Avatar of Neo Anderson
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Neo Anderson 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Maybe I am truly dead inside, maybe I am not but that is for me to decide. No matter what choice I choose to be what matters in the end is that through it all I am still here.
9 yrs ago
Everything happens for a reason,even if what happens is bad. Sometimes the bad is what we need to find the good.
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10 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=ir-KDRv0.. Hits me deep, this song has so much truth for me.
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10 yrs ago
"No matter how smart you might think you are, there is still someone out there who will make you look dumb." - Neo Anderson
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10 yrs ago
I am wondering what will be the end of the world, nuclear holocaust or diseased humans who are trying to eat other humans. I can take either one I suppose but I would rather take zombies.


What to say, what to say... hmmmm....

Well lets start it off simple I am 22, I live in Michigan in a hellish city that will remain nameless. I have roleplayed for over 14 years now and have written and read for even longer then that. I got my start on the runescape forums funny enough back when I was still and avid player of the game. I roleplayed on there for a good seven years or more, my very first roleplay was a zombie roleplay, and that has been one of my all time favorite apocalyptic type roleplays from then on in even if now and days its a tad over used. Walking dead FTW by the way figured I would throw that out there. I am currently going back into part deliveries as my job, but I will definitely have plenty of time to roleplay with you all.

My work schedule will pretty much be the same I will place it below so all of you know when to expect me on or what not.

Monday thru Friday 2 - 6 pm
Saturday 11 - 2
Sunday Got it off!

This is all in eastern time so plan your clocks accordingly boys and girls ^^

Not much else I can say about myself beside I am a brain junkie and love psychology and philosophy. Other then that I am also a legit gamer right down to my toughened finger tips. But I think thats enough about me for now, if you wanna get ot know me for whatever reason just send me a creepy PM and I ll be sure to answer in kind haha.

Most Recent Posts

"You either live long enough to become the villain or you die a hero"
- Friedrich Nietzsche

I am currently looking for a Male or Female partner to help me get this 1x1 going. The roleplay itself is going to be highly fantasy but also at the same time modern, look at the plot idea above to get an idea. I am not against a relationship in this story forming between our characters MxM or MxF I am up for either, so long as it is not instant love at first site, I love for relationships to build over time. I am really looking for someone dedicated enough to see this roleplay through to the end and someone who loves to add to the story to keep it surprising.

I am an easy going person and given my schedule now I am on a lot of the day for now so I am free to post as much as needed but if your schedule is busy that is fine. Just give me a heads up if you can't post for a bit there is no hurries. If you have any questions bout the plot, myself or want to work out the story just shoot me a message here or through PM.

<Snipped quote by Neo Anderson>

Mr. Anderson, I'm glad we meet again. Welcome back to the Matrix.

Anyway, I've been going through your stuff and @Ktyria's. I think we can make this work. You two could let your characters meet, then mine could meet them all, maybe save them? Even that CIA analyst don't look like he's in any real shape to fight on his own and protect the kid and glass grandma.

Could be fertile ground for some interesting interaction, considering that my character and yours are on opposite sides from before. Heck, your character might even know a few things about the West Dragon Brotherhood and Fong and Jeremy's association with them.

That could work just fine actually, we can sort of form our own small group in a sense and get a little more going on given our respected backgrounds before the infection. Although don't let his age fool you he is quite adept at fighting even though he is an old man lol. But your very right, protecting people who cant protect themselves is not one of his fortes especially against large enemy odds one of my many ways of evening him out so he is not too strong but not too weak. so that would end up working perfectly.
About Ktyria she actually already planned to join my character, iv actually been awaiting her first post which is why I have not posted again yet. I am sure she is just busy with school and work.
Also, yeah it's summer (unless someone with more knowledge of TWD can tell me what season it was when the world went to shit).

It was pretty much early fall give or take coming off summer in the first season.

@SymphoniLol she has been isolated to that apartment just waiting for her husband to come back....then he is murdered right before her eyes...and all these random people and walkers are just showing up. Lol and truthfully she is jealous and intimidated by your characters good looks. Reason for that will come later. Mine as well make it interesting since all our characters cant be friendly and perfect.

But main point I wanted to get across is that she is overwhelmed with all the new people, is afraid to trust anyone, and just in a bad place mentally...but trying to handle it. Lol

Yeah I think the CIA agent dressed in full black is just going to go to the safe house... the apartments seem just a bit to full of hormones right now lol
Anthony "Leo" Strayker


Corner of N.Lombard Street
E.7th Street

Bancroft Elementary School
Wilmington, Delaware

Leo felt the cold metal of a wrought iron fence as he stood upon the corner that overlooked an Elementary school named Bancroft, the air was quiet and still where he stood, there were no birds chirping and no animals of any kind making their presence known which was in a lot of cases a bad sign. He on the other hand did not hear anything else such as feet dragging, moaning or otherwise which was a good sign. Drawing his attention back to the large elementary school Leo crossed the car littered street as he looked upon the shattered windows of the school. He spotted no movement, but that in itself did not mean much, at least not in the windows he was looking into. Truth be told schools were not hot spots for scavenging mostly because they are not known for keeping supplies of food that didn't expire, which meant to him that he could possibly find some supplies. However tactically given the large size of the building and the unknown inside he could very well be walking into a virtual death trap. Not to mention his supply of bullets had been dwindled down to practically nothing, Leo walked the perimeter of the school slowly sure to keep his guard up just in case, he counted the entrances into the school there were seven including the main entrance, but there was no telling if he could use them or not in case of emergency. Leo sighed as he put his fingers to his chin and scratched a notable thinking gesture for him as he thought of different scenarios that he could find himself in.

Given he did enter the school he might possibly find students inflicted by the disease whom were still wondering the halls not to mention possible teachers and security whom didn't make it. Then again with everything that had gone on it was very plausible that no one was in the school when the town fell in the first place, no one goes to school when the world is going into chaos. Perhaps of he remained on the first floor only he would reduce his chances of injury or worse, there was after all many broken windows to go through if he did meet a lot of infected inside. At this point Leo had not much to lose and all to gain, there was no victory without risk or sacrifice, Leo made his decision as he approached the main entrance of the school, he would remain on the ground floor just in case and locate materials if any in the school. Pulling one of his Beretta's from its holster Leo silently came up the stone cracked stairs, looking in through the window on the door he saw the main hallway of the school. There didn't appear to be any sign of movement from within, Leo gently held out his hand and made a fist as he pounded on the door and looked through the glass. The noise seemed to echo the empty corridor but he received no immediate response, with a click he pulled on the handle to the door as it clicked and he entered the school. Leo clicked on the flashlight attached to his Beretta an shined it around the front entrance, besides the scatter paper, books, bags, and opened lockers he was completely alone.

The place looked like a war zone, but that was to be expected, after all why exactly would it be any different with a school? Just more naive thoughts that maybe the children could have been spared this hell. Age however didn't matter no more now, everyone was now in the same boat if they wanted to be or not. Leo shined his light up to a sign over a broken door door which read main office, it was as good of a place as any to start. Making his way forward he crossed through the broken door and took a look around, he was careful to check his corners before he proceeded in, old habits never truly died. Looking around the medium sized room it was in shambles like the rest of the school was, even so he did not see any blood on the floors which meant perhaps he had been wrong about looting, and perhaps even more so right about not countering much resistance here. Pipe dreams however were not one of the things he cared for which is why he has stayed alive so long, five steps ahead. The room was clear and besides the countless children's drawing littering the floor there did not seem to be anything of use. Turning from the room Leo went back into the main hallways and made his way down the door lined hall. He preformed the same procedure as before when securing each room he went into, all the doors seemed to be ripped off the hinges which only supported his thought of looters hitting this place already, and it also gave him the thought that perhaps he was not alone right now. Leo eventually came to the end of the hallway where he located one door that was still in tact from a distance, it seemed to be the only door not busted down, in fact he saw an old wooden chair pressed underneath the knob, probably to keep it from being opened.

Walking closer Leo heard noise coming from the room, his immediate thought was that given the evidence there was infected trapped in there so he approached with caution. Getting in front of the door he looked through the glass still in center of the door, it was spider webbed but still visible. He didn't see anything at first, but when a gray colored hand hit the glass his heart jumped slightly as he put his gun up and shined the flashlight. He heard the moans from inside, the moan of a child, approaching the glass again he cautiously looked in and soon wished he hadn't. The room has several bodies in it, most of them looked dead, he could see the puddles of blood on the floor. The hand that had smacked the window belong to a young boy who had shambled back into the room not fully aware that Leo was even there. The child seemed to be the only movement he could see, however he tapped the door a couple times and kept looking through, the only movement was the child the bodies on the floor remained motionless. Leo couldn't leave the kid like this, looking down he slowly put his hand on the chair and removed it from under the knob as the door slowly clicked up. Leo put his free hand back as he grabbed the kukri from his back and took some steps from from the door. Moments later the young brown haired kid stumbled through the door and instantly caught sight of Leo and started to move towards him his hands stretched out. From looking at him he wasn't any older then eight or nine, probably the reason why the looters couldn't kill him. Leo on the other hand... well this wouldn't be the first time he had to take the life of a young child he was ashamed to admit, which is why it came easier for him.

Leo waited patiently as the boy limped his way up to him, Leo prepared the kukri when the boy was close enough Leo slammed the blade down and struck the young man in the head, blood sprayed sideways as Leo removed the blade, the young man fell to the floor with a soft thump and did not move again.

"Riposa in pace piccolo"
(Rest in peace little one)

Leo wiped the blood on a near by torn banister and replaced the blade walking past the young man and back to the classroom, he entered the room shining his flashlight around securing his corners, however thankfully the young boy was the only one in there. Just in case thought Leo kicked each body with his feet an backed away but they were motionless as before. Leo made his way over to the desk on the fall wall and took a look underneath it just in case before he sat down on the edge of it, reaching into his pocket he pulled out a rather tarnished photograph and looked at it.

Turning the picture over there was a child's handwriting on the back on bright blue pen that had faded much by now but he could still read it in his mind word for word:

Dear daddy
I took this picture for you
in hopes that while your away
That you will never forget me
An always come home


If Leo had but one regret in life it was that he allowed his work to consume so much of his time where he could have been spending it with her. So many wasted years protecting this country, putting his life on the line, sacrificing for his family so that they could be safe at night. To be alive now and know what the world was becoming it all seemed damn pointless, the very country he protected was now devouring itself from the inside out. An there was not a thing he could do about it. Now he had nothing to hold on to, nothing to kill the pain, just his thoughts, memories he could not escape, regrets that eat at him every second of every day. If there was a hell for him, this would be it and he couldn't deny he deserved to be here now. The only reason he would not kill himself was because he deserved to be here to suffer like they suffered and to live with that fact that he would probably never see his little girl ever again. Leo stood up abruptly and flipped the desk he was sitting on over to the ground in frustration as he closed his eye's and took a deep breath. What the hell was he even doing here? Why the hell was he trying so hard to survive when it was nothing but a fruitless gesture, when he knew that there was not a damn shred of hope?

"Promise me you will always come back to me Daddy."

Leo opened his eye's as the last words his daughter spoke to him flashed through his head as he slowly looked down at the photograph sighing deeply as he slowly returned it to his pocket. She was alive, she had to be somehow someway she was out there somewhere and he had to find her no matter the cost. Leo turned from the desk as he walked towards the door when he suddenly heard static come from behind him. He could heave swore he heard voices through the static. Turning around he pointed his flashlight at the floor, moving it around the edge of the room he saw a black device near the far edge of the wall. Walking over he picked it up realizing it was a short range walkie talkie, the fact it was still working was surprising enough as he turned it over in his hand looking at it. He heard more static, walking towards the broken window he slowly pressed in the button and spoke:

"Is there anybody there that is still alive? Over."

He listened for a couple seconds not really expecting any kind of response but maybe just maybe there was still some kind of hope out there, and as long as Katie was out there he would look for it.
Heylo ^^ I am still here although iv been quiet I have been contemplating my next post and how to get myself realistically going here. My initial thought right now is Leo is one street over from eighth near the elementary school. I may have a semi long post of him going through the elementary school looking for supplies, if anyone wants to meet up just send me a pm other then that I will have him start heading down eight after that. Maybe him find a short wave radio in the school that still works and gives him the location of the safe house.
<Snipped quote by McHaggis>

Was just about to say something. Great post btw @Neo Anderson.

Yeah no problem I will change it to silver that usually easy to read ^^
Anthony "Leo" Strayker

Disembodied voice
I've learned the lesson that when you're in the middle of something that seems overwhelming, or you're in a bad situation and it seems like it's the end of the world or whatever, then you learn that it's not. Everything I was afraid of when I was growing up, I've become. I've taken on my nightmares, like the devil and the end of the world, and I've become those things. When you think about it, the end of the world is a little bit like death: We all know it's going to come eventually, and as we get older, we feel we see the signs more and more distinctly. When death finally comes for you, will you fight the icy embrace or will you finally see that the end of our life is not impossible... but inevitable.

Leo sat silently on that old tarnished bar stool, his eye's were set like stones, his elbows resting on that chipped wooden bar top. Around him the entire place was in a complete and utter shamble, tables were broken in half, chairs were strewn piece by piece, blood lined the walls like a bad paint job. One could imagine that once upon a time this bar was a nice little joint to come get a drink with friends, if you listened perhaps you could still hear laughing from drunken cheerful men as they drank away a long work day. It wasn't hard to imagine at all really, very much like those same men could have never guessed the next day their entire world could be turned completely upside down. Who could have guessed that the only remnants of this small tavern would be a broken glass sign that once upon a time must have light up vibrantly the words "Jerrys bar and grill". Leo lifted the shot glass from the bar in front of him, a bottle of scotch sat still next to his still arm. Raising the glass to his lips he took a sip from the cup before slowly placing it back down on the counter. Raising his eye's up from the counter he lay them on a young boy who was probably about the age of twelve, a handsome young man with short cut blonde hair now matted over with blood, bright blue eye's now hazy, teeth that were once as white as a crescent beach gleaming with traces of blood.

Leo reached into his pocket removing a pack of crumpled cigarettes, looted from the floor of the bar when he first arrived, with a silver plated lighter which read "Semper Fi" he lite the cigarette and took a drag off of it with a sudden cough. Normally the man on that old bar stool did not drink or smoke, considering the circumstances however, it seem sort of frivolous now. Taking another long drag from the cigarette he blew the smoke out of his mouth and nose looking at the young boy pinned between the toppled cabinet and the counter in front of him. The young man who once must have been vibrant now made sick scratchy noises as he clomped his teeth and reached his hand towards Leo who was just out of reach from the poor dead soul. His eye's trained on the young mans Leo spoke to him, his voice was deep and scratchy, lightly accented with Italian, a product of his upbringing:

"You know as I sit here and look at you now, I can almost imagine you as the young man you were before all this began. I can imagine that you went to school, that you had a... nice family to go home too. You got fairly good grades perhaps even you were and overachiever with straight A's. I even wager that perhaps you could have had yourself a young love, a girl that you held hands with as you got red in the face when she kissed you on the cheek. Life in all its wonder was just beginning for you even if you didn't know it, and a glorious life I could have imagined it becoming. I guess I reflect upon what your life could have become because my life as a child wasn't exactly perfect or ideal."

Leo took another sip from the glass of scotch in front of him, he looked at the brown liquid swishing it around in the glass some before eventually setting it back down. Leo looked up at the wall of drinks that were actually still in tact as he could still hear the voices even today of his drunken old man.

"Life has always been kind of a now you see it now you don't preposition, just like I see that I am going to have to kill you sooner or later. When I look at life I always saw the same thing, saw that their were two kinds of people, there were the people that were too scared to do what need to be done and the kind of people who did what no one else could do. Growing up under the fear that one day your own father would kill you in a drunken rage, you tend to see life differently then a person who grew up in a good home."

Leo diverted his eye's away from the wall of alcohol and sighed slightly as he finished what remained in the shot glass in front of him, moving his hand sideways he knocked the bottle of scotch off the counter and let it shatter onto the floor. Looking back at the young blonde haired boy his eye's just for the slightest second showed a rather deep sadness as the young man still tried weakly to reach him but ultimately could not.

"It was because of my father that I became what I did, that I chose to help the people in this world instead of destroy them. It was people like him that made me see that there are bad people in the world, and only those who do what needs to be done can help those who can't do it themselves. To be sitting here now... seeing you the way you are is almost... surreal to me. I have never had a problem accepting things for what they were, denial only hastens your death if your unable to adjust to the situations you find yourself in. I was trained to deal with any situation on any kind of field, but this... isn't some field somewhere far away in a hostile country but is the home I protected with my life time and time again."

Leo felt the heat on his lips, the smoke in his mouth burning straight down to the filter that sat between his lips, removing the spent smoke he took it and smashed it on the counter and let it sizzle out. Watching the embers of burning paper and remaining tobacco simmer out into nothing for the briefest of seconds he could see memories from his past like pictures in a book. Leo slowly reached back and grabbed the Kukri from its sheath on his upper back, it zinged as metal edge meant metal before laying the sharpened blade on the counter in front of him.

"If anyone saw me now sitting here in front of you.. they would no doubt think I have lost my mind. As much as I would like to, no matter what I do, I could never deny the situation I find myself in, the situation our way of life finds itself in. In here is just a slight moment of peace, maybe even the last that I may ever see, for I can not avoid the hellish world out there much longer. Then again I have always lived in a world like this, because like I said before there are people who do what others can not so they can live an innocent and care free life. Kids like you who deserved to live a care free life of innocent and happiness, deserved to grow up and change the world frivolous old people like me have formed for you. To prove that there is a way beyond war and deception and death and the spilling of blood. But now... I feel the sun is finally setting on that dream... yep life is a now you see it now you don't sort of preposition.

Leo removed himself from the bar stool as he let his black scuffed boots hit the littered ground of broken wood, glass and spilled blood. Picking up the kukri he looked at the young boy who still even now tried desperately to reach him, to take a bite out of him if he could. Looking at the kukri the edge almost seemed to reflect the man who held it, always taking life so that others may give it. But that time was over, and reality was never kind. Looking at the young boy one last time, there was a quick slash of empty air before the blade found the young boys head, the boys eye's widened at the last second before his small hands fell limply to the counter and his body became still.

"Possa la vostra anima yound trovare la pace in qualunque ci attende quando la vita finisce ... il mio giovane amico."
(May your young soul find peace in whatever awaits us all when life ends... my young friend.)

Leo pulled the blade from the boys head, wiping the small traces of blood from the blade with a piece of scattered cloth he replaced the blade in it sheath and walked towards the door to the bar that was still blocked by the heavy shelf he had heaved in front of it. Reachig the door the same thought ran through his head one last time before he removed the shelf and left:

~Now you see it, now you don't...~

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