
Underestimated: Because of the fact that people underestimate him, Todd has anger issues whenever treat like a liability or a weakling.
Not Good Enough: Despite this, Todd believes that he is in fact not good enough, and is incredibly hard on himself whenever he screws something up. This causes him to not actually use his abilities the best he can, since he doesn't see the point of pushing himself to his limits.
Daddy Issues: Todd has incredible issues with his father, and was cut off from him at the age of 3. This means he can get quite jealous and lash out at people with perfect father-son relationships.
Tempermental: Because of all his issues, Todd is extremely unpredictable with his behaviour. One minute he can be fine and then he can be in tears or screaming at everyone around him.
Not Good Enough: Despite this, Todd believes that he is in fact not good enough, and is incredibly hard on himself whenever he screws something up. This causes him to not actually use his abilities the best he can, since he doesn't see the point of pushing himself to his limits.
Daddy Issues: Todd has incredible issues with his father, and was cut off from him at the age of 3. This means he can get quite jealous and lash out at people with perfect father-son relationships.
Tempermental: Because of all his issues, Todd is extremely unpredictable with his behaviour. One minute he can be fine and then he can be in tears or screaming at everyone around him.

This balaclava is the thing that Todd uses to mask his identity when going on his charades around the place. It also muffles his voice slightly to deepen it. There seems to be an emotional attachment to it, but one would have to ask him to find out.
This is the sling backpack that Todd has diagonally over his chest whilst running around. It holds all of Todd's possessions except his balaclava.

Todd's phone, which has a various amount of games, including (but not limited to): Injustice: Gods Among Us, Fallout Shelter, Crossy Roads, etc.

The first issue of a brilliant series of comics, kept with Todd at all times.

A revolver Todd found on a dead body. He's yet to learn how to use it, though.

Another item he found on a dead body, only this time he's an expert at wielding it. This is his only defense (aside from his bare hands) and the only other thing he doesn't keep in his backpack.
Quick-witted, determined and unpredictable. Not what you'd expect from a 12-year-old boy. Todd is probably the most mature of all 12-year-olds. He knows possibly every innuendo on the planet, and is not afraid to use them. Although unpredictable and short-fused, if befriended Todd is very loyal and will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of his friends, having lost his only other parent to zombies. However, if you betray him, he'll stop at nothing to make sure you die by his hands.
Todd has moderate sphereocytosis, Von Willebrand's Disease (Type 1) and mild jaundice.
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