"I rather die of passion than of boredom."
-Vincent Van Gogh
NameEmma Sophia Fowler
NicknamesEmma. Easy enough to say, needs no nicknames.
Sexual OrientationBisexual
OccupationlCamera Operator
AppearanceEmma is a bright and sparkly girl that can often be seen with a smile on her face. Adorned with a pair of sky blue orbs that never seem to lose their sparkle, they're one of the most distinctive features on her face. Her thin lips rest easily on her face, supple and intuitive, ready to spread into a smile at a moment's notice. Her hair. a lovely shade of coppery brown cam be usually seen styled in the shape of a bob with the fringe covering most of her eyebrows. Her ivory complexion is pale and smooth yet hinted warmly with a glint of golden undertones. Her body is lithe yet managing to possess a decent amount of curves, her posture excellent and her demeanour inviting.
Apparel wise, she prefers function and ease especially those that aid her in her daily life and routine. She can usually be seen dressed in an assortment of tank tops, blouses & t-shirts along with a pair of jeans or pants completing the outfit with a pair of sneakers or sport shoes. The colours she favours are white, black, greys, greens and browns.

"Yea right." - Emma's reaction when Jake's say he is a genius.
PersonalityWarm, Friendly, Inquisitive, Scatterbrain
Emma is very much a people person and generally gets along well with people due to her pleasant disposition. Talkative and equipped with a great sense of humour, she is also rather playful and a fond lover of jokes, tending to laugh at most of them, especially the ones cracked by her friends. Headstrong and determined, once she sets her mind on something, she will do her best to achieve or complete it. Inquisitive and naturally curious, she is always interested in the affairs of others, seeming to poke her nose into matters that do not concern her purely out of curiosity. A keen explorer, she loves learning new things but can be quite the scatterbrain, forgetting things she may need and getting distracted rather easily. With that said, she is a hard-worker and is willing to put in the extra mile for her job.
When it comes to romance, Emma is by no means any good in the field. She does more than her fair share of flirting and is bi-curious, although she is more attracted to guys. A sucker for romance, she is a big fan of the whole love and affection thing between a couple and will go all out for the person she loves and considers her other half. She is very confident, although sometimes it may be overly so, which may come off as arrogance. Prone to being stubborn and obstinate, she often insists on doing things her way even though she knows that it may not be the fastest or most efficient way. She always seeks company, and likes it most when not alone.
Likes- Romance movies and novels
- All kinds of Chocolates
- Italian Food
- Music (Especially Classical)
- Dogs
Dislikes- Assholes/Jerks/Douchebags
- Hypocrisy
- Arrogant Actors/Actresses
- Bad Traffic
- Cats
FearsBeing single for the rest of her life
"You're kidding right?! Or at least I hope you are..."
Strengths- Hard-worker
- Observant
- Artistic
- Romantic
- Deft & Flexible
Weaknesses- Unambitious
- Slightly arrogant
- Obstinate
- Forgetful
HistoryBorn in the same lower class family as her much accomplished older brother, Jack Fowler, they grew up in what could be considered poverty, their life shaped by welfare, food stamps and even homeless shelters at certain occasions. Their parents, Amanda and Michael worked extremely hard for a living, providing the best for the three children they had, but there was only so much they could do when life was tough to them. The living situation of the Fowler family improved by some miracle or even divine intervention as Emma would like to call it, and the family was able to afford a cheap rental house that could house the lot of them. As a result of their struggles, the entire family was tight and close to one another, and none more than the brother and sister pair of Jake and Emma. The house wasn't big or spacious, but it was good to have some place permanent to stay in rather than moving around from place-to-place or shelter-to-shelter. The constant moving was starting to wear her out and she was glad for the change.
When Jake decided to go into acting, Emma gave him her full support, forever supportive of what her elder brother passion and interest was. The fact that he also happened to be really good at it was just the icing on the cake. When he became famous overnight, their family living situation changed immensely. No longer did they had to stay in a small cheap rental house, but they were able to afford a large and spacious home that they could finally call their own. The younger Fowler sibling also had the chance and opportunity to pursue her interest in Cinematography. She had great talent for it and did extremely well in her studies, graduating from school in flying colours and landing a job as a camera assistant. Continuing her trend of doing exceptionally well in what she does, after a couple of years of doing fantastic work as an assistant, she was finally promoted to the role of a Camera Operator. But life was not a bed of roses, as a massive scandal soon hit her brother, effectively destroying her brother's successive career in Hollywood.
Trouble soon found her as well, and Emma dealt with it in ways appropriate to the circumstances. As she was not an actress, it did not exactly impact her the same way it did with her brother. Apart from some hiccups and plenty of back-talking, she remained in her job as they required her technical expertise despite her brother's problems. As much as she tried to show that it did not affect her, it actually did. Although, it took a while, she was ecstatic when Jake bounced back, intending on make a movie for his directorial debut. Leaving her old studio behind with hardly any regrets at all, the decision was not difficult at all, opting to stay at her brother's side , helping him do what she does best, capturing greatness.
Favorite memorySeeing the finished theatrically released version of the movie she had worked on in a theatre. It had been a surreal experience for her. Especially seeing her names in the credits.
Least favorite memoryThe time when she was harassed and gave trouble by paparazzi and colleagues alike.
Why did you decide to work for this movie?To support Jake in his debut!
"It's beautiful, isn't it?
BirthdayDecember 24th
Astrological SignCapricorn
Twitter NameTwitter: @EmmaCam
Instagram: EmmaCam
Miscellaneous She's the youngest child. Her older brothers are called Jake and Sam.
(Never have I Ever -> The Soulmates)
"Well, that's that then!.. I guess.."