Seichirō Roga
“There are three things that I hate most in life; commotion, selfies and substitution jutsus. Nothing more discouraging than seeing your fallen opponent reveal he was a log all along.”■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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Personnel Files
Accessible by personnel with a C3 security clearance or upwards.❖ Aliases--Chimney; Smoker;
❖ Birthplace--Konoha Province, Konohagakure
❖ Affiliation--The Hamajo Confederate
❖ Sexuality--Heterosexual
Appearance Descriptions
As compiled on basis of the 11th corps intelligence gathering, including pictures❖ Appearance--Seichirō's facial features tell the tale of an unconventional allure. His green eyes, accompanied by a rather tanned skin complexion are a recipe for a lifetime of bullying and image issues, but somehow they work on him. He also has a scar that intercepts the bridge of his nose and touches upon his cheeks, a reminder of his childhood shenanigans. So far, the young Roga has experimented with two different hairstyles - the overgrown, messy one that's depicted in the picture, and an undercut. He mostly prefers the latter.
Seichirō's body is lean with a slight muscle definition, as expected from a chūnin-level shinobi. He has tattoos similar to one another in his biceps - they depict daggers, or at least that's what he was led to believe. He doesn't always cover his arms with bandages, only when there is a risk that he could be identified. He favors casual clothing when he's not in a mission, ranging from jeans to sweatpants to loose-fitting shirts. When on duty, he utilizes that same red combat suit that's shown above, maybe with minor changes [sometimes his headband is on his head, sometimes on his waist - what can I say, he's a nuanced fella]. He sports a pair of black boots, designed to be light in weight so as to make traversing through different areas a chore. His footwear when off duty consists of sandals or sneakers, depending on the weather. You may also occasionally catch him rocking a beanie.
❖ Height--5'11/1,79 meters
❖ Build--Seichirō's muscle mass is barely noticeable, if even existent. He is lean, he is ripped, all part of his grueling shinobi training. However, none of these features can be detected by the naked eye, especially since he buries himself under a pile of clothes. One noticeable trait are his calves. They're very muscular, almost solid and very veiny. The veins pop out especially when he's doing legwork. This is due to the fact that the young Roga prefers to stray away from using his kekkei genkai (because of hazards that are further elaborated in the kekkei genkai section), and has to employ extra physical effort in order to dodge oncoming attacks and travel through different places.
Psych. reports
Medical secrecy applies.❖ Logical ❖ Passive ❖ Uncertain ❖ Ambitious ❖
❖ Personality -- Because of the Roga Clan's reputation, or lack of reputation thereof, their members are rather low on enthusiasm and appear to be indifferent to their own village and the province as a whole. Some have taken it as far as spreading rumors they're antagonizing the governing body. As true as that may be, that is not the case with Seichirō. Even though his cynicism and ruthlessness have been genetically transmitted to him by his ancestors, he is a rather affectionate and friendly person, relatively speaking. He doesn't bolt at the opportunity of forming bonds, but he appreciates the ones he has successfully made over the years.
Another feature that makes him unique from his own clan members is his ambition. His dreams of single handedly undoing decades of oppression and neglect are very unrealistic considering the circumstances, but even then, Seichirō approaches the subject matter with such a healthy dose of pragmatism that it actually makes you believe he's gonna someday do it. It's not to say that his clan's poor social standing has not affected his psyche. It actually has done terrible things to his self-confidence. His impressive intellect has enabled him to construct a variety of different, working plans and solutions to different situations. However, nine times out of ten, he's kept those out of public sight, fearing someone might sneer in his face.
Seichirō's insecurities do not manifest themselves as they do with most. He's not shy and bookish; he's rather fierce and talkative. He also employs sarcasm, which started as a defense mechanism and soon evolved into a form of psychological combat. He never misses a chance to toss over an armor piercing taunt towards his opponents while he is very careful to keep those to a minimum when with friends or colleagues.
The young Roga has no pronounced verbal tics, but he does use endearing terms like "cupcake", "sweet pea", "muffin" and other nouns as part of what he likes to call "mother talk". He rarely uses these to display affection and they're mostly there to highlight his sarcastic personality. He is rather analytical, off and on duty and his observation skills are way above average. He is not one to punch above his weight, knowing when and when not to go for a retreat.
❖ History--Seichirō was born in November 5th on the grounds of the Roga Estate, north of Konoha, following a birth characterized by several complications. It took 37 hours for baby Roga to make the decision to leave the womb, a decision which he regrets to this day. While they haven't been vocal, the strained birth could very well be what made his parents opt to say NO to more children, even though they were pretty young at the time and had an entire life ahead of them. Growing up, he was not the most energetic kid in the neighborhood. His mother, Tomori, never had any trouble with putting him to a beauty sleep, much to the envy of her friends and peers. As such, both his parents took his mature behavior for granted and never bothered to supervise him. And eventually that backfired.
He was five years old at the time. His father came home from work and tossed over all his equipment on a corner. He wasn't sure why, but the kunai knife which was visible in his bag touched a string in his childish mind and he went for it. The Roga household rumbled with the shrieks of kid Seichirō. He had inadvertently caused himself great pain, a gash expanding from his nose, blood gushing down his torso. It was an ugly sight to behold. From there on, his parents switched up their methods to another extreme. They employed helicopter parenting. Whenever Seichirō went, he either had his mother, his father or a clan member chaperoning him.
Seichirō was seven when the Konoha province was annexed within the borders of The Hamajo Confederation. Even then, he had an inner gut feeling that something bad had happened, but he couldn't just quite place it. He noticed his father was acting shifty and, in an uncharacteristic act of rebellion, used his smoke ability to sneak on his parent's bedroom closet. There, he would listen on as Ryosuke would reveal he had lost his job because of the change in power. The Hamajo Confederation saw the Roga as useless and stripped them off from that little influence they had on the village. The child Roga couldn't associate the news with anything bad, as life on the village continued without much interruption. Sure, there were different politicians spewing their crap on TV, but he was seven at the time - he couldn't care less about which miserable pencil neck lost their job. He only realized what his father's backroom conversation meant when he reached genin-level. He even swears he heard a penny drop in the middle of his classroom when that suddenly dawned on him.
Ryosuke's demotion meant he could spend more time with his son. He was still a high ranking member of the Roga Clan, but they had run out of business. The thing with Ryosuke was; he wasn't the most talkative. His quality father-son time practically equaled to him reading a newspaper while Seichirō went on about his business. As such, Seichirō grew up to be socially awkward and didn't quite have a firm grasp of human decency and basic ethics. He had to learn most of those himself. A notable moment was his last fight during the Chūnin Exams. He had his opponent on a choke hold and, in a a move that shocked the entire audience, he brutally dislocated the guy's jaw, believing that's what must be done. The unison cheers coming to a sudden halt, the looks of horror he got from the crowds and the proctor; it made him realize that he was making a mistake. Thankfully, his adversary had actually used a substitution jutsu. His reckless move also won him the fight, intimidating his cowardly opponent. Seichirō won by forfeit.
He played the part of shinobi on and off over the years. Most of the missions he has completed up until this point are C-rank, with the exception of a few B-ranks here and there.
❖ Familial ties--Seichirō's family is dysfunctional by outside world standards, but perfectly functional within the behavior range of the Roga. His father's passive and makes every word count. His mother's the opposite. Regardless, Seichirō loves both of them, and he is certain that they feel the same. Any parental neglect in the past was mainly due to their inexperience in raising a child and their obligations with other duties.
Ryosuke Roga | Biological Father | 40, Apartment in the middle of Konoha, A prominent member within the Roga Clan. Previously in charge of security in the Hokage's office.
Tomori Roga | Biological Mother | 37, Apartment in the middle of Konoha, Housewife and Seichirō's worst nightmare.
❖ Dreams, short term goals, and fears.--Seichirō dreams and fears are both related to the bonds he's made over the years. He dreams of one day giving his clan the glory it deserves, in spite of being told by his own peers that it's an impossible task to complete. His fears are categorized in three layers and are closely tied to the flawed relationships he's constructed with others - fear about his village; history has proven Konoha was the most targeted village out of the bunch. Fear about his clan - he believes that his effort to restore his clan will go in vain or even worse, backfire. The Roga Clan is considered to be half past dead either way. It would take one push for it to disappear in obscurity.
The final fear, the third layer, is the fear for his family. As dysfunctional as his little family may seem, he does love and value them even though he would never admit to that in public.
But, as a wise man said ~ one step at a time. Seichirō's primary goal for now is to reach jōnin and make his father proud.
Combat reports
Gathered based on exercises, training routines, and combat experience reports❖ Combat style--Seichirō's modus operandi is kenjutsu, but he's no slouch at hand to hand combat either. Since his kekkei genkai brings forth a plethora of health hazards, he refuses to use it unless necessary. He's very analytical and never attacks first. He believes that whoever attacks first is bound to reveal a susceptible spot much quicker than one who waits. If he does find that weakness, in whatever shape it may be (a blind spot, a recharge period), he will put pressure in it until his strategy begins working. He also has a counter-tactic to his own strategy, being able to switch his style with the flick of a finger.
The young Roga's only defense, however, is his own agility. He lacks the physical power or the array of weapons to defend against attacks and mostly opts to dodge them rather than take them head on.
❖ Kekkei Genkai--❖ NameEntotsu
❖ DescriptionWhen activated, the technique enables the user to convert his body to smoke. Skilled users can manipulate only certain body parts. If, for example, a user manipulates every part of his body besides his head, it'll seem like his head is floating in a puff of brown smoke underneath. If the user turns his entire body to smoke, then the majority of the time, there will be no discernible trait that can separate it from normal smoke or dust.
❖ StrengthsWhen in smoke form, the user is basically impervious to physical attacks, illusions or concentrated short and long range jutsu. He can enter an area that's out of his reach by slipping through the cracks, making it invaluable for infiltration and espionage.
❖ WeaknessesAside from the KG being reliant on chakra, it can also be very harmful to the user. If the user's hit by a powerful long range jutsu [like
Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet], or especially a wind release attack that spreads out on a wide radius, the resulting damage could be the cause of limb loss and/or certain death. Long story short, any strong attack that can disperse smoke is fatal.
❖ Custom techniques■ Name
Smoke Release: Deadly Pellet Incursion Technique
■ Rank
■ Range
■ Description
In order for the technique to work, the user must be in their smoke mode. It'll take one post for the user to transform into a dust orb and pool all his chakra in one singe point. Once that's done and if done right, the user will be able to fire themselves while in smoke form at an incredible velocity. The technique can be launched at an impressive range of 15 meters, at which point the user will revert back to their organic form. The human smoke pellet has such a high intensity that it can pierce through dense concrete.
■ Name
Smoke Release: Sentient Wall Technique
■ Rank
■ Range
■ Description
In a similar fashion to the Earth Wall technique, the user creates a wall in front of him. However, when in tandem with Entotsu, Roga Clan members can become one with the wall. There will be small, barely noticeable dust particles around the wall when that happens. Aside from that, you can't tell the difference without a Byakugan or without another type of sensory perception. In order for the user to grab on an unsuspecting enemy, they must first release themselves from the wall while in smoke form and then turn into their organic form, as they are unable to use physical attacks that way. For the technique to work, the user must turn into smoke completely and not simply manipulate certain parts of their body.
■ Name
Smoke Release: Detachable Limbs Technique
■ Rank
■ Range
■ Description
If the user only manipulates their arm while their hand is still in it's organic state, then they can launch it in whatever direction they want. Same goes with with their other limbs, like their legs or hell, even their neck. The technique however is labeled as a kinjutsu because of the risks that come along with it. A worst case scenario would be if the user launches a punch; if their punch is blocked, then their hand will be permanently detached from the rest of his body. Roga Clan members are strictly advised to only use it for grappling or rescue situations. The technique has a range of 15 meters.
❖ Weaponry and tools■ Name
Yin and Yang
■ Weapon/tool type
Dual swords
■ Range
■ Description
Due to his over reliance on sword fighting, Seichirō always carries two swords, each with a length less than 60 cms. They're light and practical to use, perfectly conforming to his combat style. In order to tell which is which, Yin's handle is clad in bandages.
■ Name
Weapon Scrolls
■ Weapon/tool type
Scroll...of weapons.
■ Range
■ Description
Seichirō employs two weapon scrolls, each carrying four windmill shuriken which he can directly deploy in combat upon completing the necessary hand ritual.