Avatar of Krein
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  • Old Guild Username: Krein
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    1. Krein 11 yrs ago


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Krein Post coming soon to an RP near you :p.

Wow, not every day you see someone kill off their own character :o. If you want I can have Abaddon do something like put her in a "between life and death" stasis in Sheol so there's a reasonable way for you to get her back in case you change your mind.
Abaddon watched as Thasseldar put his plan into motion. He opened his portals, causing the oncoming battalions to trample each other to death. Things might have been working for now, but Abaddon knew that such an effort would quickly drain his energy and leave him vulnerable to the surviving fish men. It was only a matter of time before-


That happened. The Realmswalker's staff exploded, letting out a flash of bright green and purple light while its master was knocked backwards onto the ground. It seriously must have sucked to be him, because soon enough those angry sea creatures were going to turn him into a fine paste.


Abaddon landed next to his ally's side and unleashed two waves of the Devourer's Wrath on their enemies. The magic turned the first few rows of the battalions to ash and gore while the rest were blasted backwards onto each other. This should have made enough time to summon them...

"You wanted to join the babies? Fine, take some for the road!"

Abaddon created a large portal from which four fully grown demon locusts eagerly dashed out from. A small group of these things might have seemed like too little considering the circumstances, but it was more enough due to the size and features of these monsters. Slightly larger than a military helicopter, these locusts wings, legs, and bodies appeared to be covered with golden armor. Their claws were significantly sharper, and both their teeth and stinging tails dripped with a venom potent enough to cause the ground to sizzle and erode with each drip. Couple all of that with a ravenous appetite, and you have quite the force to reckon with.


The four locusts charged forth upon the recovering ranks, trampling them underfoot and spewing acidic poison from their mouths. Any shots that were fired upon them did nothing but bounce off, and within minutes they were making a massacre out of the large groups of sea monsters. Some of the remaining locusts that Abaddon summoned earlier showed up as well, gathering around the adults and following the commands they were seemingly being given.

"Come on, we need to move elsewhere," Abaddon told Thasseldar. He wondered when this battle would end. By the looks of it there were still more sea monsters on the way, making Abaddon heavily consider the option of summoning several more of the adult locusts to REALLY cut down their numbers. That would certainly make things a lot easier, but lolthat's3broke5me the bastards were already destructive and ravenous enough on their own. A full on swarm, even if it was at his command, would go berserk with bloodlust and turn its attention to things other than what Abaddon needed dead.
Neither do I, I've been waiting for Thasseldar's and Shiro's plans to go through, but I'll post to give the thread a bump. Later though, I'm busy atm.
Sure, Steam name is also kreinbahthur777.

Anyway does anyone want to start a Skype chat for the RP?
@thewizardguy Cool, I've been playing for about 3 years now, though I only started playing more "legitimate" decks around a year and a half ago. It's funny how you mention Atlanteans considering how one of my preferred decks is Fire Kings. According to the lore for the two, they're at war with each other since the Atlanteans want to take over Fire King Island.

I'd say that the Lswarm archetype (Evilswarm and Steelswarm) is my main and favorite deck. The deck can be rather explosive when it goes off right. If you ever want to duel my DN Account is Kreinbahthur. I've also got YGOPro if you prefer to use that.

@Cuccoruler Don't worry, we're just talking card game talk ^^. But basically, the Gishkis are pretty much what Wiz described in his last paragraph. They're a tribe of underwater dwellers who are aided by sea creatures and have access to powerful, ritualistic magic that turns them into more powerful monsters.

You play Yugioh too :D? I know that Gishki used to have some OTK combo that involved them spamming their level 6 rituals, discarding their opponent's hand, and ranking up into Rank 6 XYZ before summoning Zielgigas.

It would be totally cool of Zelan and his minions had similar ritualistic abilities.

Abaddon picked up Thasseldar's message as he fought. A linkless portal huh? Abaddon didn't even know if he could create such a thing as he had only ever used portals to travel to Sheol and other dimensions. He attempted it, only for the head of a fully grown demon locust to emerge and attempt to crawl its way out. He ordered it back immediately and closed the rift.

"Well that worked well..."

Maybe there was one thing that could still be done to put Thasseldar's plan into motion. Abaddon scanned the rooftops for Shiro and spotted him acting as support from above. Hopefully the teleporter would listen and not just think he was there to continue their fight.

@thewizardguy "You, an ally of mine has a plan for dealing with the battalions en masse. He needs you to create an 'invisible, linkless portal' before the largest group of soldiers there is! Hurry, he doesn't have much time."
Your pathetic armors are useless before us!

Abaddon swung his arms repeatedly at the sea creatures, unleashing volley after volley of dark magical spears upon their numbers. It didn't even matter if they hit their mark or not, all that he cared about was breaking up their formations to make it easier to pick them off. He was making progress, with some of the troops getting skewered and others scattering out of place for cover. Thasseldar could deal with the runaways... or rather he could have if it weren't for that giant goddamned sea serpent! That thing was getting to be a pain in the ass really really fast, and the longer it lived, the more destruction it caused. There was also the matter of those fish men with special abilities; they had mounted their counter attacks against him, firing off beams of energy and casting magic which exploded around him to ensure some damage was done even if he dodged it. Abaddon needed a new way to deal with these guys...

"Oh, right, I can do that."

What he was planning would surely instill chaos within their orders. Abaddon spread his claws apart from each other, a dark tear in space appearing in front of him as he did this. An increasingly loud buzzing noise could be heard from it.

"Come, children of my swarm!"

The moment he uttered these words, a dense swarm of demonic locusts came pouring forth from the portal. These were larger and much different than ordinary locusts (no shit), possessing scorpion tails, clawed feet, and vaguely humanoid faces with mouths lined with sharp teeth. With a ravenous hunger they flew towards their masters attackers, washing over them and obscuring them from vision. The fish men screamed in pain and terror as they were viciously stabbed, scratched, and bitten.

"You know what's probably even scarier about these little guys," Abaddon laughed as he took to the skies to observe their work, "They can get bigger!"

And that they could. Of course, Abaddon wouldn't release such monstrosities into the world for something as simple as this. Maybe a few, like three or four just to fuck with people, but never a full on swarm...


The locusts continued to swarm over the advancing troops, Abaddon orchestrating their movements from above. Even the sea serpent was attacked, although it was not so easily brought down by the swarm. At the very least it was being hurt and distracted, giving Thasseldar an easier time to deal with it. Plus, the amount of sea creatures trying to overrun them was being lessened by the locusts, but even their numbers began to dwindle as the fish men began to vaporize them.

Abaddon soon caught sight of Linia slashing furiously at attacking sea creatures. She was keeping them at bay, but it was only a matter of time before she got run over, and she looked to be getting hurt and winded the more she fought.

"... He's a Realmswalker, he can handle himself. Locusts! Aid my ally!"

With that Abaddon flew to Linia's location (which wasn't really too far away from where he was), taking a part of the swarm with him. Once there, he ordered them to attack the monsters there. Though this portion of locusts wasn't nearly as large enough as to overrun a large group, it was enough to help Linia get some breathing room. Abaddon himself landed on the ground and repeated what he had done earlier in the same situation, causing lightning to arc through their enemies' bodies.

"Still think I'm here to kill you all?" He laughed.

I believe I have found the perfect images for Zelan's forces :D!
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