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Current I'm trapped between "Take all the time you need. Life totally comes first." And "I want posts now! But please take all the time you need. No rush I promise." It's not an easy place to be.


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Thank you! You rock!
Okay. I would like to clarify a few things. The ojih are Ridahne's face tattoos? And they basically tell her life story correct?
Darin muttered to herself, “Right. Straight back, moving hips, squeezing my knees means go faster.” She looked up from her lap, “Are we good with that Talbot?” Talbot let out a snort and shook his head in a sort of nod, so Darin nodded as well, “We are good then.”

It wasn’t actually that hard once Darin found herself in position. At times Talbot would go a little faster. Darin found herself paying attention to Talbot’s ears. The left one would flick back when ever he sped up. So, the next time they were just walking, before Talbot got a chance, Darin reached out to tap his left ear. The horse flicked the ear back as he broke out into a trot. This time he didn’t stop. The human thought for a moment before reaching out to tap his right ear. Then he slowed down. That was certainly going to be an interesting system, and Darin could already see how it would cause problems.

She told him that, “That won’t work for everything Talbot.” He snorted at her, “I mean it! It’s fine for training me to ride, but in combat or running away it won’t work.” This time his snort conveyed the feeling of reluctant agreement, “Thank you. But we will figure something out. I promise.”

Talbot nodded again. He was by far the smartest horse Darin had ever meet. He wasn’t as sweet as Heath, but he was more intelligence. The farmer had told Darin that Talbot told him things. She was willing to believer that the horse was smarter than most people, herself included. Then her eyes went wide as she suddenly remembered something.

Her tone was accusatory, “Your person said you told him what I was doing! How did you know?”

The noise Talbot made could only be described as a laugh. Darin stared at him in shock. This was a big deal. Talbot may have seen the band around her thigh, but how had the horse known that it contained The Seed? Darin believed that Talbot knew. There was no doubting that. Still, she needed to know how he knew. That way she could make sure that her tell didn’t tell other people, people like Mark.

She scolded Talbot, “This isn’t funny! Going faster when I’m not expecting it; I can see why that would be funny. Tossing me off could be funny if I wasn’t seriously hurt. The Seed is important, and I don’t want people to know I have it if I can help it.” She gestured out to Ridahne, “I didn’t even tell Ridahne! She had to figure it out for herself!”

Talbot stopped suddenly, and it took all Darin had just to stay on. She got the impression that Talbot wasn’t all that impressed with her. That was okay, Darin wasn’t impressed with herself either. Then, with as little warning as when he stopped, Talbot started up again. He hadn’t told her how he knew. Then again, maybe he had, and She just wasn’t listening or paying attention properly. She supposed that was more likely. It would explain why he was irritated with her.

Darin asked another question in a softer tone of voice, “Can people like Mark find in the same way?” Talbot shook his head, “Well okay then. I’ll take that.”

Talbot let out another whinny. His left ear flicked twice. Darin’s eyes went wide. She was just in time. As soon as her arms were wrapped around his neck. he took off faster than he ever had before. Talbot bucked a little bit, and Darin forced herself to sit up straight. It wasn’t that bag. In fact, once she got use to it, it was a nice way to move. Then Talbot stop suddenly, and she fell straight off.

Darin landed on her back to stare straight up at the sky, “Owe.”
Darin followed Ridahne as they left Greyrock. She may have been imagining it, but she could swear she could feel the tension leave Greyrock with them. She couldn’t help but feel like her connection to people was changing. It scared her, but even scarier was the fact that that it excited her. She couldn’t explain either feeling. She couldn’t explain this connection. It came from The Seed. She knew that much. She had to wonder if it was only because of The Seed. A quiet part of her whispered that a connection took two people to make a connection. What if it was her?

Darin gave her head a shake as she continued to follow Ridahne. She wasn’t really following. Talbot was following. Darin was honestly just along for the ride. She was not riding very well. She knew that she was basically a novice. She had to wonder if the fact that Talbot was so big was contributing. She didn’t know at all. She supposed she could ask Ridahne.

Darin looked over to ask and immediately fell silent. Ridahne looked like she was thinking about something deep. The human had no way of knowing what that was. She didn’t know if an interruption would be welcome or not. Darin moved to speak again but couldn’t find her voice. Darin blew some air outside of her mouth. She wasn’t used to being silent. She talked to herself all the time. Now that she had people with her, she felt an indescribable urge to chatter at them. Luckily, she had practice being quiet. The elders didn’t like pointless noise. For once Darin wasn’t the one upsetting them. She clung to that with a tight determination until this trip. Now it didn’t matter.

Finally, she found her voice, “Ridahne? Can you give me some tips on riding? I feel like that I’m about to fall off.”

Now there was a fact. She didn’t know if it was her incompetence, Talbot’s size, or a combination of both, but she literally felt like she was one misstep from falling off. Talbot must of sense that because all of the sudden he broke into a brief trot. Darin let out a small shriek as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. After the trot was over, he let out a whinny that sounded almost like a laugh.

Darin slowly sat up as she scolded him, “That’s not funny Talbot!”

The human didn’t think that the horse agreed with her because he just whinnied again. Darin suddenly felt the urge to get off and walk. She resisted that urge. She had just asked Ridahne for help. She would never learn without practice, and she did need to learn. Maybe it would be easy. Maybe not. Darin was thinking that it wouldn’t be easy. Nothing lately had been easy. Well that wasn’t true. Getting Talbot was easy. She had a really nice sickle. That was a big plus. It was currently siting on her lap. She didn’t want to lose it. Maybe she could turn her ripped up shirt to a harness or belt for it. That would be amazing.

She was also wondering how long it would take to get to The Tree. Darin supposed that depended on if they took a direct route. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to do that. Then again Ridahne seemed apprehensive of going to The Tree. It might just be best to get it over it. Darin couldn’t decide what the best course of action would be. That was standard at this point. At least one thing was constant.
Got it. Thank you!
How bad does Ridahne think it is? If you don't mind me asking?
Hello. Me again. I'm sorry I keep bothering you. The reason why Darin was able to sense Mark's evil so strongly was because it was so strong. I don't think Ridahne was evil and I don't want to know what she did until she tells Darin (That's half the fun of role playing) bit the closer Darin gets to The Tree the stronger her powers will get. On a scale of like Jack, the farmer, being 1 and Mark being ten how "evil" was what Ridahne did? Did that make sense?
I'm sorry it's so short. I didn't want it to drag.
Darin poured over the map that Ridahne had given her. She knew that Astra was sea-locked. She hadn’t realized just how close to the Endless Waves her home had been compared to how far it was from the center. She was half tempted to just race back home and then on to the ocean. She knew that you couldn’t go far from Astra’s land. The Barrier prevented it. Darin gave her head a shake. She couldn’t leave Astra even if she wanted to. She didn’t want to. Even before this journey she wasn’t “wandertouched” like the elders said others in the village were.

She traced her finger over her map, “I wasn’t going anywhere in particular.” She shrugged, “I don’t have a goal, or at least not a place as a goal.” Her finger landed on a spot, “Though that wouldn’t be a bad place to start.”

It was The Tree. Darin had never seen it. She never had plans to see it. Even though she had The Seed strapped to her thigh she still had no plans to go see it until just now. However, the farmgirl was suddenly struck with a desire to know what was causing The Tree’s decay and withering. It might give her clues as to where she should be going in order to plant The Seed. The Tree was close to human lands though it was technically in Elf lands.

Darin took a moment to see if The Seed had any objection to that plan. Now that she was thinking about it Darin realized she didn’t know how close she would have to get in order to know that a place she was at was the place she needed to plant The Seed. For all she knew She would have to actually walk over the spot. If that was the case this was going to take forever. Darin hadn’t realized how big Astra was. Three months suddenly seemed like no time at all.

She held out the map towards Ridahne, “Can we head towards The Tree? I would like to see it before.” She paused, almost unwilling to say it, “Before it’s gone.”

The Seed didn’t seem to object to that plan, and it was a better plan than wandering about Astra without one. It would give her a chance to see the mountains and they would cross a few rivers. Darin heard rumors that Sirens lived in rivers as well as the oceans. She had met and Elf. She sort of wanted to meet a Siren as well. She was planting The Seed for all of Astra. She wanted to know the people she was all but fighting for. Maybe she was fighting for them. She had come supper close to letting Talbot crush that one lady’s head in after all.
I will make the changes to the map then. I will fix the links too. I did not draw Darin. It was a doll maker. Did you draw Ridahne.

I was thinking of three types of sirens, like you have three types of elfs. The children of the waves the children of the deep and the children of the fresh.

If that last border is coastal it might make sense to just make Astra an island. Would that be alright.
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