@Zandan That was entirely intentional. Kyuubi are the fox like beings that have multiple tails and turn into beautiful women. They do draw their name from that of course but are not in any way actual kyuubi. Thus the name change.
@Hawlin I'm sure things like Gene manipulation and test tube soldiers exist but the limited resources would significantly limit how often it could be done. There aren't very many labs left to do this stuff in either. As for psyonics, the fantasy tag was mainly to include the Kyubbi. I am not entirely against the idea though and will definitely consider it.
All write up a CS Skeleton soon so you guys can start working on your characters but if one or two more people show up then I'll switch gears to the ooc instead.
No, Kyubbi get their name from the fact that the extremely powerful ones are able to take a human form. Similarly to the Kyubbi of mythology who would disguise themselves as humans to fool people.
Although, I'm not sure I'm keeping this ability of theirs around but I like the name too much to change it.
I'm not quite sure what timeframe as of yet. What I do know is that technology in terms of things like holograms and scanners will exist, as well as bionic enhancements. Weapons on the other hand will be more powerful than today's if not a lot more powerful but won't be more advanced in terms of laser or nuclear weaponry.
"Welcome recruits. I am Captain 01-A or simply Alpha if you prefer. As you know, the world has fallen apart, ravaged by the beings dubbed Kyubbi by the Japanese government. We here at K.I.T.E are doing our best to fight back, and we need your help. Because no one else will."
This is a Post-Apocalyptic roleplay where humanity is trying there hardest to fight against the threat that are the Kyubbi while still fighting each other. Players will either be new recruits under K.I.T.E. or soldiers for the U.N.F.W. or the S.F.S.T. Of course, weapons of all kinds (Within reason, weapons aren't far better than today's standards. So, no lasers or nuclear weaponry) will be allowed although K.I.T.E., being a non-governmental organization, only has the supplies they can salvage from destroyed cities. Since this is based on the real world, I do have countries fighting each other. I hope to have neither force appear as the villain and that I don't offend anybody's culture.
Terrifying creatures with odd forms resembling the mismatched creatures of mythology such as chimeras or the nine-tailed fox. Their sizes ranging from small insect-like creatures that swarm and leave only skeletons when they attack to skyscraper-sized beings that are typically humanoid in appearance and almost resemble gods of old. The worst part is that the more they feed on the souls of the slain, the bigger they get. Kyubbis have been around since the beginning of time, but have only recently become this large of a threat.
Kyubbi are extremely resistant to even today's firearms. Smaller Kyubbi are vulnerable to medieval style weaponry while the larger ones require tons of firepower aimed at their weakspots (All Kyubbi have one). All Kyubbi have a hard time with cold climates and fire and have typically have very little natural armor protecting their eyes.
Kyubbi Investigation, Termination, and Entrapment. A rogue military-like force that has given up on the governments of the world and has taken the war against Kyubbi into their own hands. Lead by Captain 01-A, K.I.T.E. specializes in combat against Kyubbi alone and doesn't bother with the war that the humans feel the need to fight. All members are referred to by a code name consisting of a two-digit number and letter. The number is decided by Alpha... somehow, and the letter represents what team they are in (Such as Reconnaissance, Research, Firearms, or Martial Combat.)
United Nations of the Free World. Consisting of the Americas, Europe, and Africa, the U.N.F.W originated with the goal of fighting the kyubbi and ending their reign of terror, but their resources dwindled and their weakness was taken advantage of by the S.F.S.T. which lead to war. Of course, this means the United most fight a war on two ends.
Soviet Forces against Supernatural Threats. Lead by Russia, this organization includes most of Asia. It was similarly formed to deal with the Kyubbi threat. Although, Kyubbi prefer to avoid cold weather so they were able to gather more resources and were close to finding out the source when the U.N.F.W. invaded Japan and China. They retaliated by attacking parts of Europe causing the U.N.F.W. to sign a declaration of war. Now they most also fight a war with two powerful forces.
The Earth has been politically split in two by the warring factions with very little civilization scattered across the globe. The line where the two factions war often is also the area with the highest population of people. Attracting Kyubbi and making this war all the more dangerous. Australia, most of Japan, and many other smaller islands have been utterly destroyed by the creatures.
If there is slight interest then I will definitely write up a character sheet for here and if I can get around 8-10 people then I will make an ooc. I am also happy to answer any questions since I don't want to bombard this first post with info and I understand you may need more.
CS Skeleton
Name: Age: Country of Birth: Appearance: (Picture or description. Don't mind either way.) Faction: (U.N.F.W, S.F.S.T, or K.I.T.E.) K.I.T.E. Alias: (Two-Digit number followed by a letter. K.I.T.E. Only.) Military Ranking: (If not in K.I.T.E. what is your ranking within the military faction of your choice.) Bionic Enhancements: (Must be decently explained via backstory) Main Skill: (What they're best at; Examples: Healer, Gunner, Martial Combatant, etc. These are general skills, you can be more specific with terms like Surgeon, Sniper, and Swordsman or you can keep it general.) Additional Skills: (Other skills your character is good at. Min: 2, Max: 5) Equipment: (All things your character will generally have on them at all times. Please take into account that supplies and resources are limited on all sides so don't go overboard.) Backstory: (At least give the reasoning behind how they came to join their faction and how they received their bionics if any.)