Beatrice Delacour
SOLIDER Base; Residential Quarters
Beatrice woke up early just like the rest of the SOLDIERS occupying the residential quarters. Waking up before dawn was a routine that each and every one of them had been conditioned from the start and were now overly familiar with. A vast majority of never didn't even need alarms of any sort to wake them any longer. It was now ingrained into them. After getting up from bed, she had gone through a simple wash-up that included washing up her face and brushing her teeth.
Once she was down with that, the perky blonde carried out a short series of warm-up exercises, stretching her muscles, chasing any remnant of sleep from them. With that over and done with, she left her bunk, heading towards the multi-purpose hall where the vast multitudes of warriors trained, sparred or played competitive games with each other. The hall was already bustling with activity and there were always a couple of spars going on. As she entered, Beatrice gave the wide open room a sweeping glance before her gaze locked onto an interesting sight. A person. Someone she knew.
The Mountain. Most knew him as Kain. But she gave him a nickname of her own. She referred to the hulk of a man as the Mountain due to his immense statute and muscle mass. He was huge, easily one of the largest and strongest men in the base. He was sparring, taking own someone smaller in size to him, but then again just about everyone was smaller in size to him.
Beatrice began sitting on one of the empty benches, observing the spar between the Mountain and his opponent. She watched as he received punches and kicks from the smaller guy, absorbing and shrugging them like they were nothing. Her show was interrupted when a tall and lanky guy came over and taunted her, egging her for a spar. She'd never seen the guy before, and he'd probably never seen her around before either. Must be a new cadet. Those are always over-eager to prove themselves to those watching. He must have thought of her as an easy target, being shorter and smaller in size compared to most guys around here. He was wrong. She was no easy picking.
Unknown to the poor fool, one of her specialities lay in hand-to-hand combat. Without any word or sign, the lanky fellow threw a sudden punch her way aiming for her cheek, probably hoping to catch her unaware. She was not caught unprepared. Countless hours of training has honed her senses making them acute. Real sneaky, and playing dirty as well. Well, I can roll with that, she thought to herself.
Beatrice countered the blow with a swift arm movement, and as the guy threw another punch in the opposite direction, aiming for her face, she followed up with yet another block, following his movements. More blows came, from a series of punches to kicks. Eventually her time came as she saw an opening. The man's moves was impulsive and relied on brute strength, lacking finesse and technique. He seemed to going on emotion rather than intuition. Throwing up a rising punch towards his face, he barely managed to raise his left arm in defence, blocking the blow, but that left him in a vulnerable position for what came next, a roundhouse kick aimed toward his chest, in a bid to end the bout in a decisive manner. She was starting to get hungry. It was time to end this, so she could go grab some food.
Unable to lower his arm fully in time to block her blow, her leg connected with her lanky challenger's body, sending him toppling to the sparring mats laid out on the floor with a heavy thud. That seemed to knock the wind out of him. He lay there for several seconds, his chest rising and falling deeply, shock clearly present on his face. He then got up, and surprisingly grinned at her like an abashed fool.
In between hushed intakes of breath, he exclaimed. "Well, looks like I just got schooled!" Beatrice gave him a wink as his remark. She was famished, and had only one thing on her mind now. Food. She quickly headed towards the direction of food, completing the former challenger's request for her name. "Hey! Wait-What's your name?" Beatrice loved eating. Through some wondrous work of nature, her body's high rate of metabolism ensured that she could eat as much as she desired without putting on much weight. Halfway through three plates worth of food, TV screens and alarms blared base-wide alerting the occupants of the summons.
Looking up to see herself included in the mix with her SOLDIER ID and picture displayed on the screen, followed by the loud speakers announcing the names of those that had been summoned. Beatrice sighed as she started to make her way towards the council room.
She wasn't done eating yet. Couldn't they have waited at least until she was done?