Heya all!
I made my character!

Character Number: 13
Actual Name: Chiharu Ishihara
Age: 16
Birthday: November 5, 2318
Gender: Female
Powers: Super Strength
Specialty Bladed Weapon Specialist

Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 120 pounds
Build: Slender
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Tattoo of the number 13 on her right arm, and the Dark Anarchy brand on her left shoulder.
Personal Style: 13 usually wear sweaters and skirts, with the occasional pants when the temperatures of colder weathers make their presence. She also tends to favor dresses although that is only worn on certain special occasions. Her hair is worn in a shoulder-length bob that is always neatly styled, but strands still tend to stray from active activity.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
13 is an extremely focus-driven individual. She is not the type to stagnate and sit still and is constantly moving around doing things. Her resourcefulness is another key factor in helping her achieve her goals and objectives. Highly persistent, she does not give up once she has her sights on something.She tries to stay calm and level-headed in crises in an attempt to harness the situation and turn the odds in her favour, but these attempts often fail as her impulsive side of her often takes over.
A highly emotional individual, she is also known to be incredibly passionate about what she believes in. Armed with a fighting spirit, she’s not one to turn down a challenge and usually takes them up willingly. Possessing a good set of morals and always believing that you had to stand up for your beliefs and ideals, she does not take too kindly when she comes across bullies bullying those weaker than them.
13 may act all tough, but she actually a real softie. She’s not one quick to anger. It’ll take quite a bit to anger her, but once she does, you’re in for it. The type to bear grudges, you’ll be wishing that you hadn’t done whatever you’ve done to get her in such a state. Cursing or just simply kicking people, the girl has no restraint once she’s angry. She’s incredibly feisty.
Habits: Hums to self, Face reddens when nervous
Hobbies: Kendo, Kenjustsu and Eating

General Skills:
Combat Skills:

Character Quote: "It's not how you start, It's how you finish."
Theme Song: Flash - Perfume [Chihayafuru Movie Soundtrack]
Anything Else: Star Wars/Battlestar Galatica
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
I made my character!

Character Summary
Character Number: 13
Actual Name: Chiharu Ishihara
Age: 16
Birthday: November 5, 2318
Gender: Female
Powers: Super Strength
Specialty Bladed Weapon Specialist

Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 120 pounds
Build: Slender
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Tattoo of the number 13 on her right arm, and the Dark Anarchy brand on her left shoulder.
Personal Style: 13 usually wear sweaters and skirts, with the occasional pants when the temperatures of colder weathers make their presence. She also tends to favor dresses although that is only worn on certain special occasions. Her hair is worn in a shoulder-length bob that is always neatly styled, but strands still tend to stray from active activity.

Passionate * Impulsive * Loyal * Overemotional * Brave * Blunt
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
13 is an extremely focus-driven individual. She is not the type to stagnate and sit still and is constantly moving around doing things. Her resourcefulness is another key factor in helping her achieve her goals and objectives. Highly persistent, she does not give up once she has her sights on something.She tries to stay calm and level-headed in crises in an attempt to harness the situation and turn the odds in her favour, but these attempts often fail as her impulsive side of her often takes over.
A highly emotional individual, she is also known to be incredibly passionate about what she believes in. Armed with a fighting spirit, she’s not one to turn down a challenge and usually takes them up willingly. Possessing a good set of morals and always believing that you had to stand up for your beliefs and ideals, she does not take too kindly when she comes across bullies bullying those weaker than them.
13 may act all tough, but she actually a real softie. She’s not one quick to anger. It’ll take quite a bit to anger her, but once she does, you’re in for it. The type to bear grudges, you’ll be wishing that you hadn’t done whatever you’ve done to get her in such a state. Cursing or just simply kicking people, the girl has no restraint once she’s angry. She’s incredibly feisty.
Habits: Hums to self, Face reddens when nervous
Hobbies: Kendo, Kenjustsu and Eating
- Snakes
- Drowning
- Being alone forever
- Japanese Curry
- Swords (Especially, Katanas)
- Tonkatsu
- Kendo/Kenjustsu
- Singing
- Music
- Cats
- Needles
- Puzzles
- Heat
- Lightning
- Insects

Cards On The Table
General Skills:
- Basic Survival Skills
- Blades knowledge
- Empathy
- Origami
- Kite-making
- Acrobatics
- Swimming
- Endurance running
Combat Skills:
- Swords (Katanas)
- Knives
- Martial arts (Karate)
- Super strength
- Basic firearms training
- Katana w/sheath
- Throwing knives
- First-aid kit
- Sports water bottle
- Notebook and pen
- Pilot Goggles
- Hairclip
- School uniform
- Raincoat
- Chocolate bars

Character Quote: "It's not how you start, It's how you finish."
Theme Song: Flash - Perfume [Chihayafuru Movie Soundtrack]
Anything Else: Star Wars/Battlestar Galatica
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.