Avatar of Kuro


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21 hrs ago
Current Some people have too much time on their hands, tbh.
3 days ago
Can't wait until my vacation gets here. It'll be nice to have some time off and actually spend the 100+ hours in PTO I have lol
17 days ago
These one off-one-on-one-off days in my schedule are annoying. I get at minimum 40 a week, typically more, but if you're going to have me work just let me work consistently.
28 days ago
sir this is a wendy's
1 mo ago
Bought an Xbox controller for PC. Gonna test it out for a bit, never really used a controller outside of console gaming.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

Hurrying over to where the first aid kit was located, Kali was relieved to see that the kit had been recently restocked. Everything she could need was located in the kit from bandages and gauze to burn cream and a suture kit—certainly a blessing altogether.

Hastily unhooking the kit from the wall, she ran back to Jeff and popped open the white box on the counter. "Right, Jeff," Kali spoke up, grabbing some sterile gauze from the kit. She wasn't a doctor by any means, but nearly everyone was aware of the basic tenets of first aid. "I need you to hold still, okay? We need to stop the bleeding first." Kali clarified, pressing the gauze tightly onto the open bite wound and hoping she wasn't causing too much distress for Jeff by doing so.

As she began to treat Jeff's wound, the sound of the freezer door clicking shut drew her attention elsewhere. Isaac and her fellow co-worker had succeeded in securing Tobias in the freezer, going as far as to lock him inside. "Are you two okay?" Kali proceeded to ask Isaac, noticing how worn out they were. She hoped they weren't bitten like Jeff had been. One injury was already one injury too many.

"We need to find an actual doctor, Issac." Kali explained, looking back at Jeff. Although she knew basic wound treatment, she truly had no way of knowing if he needed stitches, antibiotics, or anything else. "Forget the customers. We need to get Jeff to the hospital."
Anyone buy anything interesting from the Steam sale? I've already thrown 200 bucks down on the sale, thinking of throwing some more down if I find anything more I want.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Jesus Christ." Kali commented, aghast at the situation.

As Kali walked into the kitchen, she soon saw that it was a nightmare-in-the-making. Everything was falling into chaos. Pots, pans and other cooking equipment were strewn about the kitchen. Issac and one of her fellow co-workers were busy trying to "wrangle" Tobias, one of the restaurant's employees, while Jeff had a savage bite wound on his arm. Jeff swore Tobias had bit him like a rabid animal, and by the sound of the struggle nearby, it seemed Tobias was still hungry for more.

For a moment, Kali felt her body seize at the sight of everything. Her thoughts fried themselves as she tried to process the scene in an attempt to produce a rational explanation from the chaos. Had this been related to the sickness that was reported elsewhere in the world? Kali hadn't known; she wasn't one to pay too much attention to the news outside the basics such as the weather. She snuck a quick glance towards the commotion across the room, but the struggle made it difficult to tell anything from where she stood.

Regardless if it was related or not, however, she still needed to take care of Jeff.

"F-Fuck, uh," Kali uttered, snapping herself back into action. "Let me go find the first aid kit." She continued, taking off towards where the first-aid station was located with hope that the kit would have the proper supplies to treat the wound—at least long enough to get Jeff to a hospital.
Welcome to the guild, @Lu.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"That's no problem. I can get the two of you seated right now and started with some drinks or appetizers while you wait for the rest of your party." Kali explained to the two guests. "Unless you'd rather wait for them to arrive first?" She continued, pausing as she waited for a response from them.

As she waited to serve the guests, however, all hell seemed to break loose instantly. The loud, noisy sound of clashing and shouting came forth from the kitchen, causing Kali to look towards the kitchen window to see what might've been happening. After all, chaos in the kitchen was unusual. Issac took great care of his restaurant, and so such a display worried Kali. His yelling for her only further confirmed her worries.

"One moment, please." Kali explained, placing the menus back down on the server's podium before hurrying back to the kitchen for whatever Issac had yelled for.
This is more of a "put myself out there" rather than a detailed interest check, so I'm going to keep things short and simple for any potential partners.

I'm disinterested in any sort of romantic and/or smut-based ideas; they aren't my cup of tea. Similarly, I don't really bother with anything canon X whatever pairings, so please don't ask me about those. That being said, I'm open to nearly anything setting-wise, though I tend to steer more towards original settings that are (to give a few ideas) slice of life, fantasy, survival horror/apocalyptic, etc. genre-inspired. I'm more of a thread writer rather than a PM person, so do keep that in mind as well.

As I said, I know this isn't incredibly detailed or whatever, but if any of that floats your boat or otherwise interests you, just shoot me a message.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"We've got Coke products, yes." Kali responded, jotting a Coke and a water down into her server's notepad. The swarm of emergency vehicles passing by sparked a moment of interest from Kali, if only to see where they were headed or what might have been going on. "Take as much as time as you need." She replied, flashing a smile to Flynn's friend. "Just flag me down when you're ready."

Sliding her notepad into her apron once more, Kali walked back to the soda fountain and poured both a cup of Coke and a glass of tap water from the machine. Grabbing a cup in each hand, she went back to Flynn's table and set each cup in front of their respective drinkers along with a plastic straw for their use.

Once the two men had their drinks, Kali glanced in the direction of the elderly couple. Although she had yet to check back on them, they hadn't flagged her down either, and so she was still uncertain if they were ready to order yet. To give the couple some more time, Kali instead looked towards the server's booth, where she had noticed that more customers had arrived. The two of them seemed to be off in their own little world, either texting away or busy sifting through a notepad. In other words, they were both distracted customers, which often meant less work for Kali to deal with (and less running around for their every need).

Deciding to take on a third table, Kali approached the server's booth, and reached for two menus. "Are you two together?" She'd ask, wanting to get them seated first so she could go back and check on her prior tables.
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