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Im going for the vandals
House Name:

House Placement(pick a territory to be the seat of your house):

House Lord(name of the current leader):
Felrëich Helier

Leader's Family:
Heinrich Helier (Brother)
Mitilda Helier (wife)
Sans Helier (son)
Florintie Helier (eldest daughter)
Seryl Helier (youngest daughter)
Xavier Helier (Cousin)

House Coat of Arms:

Main Keep(How your main castle looks like, optional):

House General:
Heinrich Helier

House Admiral(if you have a sea opening):

Delen Fores, Kiniun Hos, Xavier Helier

Minor Houses(each minor house will inhabit a city of your territory, fill in only if you have other cities than your capital):

The air grew even more tense as the supposed rival to the goddess of murder and violent behavior. It was Aftrone, walking in, her eyes face locking onto Nur for a slight moment before taking a seat on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. Her face should no signs of emotion, though she physically couldn't show facial expressions in the form. Her blackened skin making her look more of a shadow than an actual figure in the light. She simply listened to what her brothers and sisters said before actually saying something. "For once I agree with Nur, we should wait and hear everyone," she spoke softly, the red line on her face glowing as she spoke each word.


The day was cold, as it normally was in Atticun, yet the people were having a merry time as the watched the spectacle of Gladitorial combat in a coliseum. This battle had been brought forth by Aftrone herself, catching two child murderers and an arsonist. There was no way to escape their punishment as the Warriors were only armed with a spear versus five bears. The spectacle attracted many, even from the farmlands to watch. It was a great battle, with the death of the criminals and two bears.

In the neighboring forests, hunters drew their bows as the chased a wild buck towards a river. Crops did not grow much in the harsh north and so they had little time to grow what was needed. That did not deter those who wished to get food from a challenge though. The farmers to the south did what they could to make some sort of crop come alive with the slightly warmer climate. Horse-drawn wagons went about, from town to town in order to sell their supplies which mainly included fur, iron, wood, wheat, and the occasional wine or marble.

Name of God:

Deity of:
Goddess of Judgement and equality

Indirect or Direct:


Aftrone is very well reserved a majority of the time, seeing everyone as equal but dealing with punishment is what she loves to do. She shows no mercy to those who have done wrongs to another. The goddess believes punishments should be fair to the crime that had been committed.

Denizen description:
20,000 in the Capitol of Atticun while 40,000 are spread through farmland and smaller insignificant villages. A very orderly nation where everyone treats another equally, in fear of judgement. Society is based heavily upon Bushido with a strict enforcement of laws.
A scale inside a white circle with a red border

Government description:
Republic, with six members
10,000 men and women, armed with iron shields, a short sword, and longbows. They have mainly light, leather armor with a metal breast plate to protect them from shots to their chest. The Calvary, which is armed with 2,000 men, is equipped with lances and heavy armored (full metal armor) units, they also have long swords.

Bushido is pretty much Japanese Bushido, however it is a lot more strict. They also wish to to survive the long winters that is brought to them. They find most life equal and do not resort to sacrifices. The punishments tend to revolve around what the crime is. Murder is typically dealt with by lashings for twelve hours, whereas murdering a child is dealt with by Gladitorial combat. Insults and theft are not as punishing, typically by public humiliation or they are made to work in the military.
@End Here
@End Here
Alright I believe that I finished, with a territory claim. Mine is in red.
@End Here
Alright, I believe I will raise it up just a bit. Maybe to either 60,000 or 65,000

I also get this odd feeling that Nur and Aftrone are going to fight from time to time. I don't know why.
The map isn't working for me :(
Do you feel that?
While the homeless went on to rise up against the ones who were the filthiest of rich, a certain Russian went to a gun store. The GCPD was out on the prowl as they were every night yet they posed no real threat for what was going to happen. Afon browsed the weapon selection before checking the time on his watch. This would be a good place to hit up and increase his weapons.

It seemed that the time was just right for him to be active with his gang. The night was still young after all. Afon walked up to the counter and asked "So, how is your day going?" "Good, can I get you anything?," the vendor asked. "I simply want every gun in this place," Afon said with a light chuckle. "Haha, unless you have hundreds of thousands of dollars then you won't be able to get every gun here," the vendor laughed, indulging in this "joke."

Criminal Activity
A van pulled up to the gun store while the two were talking and three men and women came out the back with duffle bags. "Sadly, there is no choice," Afon said before suddenly pulling out his Glock and putting a round through the vendor's throat. The group of mobsters entered and were greeted by Afon ,"Get everything that you can grab and then some more! We must be gone before the police show up. Or worse."

The gang did not want to have an encounter with the batman or the police so they made the theft quick. The guns would probably go to recruiting more people later in but for now they would just be put into storage. "Boss we're good!," a short mobster said. Burn this place, we must not leave evidence of us being here" Afon ordered. The gang poured gasoline throughout the building while Afon got any money he could from the register. Everyone loaded up and Afin threw a lit match into the building starting a fire on the inside before running into the van. Then they made their way back to the headquarters.
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