Avatar of Kuro


Recent Statuses

9 hrs ago
Current Does the jpg say jpg_small or jpg_large? That might be causing the issue.
9 hrs ago
There are only certain file types allowed; you might be accidentally uploading a webp, gifv, etc.
1 day ago
would you still roleplay with me if i were a worm
3 days ago
4 days ago
I have a ton of free time to get important things done during my vacation, but I'm instead using it to play video games lol


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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Hello! I'm interested in roleplaying with you! My discord is anthonyartzz!!

This thread is long dead and OP hasn't been online in 9 months.
Foiled trice.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Oh, yeah. And we're all going to end up running for our lives to avoid becoming a Happy Meal when the dead come for our braaaains." Kali replied in jest, letting out a short chuckle. Zombie media was dumb, Kali thought, but it was always dumb fun, especially the cheap, low budget films. It wasn't unusual for low budget media to have terrible writing, and it often in turn became a case of "it's so stupid it's funny". Someone would always try to play Rambo, only to die a horrible painful death seconds later because of their stupidity. It always tended to get a laugh out of Kali somehow.

By then, however, their boss, Issac had finally shown up to the Twin Seasons. "I think that depends on if his team is losing or not." She joked to Issac, who had been busy checking on Jeff. "By the way, are we changing today's specials? Jeff wasn't sure if you were planning on changing them from yesterday's."
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