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I hope more people are
Nation Name:
The Confederacy of Sawl

Chosen Colour for Nation:

People of Importance:
Dictator Alexander Scipio, Ambassador Despond Filtrich, Ambassador Atticus Lif

Humans and Gnomes


National Trait

Army Type
-The Knighthood

Conscript Military Units
-Conscript Bowmen
-Conscript Infantry

Professional Military Units
-Heavy Calvary

Navy Type
-Born Upon Seas

Navy Units

Flight Type
-We shall fight them in the skies

Flight Units

Military Traits
-Fearless {racial trait}
-Kill them from a distance
-The Smell of Sulphur {Free}

Naval Traits
-Ship Builders
-Master Sea-Farers

Flight Traits

Necromancy Traits

Divine Magic Traits

Elemental Magic Traits

Illusion Magic Traits

Technology Traits
-This is my boomstick {free}
-Alchemical Alloys
-Steam Engine
-Controlled Flight

Racial Traits
-No one lives here, honest!

Nation History:
The Sawl Confederacy was formed after an unknown man united all the tribes on the island. This led to more technological advances more than magical ones as spells were not needed to fool others any longer. They now simply wish to spread their influence across the lands, not wishing to do it in a violent manner. However, with the rise of the new Dictator that could be changing, as Sawl grows more militaristic by the day.

With the changes that Sawl was facing, there was a lot of national unrest, specifically between the Humans and the Gnomes. This was caused because the Gnome populous felt that they were not being represented enough and rebelled for three days. The rebellion was swiftly crushed, the gnome rebels being vastly outnumbered, even by their own brethren.

With that problem solved, Sawl went back to focusing on its change. They made plans to execute at a late date, feeling their own imperialistic needs having to be satisfied.


-125 units Conscripted Infantry {125,000 men}
-125 units Conscripted Bowmen {125,000 men}
-10 Units Artillery (cannons) {10 total}
-15 Arquebusiers {325 men}
-25 Heavy Calvary Units {250 men}
• Total 50 Profession units 350 Conscript Units {350,630 men}

-30 Transport units {30 Transport ships}
-30 Ship units {150 vessels}
•Total 30 ship units, 30 Transport Units {180 vessels}

-40 fighters
-10 Bombers
-10 Interceptors
-10 Fast
•Total 70 Planes

Territory Claim:
67, 66
This was worth the hour I spent on it, thanks for accepting me :)
Eyyyy, thanks :)
Nation Name:
The Confederacy of Sawl

Chosen Colour for Nation:

People of Importance:
Dictator Alexander Scipio, Ambassador Despond Filtrich, Ambassador Atticus Lif

Humans and Gnomes


National Trait

Army Type
-The Knighthood

Conscript Military Units
-Conscript Bowmen
-Conscript Infantry

Professional Military Units
-Heavy Calvary

Navy Type
-Born Upon Seas

Navy Units

Flight Type
-We shall fight them in the skies

Flight Units

Military Traits
-Fearless {racial trait}
-Kill them from a distance
-The Smell of Sulphur {Free}

Naval Traits
-Ship Builders
-Master Sea-Farers

Flight Traits

Necromancy Traits

Divine Magic Traits

Elemental Magic Traits

Illusion Magic Traits

Technology Traits
-This is my boomstick {free}
-Alchemical Alloys
-Steam Engine
-Controlled Flight

Racial Traits
-No one lives here, honest!

Nation History:
The Sawl Confederacy was formed after an unknown man united all the tribes on the island. This led to more technological advances more than magical ones as spells were not needed to fool others any longer. They now simply wish to spread their influence across the lands, not wishing to do it in a violent manner. However, with the rise of the new Dictator that could be changing, as Sawl grows more militaristic by the day.


-125 units Conscripted Infantry {125,000 men}
-125 units Conscripted Bowmen {125,000 men}
-10 Units Artillery (cannons) {10 total}
-15 Arquebusiers {325 men}
-25 Heavy Calvary Units {250 men}
• Total 50 Profession units 350 Conscript Units {350,630 men}

-30 Transport units {30 Transport ships}
-30 Ship units {150 vessels}
•Total 30 ship units, 30 Transport Units {180 vessels}

-40 fighters
-10 Bombers
-10 Interceptors
-10 Fast
•Total 70 Planes

Territory Claim:
67, 66
Okay, thank you. I was worried for a moment as I only have two points left XD
Question, do I pick one racial trait for free for each race that I have?
Mother of Charizard yes. Expect me to be working on this :)
Nation Name:
The Ohurian States
Nation Description (Currency, Government, etc):
The Ohurian states is run by a senate which houses as many representatives for every planet that is colonized. Each senator serves a term of ten years before a new one must be elected to take his/her place. The Senate must agree on things for official action to take place of if a majority rule is called. They do not have total power, however, as a judicial system is made to keep the topics moving at a steady rate and deny anything that is harmful to the states.

The Currency of the Ohurian States has the official name of Scandars but has the street name of Scands. The worth of this money must be backed by a solid, rare material; often taking the form of diamonds and gold. If not then the economy goes to complete garbage.

All citizens have equal rights and they rely heavily on the progress made through civil actions. They are also extremely tech heavy, often being their downfall depending on what they are facing. Schooling is completely free but an Ohmuru must serve a full year in the military in their life time or else they will face heavy fines in their later life. The reason behind this is mainly to encourage a larger military out of fear in what is the universe.

Race Name:
The Ohmuru

Race Description (Color, Height, etc):
The Ohmuru are a race of avians that have evolved from their anscestor pteradons, they have evolved to fit a jungle biome as their homeplanet is just that one large jungle with seven oceans. There most dominant color it green or red while recessive skin colors would be blue, purple, orange, and black. They pocess a full body coat of feathers. Colors for the feathers are typically red, blue, yellow, or white. There is no eye color as all irises are just black.

Alright enough on that, here is what their body has evolved as. The Ohmuru have evolved beaks to be used to break open nuts and pick out worms or anything meaty. They have evolved to be humanoid so they stand upright, their wings have moved onto their backs and they have gained arms with a sort of set of talons as hands. They pocess talons for feet as well and their eyes have evolved to deal with near complete darkness. The Ohmuru have evolved a set of ears that would be mistaken as horns on the tops of their heads. They do not lay eggs like most avian species and so they give birth to live young unlike most of the avian species.

Culture Description (Religion, Holidays, etc):
The Ohmuru only worship beings known only as the Ancestors, these are the ones who gave their planet life, the ones who molded the Ohmuru. They follow the teachings of the Ancestors which was largely just equal rights and such. However, they are the ones who taught the Ohmuru to speak and write common language. There is one nationally recognized holiday and it is to honor the ancestors, no body needs to work on this day but can if they feel the need to.

Leader Name:
Seryl Helier


What area you own:

Much much much interest.
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