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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 min ago

Guin Stark

Location: Second Sub Basement - the Danger Room
Skills: Electronics and Computers, Archery, Mental Link with Pietro Maximoff

Guin set down her devices and such with Beast in the control room, figuring that he would keep them safe. She didn't need all of that stuff on her while she was working with Wolverine, especially since she was certain he had a habit of smashing people's phones during Danger Room sessions. Maybe she was a little bit crazy for this - and sure, it was incredibly impulsive... But the only way to feel better about herself and her contributions to the team was to train harder.

So why not start with frickin' Wolverine?

"Thanks, Logan," she said, entering the Danger Room and closing the door behind her.

"Whatever you say kid," he said, as his claws ripped off the head of a Sentinel. "Watch yourself, not holding back with this one, last chance to leave," he added, charging and tackling another one.

"Whatever, not like I'll die in here..." Guin muttered. The entire room seemed to be filled with Sentinels and she readied her bow, grabbing an EMP arrow and she fired at the nearest Sentinel. Yet in the second that her eyes closed to blink, she saw a flash of Muscles making sure she was safe at Stark Tower from these monsters and it became very difficult for her to breathe. Her aim was off and the arrow didn't hit her target.

"Watch yourself, you can still get hurt," Wolverine said as a Sentinel made a grab for Guin, but it missed her. Logan was currently in the process of ripping the head off of another Sentinel, so he likely wouldn't be able to help her too much.

"I-I'm fine!" Guin protested. She barely managed to keep her hands steady, but she got off the shot and it hit the Sentinel, taking it down. However, with as many as Wolverine had put in the program, she hadn't even made a dent. This had been a horrible idea and there was no backing out now. She wanted desperately to wake up from a nightmare and be in her bed with Pietro. Pietro I made a terrible choice I need your help, she called out tentatively, undoing the block.

What's going on Guina? Where are you? he responded. Another Sentinel made a grab for her, but once again, it missed her.

Danger Room with Logan. She bit her lip, yelping a bit at the Sentinel. She got another flash of Muscles - and of Nina standing around and talking, nearly getting them all killed. The bruises she had gotten from falling in an Iron Man suit due to that disaster had been awful. She grabbed another arrow, this time a bomb one, and sent it flying at the Sentinel. The holographic simulation burst into pieces and she let out a bit of a panicked breath.

Wait... Why the hell are you in the Danger Room with freaking Wolverine??? No one goes there, you know that! No one actively seeks out a training session with him!

Her head ached from how loud Pietro's voice had gotten. For a moment, her vision blurred as she fished in her quiver and reloaded with another boom arrow - or as she was tempted to call them, another boom boom arrow. I was feeling depressed and impulsive! She jumped a bit at the last second, causing the arrow to go off aim and fly by a few others, before hitting a wall. However, as it exploded, it took down another Sentinel.

It was almost sad - it was a training simulation and she was finally actually able to make some slight progress against a threat.

...Why were you feeling depressed Guina, what's wrong? And I'm on my way down there... came his response. The Sentinels still weren't able to grab a hold of Guin for some reason.

I don't wanna talk about it. She sent off another arrow, slamming into the Sentinel and it exploded. It would have been a happy moment, had it not been for the chain reaction it set off. Five other Sentinels exploded and the debris went everywhere, some of it landing on Guin and forcing her to the ground. Her leg was pinned and she couldn't move. "Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck!"

New Player Entering, Quicksilver, a computerized voice said loudly, and Pietro raced over to Guin. Clearly even without his speed, Pietro had some strength, and easily was able to move the metal off of her. "You alright Guina?" he asked.

"I-I'm fine..." she said, getting up. She took out her last bomb arrow that she had on her, hitting the Sentinel dead on. She then swore as it caused yet another reaction, debris coming at her and if it hadn't been for the speedster, she would have been crushed. "...I can't do anything right..." she mumbled sadly, looking like she was about to cry.

"Hey, it's okay Guina, you are doing great!"

"Oh yeah? I bet Logan disagrees with you."

"Not sure, he's over there decapitating a lot of Sentinels, pretty sure he isn't paying much attention to what the hell you are doing over here."

It would have been really helpful had Logan been around when O.M.E.N. attacked, Guin realized. Maybe Muscles would have still been alive. She bit her lip again, notching an acid arrow and she let it fly. It hit a Sentinel, slowly melting it and Guin was still shaking a bit, her eyes watery. "I-I suck at this..."

"You are doing a great job Guina, don't you dare tell yourself otherwise!"

"I-I can't even use my powers against these things..." she then mumbled. Pietro's pep talk was cheering her up slightly and her hands had stopped shaking. However, she still looked pretty pale and tired, having the occasional flash of Muscles dead on the ground at the O.M.E.N. facility enter her mind. Her breathing was irregular as well. She drew another acid arrow, her fingers feeling numb as she gripped it. Once released, it melted another Sentinel.

"So? It doesn't matter Guina... Powers can only get you so far, it is up to you to make the most of what you've got."

Guin nodded a bit, ignoring the Sentinels for a moment and she gave Pietro a tight hug, resting her head on his chest since she was basically a foot shorter than him. He was already making her feel better. She shut her eyes for a moment and started to shake again, seeing the image of the battered corpse of the speedster again. "...You're the best, Silver Balls."

"So, let's see about taking these things out yeah?" he said with a smile.

"Okay," Guin said softly. "I'm almost out of the cheap arrows...Don't really want to use the adamantium tipped ones..."

"Don't worry, we shouldn't have too much difficulty with them..."

She hesitated, debating telling him that she kept having waking nightmares about Muscles. Instead, she just nodded again, grabbing a flash arrow. It was essentially a glorified firework on the end of an arrow. She let it loose, managing to take a few down.

Pietro smiled at her, before he phased through one or two or them, ripping them apart, and Wolverine took the remaining ones out rather easily. "Danger, end the program," Wolverine said simply as the projections disappeared and he left the room.

Guin collapsed the bow so that way it was more portable and then tucked it back over her shoulder. Something about what Wolverine had said specifically caught her attention and she glanced around the room for a moment, touching one of the wall panels. Her mind was going a million miles a second for that brief pause before she turned back to Pietro. "...Sorry for wasting your time..."

"Don't worry... Helping you out for any reason isn't a waste of time to me..."

She smiled a bit at that, drying her eyes. She really hoped Beast and Wolverine wouldn't tell anyone she was basically crying over her boyfriend being really sweet to her. "You're way too nice to me, Piet."

"I don't think I am," he said, still smiling at her.

Dean Kesseli

Location: First Floor - Staircase -> Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Dean got all the way down the staircase, glancing around for a moment and he didn't see anyone. The public telephone was available, something that was always a plus - but in this day and age, everyone had cell phones anyways so he didn't see much point to it. Maybe Xavier just kept forgetting to remove it from the plans each time the Mansion was rebuilt? It was one logical explanation for it, at least. He figured that he'd maybe check to see if anyone he knew was in the sitting room or the library - hopefully avoiding Ayita in the process - and he walked forward.

Eventually, he came upon Carolina, Mira, and Annie. He grinned, seeing them. He considered Annie and Carolina to be friends - maybe he felt a little more for Carolina - and it was definitely nice to see them. It was then that an idea popped into his head, hearing them talking about maybe getting pizza or something. "Hey you guys - do you want to go make ice cream floats in the kitchen?" he asked, hoping to spend some time with them. "I don't think Quicksilver drank all of the good soda this time, so it might be fun."

He then waved a bit awkwardly at Carolina. "Oh and we could order take out for dinner too, if you guys are hungry?" He knew that a few places delivered to the Mansion - after assurances that nothing dangerous was going on there at the moment, of course.

"Oh, yeah, Mira, that was legit super cool!" Dean exclaimed, grinning at her. "THE Storm?! What a day man, what a day."

Neil Spellman

Location: Library - Ground Floor
Skills: N/A

Neil really wished that he could have just spontaneously combusted when Sara told Quicksilver that they were making out. It was almost worse than her suggestion that he show off his art work to people. Neil loved to draw, but he never let anyone see his drawings. Sara spotting the drawing he had done had been an accident - a mistake that he hoped would never happen again before he died. Though if she found out the pig was supposed to be her, Neil was pretty certain Sara would kill him anyways.

He wished that Quicksilver hadn't left. "Um so... Those two are gross, right?" Neil mumbled. He didn't do very well talking to Sara. He figured though that it would be easy to score points by demonstrating an understanding of how annoying cute Guin and Pietro were with each other. He was pretty surprised they hadn't had a pregnancy scare or twenty with how they behaved, too. Or maybe they did and just didn't tell anyone?

"B-but on the art show thing... I'd love to hear you sing... Just... not sure I'm comfortable showing off my art..." He had turned slightly pink.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Richard Laine

Location: Hallway ---> Formal Sitting Room

Richard snapped from his rush of thoughts and gave Tatl a stern look. "That- is unkind to say of my sister." He stated coldly. Child or no he would not hear of insults to his beloved baby sister. To be quite honest this buzzing girl was obnoxious to the point of annoyance. Little wonder Ayita was one of the few particularly young children he could be around. "I'm merely curious what she is up to, she rarely does anything wrong. Perhaps a bit oddly, but not wrong." Looking to Tael he gave a slight smirk as the calmer boy flew about.

"That 'weirdo' girl is only so weird as you are." He informed the pixie girl, Tatl. Turning on his heels the man stalked down the hall to the front palor. Ducking under the pixie's feet. It was a retreat that was true, but he honestly didn't give a damn at the moment. This girl was a faux fairy who was so very like a demon of torment. Rapping knuckles on the door the palor, he ducked into the room. Shutting the door firmly behind him, being careful lest he catch the girl in the frame in his attempt to escape her. "This is why I adored Ayita. She. Is. Quiet." He gritted out with a wearied sigh. Giving a small nod to Dean, and the others in the room he collapsed into a chair.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Outside

Ayita pulled up short as her amber eyes narrowed on the woman approaching the manor. Stepping slightly in front of Allison, the tall Alaskan narrowed her eyes as she studied this new comer for she was unlike anyone Ayita had ever seen. Which was not always a good thing, though as Storm smiled Ayita retracted the step, her eyes softening from their keen edge as she pointedly did not respond to Marygold. That woman should be happy that Ayita was not demanding satisfaction for the insult to her brother. "It is no bother." Her voice as quiet as ever in contrast to her tall and limber form. Ayita had heard of Storm from various talk about the school and her family. The woman was an ally in every sense and Ayita had no reason to doubt that.

Though her head whipped about as two figures dropped from the sky. With eyes of the tiger, her lips pulled back in a snarl as the beast within her uncurled in preparation for a fight. Things that dropped from the sky hadn't been good in her past experiences. Though she paused as Mary identified them. Relaxing she let out an annoyed breath. "Why is it we have- people showing up at the Mansion? And-" Ayita grumbled on a private thought to Allison, her eyes shifting to the blonde woman before her eyes once more were drawn to the chattering group. "Cats." She stated firmly and with a bit of wonder. Making a wide berth around Marygold while pointedly ignoring the woman, Ayita was lured by the carrier. Her eyes still looking like a cats as she studied the furry shapes. It was best she ignored their 'leader' for now, Ayita mused. She was not sure she would be able to handle another insult.

But she was incredibly interested in the cats. Her mother had never allowed pets and she did care for the odd injured bird at the mansion but they never stayed. They were stirring from sleep, and Ayita bent and reached out carefully with a chittering mewl of her own to catch their attention and greeting. A tiger's chuff. "You can let them run loose outside if you wish. There is no predator that will prey upon them for none would dare pass into my territory. If they do, I shall deal with them, if that is not too barbaric." Ayita couldn't keep the snarl from voice, though it was soft, as she cast a furious look at Marygold as she stood. "You care for them well, and good of you for it." Her amber turned to Gambit as she considered the man a small smile gracing her face as she dismissed Marygold by firmly turning her back on the woman. Not a sign of trust but of scorn. "They are mighty hunters." Ayita purred at the carrier. Enthralled by the small balls of fuzz she would dwarf.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Chemical Lab -- First Sub-basement ---> Formal Sitting Room -- Ground Floor

There was some relief when Carolina confessed that she too, got turned around in this place. There were four or so floors, with how many acres outside? It would be no surprise to Antoinette if more people got turned around in this place. Lance smiled tentatively at her and Antoinette happily returned the understanding smile before she left with her friend. They made it up the stairs when Carolina announced they had pizza. Her stomach grumbled in response and she nodded eagerly.
”I am starving!” She rested her head against her friend’s shoulder, holding her rumbling stomach. Soon they were joined by Mira, talking of someone who had shown up.
”Oh? Who’s here? I’ve been downstairs all day. Oh Carolina! You will have to see the set pieces now! I’ve gotten so much done but still, I wish you would join me.” She had been trying to get her to join her in painting and drawing the sets ever since Dean asked her to. Shortly after that, Dean walked into the room.
Antoinette waved happily at him before she latched onto Carolina again. Her eyes sparkled at the mention of ice cream floats and then more food.
”Oh, we came upstairs at just the right time,” she decided. She looked over at the door, hearing a knock and then Richard walked in. She simply watched him walk in and collapse into a chair but not before he acknowledged Dean. He looked positively drained.
Antoinette remembered his apple slices downstairs and was uncertain she should bring up the subject. She looked back at Carolina.
”Let’s go to the kitchen,” she said, wanting to give him space. Besides, she was starved and was rather looking forward to the wide assortment of food they were about to have.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Outside

Allison had followed Ayita outside to meet the mysterious guest. She had never met the previous Xmen before (at least, those outside of the current residence) but she knew of them. She knew who Storm was before Mary even had to introduce. "Yes, I know who she is. It is an honor to meet you Storm. Or do you prefer Ms. Munroe? Sorry, I am a bit surprised to see you." It was not as much as meeting THE Tony Start, but they were celebrities in their own way, especially to other mutants.

In a flash, two more were on them. "Is it a reunion or something? Is everyone going to come? Nice to meet you both as well." She wasn't sure if Remy was referring to them as babies, but she would let it go due to the man's extreme handsomeness and for the fact Rogue kind of scared her. In a good way.

She hadn't paid much attention to Ayita until she noticed the woman playing with...kittens? Ayita was not one to showcase extreme emotion, but the very fact she was holding a cat, let along fawning over it (in her own way) made Allison feel mushy inside. "Aww look at the preciousness! They are so cute!"

Sara Grey

Location: Library - Ground Floor

Sara chuckled lightly. "Yeah, they are a bit weird. Then again, couples tend to be weird." She moved over to her original seat and sat down, looking over at Neil now that she got him to open up more, even just a little bit. "I obviously wouldn't make you showcase if you didn't want to, but you got serious talent there. I think others would appreciate it, but that's just my two cents."

She noticed that the others hadn't come back yet. "They've been gone a bit. Hopefully it isn't for anything bad. Want to go find them or stick around and plot against them in the campaign?" she asked with a sly grin. She had almost forgotten they were in the middle of a game before everyone ran off to different ends.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Formal Sitting Room.
Skills: N/A

Carolina smiled at Annie and nodded. "I'm sure theres more than enough pizza to go around." She said smiling at her friend as she ruffled her hair a little bit. "After Neil's game, if there isn't anything else to do tonight if you want I could help you out with the rest of the set pieces. I would really love to see what you've made so far." Carolina said happily, as she looked up seeing Mira coming into the room she waved towards her. "Who was in that ship thing that landed outside?" Carolina did want to go outside and check it out, but she wasn't sure if it was her place really to go and see who it was.

Then a few seconds later Dean came into the room, and blushed ever so slightly towards him as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Hi Dean." Carolina smiled slightly towards him, as she felt Annie tugging at her she was craving for some kind of floats as well at the moment as well. "Sounds like a great idea to me, we can score some food in there to maybe as well if theres anything left that is." Carolina said softly, she then looked over and noticed Richard coming into the room and gave the man a slight wave towards him.

Bethany Bell

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement
Skills: N/A

Bethany went over and started to help out Lance with picking up the mess and then wiping them off into the basket as she ran a hand through her hair. "It's up to you really, i'm kind of bored and don't have anything else really planned tonight." Bethany said shrugging slightly, she did think about going up to her room and watch some horror movies, maybe see if Sara wanted to as well or not. Once she had finished up cleaning.

She still hadn't seen Pietro at all today so she assumed that Guin was off doing something on her own right now as well, as she looked over at Lance. "Any idea where you think she would hang out?" Bethany asked, she didn't really get to much time to know Guin really that much other than being around Pietro constantly.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Formal Sitting Room (First Floor)

"Yeah, well, Storm wasn't the only one... Looked like a few others might have been showing up when I had walked inside..." Mira said softly, looking at the group in the Sitting Room. It was becoming a bit on the crowded side within the room, but she was finding that at the moment, she didn't really care. She was trying to branch out and interact with other people, but she still found it a bit difficult. Large groups was never really her strong suit, but she was learning to deal with them.

Nodding her head at Dean, she was about to ask Richard what it was that he was going on about, when there was a slight gust of wind in the room, and two little kids came flying in. The girl with white wings (and sparkles to go with them) while the other had more like a dark red or purplish color (still complete with sparkles!). Mira knew that the place was a school, but she was a bit on the curious side as to why these kids went straight over to Richard, and why the girl looked a little bit on the mad side.

"You are incredibly rude! You can't talk to me like that! Just who do you think you are treating me that way! How would you like it if people called you names!" Tatl snapped at him, buzzing around his head. Tael landed on the ground, shaking his head slightly at his sister.

"I think you are overreacting slightly Tatl, you did kind of call his sister weird..."

Lance Banner

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement

"Honestly... Knowing Guin she could be just about anywhere in the mansion... She was acting a bit weird to me, maybe had something to do with the fact that she hasn't seen her boyfriend all day... But we can do something else... I'm open to suggestions, since I'm pretty sure finding Guin when she's not in the electronics lab is like finding a needle in a hay stack... The mansion has so many places someone could go, and it is a little bit on the annoying side when it is like that, but whatever... Can't do much about it can we?" he said, giving Beth a smile as they finished up cleaning up the mess.

He contemplated telling Bethany about what had caused him to get pissed off like that and smash things, figuring that she probably knew at the least that it was a conversation with his father. Lance guessed he probably owed her an explanation, but was still processing the information he had gotten from that call himself. "So, where do you want to go or what do you want to do? I am horrible at making decisions, so you choose..."

Marygold Isley

Location: Outside

The cats in the carrier started meowing loudly, pawing to try and get out of the carrier. Mary laughed slightly at them, while Rogue rolled her eyes slightly, "Let the little rascals out Remy, otherwise they might never be quiet again."

"They are not rascals mon amie!" Gambit huffed. However, he then nodded at Ayita and Allison. "Oui, bien sur! Mes chats are the bestest hunters in zhe world!" He then undid the latch, letting the cats out. The cats bolted out of the carrier, rubbing up against Ayita, before tumbling over to Allison, rubbing against her legs and purring. Soon, the three started wrestling, trying to get the most attention over each other. It was an adorable little sight as the red (crazy people call it orange), blue (crazy people call it gray) and white (just normal boring white) cats went rolling by in a bit of a blur.

Mary couldn't help but laugh at them, "Really Remy? Those three are fighting for attention?"

"What, chère? It's been a long ass flight and they ain't got nearly enough pets! Rogue wouldn't let me take 'em out during the trip."

"Of course I wouldn'! Did ya really think it was smart to take them out while we were up in the air? No? Good, cause I knew ya would have freaked had ya accidentally dropped one of them!"

"I would not drop one of my babies mon amie!"

"...You do have a point Allison," Mary said, giving her a smile, before turning towards the others. "Guessing you all came to talk to Xavier? It is what Ororo mentioned..."

"Yeah, it is what Quicksilver had said to me at the least when he came racing to Wakanda."

Gambit started to glare once Quicksilver was mentioned. "Naw, I came here to kill Quicksilver."

"Remy, would you stop holding a grudge against Pietro? It has been 5 years since that happened, and Pietro has done nothing but help us since he joined the team!"

"He nearly killed Goldie mon amie!"

"You'll have ta excuse him," Rogue said, addressing Allison and Ayita, "He's had a grudge against Quicksilver for years. Yeah, though, we're here to talk ta Xavier." Mary rolled her eyes slightly at the conversation. Honestly in her opinion Gambit was overreacting just a little bit, but there was probably a decent way she could get pay back. Pulling a single plant seed out of her pocket, she wandered over to the wrestling cats and the seed sprouted into catnip. She handed the plant to them, and after a few minutes the cats tore off running into the mansion.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Richard Laine

Location: Formal Sitting Room

Richard glared at the two pixie children as they whirled into the room. One hand propping up his head as he narrowed a snake-esque eye at Tatl. "I will speak to you as I choose. You would to well to learn to respect your elders, little Tinkerbell. As well as heeding your own advice." Though he looked stern, his tone was firm and not cruel. Though he was going to let out that bit of cruelty out on some unfortunate soul the next time he sparred someone other than his sister or any woman. Giving a smirk at Tael's actions Richard couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"You say calling people names is rude, but did you not call my sister weird as your brother said?" The assassin pointed out with annoyance. "As for who I think I am? An assassin, well, former." The man smiled with a mocking grin. "Currently I'm a protective brother and I guess you could call me Ayita's tutor in how humans work when she bothers to ask. It's all rather curious at how our dear mother screwed up so badly. Though, I'll call it a blessing in the long run."

Richard mused absently, not even really talking to the annoy Tatl so much as the calmer Tael. "If Ayita is strange perhaps it is because you expect a human mind at all times. Well, what happens then the human mind is put on hold for... five years or so? Five years of thinking only of survival and learning how to shift and move through mountain, sea, and sky. Never knowing if you'll be able to shift back to what you were born as because there is always that constant barrage of the instincts of every creature battering at you." Shaking his dark head, Richard smiled fondly. "I admire her for it, and for remaining human. Her life would be easier if she gave into the urge of the sea." There was a sadness in the assassin eyes that turned to iron as he looked at Tatl. "And you will be nothing but polite to her. Else I may make sure there's only meatloaf in the kitchen for the next year." Poor him! Having a hard month of worrying about his sister when she was in the North with her 'mate'. Now she was back and he was second in her eyes, though he understood why she didn't tell him everything. She was private. It was how she was, had always been.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Outside

Ayita blinked as the cats rubbed up against her, moving to give them the attention they desired before they move onto Allison. She had little to do with tamed creatures, if one could call a cat 'tame'. They were selective beings that chose the person and not the other way around. "Do not let them loose in the air. For all your care they do not have the song of the wind in their veins." Ayita stated softly to Gambit with a slight glint in her amber eyes as she studied the man who was seeking Pietro's life. "You would do well to speak with my Brother. He would find you most interesting." They had a similar attitude about them. The strange language that was French that slipped from Remy was partly understandable due to the few words Richard would mutter to her or himself in those late nights when comfort was found in quiet companionship.

Turning from the group, Ayita repressed a sneer as Marygold planted a seed of catnip and grew it. The kittens snatching it to race into the manor. Stamping on the rising urge to start a fight with the woman, Ayita nodded to Allison before shifting from woman to large several. Her hide rippling over muscles that had been hone on the hunt. Sniffing the carrier to catch the scent of the three troublemakers, Ayita turned towards the manor giving Marygold that wide berth and even placing Allison between the two of them as she pointedly ignored the woman. Flicking her tail she easily bounded after the cats, casting a thought back to Remy to perhaps ease the man's mind if it reached him. "I watch small cats. Not eat. Safe they be." There was a certain snarl the mind voice about the eating bit and it didn't feel completely human. Keeping pace the large several sniffed about looking to locate the three ruffians.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 min ago

Guin Stark

Location: Second Sub Basement - the Danger Room -> First Sub Basement - Chemical Laboratory
Skills: N/A

Guin then blushed slightly, realizing that the two of them were pretty much just staring at each other in the Danger Room. She was pretty hungry too, she then noticed. It was odd - she had gone pretty much all day without eating and now that she finally had some quality time with her boyfriend, her stomach was grumbling. It was annoying, really - they could have been making out by now! "So um... How was your day?" she asked Pietro, still staring at him.

"It's been okay... Been running across the ocean and back again for Xavier, stopped by a few places here in the states too... A little boring honestly..."

"I'm surprised you agreed to be a messenger pigeon for him..." Guin added softly.

"...Why is that surprising? I mean, not like we really had anything planned for today... Plus I usually do a bit of running when I get bored... I've been to other countries on the fly before, you know that... Just this caused me to be away longer than I had thought..." he said as he pulled a Twinkie from his pocket and tossed another one to her as he started eating one. "Besides, I got you something."

"I would've gone with you if you asked..." Guin pointed out, catching the Twinkie. She just put it into her pocket, not intending on eating it just then.

"Eat the Twinkie Guina, you can't hide the fact that you might actually be hungry from me. Eat something, now!" he said, looking at her. "Then I'll give you the present I got you."

She rolled her eyes. When people told her to do something, it made her not want to do that thing at all. "I don't like being handed things."

"Fine, no present and no kisses either for you then!"

Maybe he was bluffing. Maybe he was being completely serious. And maybe if she hadn't been feeling particularly emotionally vulnerable already that day, Guin would have continued to be stubborn and refused to eat. Instead, she took out the Twinkie from her pocket and quietly ate it, not really saying anything. The threat of no kisses made her feel a little bit guilty - which in turn made her feel like she was clingy and needy - and then an entire other cascade of negative emotions.

Pietro gave her a smile, before he raced behind her and placed a hat on her head that was identical to the one he was wearing. "Tada! New hat!"

"Thanks," she said, forcing a smile.

"...Are you okay Guina?"

She nodded, brushing hair out of her eyes that had fallen into her face when Pietro put the hat on her. "Yeah, I'm fine...I'm glad you had fun today, though, running all over the place and stealing hats apparently."

"...You don't seem okay Guina, please... Tell me what's wrong?"

"...Just been getting flashes of Muscles again... Feeling useless... Then shitty over you saying you won't kiss me again... And feeling pathetic," Guin mumbled, looking down. "Got into a fight with my dad, too... So that's great."

"Hey, it's okay Guina... Don't worry..." he said softly, before pulling her into his arms.

She nodded a bit, putting her arms around him as she took a deep breath. She was short enough that her head was pretty much on his chest and she could hear his heartbeat. Sometimes, when she couldn't sleep at night, she would just listen to it. Other times, she'd wake him up and inform him they were going to binge watch Batman: the Animated Series. Both approaches seemed to be effective. "Then Richard started fucking with me... You should beat him up, it was really annoying..."

"Hey, maybe I will," he said with a grin, "Been looking for an excuse to kind of beat him up anyway, he is so annoying."

She couldn't help but giggle at that. "I had told him to fuck off - and then he sent me a text saying he was flattered but I wasn't his type. So you definitely should beat him up for that."

"Gladly Guina."

"I love you."

"I love you too Guina."

Guin then stood on her toes and gave him a quick kiss, the fronts of their hats crashing into each other from the proximity and hers fell to the ground, knocked off of her head. Pietro smiled, before putting the hat back on her head, "Let's go see where everyone else is," he said with a smile, picking her up (and making sure that the hat didn't fall off her head) and raced up to the chemical lab.

"Or finding Guin would just take two seconds thanks to a speedster."

"Hey there Lance, Bethany," Pietro said with a slight wave setting Guin back on the ground.

"I was just downstairs...Did you miss me or something, Lando?" Guin asked, holding Pietro's hand and leaning against him.

"Just wondering where you had taken off to..."

"Oh, my dad needed me to call him back..."

"Sounds like a fun conversation Guina..."

Guin just shrugged a bit, not really wanting to talk about it - especially since Bethany was here and she didn't really know her all that well. It was would have been a little awkward to tell her this sort of thing, and there was a chance that Bethany might turn around and sell the story to some gossip magazine anyways. "So Lance... What are you and Beth up to?"

"Nothing really at the moment..."

Dean Kesseli

Location: First Floor - Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Dean then raised an eyebrow, looking at Richard. He looked deflated - as if he were made out of party balloons and someone had poked a tiny hole in him in order to let out the gas. "You okay, man?" Dean asked. He then saw two little fairy kids come over and start pestering Richard. It kind of reminded him of how some of the little kids liked to jump on Wolverine's back and ask for piggy back rides. How the mighty had fallen.

"Um, man, are those your kids or did you kidnap them or something?" Dean asked. "Because if you did, that's like super illegal and you'll need to put them back wherever you found them... Also, kind of weird for you to be kidnapping kids dude, no offense. Aren't you trying to not get put back in prison?" he pointed out. It was all incredibly confusing to him, especially since Richard seemed to be on a first name basis with the kids and was going on about Ayita. At the mention of the shifter, he felt a bit sick.

What if Ayita got mad that he had snapped at her and came back, looking for revenge? He was shaken out of his thoughts as he saw three cats tear on by, heading into the parlor. Dean snapped his head in that direction, incredibly confused."... You have cats too, Richard?"

Neil Spellman

Location: Library - Ground Floor
Skills: N/A

Neil's head hurt for a split second, but the pain faded away so quickly he didn't even really register what had happened. He shifted slightly in his chair, before he neatly packed away his art supplies and put them underneath the table where all of the Dungeons and Dragons stuff was set up. It was probably going to be about an hour he figured until people would want to come and play again, which was fine by him - it gave him chance to get up and stretch his legs some.

"Isn't that cheating if I help you plot?" Neil pointed out to Sara, his eyes darting up to meet hers as he smiled slightly. She really was pretty. He liked her a lot, so much that he had to make himself look away again as he got up from his seat. "Sure, we can go look for people..." he said. "Probably want to tell them we're regrouping in about an hour, then once we get to another stopping point I think we'll call it quits for tonight..." he reasoned. He really wanted them to get farther in the game before they ended the day's session.

Hopefully, the players in his game wouldn't be called away on any X-Men adventures that would interfere with the game. "Come on, maybe they're in the parlor or something..."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Afro Samurai
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Afro Samurai Like a Raisin in the Sun

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kamasi Adwoa

Location: First Sub-Basement, Gymnasium
Skills: N/A

He wore a white towel over his shoulder and a tanktop to accompany his nylon basketball shorts. Suicide sprints from one end of the gym to the other; sweat hit the ground and dripped in trails as he accelerated forward. He was nearing the end of his proverbial rope and sat down with his back propped against a wall. He swigged from a bottle of water and wiped sweat from his forehead. After catching his breath, he rose to his feet and curled the towel around his neck and walked to the men’s dorms where he picked out a fresh pair of clothes: a black turtleneck, a gold herringbone, a brown blazer and slacks and regular black dress shoes.

He layed it all out meticulous across the bed and then went to the showers. In a few minutes and now plenty clean, Kamasi went to his room and got dressed. Socks, undergarments, slacks, dress shoes, turtle neck, chain, blazer--in that order. He sat on his bed and buttoned his cufflinks while never breaking visage of the vanity mirror which sat at the foot of his bed. He was ready for the day. Inhale, exhale.

He exited his dorm and went up the stairs to meet the rest of the group, first to the formal sitting room.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Women's Dormitory -> Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Michelle sat on her bed leafing through her largest diary, reading by the sunlight that streamed through her window. It was coming up to 6 months at the Xavier Institute for Godless Heathens and she had yet to be persuaded that this really was the home for her. "I mean, she had been persuaded", Shelly admitted, old Charlie had convinced her to stay this long. He had a way of speaking and not just the directly into your bloody mind thing, Shelly guessed it was his conviction in his belief that no one is beyond redemption in a way only a powerful mind reader with a school full of broken human beings could be. It was this unconditional benevolence that had encouraged her to open up this much. The word "Chump" leapt out from the page at Shelly. "Chump. Me AND him." Shelly thought quietly, as to not be overheard.

Shelly paused from poking her cheek to moisten the finger ready to flip the page, but she wasn't really reading anymore. The idea when she sat down was to ask past Shelly for reasons to stay and go to make it easier but she was just getting lost in the detail. There was obviously value in both leaving and staying, but the swaying factor was the freedom or more over, the control. Here she could learn the discipline she never had in her youth because of her powers, now despite her powers. If she behaved as she promised, Xavier promised her "gift" could be channeled towards loftier goals than she could imagine, and he'd be the one to know. Shelly shut the diary, ritualistically fastening the really not that complicated clasp that just stopped the pages flapping around and plopped it ceremoniously back on the desk.

"Ah... Fuckin'..." Sailor Shelly muttered to herself while her language centre tried desperately hard to get an answer out of the calculation and planning parts of her brain. It roughly translated to what did she want to get done next? Shelly wandered out of her sanctuary and downstairs in hope of finding inspiration, or food, which ever came first. Shelly was pretty confident that she'd stumble on the latter first by design when, at the foot of the stairs, she could hear voice much more clearly. Outside, visitors were distantly chit-chatting amongst themselves, older people but younger than the grumps that haunted the basement, finally a chance to socialise with people her own age? While inside in the mmmm, Formal Sitting Room, kiddy winks were making a comparative racket.

Shelly didn't want to be percieved as ambushing new arrivals or mutie celebs on the stairs and reluctantly threw herself into the ball pit where, much to her surprise, she found an adult trying to keep the peace. Shelly tip-toed indiscreetly through the room to a spare armchair as to not disturb the tangent monologue adventure he'd taken us all on or the follow up tactical assault questions from the big child. Before she could answer he'd lost interest, but Big Brother didn't seem like the sort to take accusations of kidnapping lightly and with an "unexpected" visitation likely any moment now, Shelly thought it might be a good idea to diffuse this particular situation.

"Hey now, you can't just assume that. There's lots of ways to wind up here," Shelly directed at Dean, "he might have won them in a game of cards, for instance."

Diffuse? My bad mutie mindreaders.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Formal Sitting Room -- Ground Floor

”Oh that would be wonderful Carolina! We can go down and see the sets after we eat maybe. I’m not sure I’ll be able to paint more. My hands started to cramp just as I finished,” she admitted to her friend. She moved from Carolina and looked at her hands, flexing and extending the wrists a few times, releasing the joints so they cracked a several times.
She dropped her arms and let them hang relaxed at her sides while the rest of the room started to fill with conversation.
Antoinette vaguely knew of the former X-Men, the ones who gave it their name, besides Xavier of course. She didn’t know much of them other than what the news had portrayed, which you could never believe. She was excited to meet them, even if she didn’t understand why they were here.
Two fairy looking children walked or rather, flew into the room and started fluttering around Richard and accusing him of all sorts of things. Antoinette’s eyes widened and she glanced at Carolina before looking back at Richard for his reaction. The man never took kindly to that kind of attitude shown to him. No matter rank or age and when it seemed to be Ayita at the center of discord, well… Antoinette loved Ayita. She enjoyed whenever she got to talk or work with her and Antoinette had a habit of searching and finding her while she was in one of her various animal forms to sketch her out for a painting later.
Dean’s words were not helping matters. If it were any other person, Antoinette would wait to hear their statement to Dean’s question. He did come up with the most interesting observations.
”Oh Dean, what about those ice cream floats? I am so looking forward to those,” she said. Cats came crashing into the room and she instantly became distracted by them.
”Oh! I wish we could have pets Carolina!”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Formal Sitting Room.
Skills: N/A

Carolina watched as Richard was harassed by two really annoying fairy kid mutants, which made her smirk just ever so slightly it was kind of funny to see the two of them annoying Richard. A part of her still did hold a slight grudge when Richard held her at gunpoint when they first met. She looked over towards Dean when he asked Richard if he had kidnapped those kids or if those kids were actually his, and she shrugged slightly. "I think Richard would have had kids, and it be one of those girls that are like 'I like big butts and I cannot lie.' If he ever dated anyone, but it looks like the kids don't really have big butts either. So maybe they are his kids?" Carolina asked smirking a little bit, as she turned her attention back towards Mira.

"Storm is here? Who else is actually here now?" Carolina asked, as she was surprised to hear that a member of the original team was actually here at the mansion she would certainly really love to get to know her. As Carolina turned to her friend and smiled even more she was getting excited to see what Annie had been up to. "You could have always asked for help you know." Carolina said smiling at her friend, as she watched the door opening seeing three cats come bounding in, she certainly did have a thing for cats and quickly walked up to the nearest one. "I love cats." Carolina said as she knelt down and started to pet one of them.

Bethany Bell

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement
Skills: N/A

"I was thinking about going and watching a horror movie in my room or something." Bethany said shrugging slightly, she usually did spend most nights when not studying or doing school work in her room, either watching some kind of movie or TV show on her computer. As Bethany finished putting the remaining mess in the trash. She wasn't going to really push on what Lance had a conversation with his father, it felt like it was more of a personal thing as well. Bethany then looked over as she started to hear Guin's voice and Pietro's as well seeing the two of them.

"Speak of the devil." Bethany said smiling a bit as she rubbed the back of her neck slightly as she looked at Lance for a second. "I was about to go to my room, maybe watch a horror movie or something if you two want to join." Bethany said, she didn't really mind if they joined or not, or if Lance wanted to go and watch one as well if not she could always get her roommate Sara to join her if she wanted to as well.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Outside

Allison felt a warm sensation in her stomach seeing the furballs run around, and seeing Ayita in her element with them. She felt a bump on her leg as it smooshed against her. She picked up the kitty and nuzzled her face against it. "Oh my God...you are the cutest thing ever! I wanna smoosh you all day!" But she knew it would not last. These were not her cats as much as she wanted them to be. Plus, a pet would be a lot to take care of, especially one so young. She put the cat down.

She turned to face the others. "I haven't seen Xavier today, but I assume he is inside, same as always." The kitties all started running inside too. "Seems they are beating us to it. Come on in, everyone." Allison made her way into the mansion, keeping an eye on the little bundles of fur. She also wanted to make sure Ayita was doing okay, since she seemed to be ignoring Mary. It was frustrating having two people close to her like this.

Sara Grey

Location: Library - Ground Floor -> Formal Sitting Room - Ground Floor

Sara nodded, putting her phone away. "Yeah, let's go see what's going on. My curiosity is getting the better of me." She waited for Neil to get situated before she walked out. She kept a small distance from Neil, knowing the boy was not comfortable with her being so close to him. It kind of amused her, but she poked the bear long enough. The trek took a few minutes, but they saw some of the others in the sitting room.

Along with cats, apparently.

"Hello friends? Seems we have some cats running around? Never a dull moment here." She walked over to Richard who seemed to have his hands full in the small human category. "Do I even want to know?" she asked, referring to the little ones near him. He seemed a tad irritated and she couldn't help but feel glee at this.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Formal Sitting Room (First Floor)

Mira was being fairly quiet, just listening to the conversations around her. The cats had by now raced completely away from the room and were tumbling about in the parlor. As for Tatl and Tael, well... Let's just say it would be horrible to be in Richard's shoes at the moment. "You are so mean!!!!!" Tatl said, before she got an evil sort of grin on her face, glancing over at her brother. Tael nodded his head in agreement with his sister, and the pair flew around Richard really quickly, becoming practically a blur of fairy wings!

The sounds of giggles could be heard as Richard was covered in sparkles. The twins were giggling and flew up to be in opposite corners of the room from each other. They were up by the ceiling, laughing at Richard. Mira had to stop herself from giggling at that as well, figuring that Richard was not going to be in the best mood from that. She knew better than to make a comment about it, considering the fact that this had happened to Richard.

"Oh, uh... Think Rogue and Gambit showed up right before I came inside..." Mira said softly, looking over at Carolina, not really wanting to talk about what just happened to Richard.

Lance Banner

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement

"Um, well, I uh... Don't really care much for horror films," Lance said a bit quietly, he never had been a fan of horror movies. That sort of thing never really interested him at all, so it didn't really matter much in the long run. He also wasn't too thrilled at Pietro being in the room, at least at the moment, he actually wanted to talk to Guin alone about that phone call, not sure if Pietro would let her out of his sight for two seconds, let alone five minutes, which could be annoying most of the time.

"Horror movies sound like fun, but honestly I'd prefer to race around or something... Maybe play a video game or two," Pietro said with a smile, looking at Guin.

Lance rolled his eyes slightly at that, before turning to look at Guin, "Uh, hey, if you can get away from your boyfriend for a few minutes, I want to talk to you about something Guin..." he said, looking at her. The conversation was still in the back of his mind, not to mention he was curious as to what it was that she had been arguing with Tony about. Pietro in response rolled his eyes at Lance in response.

"You sound like we stick together all of the time or something..."

"...No offense, but you two kind of do... Aside from today that is..."

"Whatever you say."

Marygold Isley

Location: Outside -> Formal Sitting Room (First Floor)

"Yeah, you probably would find Xavier in his office or something... Have fun with that conversation..."

"Oh I ain't got nothin' good to say to that connard. He's as bad as Magneto these days."

Mary rolled her eyes slightly at that. She still was in the dark about what had caused the old team to sort of disband, no one had decided to enlighten her about that. It bugged her, but now was not the time to be asking questions about that. Odds were that it had something to do with the Professor considering how much Gambit was stating he hated him. "Whatever Remy, see you after your conversation with the Professor," she said, giving him a smile and waving slightly at the group before she headed inside. Storm, Rogue and Gambit headed for Xavier's office, while she headed straight ahead and found herself in the Sitting Room where most everyone else was.

She tried to hold back her slight giggle, but she couldn't help it, and eventually found herself laughing at Richard, before she looked up at the twins. "Guessing this was your doing?" she asked them, "Get down here you two, alright?"

Tael came down as he was asked, but Tatl was a little hesitant to do so, but eventually she flew down back to the ground right in front of where Mary was. "Alright, you two need to go fly off and leave poor Richard alone, okay?" she said softly, before she pulled out a few plant seeds, and sprouted flowers, handing one to each of them.

"Okay," they said in unison, before they flew away and out of the room with the flowers she had handed them. Mary was about to say something to Richard, but couldn't help but let out a slight laugh again seeing him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 24 min ago

Guin Stark

Location: First Sub Basement - Chemical Laboratory
Skills: N/A

While Lance hated horror movies, Guin had always enjoyed them. She didn't care too much for ones that involved kidnapping and the likes, having enough of that in her real life, but the supernatural and paranormal horror films? She could easily binge watch a few of them. "Depends - what movie are you thinking of?" Guin said to Bethany. She didn't really know Beth that well, but movies were always fun and it was late enough in the day to properly enjoy one.

However, as Pietro gave her a smile, saying that he wanted to run around and play video games, her knees felt weak. His smile always got her heart racing. It was an incredibly tempting offer, only complicated by Lance saying that he wanted to talk to her in private. Why couldn't he have talked to her earlier in the day, before Pietro showed up? She hadn't seen him all day and... No, she was a better friend than this. She could take a few minutes to talk to Lance, right? "...Did you want someone to go with you for a run or is it more of a solo thing?" Guin then asked Pietro.

"Eh, either works... I'll be back real quick though if you don't want to tag along, just a quick race around the mansion or something."

I do really want to go with you... Guin admitted to him quietly through their mental link. And I want to make out with you. A lot. She then looked away from Pietro, her cheeks a bit pink. "Alright Lando, we can go talk."

Why does that not surprise me? he responded through the link with a slight mental laugh. Shut up! Rude! I'm not the one laughing at me! That's all you being rude! Her face was a bit scrunched up and Guin crossed her arms. You told me to shut up, so that is rude! I am not rude! Whatever... I love you... Love you too Guina. Love you more Piet! No, I love you more!

Dean Kesseli

Location: First Floor - Formal Sitting Room --> the Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Dean looked alarmed at Shelly's suggestion. Sad thing was, he sometimes wondered if something along those lines had happened to his biological sister, Max. While he had been adopted by a nice and normal family, she had been adopted by a gang leader in New York City who used orphaned mutants as muscle. It was one explanation for why he hadn't heard anything about Max in ages - at least it was better than the idea that she might have been dead. "...Yeah, come on Annie, let's go to the kitchen," he said, shaking his head slightly. Thinking about Max wasn't always a happy topic.

He then chuckled a bit at Carolina's observation. She was pretty - pretty and funny. Dean shook his head when Sara came into the room - she most definitely did not want to know what was going on. He wasn't sure whether to believe what Shelly and Carolina and all were saying. His eyes just kept darting at Richard, a bit worried for the safety of the fairy kids when they dropped glitter on him. After all, Ayita terrified him and Richard... He felt like Richard was his friend, but in the way that a little uncool kid (Dean) was friends with the star of the football team (Richard).

"...Yup, kitchen..." Dean mumbled, wanting to remove himself from this situation. He then left the room and entered the kitchen, hoping Annie and Carolina would follow.

Neil Spellman

Location: Library - First Floor --> Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Neil nodded, following after Sara. He heard a lot of voices nearby, so he figured there had to be a big group of people nearby or something. Sure, it could have just been a bunch of students getting ready to work on some project together or heading out to one of the malls nearby, but it also could have been the current X-Men team all in one spot. And they still needed to track down the remaining D&D members, in order to see if they'd be able to properly finish their session for this day.

He glanced around the room when he entered. Everyone was more or less doing what he expected - though Richard was covered in glitter and Neil was a bit surprised. Richard had a reputation like Wolverine around the Mansion. He wasn't someone that people messed with in general. Of course, voicing his opinions would require talking and Neil wasn't one for crowds. He practically backed himself up against the wall, wanting to avoid real human interaction if at all possible.

There was one thing scarier than O.M.E.N. after all: talking to people.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 5 days ago

Richard Laine & Ayita Dyrkin

Location: Formal Sitting Room

Richard gave Dean and one of the newer 'kids' to come to the school a smoldering look of annoyance. "Apparently I insulted one for simply speaking." The Adder stated dryly as he lounged in the chair. Not really caring about the little fairy winged children. He had handled worse than them in his life and that worse than them came barreling into the room. Three kittens tumbling about in a ball of fur with the sleek form of his sister following them. That horrid little nagging thought about being an uncle erupted in his mind making him sit a bit straighter as the kits ran from the room.

Ayita glanced at her brother with a irritated look, shifting to her human form a hand covering her nose as she scented the dreaded catnip. The smell wasn't what was bothering her but rather the buzz that was coming into her head from it. The serval in her wanted to roll about in it and enjoy entire fields, but Ayita's fury was boiling like the thunder on the high mountain tops. She had felt that before, she had been in that haze before and all she wanted to do now was curl against her brother and sob with grief. Casting an amber gaze at the glitter covered man, Ayita eyed the twin pixies and wondered how fast they flew. Not fast enough she would wager, but that was hardly her problem.

"Do you-?" It was a half formed thought but Richard well knew what Ayita was asking. Shaking his dark head, the man brushed himself off with a noise that resembled an irritated rattle snake. He had just laundered this shirt! So perhaps he was a bit fussy with his clothing, but he did like to look good. How he managed that with his sister though was a mystery to others, Richard however was not ignorant. Ayita was a fastidious as he, perhaps more so. For she hunted about the manor regularly, honing the skills she had taken years to acquire, and never had returned bloodied or looking as though she had just feasted on some hapless prey. Though what was curious was why his sister was looking as though, in her terms, a skunk had entered the room. The fury he read in her eyes put the assassin on high alert. Something was off and while he didn't know what it was... Narrowing his blue-green gaze at his youngest sister, Richard raised a brow.

Shaking her head, Ayita sent a feeling rather than a though. Bared fangs and a clear signal he was to leave this to her. Richard dealt with his own problems and she had made a clear point with her 'mating' to Damon that she was capable. More than that, she knew it hurt him to have missed all those fun moments in her life that had been stolen from her by their bitch of a mother. Touching his arm as she passed, she brushed away some of the glitter to kiss him chastely on the brow. A affection to gave to so many few. But this was the shield she would use as her gaze fastened as Marygold as the woman ushered the children out and turned to giggle at the older Laine.

Her fangs fought to be bared in that wolf's warning for a lesser to back down, but she held it in check. What she did not hold in check was the slight straightening of her hunched position as she gripped Mary's arm in a vice grip. Not tight enough to hurt but the plant mutant would not find a easy escape as Ayita had the height and was undoubtedly stronger. "You will come with me and we will speak." Ayita stated firmly. This wasn't the soft voice that was her speaking but a deeper and resounding order. A command from one who could and did issue them. The eyes of a wolf looked at Marygold and Ayita bared her teeth in what she hoped was a smile though she feared it was more of a snarl. She was the alpha wolf in the North, and this mutant-human would learn the err of her ways.

A mental shove to the wild side of her, Ayita lessened her mental tone slightly. No less firm though. "Or you may speak to Brother. Easy or hard, but we will speak. This has been too long in the coming." There was a undertone of dark humor, as if Richard would not be only one Marygold would face if she refused. Though he look Richard was casting Mary was one that did not speak of anything good. He was dissecting the situation in truth. Trying to find out what was wrong and what the woman's transgression was. Whatever it was it was serious enough Ayita was acting on it.

Moving so her arm wrapped about behind the red haired woman, Ayita steered her from the room and into the formal dinning room or thus was her intent. Richard was halfways moving to stand and follow, though the warning look from his sister had the Adder frozen as he reconsidered. Something was going down, that was for sure. If anything, Richard sighed, he could blame Damon for this. The man had brought the woman out of the wolf (or vice versa) and honestly? He wasn't sure that was a good thing at times.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Michelle "Shelly" Diggby

Location: Formal Sitting Room
Skills: N/A

Shelly smiled her naughty smile, some good natured ribbing had made her almost forget she was in permenant mutie group therapy. It was hard not to smile, the giggles of the fairy girl were infectious like a baby's and a game at Serious Sibling's expense was afoot. Its was hard not be naughty, it was just her nature. Michelle sat forward, her eyes lit up dangerously.

"I love cats,"

Puke. She started so strong too. Shelly chalked it up to having less interest in a man almost twice their age than her Powerpuff Pals, which was more than understandable. Shelly wondered if it was too early to pre-judge her as a "one of them" and maybe in a more controlled environment would demonstrate her more respectable side, it wasn't really though was it? Despite exposing her true colours, Shelly still reckoned the "fat ass" angle might have potential. The game was still on.

"...Yeah, come on Annie, let's go to the kitchen,"

He looked genuinely saddened by the idea these two happy children only arrived in mutie heaven on Earth because of a card game, which was perplexing. Michelle contorted her facial features into one that better telegraphed that it was just a joke, but the magic was already gone, the tension was slaughtered and the opportunity: lost. That boy was WAY too sensitive or WAY too dumb, and to think he held a shaky finger on an unspecified armageddon button. Man alive. Michelle slumped back in her armchair, retreating deep into her hoodie, and before she'd even realised it, she was back to stress squeezing her face, double knuckles to cheeks, which emphasised her already ludicrous pout. It was going to take a tremendous faux pas from Grim Kin to return to regular play.

The giggling had become one of those irritating, itchy infections, or maybe that was the feline presence, and Shelly only held back from intervening because she admittedly was powerless to stop them and it would only make her a target of hijinxs, which she really did not want. Much to her surprise however, the fairy twins could be controlled. Bribery, Shelly commited to memory. The new guest was pretty cute and her ability to end the ear torture certainly improved Shelly's opinion of her. It came as quite a shock then when one of the cats morphed back into a human and attempted to whisk the ginger away. She didn't know her from Eve but the catgirl gave off wicked typical bad mutie vibes and the brother was just not bothered, if anything he supported this behaviour. Maybe that was harsh, he didn't condemn this behaviour. Michelle rocked forward, returning to being poised on the edge of the seat, a hand wrapped around the arm to help her spring out if need be. Shelly wanted clarity, she did not want to have to break up a teenage mutie hero scuffle, and decided to inquire politely.

"OI!" Miss Diggby scolded Richard with before she really knew where she was going with this,"start tutoring and tell your feral sister 'paws off' before I get hose."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Outside -> Formal Sitting Room

Allison walked in with the others, watching the kittens run around, being all adorable. Ayita seemed tense, but she noticed the woman was at least more comfortable with the animals. She didn't hear the conversation with Dean and Mary before, but it caused Dean to freak out and Ayita felt guilty. She knew that. So upon entering the Formal Sitting Room, Allison had a lot to witness. She didn't see what occurred before, though Richard appeared more sparkly than he had before.

Allison looked over to Ayita who took Mary in a rather forceful grip out of the room. She knew the two needed to work some things out. And then it happened. One of the other people in the room Allison hadn't taken notice of started talking. And her comment made Allison feel a burning sensation inside of her. Who the hell was this person and why did she feel the need to comment about Ayita to her own brother like that?

Nope, Allison was not having any of that. She walked over to the woman and stood in front of her. "Excuse me, bitch? I don't even know who the hell you are? Where do you get off talking about someone like that especially to their own sibling? Or, in case this didn't get through your thick skull, we are a team around here. Mess with one of us, mess with all of us. So you have about ten seconds, give or take, before I fling you out the window to run back to whatever hollow you crawled out of."

Sara Grey

Location: Formal Sitting Room - Ground Floor

Sara had been watching it all. Richard getting all sparkly due to some freaky fairy twins. Cats running around being adorable. She shook her head and smiled, noting how silly this all was. She glanced over at Neil, sensing he was uncomfortable with it all. Maybe he should have stayed at the library. She felt kind of guilty, it was her idea.

Soon, Ayita and the rest joined the mix and Ayita pulled Mary outside with a glance. Or perhaps she sent a thought? Sara never knew. But then the new person made a comment. Sara could only think "Why?" And then Allison stood up and let the girl have it. Sara was shocked and kind of impressed, she didn't know Barbie girl had it in her.

She glanced around the room to gauge the other's reactions. Surely this needed to go viral or something.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 23 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Formal Sitting Room -> The Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Carolina couldn't help but started to laugh seeing Richard suddenly being covered in glitter by a bunch of fairy kids, and watched the two of them flying up to the ceiling to hide from his wrath. When Mira mentioned the other older members of the X-Men team were there she really did want to go and meet them at some point during the evening. "I'd so love to meet them." Carolina said as she watched the cats scramble around the room. Which made her smile even more as Carolina rubbed the back of her neck slightly as she looked towards Annie for a moment. And then a few seconds later Mary came into the room and waved towards her and smiled at her friend as she watched her talk to the two fairy kids and gave them some flowers and then they both flew off.

Then the new girl, Shelly or whatever snapped at Ayita's brother and then Allison quickly coming to her friend's defense she started to get a feeling that there was a little bit to much activity in the room right now. Carolina gently nudged Annie and looked towards her friend, she didn't want to be near what could happen next. "Lets go to the kitchen." Carolina said, as she watched Neil and Sara coming into the room as well. "Hey Neil, Dean, Annie and I are gonna make some floats real quick. But i'll be ready for our game again once we are done." Carolina said as she turned and made her way towards the kitchen.

Bethany Bell

Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement
Skills: N/A

Bethany looked towards Guin and shrugged slightly. "I was thinking maybe a Slasher movie." She answered as she looked between Lance and then Pietro and then Lance as well. She figured that the two of them needed some alone time for the time being, as she started to make her way towards the door. "I'll be in my room i'll have some movies picked up then, and some not horror as well." Bethany said, as she started to head out of the room, and started to make her way up the flight of stairs, as she started to pick up some voices coming from the upper floor. Bethany walked up as she noticed Richard covered in a bunch of glitter and started to snort a little bit seeing the man covered in fairy dust.

"Did the tooth fairy attack you?" Bethany said with a slight laugh as she saw Carolina leaving the room, and looked around at the others for a moment who were in the room. She then watched as Allison started to yell at the girl, she didn't get up to the first floor soon enough and missed some drama by the looks of it, and started to make her way over towards Sara and waved towards her friend. "What did I miss?" Beth asked her, as she looked towards Neil and nodded towards him.
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