Is this RP still accepting of new people? I had a really great idea for a character, was hoping I could squeeze in.
It's a sub-plot one of them bought if that's what you mean by above board.
Yeah, there was a fair amount of time in a rather large RPG where a lot of different people did variations on "How can I make life as miserable as possible for my characters." I guess I got tired of it.
Some sketchy group of rich girls decided to ditch some tickets on him because he seemed schlub enough to accept them without asking, and he ended up being piled on by Beryl and Bianca who really wanted to go on a cruise. Gratia ended up tagging along because of Bianca.
On a cruise ship.
@Silvan Haven Beryl is becoming one of my favorites in the RP.
Her posts are relaxing for the most part and she's a nice cookie ^^
I like playing characters without horrific mental scars or overwhelming quirks. Despite her being one of the most damaged characters I've ever done I'm still playing Beryl as a older sister/Mom type person.
I'm more of a grand vizier honestly