Avatar of KrystalKleo


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4 mos ago
Current Happy Independence Day to all my American brothers and sisters. Please celebrate responsibly.
4 mos ago
Happy Canada Day to all my brothers and sisters. Today, we celebrate!
5 mos ago
Posts will be delayed once more. Moving yet again. Landlord decided to sell . Will be in new place on the 5th. I am SOOO sorry.
6 mos ago
I am so sorry for the delay in posts. Been dealing with a 4 day migraine. Will do my best to get to them tomorrow.
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6 mos ago
Guess whose net is back, baby! That's tight, Krystal is back in the house!


Hello Everyone. I am a 36-year-old girl with a heart for dramatic role-plays.

KrystalGamez#0980 - Discord. Have a headset and mic too! No webcam

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@SquashedquatchCOTN? I do not believe so as I do not know what that is.
*poke poke*
Zara watched as the man walked back out front after giving her an ultimatum. Be physically touched by strange men who seemed to have it in their heads that they owned her body, or be unemployed? It wasn't some mere exchange of words, some idiotic banter that the man had stated. It was a full on physical touching of her body. He had smacked her ass. She was opening her mouth to say something when her partner spoke up to distract her thoughts and put a positive spin on it.

Shaking her head in response "no, I do not need this job. I do not need some perverted old men touching my ass and making their intentions clear." She folded her arms across her chest as she stared at the doorway that Pinocchio had walked through. She had enough guys take from her what they felt they deserved and she was putting her foot down now. No more was she going to be at the beck and call of some drunken horny man who couldn't find a valid lover to save their life.

Finally her green eyes moved from the doorway towards Issac as a small smile spread across her face. He was still willing to take her to a more secure location. "Liberty Point does sound like a better option. Diamond backs shouldn't be there, and if they are, they may not be members that know my face." She told him softly, putting the rags down beside the sink before washing her hands off.

"Simply nodded off while being chased down? Now that sounds like someone who is keen to end up below the dirt. Though I must admit, I got a decent sleep last night as well. Knowing I wasn't going to be grabbed, yelled at or killed in my sleep made it more comforting. I'm glad you were able to sleep. After noon would have been nice, prevented this whole thing and maybe even got to head out today. But alas, as you said, them's the breaks. I slept in the barracks last night, but I won't be given such niceties tonight. Where do you tend to kick up your heels when you're here?" She inquired curiously, drying her hands off. She'd tell Pinocchio that she'd take her earned wages and be off. This wasn't the job for her after all. The work was tedious and soul crushing, but to have to deal with the pervy men on top of it was enough to make her ill.

Heading out from the back room, she waved to Pinocchio to indicate she had made up her mind. "Pay me and I'll be off. Thank you for the opportunity and the hours, I just can not see myself being okay with hands touching me. Words and banter are one thing, physical touch is another." She explained to him, extending her hand for her caps.
Hey guys! I am making a whole post for this craving as it's been chewing at me for a while and I really want to get one going for it. Please help me! I would prefer to play a female as I am a girl but can do male if need be.

A princess who grows up with a secret friend, a little boy who sneaks into her room at night to play... innocently. He vanishes around 12 years old, doesn't come back for 4 years. When he does come back, he sneaks into her room at night like he used to.. only to find out she is sick. She has a terminal illness that will kill her. He has to figure out if he wants to admit he is a vampire or not. And if he does, will he break the Vampiric council laws about changing a human. The laws state that no human is to know about vampires or be changed into a vampire.

**Edit** For any of those interested, but not wanting to be having a melancholy rp, fear not! I want to focus on their adventures trying to complete her 'bucket-list' before she passes. The risks of leading a rebel life style under the Council's noses. Falling in love. Then if he so chooses to change her, what grand adventures they have together afterwards. I'd like to focus on the good, the bad, and the scary. haha.

I am also willing to double up so we both play females and males. She could have a female bodyguard/caretaker/best friend that ends up by falling for his vampire mentor/guardian, finding out what they truly are. Any sort of reservations she'd have about that. Maybe even her changing first (purposefully or accidentally).
Zara was ready to defend herself, even from the gun the guy had pulled out. She looked at him as she took a step back just in time for Isaac to move between them. She wasn't expect him to appear, but this was a very welcome moment of his arrival. One hand went to his shoulder as the boys started to flaunt their toys. Her mouth opened to speak when the Pinocchio stepped in and interfered.

A ball of saliva in her throat painfully gulped down and hit her stomach like a rock. Her eyes focused on Pinocchio for a moment, nodding her head. Her hand went to Isaac's shoulder as if she was indicating she wasn't going anywhere without him. When it was decided that he could join them, she gave a soft smile, staying really close to him.

She put her hands on her hips and looked up at him once they were secured in the back room. "Yea I did, and I needed something to do while you decided to stop gallivanting across the wasteland. Needed to eat and pay for a place to sleep." She told him softly, shaking her head. "You took your sweet ass time getting here. Any problems for you with our friends?"

Pinocchio shook his head "Silence, this is not time for chitchat. Miss, I don't know how you used to do it back home but we do not threaten our patrons or start a bar fight, especially on day one. It does not make a good impression if you intend to stay employed." He warned her as he unloaded his shotgun and set it aside.

Zara moved her hand to her stomach, her smart ass demeanour fading. "No no sir. I didn't mean to start anything. I just don't appreciate having my ass grabbed. In fact, I don't like being touched period. They keep their hands off me, I'll keep my threats to myself." She didn't know if they'd be sticking around and she'd need to keep the position.
Pinocchio eyed the skinny gal over when she extended her hand and took his own with a great grin on his face. "Well this place ain't much but it will set you through your paces. Things running kinda slow at the moment so I may just as well set you to tidying duties. No one touches the bar or the cooking pot here 'cept I. You do a good job keeping things tidy, I may toss you behind the bar once it gets busy. Wash cloth and bucket by the side door there and water in the back. Best wear gloves if you don't want to get radiation poisoning on your first day." He told her with a grin.


Things were picking up pace and the tavern was quite busy with travellers coming and going. Even residents coming for meals or drinks. Zara had been bumped from not only bus-woman, but also to tender. She had to balance both tasks of clearing tables and filling drinks. Her neck scarf was tied around her head to keep her hair from falling in her face. Jacket was off and stuffed in some cubby that didn't seem to have anything in it. Her dingy grey tank top underneath kept her covered for the most part, though it was low cut enough that the men weren't afraid to catch sneak peaks. Caps and drinks were flowing pretty nicely too because of it.

As he walked into the doors, Zara was currently leaning over to clean some spilled liquid off a table. Her ass was facing the door so she had no clue that he just walked in. The guy who had 'accidentally' spilled his drink smacked her ass as she was bent over. He made a lewd comment about taking her home and filling her pockets with cap if she just did a little dance for him. He laughed so hard his face was going red until Zara spun around and grabbed him by the throat. Getting right into his face, she squeezed tight enough that his face was going purple from lack of oxygen.

"If you ever so much as touch another woman like that again... So help me sanity.. I will make sure you never, ever enjoy the feeling of a woman riding it again." She snapped at him before tossing him back into his chair. She figured she wouldn't be hired on with that behaviour but she needed to set her own boundaries now.
Zara rubbed her face as she trotted off towards the bathroom he had pointed out, slight nods of her head in the process. Work sounded like a good idea, though she'd like to have slept longer. Couldn't do that, work always needed to be done and if you were lazy out here in the wastelands, you'd just become food for those more driven to survive. Besides, this work she'd actually get paid for instead of just 'do it or die' rules. That felt pretty uplifting, knowing she'd be able to actually earn something for herself.

After washing her face and using her finger to clean her teeth the best she could, she ran her fingers through her hair to get out any knots that had formed in her sleep. She used some water to dampen it so it wasn't poofed up in the wrong places and looking messy. She walked out to Pistol Pete as she gave him a weak smile. "Thank you for the opportunity and the safety to rest. It was much needed." She explained to him, sticking close enough to him that she wouldn't get lost. "Has anyone come calling for me? I'm expecting a friend of sorts." She didn't know what to call Issac. Was he a friend? Was he actually going to come here to meet her? Did he survive? She had a ton of questions but no one would know the answers.

Watching him with the kids made her smile a bit, loving how lively the city was. It was bustling and in a good happy way. Not the grumpy, horny men who focused on pleasures of the body and funds of the pockets. Kids were actually safe to play in the paths, adults moved around without checking over their shoulders every few moments. This seemed like a very pleasant place to be after all. Maybe Issac was right about directing her here, despite her raider owners being only a few stones throw away.

Meeting the tavern owner actually brought a wave of nerves upon her. She hadn't felt them in years so she wondered why this man made her feel that way. She wanted desperately to impress him so he'd keep her on his staff. Extending her hand to shake his, she gave a single nod of her head. "Yes I am. Zara is the name and I am willing to do almost anything and almost everything. I have skills in cooking, cleaning, waiting tables, and even tending bars. Though I'm sure you're reserving that for someone who has proven themselves more." She told him as she met his eye so he'd know she was an honest person.
Zara dropped to her knees as soon as she was within talking distance of the guards, a mix of dirt and pebbles being displaced by the sudden impact of her body. Deep breaths were ragged as she inhaled, knowing she needed to breathe to speak. His question, if she was okay received a gentle head shake, though it was accompanied by a smirk with his observation. "I'm - I'm exhausted. Diamond back settlement." She gestured behind her vaguely as it was more effort to point than it was worth. These were city guards, they wouldn't be going in search of the settlement. They probably already knew where it was anyway, the statement was more of just so they knew why she was running and looked like hell. She had been to hell and was coming back.

Hearing his offer of a bed to rest her head was music to her ears. She slowly rose herself up to her feet, stumbling a couple times. She wasn't sure her legs would get her that far but she was adamant on making it that far at least. She nodded her head with a gentle smile. "Thank you. I do intend on doing work, I just need rest first." She whispered to Pete before following the one called Paul into the gates of the city.

For it being the middle of the night, the place was alive with people. Most shops were closed but there were a couple open like the blacksmith for weaponry and armour. She was lead down a hill which passed a tavern or someplace that had a few drunks at it. A few young women utilizing their bodies for caps that weren't very well hidden. Zara wrinkled her nose at that idea, shaking her head. Why would anyone stoop that low? She didn't think she could ever do it. Prude? No. Pure? Hell no. That had been taken from her a long time ago. But to willingly set your standards so low?

She paused when she saw Paul start going up another hill, towards the large wooden and scrap metal building up top. A couple single lights haphazardly attached to the walls. A hill? She had to do another hill? Her legs burned as if she had dipped them in acid. 'Come on' was barked at her by her escort, already half way up the hill. Stones had been placed as a loose excuse for a stair case.

Once brought in to the barracks, Paul explained the deal she was offered so she wouldn't be seen as an invader. Being shown to her temporary bed was rather quick and silent as there were others actually sleeping. The woman who showed her apologized for it not being comfortable but Zara waved off her apologies. She didn't need comfort. She needed safe. Last time she tried to sleep, she wasn't safe. Finally getting to lay down, Zara was out within moments.


Morning came much sooner than Zara had hoped, pulling the blanket over her head to block out the sounds of people getting ready for duty or coming off night-shift. She was hoping to get a bit more sleep, curling up into a ball as if that would also keep the sun from lighting up the inside. Once shift change happened, she managed to get a bit more sleep in the silence.

Noon came and she was prodded with a foot to wake up. Couldn't sleep the day away like she had been needing to do. Body demanded rest but the deal and the city demanded she make her own way now. She slowly sat up and nodded, waving her hand gently to Pistol Pete, showing she was awake.
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