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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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I am so sorry for taking such a long time.
Alister lingered on what Rebecca said. He didn't expect a story like that about the Weredragon. From bits and pieces, he could piece together some information about Drake but most of what he could find were little more than gossip. He knew of Drake’s age but not a lot about his species. There wasn't a need to since they were the enemy. All he needed to know was how to kill them.

“Thank you for telling me,” Alister said, “What is he like during a full moon?”

He knew a fullmoon effect each Werebeast differently so he wondered what Drake was like. He has seen some lose their mind while others are barely effected. It was similar to how a vampire’s hunger is strongest during a blood moon.

“Just one moment,” Valeria said then walked over to the unconscious man. She didn’t feel like dragging the lifeless body around so she enforced the sleeping spell and surround him in a veil of magic. It blocked all site from the outside and contain any noise on the inside.

“Let us go,” Valeria said. She started walking towards the lake and kept her senses for anything that might lurk in the forest.
I’n currently swamped with work and I’m really sorry but I don’t know when I’ll be able to respond.
Alister started working out the details for their rescue mission while Rebecca worked. Vanessa handled most of the scouting and after cashing in a few favors, he got a security detail along with everything else they needed. He wasn't sure what he was going to do till them but he was glad they had some time off. Once he was done his mind started to wonder. He couldn't denied the feeling he had for Drake but he was conflicted. Drake was the enemy and it went against everything he was taught.

“What am I suppose to do,” Alister mumbled. He continues to be lost in though until something Rebeca said caught his attention. “What do you mean by emotionally different?”

“Interesting. A seafolk,” Valeria mumbled. She knew little of the Fae that lived in the water. She ran into them occasionally and had some of their powers but they were never her type. Water wasn't never her thing and rather stay on dry land.

“Well we should be going,” Valeria said. “I smell water so it should be far.”
“Thank you, Rebecca. I’ll be fine,” Alister said. He couldn't help but wonder what Drake was doing and he was debating if he should ask Rebecca. In the end, he decided to keep silence. He didn't any anyone else to start thinking that he had a feeling for Drake. If news of that reaches the ears of the council, he would be executed.


“Alister here’s your order.” Leo was standing behind Rebecca and he holding a large bag of food. It was filled with sweets which Alister would often eat when he needed to think.

“Thank you,” Alister said. He grabbed the bag of food and left it on the table. He expected Leo to leave but he was still standing there with a large smirk on his face. Alister has a had feeling as he grabbed money to pay him.

“I'll let you have it for free if you ask that Werebeast out,” Leo laughed.

Alister's face was completely red and words caught in his throat as he stared at Leo. “Die,” He finally said as he went for his sword.

“Well, bye Rebecca it was nice to meet you. Be careful,” Leo said quickly. He rushed out of the building and away from the line of fire.

“Please ignore what he said Rebecca,” Alister mumbled through his hands. The last person he wanted to know was Rebecca since she was close to Drake. He would rather die than have him find out.

Valeria started at the little boy with wide eyes. Without saying a word, she walked back to the pile of bodies and grabbed the only living one. He was pale and barely clinging on to life. He hated to wats her energy on a human, but she healed his wound and threw him against a nearby tree. She then instructed the vines to restrain him and walked back to the little boy.

“You poor thing. I’m sorry if I scared you,” Valeria said. Her voice was warm and quiet to not startle the little boy.

“Here let’s get out of there and healed up,” Valeria said. She tore him free from the vines and healed the small scratches on his leg. She was angry that she didn't see it before. She was so set on the vampire hunters that she didn't notice him.
“Oh…okay,” Alister said. His voice was quiet and filled with melancholy. He didn't want drake to go but they barely knew each other. It wasn't his business where Drake was going and he did need some rest. Without mention anything else, he started walking towards the main road.

Once the road came into view Alister made a loud whistle. Rose roared to life and made her way to him. Alister got on then made a quick glance at drake before diving down the road. Why did he care so much that Drake was going somewhere? Why did he even care about a stranger? He had too many questions without anyone to answer them.

Once he reached the hotel, he went straight for his room and crashed on to the bed. After a bit, he pulled out his phone and called Leo. “I need food! Can you make a delivery?” Alister asked.

“Sure is something wrong? Wait does it have something to do with your Scale Daddy?” Leo laughed.

“Die,” Alister said then threw his phone at the far wall. His face was a bright red and everything felt like it was burning. He hated that it had such an effect on him but he still refused to accept anything.

Valeria shrugged and kept her spot behind a tree. She couldn't tell if he was lying and she saw so sign that he was a Fae. For now, she kept silence and observing the conversation.
Alister's heart fluttered when he saw Drake. Valeria just rolled her eyes then headed to the surface. She needed to Alister away from the werebeast. He was dangerous and she didn’t want anything to happen to Alister. Even though she hated asking for her sister’s help, she needed Valeria to take care of the Werebeast.

“Let's hurry before more guards show up,” Alister said. He started at Drake with a smile but quickly turned away when he noted it. He denied any thoughts that Vanessa was right and focused on getting out.

Vanessa was well ahead and Alister quickly followed. Before long, they were out of the tunnel and back into the forest. After drake made it though Vanessa threw a few vile, filled with toxic gas, into the tunnel. Without a word, she disappeared. Before she left, she shot a glance at Alister filled with anger and worry.

“Looks like we made it out alive old man,” Alister said, “well let’s head home and get some rest. I’m sure we need it.” Alister said.

“Oh honey I won't kill you but you will tell him what we want,” She said smiling, “now I’ll leave you boys to it.” Valeria had a forced smile on her face as she walked away. She stopped right out of sight but still in hearing distant and leaned against a tree.

“Vanessa is Ali okay,” Valeria said.

“Yes but we need to talk soon,” Vanessa voiced echoed in her head. She wasn’t sure why but she had a telepathic link with her town ever since she was born. It wasn’t uncommon but their link seemed to streached across all worlds and realms.

“Another time. I some business to take care off,’ Valeria said then went back to listening to Andrew and the capture hunter.
Alister started pacing around the room, feeling like something was off. He wondered why Drake was taking so long. Someone of his caliber shouldn't take this long to take out a few humans. After a little bit, he moved to go after Drake but Vanessa stopped him. She shook her head and tried to force him to leave but he refused.

“Your little crush on that weredragon is growing rather troublesome,” Vanessa said her voice full of poison.

Alister’s face flush red as he defended himself,” I do not have a crush on Drake! He’s a valuable ally so I’m worried about him.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes then stepped towards the door. “You are staying here,” Vanessa said.

Alister glared at her but agreed. She was blocking the way and he didn't intend on fighting her about the matter. He didn't believe what she said but deep down he knew she was right. He cared for Drake unlike how he cared about everyone else. There was something more than he was afraid to admit. “Where the fuck is Drake,” Alister said.

“Well, he should have some information we need. If not I left another alive just in case,” Valeria said pointing to a body on the floor. From a glance, it looked like any dead body but he was still breathing.

“Let’s tie them up before waking them. You can do the interrogating since I rather not death with humans,” Valeria said. In truth, she knew she would kill them the moment the talked. She wasn't fond of humans and especially hunters.
Alister turned to leave but stopped when he sensed something strange in the air. He turned around and watch as drake threw his light into the dark corridor. Alister squinted his eyes but couldn't make out the figure in the dark. He didn't have time to figure it out since the guards were already on their way.

“Crap. Let’s go, old man,” Alister said then grabbed drake’s arm and dragged him to the door. The alarm in compound started going off as the intercoms announced that there were intruders. Alister could hear and sense the guards coming from the stairs above. It was a large army that they had no hope of fighting in their condition.

“We’re too much of an easy target together. Spread out and meet each other outside,” Vanessa said then headed down a random corridor.

“She’s right. Stay safe,” Alister said. He tightened his grip on Drake’s arm then hesitantly let go. He didn’t want to leave Drake alone in this compound but the mission was more important. He stared at Drake for a moment then headed down a corridor. He did his best to weaved through the twisting corridors until he found his way back to the old tunnel.

“Please make it out,” Alister said. He knew he should leave but he waited in the boiler room for Drake. He could sense Drake’s present still in the compound and refused to leave without him.

Once the hunter finished their massacre, Valeria got up and walked over to the hunter they left alive. She looked into his eyes and cast a spell causing him to go to sleep. She then smiled and turned to the hunters still under her spell. “Kill your self,” She said. Without hesitation, they all pointed a gun at their head and fired a shot. Their bodies dropping like flies.

Valeria teleported back to Andrew and asked, “So who did you capture?”
I’ve just recently gone back to collage, so my replies might take longer then usual.
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