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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

The old Steward of Eldan looked grimly at the other men seated about the table, his hands clasped tightly beneath. Beneth and Jassen had been found on the border to Askavi looking like hell and certain that they had escorted the Queen thus far and then had been ordered to turn back. Had the Grey Jewel Queen been snared by some Black Widow, or had she fled leaving the village to it's fate? If it was the later perhaps it was for the better of all things. The District Queen was coming for a visit to see the prosperous influence that was aiding Eldan. The villagers were slowly slipping away. Claiming to visit relatives or being needed elsewhere. For all they did trust the Court, they knew the Court could do little against Queen Russa. The woman was a older witch wearing the Opal and had a taste for the prancing of young men. She also was known for waging her Court in mimicking battles of 'show' against another Queen to gain territory and add to her lavish lifestyle. For all his age, even Durik was worried about the visit. He was not a young man and would do no good as a fighter. Hynter had claimed his need to visit family due to an illness. A thin lie, but Durik had held off sending the man away.

They would need to present a full Court and they would need to find a Queen. If they were found or thought to be ruling a village without that female hand? The consequences would be severe. Men had been skin for daring to step up to a 'Queen's' position. Yet, perhaps it was because of this the Court sat about the meeting room's table as they hand days ago. Sweating slightly as they felt the very real threat of being in the room with a very dangerous predator. Finally fed up with things, Lynol a Prince of the Purple-Dusk spoke up sounding meek despite his irritation. "Our situation is quiet dire. What do you think you could do to help us?"

"And what is the payment?" Hynter growled irritated at the fact his petition to join his family had been deny and his life put in peril for this. Two of the other males had rushed away the minute Jassen and Beneth came back. Making sure their lives would not be part of the faux Court, one had run straight to the neighboring Queen, Tabithi a Tiger-eye village Queen. She was the granddaughter of Russa and twice as cunning as her grandmother.

The man sitting at the head of the table, crossed one knee over the other as he steepled his fingers before him. A fleeting looking of amusement crossing cold, golden eyes. "I want to know where your Queen went." Saetan spoke with a croon that chilled men's hearts. "So you see the payment is not overly high." Durik wanted to counter that with the fact that was a high price. They had spent most of Fatima's life hiding her from the world. That this man was looking for her? The pet of Dorothea? Oh, he wouldn't tell the Warlord Prince that. He didn't have a death wish. "As for how I can help you... Russa is a childless bitch." The Steward shruddered at the cold smile that had frozen the tea in his cup to a block. Everyone knew what happened when you walked on the bad side of a Warlord Prince's temper, but when the man wore the Black? It would be so much worse. But the truly terrifying though was that they had utterly no choice.

The Warlord Prince brother shifted and answered in Gen's place as the Warlord had gone back into the kitchen. "It is not a threat, Prince." Denar stated firmly, though he looked nervous about challenging a Ebon-Grey Eyrien. He wore only the Rose after all. Giving Vaclav a slightly apologetic look the youngest of the Saroth brothers continued to explain. "It is for the protection of the Lady. A precaution what with all the trouble brewing about because of those sleek Hyallians." Belor nodding giving a underling look at Fatima before turning his head back to the conversation.

Gen walked back into the dinning room, floating a platter of eggs, steak and biscuits with Craft before letting them settle onto the table. "If you wish to take that fight with someone. Then go wake up Faeril and issue that challenge to her." The Warlord stated firmly as he set a kettle of coffee on the sideboard. The rough smell of it would make toes curls and hair split. While Gen could cook, Faeril was the better brewer and coffee maker, though the oldest Saroth brother would never admit it. "I'm not one for insulting, but I'd like to keep my skin on my back. Faeril can be..."

"Vicious." "Vindictive." "Terrifying." "Furious." "Ruthless." The other two brothers chipped in as they eat took a plate and eagerly filled it.

"A witch." Gen finished with a glower at his siblings. "With the temper of a Harpy." Harpies were witches who were killed generally violently and usually by a male's hand. They were but legends of what happened to the dead. Just like the demon-dead and Hell. They were stories used to scare children at night though there was the odd tale or two of those who had become demon-dead on the battle field. Fighting so hard, they didn't notice they were dead and instead kept on that killing field.

Rhys Asher

Location: Port

A wedding was in the works, and one he was planning to crash though not immediately. Rhys chuckled as he studied the clothes he had acquired. The clothing he had been wearing had been tossed aside and burned with a bit of magyck. In their place he had donned the clothing of one of the Elder God's victims, meals so to speak. A man who could for his build and measurements be his twin, a shame he had to kill the man. He could have pinned all the nefarious deeds on the man. But you couldn't have everything in life, it was supposed to be bad for you. Which was ridiculous.

Staring up at the castle, he wandered with the crowd listening the gossip as he acted like the many who were going to take a look within the Wizard's Tower and this wedding that had a good potion of the castle stirred up. "I assume you will be able to negate most anyone who may cause trouble?" Rhys noted absently, and mentally, to his unwanted passenger. "This wedding should fill you up for a time and gain us both the knowledge we seek." While he had been planning to go straight to the Witch Mother of the Port Coven, that plan had been put on hold. There was no time and he needed to get into that damn tower. In was the hard part, getting out would be easy enough with all the confuse he could create.

Skaoi Silverveil

Location: Infirmary[/center]

Skaoi sighed in forlorn annoyance as she sat quietly in the infirmary. Her slim fingers turning pages in the volume where she had found mention of the Sickenesse or something much like it. Still searching for something more, something that might spare others from the horrors this disease caused. As a physik, and someone who valued life, Skaoi abhorred death. She knew there were two types, the preventable and those whose passing was time. The latter was easy to accept and she had even heard from the whisper of other of her craft that there were those patients for whom this soft passing was a blessing. She hadn't known what to say to that when she first heard it, but now she thought she might understand it a bit better.

Though this noise and issue with the wedding was gnawing at her nerves. Terrified that she might be suspected as an assassin, found out as a disgraced noble, possibly imprisoned for both! Worse, if she was imprisoned who would come to her aid? A small Princeling? Oh, she would never doubt that Myrus would be her champion, the sweet boy, but his word against all the 'evidence' would be a small thing. No, her family would not care, disgrace and in exile as she was. Which meant she would need to find a good place to disappear while still being able to tend to her patients til this was all over and the true threat found. A impossible feat. On top of it all there were all manner of strange folk roaming the halls and heavens for-fend if one of them walked into her infirmary! The lovely 'All-Mother' had her enternal gratitude, and Skaoi would do practically anything for the woman.

Which brought her to another thought that strayed through her fretting mind. His Highness had called her mother. Her pale cheeks bloomed crimson at the thought. Standing swiftly she moved about the room, checking on those whose lives where resting in her hands. Of course she was embarrassed about the lapse, but a soft thought of pleasure at being so close to another was nestled against her heart. The physik cared for the young Prince a great deal and had the All-Mother asked for her life in exchange for the Prince's she would have given it. She was a noble and noble's loyalty was to the royals of the land. Technically she should still be bowing to the Easter Snow Plains, but they were far away and she wanted to put those old memories behind her.


Location: The Port => Snake Slipway

Skills: Asgardian Magic, Blend, Sneaking, Intuition and Perception

Jazen 'Grimspound' Dryki rubbed his freshly shaven jaw still unused to the smoothness. It was unwise to wield a razor at sea and while he could have done it magically he preferred to save that aspect of his nature for surprises. Made life more interesting, as his mother said once. "The hidden strike is always the most effective and swiftest. The shaved knuckle is always the most daunting element. Thus is why we of the Dryki keep to ourselves." His grandmother was the Matriarch of the family and his mother set to take over after her. A fact he tried to forget most days. Neither had explained exactly what the family was waiting for. But they were tireless in that fact and the rest of the aunts, uncles, and cousins were happy enough to live as they always had. The odd 'duck' every so often leaving for grander things.

Dressed now in a loose white dress-shirt with a dark green vest over it. The embroidery of the vest was done by the hand of his cousin Sandry, the minute detail of predators moving about the seams to those who looked carefully. The amber thread matched the dark gold buttons. Bits of wealth like the amber cuff-links that he had purchased rather than haul a trunk full of coins with him. Then again, it was always wise to have a spare high end outfit when travelling for just this reason. Boots that hugged his caff and pants that would make, and had made, many a woman swoon hugged his legs. He had spent a fair bit over an hour getting ready for the damned wedding and to perhaps seek out the ExtraOrdinary Wizard that seemed to run the Wizard's Tower. Not for anything formal, just for a good solid discussion of magick. Looking good would keep the guards from looking twice at him, as they most likely would have if he looked as though he'd been aboard a ship for weeks.

Of course, Ahote running off towards a mob and Arnora following the madden man had irked Grimspound a fair deal. He had learned on his travels that you didn't run towards mobs, and the best thing to do was to avoid them. Something that was further enforced as he saw the young wizard branded with a 'M'. The crime was spreading the Sickenesse and Grimspound felt that cold fury stir in his heart at the ignorance. If the boy had spread it, then they should find a way to cure him! Not this! "I will be heading to the wedding myself, though I do hope the Wizards will allow me access to their libraries." He was doubtful about it, but he just needed to get his foot in the door at least. Turning a cold gaze back to the crowed, the man snarled softly. Dangerously. "I tire of these savages. Ahote, could you get that young man out of there perhaps? Or cause a distraction? I'll get him away from here. He'd be better off..." Surrounded by others like him. Other Wizards who could defend themselves from this madness. Twitching his hand slightly, the man observed the crowd looking for any route to the branded wizard. Bending the light, a bit of unseeing... He could slip among them and grab the lad.

Moving before the man could respond, Grimspound moved towards the mob. Of course the minute he decided to do something his blast magic gave a wink and turned the coin of luck. Cursing to himself in several tongues and calling himself a fool several times over for this, he moved through the mob towards the branded wizard. The least he could do was try to get the boy out of there. Gripping the lad's shoulder, Grimspound suppressed the urge to blast the damnable mob into the river and coat ice over the water. His emerald eyes snapping with the fury that was clawing him up inside, Jazen gripped his temper and shortened the leash. It would not do to have an outcry and do damage to the mob, he reasoned. They would only have more reason to turn upon those who wielded magyck. They could try, whispered that cold rage within him. They would try at this rate either way, and he could end it here. Show them a power they could not match. And have his magick duck his summons again? His rational thoughts argued. No, the risk was too great and he would not be a fool.

He was already being foolish enough.

Richard Laine

Location: Formal Sitting Room

Richard glared at the two pixie children as they whirled into the room. One hand propping up his head as he narrowed a snake-esque eye at Tatl. "I will speak to you as I choose. You would to well to learn to respect your elders, little Tinkerbell. As well as heeding your own advice." Though he looked stern, his tone was firm and not cruel. Though he was going to let out that bit of cruelty out on some unfortunate soul the next time he sparred someone other than his sister or any woman. Giving a smirk at Tael's actions Richard couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"You say calling people names is rude, but did you not call my sister weird as your brother said?" The assassin pointed out with annoyance. "As for who I think I am? An assassin, well, former." The man smiled with a mocking grin. "Currently I'm a protective brother and I guess you could call me Ayita's tutor in how humans work when she bothers to ask. It's all rather curious at how our dear mother screwed up so badly. Though, I'll call it a blessing in the long run."

Richard mused absently, not even really talking to the annoy Tatl so much as the calmer Tael. "If Ayita is strange perhaps it is because you expect a human mind at all times. Well, what happens then the human mind is put on hold for... five years or so? Five years of thinking only of survival and learning how to shift and move through mountain, sea, and sky. Never knowing if you'll be able to shift back to what you were born as because there is always that constant barrage of the instincts of every creature battering at you." Shaking his dark head, Richard smiled fondly. "I admire her for it, and for remaining human. Her life would be easier if she gave into the urge of the sea." There was a sadness in the assassin eyes that turned to iron as he looked at Tatl. "And you will be nothing but polite to her. Else I may make sure there's only meatloaf in the kitchen for the next year." Poor him! Having a hard month of worrying about his sister when she was in the North with her 'mate'. Now she was back and he was second in her eyes, though he understood why she didn't tell him everything. She was private. It was how she was, had always been.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Outside

Ayita blinked as the cats rubbed up against her, moving to give them the attention they desired before they move onto Allison. She had little to do with tamed creatures, if one could call a cat 'tame'. They were selective beings that chose the person and not the other way around. "Do not let them loose in the air. For all your care they do not have the song of the wind in their veins." Ayita stated softly to Gambit with a slight glint in her amber eyes as she studied the man who was seeking Pietro's life. "You would do well to speak with my Brother. He would find you most interesting." They had a similar attitude about them. The strange language that was French that slipped from Remy was partly understandable due to the few words Richard would mutter to her or himself in those late nights when comfort was found in quiet companionship.

Turning from the group, Ayita repressed a sneer as Marygold planted a seed of catnip and grew it. The kittens snatching it to race into the manor. Stamping on the rising urge to start a fight with the woman, Ayita nodded to Allison before shifting from woman to large several. Her hide rippling over muscles that had been hone on the hunt. Sniffing the carrier to catch the scent of the three troublemakers, Ayita turned towards the manor giving Marygold that wide berth and even placing Allison between the two of them as she pointedly ignored the woman. Flicking her tail she easily bounded after the cats, casting a thought back to Remy to perhaps ease the man's mind if it reached him. "I watch small cats. Not eat. Safe they be." There was a certain snarl the mind voice about the eating bit and it didn't feel completely human. Keeping pace the large several sniffed about looking to locate the three ruffians.
Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

"Gen is a decent chief. Though he claims he's the only chief." Denar noted with amusement as he leaned back in the chair, resting his boots on the polished surface of the dining room table. The large windows that ringed the room letting in the hazy light of morn. The storm that was passing through the night past slowly easing away to a overcast day. Hooking his hands behind his head, the male peered out at the open sky over the mountain valley with bland interest as Fatima began playing with the various pots and potions. Not twitching as Lucivar came in claiming to be Consort for the fallen Queen of Dene Nehele.

Belor also saw reason to test that claim because like Hell they were going to let him assume that position with the Lady Fatima. If he wasn't a Warlord Prince who wore a stronger jewel than the Queen who held their hope and an Eyrien warrior on top of that they might have been more lenient. Might have let it wander there. But not when things were dire. Not when their only hope was a single, flighty woman. Though she did have balls to stand against Faeril. Something that asserted in the Warlord Pricnes' minds that she was worth something. "He's a Dhemlan, Prince. They have no reason to care for Dorothea." Belor stated mildly with not-so-hidden lick of irritation.

Gen was dusting his hands on a rag as he studied the lot with narrowed eyes from the arch to the kitchen. The smell of cooking meat filling the room behind him. "At ease, Brother. He's part of the Queen's Court, hopefully one with a better fate." He chuckled darkly as he turned a golden gaze on Vaclav. "And you will not be leaving. Not until Ashke agrees that you may, and I don't suggest you try." There was too much at stake to let them leave, and Gen liked having his 'bits' attached to him. If he let them go before Faeril was able to take care of them... It would not go over well.

Richard Laine

Location: Hallway ---> Formal Sitting Room

Richard snapped from his rush of thoughts and gave Tatl a stern look. "That- is unkind to say of my sister." He stated coldly. Child or no he would not hear of insults to his beloved baby sister. To be quite honest this buzzing girl was obnoxious to the point of annoyance. Little wonder Ayita was one of the few particularly young children he could be around. "I'm merely curious what she is up to, she rarely does anything wrong. Perhaps a bit oddly, but not wrong." Looking to Tael he gave a slight smirk as the calmer boy flew about.

"That 'weirdo' girl is only so weird as you are." He informed the pixie girl, Tatl. Turning on his heels the man stalked down the hall to the front palor. Ducking under the pixie's feet. It was a retreat that was true, but he honestly didn't give a damn at the moment. This girl was a faux fairy who was so very like a demon of torment. Rapping knuckles on the door the palor, he ducked into the room. Shutting the door firmly behind him, being careful lest he catch the girl in the frame in his attempt to escape her. "This is why I adored Ayita. She. Is. Quiet." He gritted out with a wearied sigh. Giving a small nod to Dean, and the others in the room he collapsed into a chair.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Outside

Ayita pulled up short as her amber eyes narrowed on the woman approaching the manor. Stepping slightly in front of Allison, the tall Alaskan narrowed her eyes as she studied this new comer for she was unlike anyone Ayita had ever seen. Which was not always a good thing, though as Storm smiled Ayita retracted the step, her eyes softening from their keen edge as she pointedly did not respond to Marygold. That woman should be happy that Ayita was not demanding satisfaction for the insult to her brother. "It is no bother." Her voice as quiet as ever in contrast to her tall and limber form. Ayita had heard of Storm from various talk about the school and her family. The woman was an ally in every sense and Ayita had no reason to doubt that.

Though her head whipped about as two figures dropped from the sky. With eyes of the tiger, her lips pulled back in a snarl as the beast within her uncurled in preparation for a fight. Things that dropped from the sky hadn't been good in her past experiences. Though she paused as Mary identified them. Relaxing she let out an annoyed breath. "Why is it we have- people showing up at the Mansion? And-" Ayita grumbled on a private thought to Allison, her eyes shifting to the blonde woman before her eyes once more were drawn to the chattering group. "Cats." She stated firmly and with a bit of wonder. Making a wide berth around Marygold while pointedly ignoring the woman, Ayita was lured by the carrier. Her eyes still looking like a cats as she studied the furry shapes. It was best she ignored their 'leader' for now, Ayita mused. She was not sure she would be able to handle another insult.

But she was incredibly interested in the cats. Her mother had never allowed pets and she did care for the odd injured bird at the mansion but they never stayed. They were stirring from sleep, and Ayita bent and reached out carefully with a chittering mewl of her own to catch their attention and greeting. A tiger's chuff. "You can let them run loose outside if you wish. There is no predator that will prey upon them for none would dare pass into my territory. If they do, I shall deal with them, if that is not too barbaric." Ayita couldn't keep the snarl from voice, though it was soft, as she cast a furious look at Marygold as she stood. "You care for them well, and good of you for it." Her amber turned to Gambit as she considered the man a small smile gracing her face as she dismissed Marygold by firmly turning her back on the woman. Not a sign of trust but of scorn. "They are mighty hunters." Ayita purred at the carrier. Enthralled by the small balls of fuzz she would dwarf.

Richard Laine


Richard nearly groaned alound as he watched a second pixie float down the stairs. The child's brother and while he could understand the relationship, he didn't care one wit for the two. Adorable, yes. But now was not the time! [color=Olive}"I am something of a guard, I guess you could say. I'm merely here for sake of my own sister. You might know her... Tall, keeps shifting into different animals, perchant for wearing beads and feathers in her hair?"[/color] And right over there, he noted as he noticed his sister stalk from the palor, looking eager almost to rip into any potential enemies. Now what had woken up Ayita's temper? What had riled the woman to embrace the hunt, or was it just that time of the month?

Or was the pregnant? Richard stiffened as Tatl and Tael's words became white noise to him. Ayita pregnant was a horrifying thought. He was too young yet to be an Uncle, let alone her a mother! Surely Damon and her hadn't been so foolish? Allison was with her, so perhaps their local witchy woman might know? Running through a list of all the potential pregnant traits belonging to birds, various mammals and humans Richard stared at the wall ahead of him in slight horror at the possibility. It couldn't be could it? Surely there had to be something wrong? Something that was said? An old nightmare? That was it!

That had to be it.

Ayita Dyrkin

Palor - First Floor --> Outside

Startled by Allison's vehemence, Ayita blinked owlishly at her friend as the younger girl concluded the lecture. Stunned from her rage and pain for those brief moments. "You are the only one." The shifter agreed though the words carried more their own weight as her mind gently brushed against Allison's, it wasn't a invasive thought but one that conveyed the sense of love and affection that Ayita felt towards her. When words failed, the sharing of her meaning was sometimes the best thing to do. Pushing herself up off the couch, Ayita wrapped a long arm about Allison's shoulders to pull her close. Her head rest onto of the woman's blonde hair. "I will speak to Brother later about this. He will need to know, but not before time has cooled it enough that I will hold back his rage." For Richard would rage and most likely at the one he held in the greatest disdain which was Marygold. Ayita, as it was currently, was sorely tempted to let him but the team didn't deserve that. Nor did Guin who Richard cared for.

Looking towards the sound of a craft, her amber eyes narrowed as she urged Allison toward the door to the palor. "Someone has come." There was still an defeated slump to the woman's shoulders and a hurt look in her eyes as she made for the patio outside where she heard the ship. "We should see who it is who treads on our territory." Ayita wished she had her bow, and thought she might make like her brother did to have a ranged weapon on her always. But then again, Richard was wise in the ways of gun and she was not so fond of the foolish weaponry human's were constantly debating over.

Here we go! What do you think?

Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

Gen gently plucked the apron from the little Queen's hands before she could put it on. Vanishing it before the witch could protest. Gently steering her to the roughly hewed kitchen table with a firm sort of politeness. "While I appreciate the attempt, I'd much rather keep my kitchen to myself." The Warlord stated simply setting the Queen in a chair where Belor joined her with an amused look. "There is a mortal and pestle in those cupboards over there, if you wish to ready the herbs." The man noted towards a lonely looking cabinet that sat apart of the others before turning back to the kitchen having pluck the pan also from Fatima's hand.

Denar chuckled slightly at the scene as he gestured to Vaclav. "Gen enjoys working in the kitch and can be rather possessive of it." Belor smiled in agreement as he gesturing to the large table that would be more seated to fit six or more than the kitchen table that was being quickly overcrowded. Taking pity on the three new comers Denar decided to explain to them the reality of the brothers' relationship with Faeril. "Faeril Ashkevron is a family friend of ours and very good... Healer."

Belor nodded carefully as they skirted the witch's real caste, which was understandable as Black Widows were not thought highly of and were very dangerous witches with their snake tooth. "Mother needed more specialized attention and with the number of people seeking out Fae? It just wasn't going to work. We tried but there were things that were distressing to Mother and none of us wanted that." Belor pointed out more readily. "More however... What are you two planning to do now that you are here?" The Warlord Prince asked looking between Artemis and her escort.

Lucivar and Andressa would smell the sweet aroma of cooking food and well used herbs and be able to follow to smell to the kitchen. Though they would pass the slightly opened door where Faeril laid still in a restful slumber that was much needed and well earned.
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