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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago


No need to elaborate, I understand it. I swear though, if the first action I do is a roll of 1 and 1 then I'm going to... sigh heavily and laugh as hilarity ensues
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 44 min ago

Name: Seòras Sùdrach
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Patron: Camvor deity of the oaths

Appearance: This is Seòras he stands at 5'11 taller then most he also has jade green eyes that pierce into your soul his hair is unkempt giving him a lazy look to him.

Personality: Seòras is a nice person and cares about others and how they are feeling. Seòras is also a hard worker and does his best to what he can however despite his illness he doesn't give up. He takes his belief to his deity to his own life seriously and as a result once he has promised something to someone he will not give up till he has fulfilled it. Seòras hates when people think it is okay to coddle him because of his illness he also hates when people takes advantage of another simply to further their own gains.

Background: Seòras was born into a normal family his families occupation was simple fishers his father would go out to fish for them and earn our place in the tribe. However as Seòras grew up he realized that his father was being bullied into over fishing Shiba's father knew that their was a delicate balance between getting the most out his skills and fishing to much.

When Seòras was only 13 the clan was dealing a shortage of food and his father felt that he was responsible and he couldn't help but try to get more food for the clan. He went out during a storm and it was ill advised by all the people that knew about except of course the ones that bullied him they were glad. That was the last time he saw his father its generally assumed that he had died at sea trying to help the clan and Seòras couldn't be more proud to have him as a father. His father and mother always taught them that if you make an oath you must keep it or you will make their deity angry and insult their ancestors. Seòras Ancestors have been a part of the clan since it was first established his Ancestors had always had a part in providing for the clan either by being craftsmen, fishermen, and even a few priests to their tribes deity however Seòras is the only one who had the conviction and the determination to rise through to the rank of councilman he wanted to make changes and help his clan thrive.

Personal Goals: Seòras wants to have a family as well and give them a better life then he had with his father being bullied. He is driven by the thought of proving that his father was a good man and deserved to be appreciated for his efforts even if he failed. He is never going to give up and he will prove to his patron deity that his family is worthy of the position he is in.

Clan Goals: Seòras has few goals but he has high hopes for his clan. Seòras plans to have his tribe to have permanent place to stay and live. Seòras also has a simple goal for his clan a place to call their own where they can properly care for their ancestors and pray to their deity. Seòras wants his tribe to be at peace and not be in conflict with their own over simple problems like not enough food or not enough room to grow.

Estate: Seòras home is a small wooden home. It wasn't large but his house home was near a lake and as a result it was doubled as a fishing post. He did learn a few things from his father and as a result he was able to make sure he had his own food ready. Since he was able to learn how to be a good spearmen and in front of his home he had spears in front of his house to double as his weapon in combat.

  • Intermediate Weapons - You are trained with more advanced weapons, such as one-handed swords, spears and axes. +2
  • Woodsman - You can fish, identify edible plants, and create basic shelters. +1
  • Tactician - You have a solid grasp of battlefield tactics and maneuvers. +2
  • Charismatic - You are eloquent, convincing, and at ease when speaking in public. +2
  • Sickly - You have a persistent illness. -2
  • Intelligent - You are naturally smart. +2
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 44 min ago

let me know if I have to change anything
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Jangel13 So, I've got a few comments to make here. Here we go.

Firstly, on your character's name: Shiba Akabane strikes me as a distinctly Asian name. We're playing in a very focused setting wherein the typical name has a very Celtic sound, especially Irish, potentially with Norse or Germanic influence. Given that, I'd recommend searching for a more Celtic name for your character. I made someone else change their name already, note, so you're not the first. A common theme helps tie the story together.

Secondly, your character's father wouldn't be killed for not being able to catch enough fish, nor would he be forced to swear an oath to catch <X> fish. Any clan that acted so arbitrarily wouldn't last long; the gods themselves would see it punished, and the gods are very real and very active in this setting.

I'd think of something a bit more realistic. Maybe your character's father drowned at sea / in a river while fishing on a stormy day because the clan sorely needed food. It could've been a bad year, and maybe he was pressured into risking himself to catch more fish, or maybe he got drunk and decided to Hell with all this weather, it's time to fish. Etc. He also could've been wrongfully accused of stealing or some other crime, and in an extreme case that could've gotten him killed.

Basically, you can have your character's father being bullied, but his father wouldn't have been killed for not catching enough fish... unless the people that were doing that were just scumbags. And if they were scumbags, they'd be executed for murder, especially for murdering someone whose family has been part of the clan since FOREVER.

Also note that a tribe and a clan are VERY different things. So, a clan is what we have: Clan Aonghus. But a tribe is a collection of clans that have unified, and when tribes unify they can create a kingdom. We are a clan, not a tribe.

Your clan and personal goals are perfectly fine. I'd move this part from Personal Goals to Clan Goals, however:

Shiba has few goals but he has high hopes for his tribe. Shiba plans to have his tribe to have permanent place to stay and live.

Don't forget to change your goals to reflect your change in history, by the way.

Your traits are fine. If possible, I'd consider taking a look at what others have. You'll find we already have a few characters who are good in a fight, but 3/8 characters being warriors is something that's fine.

Lastly, I'm going to wager you're relatively new to roleplay? If so, that is fine. I'm okay with helping folks learn the ropes. But I'd pay attention to your punctuation - you could use more commas - and I'd definitely read how others in this thread write when we start making our IC posts.

Anyway, you're not accepted just yet, but I'm not flat-out denying you, either. I'd like you to go back and make some changes.

Also, @Everyone Else: I'll be starting the roleplay FO REAL briefly. I just finished the part about Sacred Time and am typing out your random event for the week.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 44 min ago

moved to clan goals
and made myself intelligent instead
no I am not new to role play but I haven't been in a nation rp in well over a year so Im going to admit that I wont really be good at this at first so I will need help
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Post made, folks! Feel free to ask me questions.

I'll start looking at your revised application @Jangel13.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Jangel13 Okay, I've decided to go ahead and accept your character. You seem receptive to advice and making changes, and as long as you immerse yourself and have fun, I'm alright with having you on-board. Also note that you shouldn't bold your whole character sheet - edit that as you post it in the character section.

And I'll just remind you that we're playing in a setting where societal norms are rather different from what we think of us, well, normal. You seem to have somewhat of a grasp on these norms, but when in doubt refer to the section in my first OOC post on Urlandi Culture.

Otherwise, yeah: you're accepted. I'll admit that I'm a little tentative here, but you can't improve without RPing, so let's throw you into the fire with everyone else!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 44 min ago

wont let you down boss and don't worry that's what im good at.
ill change it so the bold it only on the basics like sex name etc.

Alright so where do I start from? ill make a post soon but I got to do some homework
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright so where do I start from? ill make a post soon but I got to do some homework

Well, in this phase there are two things you do:

1. Let your character give an opinion on what the Heck we should do about the quarreling old couple,
2. Either discuss here what you want your character to do as his action this turn or RP about preparing to do <whatever it is he plans on doing>, as if we already finished talking about the old couple.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

My match plan:

QUEST: Eliz pretty much thinks of herself the designated explorer at this point and intends to lead an expedition eastward. Thing is however: She intends on taking with her most of the free horses and wants every member of the expedition mounted to cover as much ground as possible and be back before Moon Season, earlier if possible.

Thing is, she knows a lot of council members, even if the gods pointed them toward this quest, might not want to let her take men that would be needed to work the fields in this season. She plans on swaying a few, if possible, my suggesting a joint venture with clan Stormcaller. After all, to the east, there is Storm Peak and they might be interested in going a way that would no doubt lead to some exploration of the old storm giants leftovers of the valley. Maybe working together could create a bond between their two people?

COUPLE: She favors any Gallocman in any conflict. The way she sees it, the adultery is not the problem the council faces, its the attempted murder. Make the woman a thrall for her crime and be done with it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Wernher Feel free to express those thoughts IC! Especially the matter concerning the couple.

Eliz could potentially go adventure without appealing to the Council. That wouldn't necessarily be the wisest decision and would upset people, but she could. I'm noting this in case she gets met with a resounding "no," and this applies to everyone: MOST actions you perform that affect the clan can be done without the Council's consent, but a lot OUGHT to be done with their consent. If someone is seen as disrespectful toward their peers, well, that's grounds for rude things to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 44 min ago

what about the whole questions on my clans history?

in terms of actions in a turn I was planning on putting a fortification around my territory to defend against pillaging and raids.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lexicon
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Lexicon Once a Week Poster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmmm...alright, I'm thinking Maire's one point of magic will go to either 'Trade' or 'Diplomacy,' but we'll see. Need to think about the old couple question. I will try to get something up either Tuesday or Saturday for this. I can usually only post once or twice a week at the most, anyway. Looking forward to seeing what the other Council members do =P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago

Serhiem will withhold one of his magic points for future use, his point spend will either go into children or health. I'm probably going to say health so we will have to deal with less sickness and such.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by babbysama
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babbysama The babby

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Wernher>

I am a changed man. I know now who rules the clans.


I'm alright with this arrangement

EDIT: Just saw the IC post, will share my thought here shortly

How exactly should we express our choice of magic allotment? In the IC or here in the OOC?

I think you know that Dunlad is going full


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Shorticus Can we get these two a divorce?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Shorticus Can we get these two a divorce?

That is an option, but if they both committed adultery then they must be punished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

That is an option, but if they both committed adultery then they must be punished.

Definitely. However, our first priority is to make sure they live long enough for our punishment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sorry about the late response here, folks. I took an hour's-ish nap. I got woke up.

what about the whole questions on my clans history?

in terms of actions in a turn I was planning on putting a fortification around my territory to defend against pillaging and raids.

You're all part of the same clan: Clan Aonghus. Err, I hope that was clear.

Basically, you're ALL working together. You're all on the Council of the same clan. If you build a fortification, you're using clan resources to build it.

Speaking of which, I totally forgot to list how many Goods you guys have. I'm just gonna go edit that in right now after taking a peek at a starting game in KoDP.

@Mardox You can totally get these two a divorce.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, and...

@babbysama You can discuss it here, but in the end you should make it as a part of your IC post. Good question. I'd probably do this...

I place 1 point of Magic into Crops.

*Roleplay stuff*

Yeah, my style of showing you stuff ain't exactly elegant.
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