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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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are we allowed to create our own runic arts?
I am also interested if there is still room.
“I’ve encountered more poachers in the area and discover that they are targeting Fae. Chance——target——what’s happ——”

The telepathic lines cut off. Adrain looked at his ring with confusion before turning back to Nessa. He felt the magic inside him being blocked and since the enchantment required mana, it stopped working. Was it that strange powder? If it was, who would be capable of creating something this potent?. He quickly pulled out his notebook and started writing. “I can’t feel my magic. This will do. Chance might be a target for poachers. Need to find him.”

The ritual for opening a portal in the vail took a few days to prepare. In the meantime, Haki was taken to the heart of the world tree where he would have an audience with the queen. He didn’t know what she wanted but as they enter the heart an old memory resurfaced. He remembered this place. When he first tapped into his Druidic magic, he was taken to this same place where he swore allegiance to the queen of fairies and took an oath to protect the world. He brushed the old memory away and turn to face Tatiana who stood in the middle of a large open room with a magic circle etched into the floor.

She turned and face Haki with a soft smile. “My child let me tell you a story. Once there was a man, who in death would become a Lich. He plunged the world into darkness but was cast away by a hero. Now he is returning. The world is at risk. thus I’m allowing you to return. To face this threat. But you cannot leave as you are. There are limits to your powers that must be broken. This will not be pleasant.”

Suddenly everything became bark. The world disappeared from view as thousand of stars emerged from the darkness. Haki could see everything between the veil and all thing that was to transpire. He was then engulfed in an overwhelming presence. His body was ripped apart and put together. His magic was taken then replaced. His soul changed until it became unbearable. Everything faded away as he slipped into unconsciousness.
“CHANCE! No w-why can’t you hear me. Please don’t leave me,” Haki said as he thrashed against the water. He was frustrated and afraid. His friends were in danger and he wasn’t there to help them. He felt alone and abandoned.

feeling the presence of Tatiana behind him he started saying, “I thought you craated us to protect people. And yet we can’t do anything less than threat threatens the world. What twisted logic you have." It has been weeks since he was reborn and yet he would rather be dead. It was as if he had return to childhood where days would go by with him stuck in a cage in the dark as he was transported to his new master. Followed by intense pain as he was ‘broken in’ to his new home. So many times he thought to himself that death would be mercy. So many times he held a knife in his hand and was ready to end it and yet he didn’t. He was alone and despite but still had people around him but now he had no one.

“If you wish to leave then I will allow it. As much as it pains me to see you go I see that this place is not for you. I shall prepare the ritual,” Tatiana said then disappeared like she was never there.

Adrian ran back to the guild as fast as he could. His magic had not returned and he was afraid that it might not in some time. As he got near the inn, he heard Nessa calling out to him, “Nessa I’m glad you’re safe. Have you seen Chance? He might be in danger.”
Adrian made a sweep of the city using his teleportation magic to quickly move around. He found nothing of interest until he heard a loud scream. It was a woman and she was nearby so he quickly rushed to see what was happening. The source of the scream was an alley where a woman was being targeted by three men armed to the teeth. They had a clan symbol tattooed on their arms which means they were the people the noble was talking about.

Without wasting any time, he jumped down from the roof and attacked the poachers. He managed to knock one out with a quick kick to the head. Talking the opportunity, another poacher threw a small bag that exploded and filled the ally with a strange powder. He didn’t know if it was dangerous so he tried Teleporting away but quickly felt a sharp pain throughout his body. He was then tacked by a large force knocking him to the wall and causing him to spit out blood.

His magic was being blocked. Looking around he noticed some movement and sidestepped another attack. He then drew his sword and stabbed it into his attacker's side. Another attack came from behind as another poacher slashed his forearm. He quickly retaliated and punched the poacher in the stomach before slamming his head into the ground.

Once the air had cleared, he saw that the poachers had mysteriously disappeared. he didn't sense any other threat so he moved to check on the woman, who was glad to be saved. He took the opportunity to ask her some questions. It turned out that many Fae were being targeted by the poachers for an unknown reason. He then realized that Chance might be in trouble if the poachers noticed him. He quickly parted the woman and ran back to the inn. He tries to use his magic but his mana was being blocked. Every time he tried a sharp pain pierced his inside.

Haki was finally allowed free rain of the world tree after resting for a few weeks. All his wounds had fully healed and his magic was slowly returning. He was still searching for a way to escape but eventually, the Druid mother forbade him from trying anymore, fearing that he might hurt himself. With little options, he searched the three hoping to find some clue on escaping. After a bit of exploring he found a small pond at the heart of the tree. He looked into its reflection and could see the normal world. He then began experimenting where he suddenly saw Chance running.

“CHANCE! Hello, can you hear me? What’d happening? Are you okay?” Haki yelled but nothing he did seem to get across. He felt hopeless but continues to watch as Chance ran from an unknown threat.
Adrian didn’t know if his decision on giving Chance the flower was a good idea. It was the only thing that Haki had left behind, and he gave it away. It was too late to regret his decision, but it was still at the forefront of his mind.

“You can enjoy the festival, I have some business at the guild so if you need me I’ll be there,” Adrian said before leaving for the guild. He wondered what they wanted and if he was able to handle it by himself. It was a request from the higher-ups which means it wasn't any normal quest. After a bit of pondering, he decided that it wasn’t doing him any good and he should hurry to the guild.

It took him a little while to reach the guild due to the massive crowd. Once inside, he made his way to the back where the meeting was taking place. He had only expected the guild master but a man that looked like nobility was also waiting for him. He was dressed in fine clothing and had an extravagant sword at his side.

“Ah, Adrian you made it just in time. This is sir Belmont of house Belmont. He has a personal request for you.” The guild master said.

“It is a pleaser to meet you Adrain Novas,” the noble said then held out his hand for a handshake. Adrain ignored the handshake as he had a distinct grudge for the Belmont family. Some of their smaller branches had dealings with the slave market, which he despised. If they weren't a royal family, he would’ve left in an instant.

After the award introduction, they all sat down and disgusted the request. The Belmont has hosted the festival for generations. They pride themselves on the extravagant display during the festivity. Though this year was different. Many poachers have also gain access to the festival, and they feared that it would cause problems. So the Belmont wanted someone to investigate the poachers present in the city, and thus the guild recommended Adrian and Haki. They have also noted several kidnapping in the city and suspected the poachers. It would be troublesome for Adrain to refuse a request from the nobles, so he accepted but warned them that he will not answer to the Belmont.

Once the final details were completed, Adrian made his way back to the inn.

In response to his roar, several wolves started surrounding him. He counted at least 5 but knew there were more in the mist. Better safe than sorry, he drenched his blade and claws with a sleeping poison. It should put the wolf to sleep but time varies on the breed and how much poison was applied.

Suddenly, a single wolf lunged at him baring its teeth. Everheart quickly sidestepped the attack and scratch the wolf on the side. It fell to the ground and snarled at him before fainting. Several more wolves took the opportunity to start attacking. He managed to knock one out with a quick jab with his claws but the others manage to sink their teeth into his arm and leg. Grabbing the wolf on his arm, he ripped it off his flesh and threw it at the one biting his leg, sending them both to the ground. Blood began to drip down his arm and leg, but the adrenaline in his veins blocked all the pain. Suddenly, his limbs became numb. The feeling slowly spread throughout his entire body where he fell into a deep slumber. The last thing he heard was the voice of the demon saying:

Time is up Everheart.

Everheart woke up in a long dark corridor. Heavy blue tapestry lined the wall, hanging on rods of gold embellished with carvings of lions, their ruby red eyes glinting in the candlelight. A lone blue candle sat on the floor casting a dim glow on the dark stone walls. Between each tapestry was a tall window looking out into an endless expanse of nothingness. In front of him was a hallway that stretches as far as the eye could see. Behind him was a wall as a dark as the void through the windows.

“Hello?” His voice echoed through the long hallway before disappearing into the darkness. With no other options, he picked up the small candle and started walking.

As he walked, the tapestry that lined the walls started to change. Before they were all empty now they were gradually being filled with strange writings and images. They displayed a hellish landscape with towering mountains that spitfire. Dragons, demons, and arch Fae dotted the sky. Below them were rivers of boiling blood and the corpses of the masses.

As he continued to walk, the tapestry began to change once more. The hellish landscape became one more familiar. Long chains of mountains topped with snow arrange across the entire horizon. Lush valleys filled with various kinds of animals and creatures. The strange writings also change to common though broken and barely understandable. All he could make out were words about freedom and suffering.

Further on, the tapestry displayed an event from his past that still haunted his nightmares. The night seven years ago, where he broke his oath. His crusade of 12 Paladins were hunting a demon that was terrorizing a local city. After weeks of gathering information and preparing, they finally moved out to battle. Little did they know, the demon had learned of their plans and made a trap of their own. The fight began as expected but once the clock stroke midnight all Hell broke loose. The demon grew exponentially in power and manage to possess one of the paladins. In desperation, Everheart pleaded with the demon to spare his comrade. In return, he would allow the demon to possess him.

Everheart turned away from tapestry and moved on. It was too painful to relive his past, even if it was only an image. Past the event of that night, the tapestry showed more of his adventures after his life in the crusades. His dealings with the clans of Waterdeep. His journey in search of the nine hells. His struggle with the priest of Tiamat. He met many friends but just as many enemies. Though he never dared to become close knowing the demon would only use it against him.

Back in the forest, the battle against the wolves rages on. Everheart now a vessel for the demon went on a rampage against the wolves. Wanting to test out his new body, the demon held in his to the sky and conjured a small blue flame. Then in an instant, a bright light followed by a vigorous exploding of fire erupted from his palm. Vibrant shades of blue twisting and melding together to that of an enormous fireball that burned everything to a crisp. Once the fire faded, all the wolves around Everheart were nothing more than piles of charred flesh. The arm that the demon used to cast the spell was also as damaged as the surrounding area. Burnt flesh, singed fur, and veins of glowing amber.

My my this will do. Such a beautiful vessel with so much power. Though this cursed magic will be rather troublesome.
Maybe minions of the Lich try and capture them knowing that he had a connection to the lich? I was thinking that it could happen during their stay at the inn. The story is kind of slowing down so maybe another problem could push it forward? it's up to you though.

Though I'm curious who is Iella?
Haki felt time past him while in the lands of the fairies. It had been weeks since he was brought into the other world and still, he hasn’t found a way out. Tatiana has been keeping him busy with recovering his lost magic due to the nature of his resurrection. It was much of the same routine every day which has been weighing on his mood. He wanted to leave and join his friends but all attempts of escape have been unsuccessful. He was too weak to open a portal through the veil. Though during an attempt, he did discover that using the reflection in the waters allowed him to observes the other world. Did tries using it to find his friend but has failed every time.

“Why can't I just leave…”

Adrian nodded then walked into the inn. It was a quaint little place that was owned by some locals. Adrian came up to the front desk and handed them a price of paper saying that he would like to book 3 rooms. The receptionist glared at him and said, “6 gold.”

Adrian rolled his eyes and paid her. He hated that people look down on him for being mute but after years of it he learned that it was more trouble than it was worth. She then handed him three keys and waves him away. He took the keys walked back to the group.

“I got us some rooms,” Adrian said handing everyone a room key. He then took out the flower from his bag and handed it to chance saying, “here you should hold on to this. Lose it and I’ll kill you.”
Adrian waited in the sideline for the others to offer their offering. He already offered something once before and was allowed to past. It was a simple offering of a piece of paper. It would mean nothing to most but to him it was his voice, one of the few ways he could communicate. There was a huge amount of people so the guards were forcing everyone to wait in line. Normally people would just walk up and offer their offering then enter.

After waiting for a short moment, a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail walked up to him. He wore a simple shirt and pants that did little to hide his toned muscle. “Long time no see Adrian,” he said.

“Larvak, you’re alive. I was sure that you would be dead by now.”

“Always so much faith in me,” Larvak said, “anyway the guild wanted to see you for a special quest. I’ve heard it from the king himself...But who’s the girl? Have you gotten yourself a girlfriend?”

Adrian rolled his eyes and punch Larvak in the arm causing him to stumble and nearly fall over.

“Get out before I kill you,” Adrian signed.

“Haha fine. Oh before I go, tell Haki to come and see me. I would love to go dirking with him again,” with that Larvak disappeared into the city.

After everyone had gotten to offer their tribute, they were allowed to enter the city. Stepping through the gate, the entire city was in view. Hundreds of people filled the streets and many more merchants lined the road, selling all kinds of goods. In the distance, a giant cathedral stands on the horizon. Crafted from gold and marble, the building seemingly glows in the sunlight.

“Everyone, let us find a place to stay then we can spend some time to relax. Any place that catches your eyes?” Adrian asked.
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