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<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Pinky swear.

Now your asking for too much, sir
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

<Snipped quote by Tracyarmav>


I'll build a shrine to Tadigam
Domagoj will side with the chief in the matter of the couple, and ... probably reserve his magic point for later allocation, unless there is's a clear need/deficiency in the clan magic or it becomes to unbalanced, though it looks like that won't be an issue. He would like to put his point into Invention this season, though children, health, and herds are also sound choices in his mind.

It's always good to save magic, not saying that spending it wouldn't be wise either, next year I'll save both my points and let you guys distribute in what you feel is necessary, probably.

I got someone to agree with Serhiem, am I king yet?
Ishar the Bard

Ishar listened to everyone at once, finding slight solace that he was among people that got along, seemingly, well. It was all very, very satisfying and he couldn't help but keep a slight smile on his face. Casually, he began strumming the lute that he had brought with him, hoping to aid in a bit of a calming tone for everyone. He did not plan to speak, just to play for everyone and hope they would continue on their merry way. Absolutely fantastic.

The bard loved to listen in on the various conversations, he loved the little speech that the inventor had done, everything. The sand was shifting as he walked over it, the desert opening up fully as they got further and further from the city. Ishar let out a sigh, not a sad one, but a happy one. His mood was too good to be truely saddened by anyone right now, unless they broke his flute. Though, no one wanted to fight among one another and he knew that one well.

His fingers continued to strum the lute, enchanting the air with the luxurious sound of calming music. Ishar did not wish to spoil the mood either, so he made no pause to the sounds he was making. Finding himself being slightly taken away in it as he looked around at the scenery. There was nothing but sand, however, it was the sand that everyone had known for their lives. With another happy with he went back to playing his music.
Serhiem has said what he needed to for now, he added in his suggestion, but will wait to see what the others say.
I place 1 point in Health the other shall be left

Serhiem merely listened to the couple bicker to one another before they had to be broken up by several men, to his own dismay. This shouldn't be a matter for them as everyone within the clan should just get along with one another, especially since everyone needs to work on the crops. He listened to his council members before clearing his throat to speak his opinion as chief.

"I feel that the best solution to resolve this, without the need of anyone becoming a thrall," he nods his head to where he heard Eliz speak, "I feel that both of you should be found for adultery. Both of you shall be punished. Fintan, you shall be under command of Eliz for her little exploration."

The blind man sighed once more and began once more on the punishment for Aifric, the wife. "I feel that you shall work alongside the Thralls for the season, and you shall be treated as one. I am sorry that the two of you had to resort to this, however, after your punishments then maybe you will see that there is no need for such manners." He let out another sigh, before leaning back in his seat.

"I shall let my fellow ring members say what they wish," Serhiem said before finally shutting his mouth. The chief did not like to see, rather hear, his fellow clan members come under strife with one another. It was an unfortunate truth that this would happen to people, hopefully the punishment that would be given will make sure this matter will never happen again. "You do not need to divorce if you feel the both of you will get through this together. Remember that it takes many instruments for music to be heard properly, if one does not work then the true song will never be heard. I urge the council to see my view on this matter, however, I will hear what their suggestions are before anything is final."
@Shorticus Can we get these two a divorce?

That is an option, but if they both committed adultery then they must be punished.
Serhiem will withhold one of his magic points for future use, his point spend will either go into children or health. I'm probably going to say health so we will have to deal with less sickness and such.

No need to elaborate, I understand it. I swear though, if the first action I do is a roll of 1 and 1 then I'm going to... sigh heavily and laugh as hilarity ensues
<Snipped quote by Wernher>

I am a changed man. I know now who rules the clans.


Hail to the farmers!

Anyways, on another note, I feel an alliance we will want to get will be with the Fiorlask. They may be bandits, but then we won't have to worry as much about the Greenfeathers
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