S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters, New York City
The existence of mutants was becoming more of a problem, causing riots all over the world. People were asking for them to be locked up, or put in check so that the normal humans could continue onward with their lives. Have people truly forgotten the Altsoba Massacre? Or the murders at that small town in Massachusetts? These events were barely two years in the past, yet people were wishing harm upon the mutants for trying to live their lives?
This was S.H.I.E.L.D's problem, for the pressure was being put on them to find a more permanant solution, otherwise O.M.E.N was going to receive the funding that was being given to S.H.I.E.L.D. They were having more problems, since the riots have caused a mutant organization to rise up, known only as the Brotherhood of Mutants, they wish to destroy all humans so that the mutants could rise. Only causing more problems in DC over this.
Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D, was hoping to fix this. There weren't very many people who could help him, and his own team, the Avengers, were off somewhere else and unavailable. He did know someone though, since some mutants wished to deal with problems from their own kind.
"Someone, get me a line to Xavier's Institute!" he said as he walked over to the phone. He was going to give them a chance to deal with their own kind, and he already knew that their were supposedly two agents who were stationed there. Though he didn't really pay attention about who was there.
Xavier's Institute, Outskirts of New York
Marygold was walking through the hallway, when she heard the phone ring. She was closest to it, so she grabbed it as she walked by. "Hello," she said, and started listening intently to the caller on the otherside. Immediately, she ran to where she knew the Professor was, and handed him the phone, so he could listen to Fury.
When he hung up the phone, he looked over at Marygold, and soon, she heard his voice echoing through her mind, and she instantly knew that there was a mission. "All X-Men and SHIELD personnel, come to my office immediately, there is a mission that is of the utmost importance".
He looked over at Marygold, and the two of them started discussing the mission, so that she could help brief everyone once they arrived. She was surprised by what she heard, and hoped that they could go off before the situation got any worse.