Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snagglepuss89
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Crowds of people gathered in the streets to watch it pass, all the way from the palace to the westernmost gate, the only one reasonably close to the structure. It was a journey that took an entire day to complete, all the while throngs of families, admirers, and paparazzi swarmed the group. It was the largest expedition of its kind ever, dozens of individuals setting out into the unknown, braving danger for the "Advancement of Mankind" as the Queen had declared earlier. The journey had attracted all types, from scientists in search of answers, to priests in search of divinity. From aristocrats and gentlemen to beggars and thieves. People running towards a goal, or away from their lives.

They were celebrated in equal measure by the populace. A spark of excitement in their otherwise boring existence, soon to be forgotten and burned out. Like a candle in an upturned glass. Still, it was the largest event since the Queen's own coronation. Musicians played on every street corner, priests threw out blessings from the rooftops, children ran up for autographs from every member, and songs broke out in the crowd like a plague. Many in the caravan joined in the merriment, not the least of all Hannibal himself surrounded by reporters on all sides. One could say it was an introvert's worst nightmare.

Upon finally reaching the western gate they stopped for the night, too tired and too drunk to continue any further. The caravan dispersed, it's supplies kept safe by the Royal Guard, and settled down for it's last night in Oasis. Some spent time with family, some tried to get as much rest as possible for the journey ahead, and others continued partying well into the morning, trying to forget what a death sentence this adventure ultimately meant. Whatever their motivations or origins, everyone now was an equal.

A mix of dread and excitement gripped the caravan as the gates opened the next morning, revealing the seemingly endless desert before them. Just how long would it take to cross? Was The Pack awaiting them just over the horizon, where sand turned to rock and the earth began to jut towards the sky? Were the tales about endless water pouring into an endless void true? The possibility stirred excitement and fear both in the caravan as they began to move forward, taking their first steps towards their destination. Excitement, fear, and...

It lingered, like a lifeline. If it was still in the distance, surely they could still turn around and reach it? Give up on this fool's errand before it was too late? Once it disappeared from their sights entirely, the group would truly be alone, cut off from their old lives. Or perhaps to others it was an imposing figure, the steady gaze of their jailer growing ever distant. Their freedom growing as the city shrank.

Whatever their feelings: One figure that was seemingly always going to be present was the sun, just now beginning to sink over the horizon after a long day of mercilessly watching them from above. Everyone in Oasis had grown up with the heat, however being used to it didn't exactly make it tolerable, and it's departure was a welcome sight for most, as a cool desert breeze began to pick up around them. The group would continue moving for awhile, but their pace had certainly slowed, their energy from the night before long ago lost as sweat, sinking into the sand below.

In front marched their leader, on foot, having spent most of the day sitting in his saddle, reading report after report on the state of their expedition. Reports on their water, their food, stores of ammunition for hunting, stores of thread to repair clothing, stores of supplies to start fires and keep shelters overnight. The one he spent the most time with, however, was the list of names of those taking part in this little journey. There were many he'd recognized, and several he'd personally met over the years. It was certainly going to be an interesting trip, even if they did all happen to die in the end.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Hannibal drew his copper sword and gave a theatrical cut in the direction of the sun, letting out a loud bellow of a laugh as he did so, before turning around and facing the caravan.

"Hah! See that my fellow gents and gals? We've vanquished our foe for the day and live yet to see tomorrow! Truly there's no finer group to make this journey!"

The caravan stretched for quite a ways, and there was no way his words reached those in the very back, but still, this group in the front was all the audience he needed. Still holding his blade in hand, he made a motion to one of the supply wagons near the front.

"Come-come, bring some Vino! We'll march with wine in our bellies and end this day with spirits high! Ah, this reminds me of my daring trip around Oasis, running outside the city walls for four days! Vicious hounds snarling at my heels, with only my trusty bottle of Scipio's to ward them off as I headed for the northern gate! Mind you, this was in my younger years. I'm quite content not to have hounds at my heels every step of this journey."

The man grinned from ear to ear as he spoke, slashing with his sword at the mention of Scipio's as if to ward off a pack of dogs, before finally sheathing it. The trip had clearly done little to tire him, even after a long evening of wine, women, and song the day before. With gusto, he fell into step with the group, letting out a sigh of contentment.

"Ah, this is how history is made I tell you. Those walls are a prison, and Humanity is locked away inside them."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Senna Daher~

~The Night Before~

It was certainly something, wasn't it? This expedition. A large gathering like this was perfect for picking pockets and other thievery. The redhead simply took in the sights as she followed the group from the palace. The air of Oasis tasted so fresh after being locked in the dungeons for months. Not to mention the drinking and other merriment! Senna could hardly not participate in such fanfare. She may have been a bit of a well-known thief and trouble maker, and wasn't exactly all that popular, but that didn't matter now, did it? She wasn't really one to dwell on most things, and for now? She'd enjoy the last time she'd probably ever see Oasis and her old life, even if it had been a rather objectively shitty one.

So she'd make the most of this.

While the caravan marched towards the west gate, she drank, flirted a little, pilfered a journal on a whim so she could keep track of things, and maybe a few other things here and there. For the most part though, she behaved herself. She didn't want to lose this chance to get out of Oasis, after all. She sang with the musicians, and even accepted a blessing of protection from a priest. She had never been a religious sort, but she wasn't gonna ruin someones fun and even if she didn't want to admit it, it was a small comfort. After all if there was some god out there that could protect them...well, she'd take whatever increases to her survival she could get.

Not like she was gonna die though. Not easily, at least! She fully intended to explore every bit of the world outside of Oasis. It had been her dream since a little kid, after all. Follow in her parents footsteps and all that. Perhaps even find some clue as to their fates...but thoughts for later! Such thoughts were not fitting of a gathering like this! So she cleared her head of all thoughts of the past and future, and focused solely on the now. Which devouring a delicious looking cake she had swiped from someone.

Soon enough, though, the Caravan reached the west gate, and progress was halted for the night. She would have continued the usual partying, drinking, and merriment had she not caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the crowd. She'd recognize his face anywhere, after all, they had been partners for most of her life. She pulled herself away from the large crowd, and followed the familiar face into a quiet alley far enough away from the noise of the party to become but a distant echo.

"You've got some nerve coming here and showing yourself," Mild annoyance tinged her voice as she approached the large man. The man in question, had short red hair much like her own and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a cloak to hide his appearance - chances were the guard was still looking for him and he was trying to keep his appearance concealed. "Let me rot in a dungeon for months and you've come to say bye now or something?" Her look softened as she spoke, a small chuckle escaping her lips as she finished. "...It's good to see you, Eimar. How's Michelle?"

"The lass is fine. Took a bullet in the shoulder, but nothing that wouldn't heal." The man replied with a sigh. They both knew what happened to the other three, so it was useless bringing them up. At least they were hopefully in a better place, if such a thing existed. There was silence between the two of them for a few minutes after that. There wasn't much to be said, after all. Eimar knew he couldn't convince Sen to stop this fool's errand as much as he might have wanted too. Once she made up her mind on something, he knew it was useless to argue with her.

"So ye goin' through with this, eh?" The man sighed, a small wistful smile forming on his lips.

"Of course I am." She replied, folding her arms against her chest. "I can't stand this place any more. You know I've always hated this place. I want to get out there in the desert and explore! See places where no one else has been before. Might sound a bit childish but...well, you know," She walked over to him, closing the distance between them in a few seconds. "I'm a stubborn idiot, So don't try to tell me to stay, ya big oaf." She smiled.

"Aha, I could never tell ya to do anything, lass." He chuckled, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You jus' make sure if you die out there, you don't let it go to waste." At this the girl chuckled, and wrapped Eimar in a brief, but tight and affectionate hug. They stayed like that for a few, blissful seconds before Senna let go, turning around as she gave Eimar a friendly punch on the shoulder.

"Thanks, but I'm not gonna die out there, Eimar." She said, walking back towards the party. "Look after Michelle. She likes you a bit more than you think."

Eimar simply watched as she left, watching her leave until she disappeared into the crowd. He pulled the hood of his cloak back over his head, before turning around and walking back down the alley, shaking his head. It was well known the two of them were...lovers on occasion, but well, he'd be lying if he said there was never anything more he felt for her, but that didn't matter, now did it? It was likely the last time they'd see each other...well, he couldn't say it was something he wanted to happen, but life was a bitch like that sometimes. Not everyone got a happy ending, after all.

Maybe he'd finally settle down and open that bakery he always wanted to open...

~Senna Daher~

~The Day of Departure~

As the gate opened to let the Caravan leave, excitement, fear, and anxiety hung over the caravan like a thick cloud of smoke. The desert spread out before them like a massive, endless ocean of sand. The pack awaited out there, somewhere among the endless dunes waiting to devour them like they had the Lost Tribe. As she passed through the gates on foot, her mind wandered, going over all the tales that she heard of what possibly lies outside Oasis. Excitement filled the young redhead, quickly driving out any fear, anxiety and any thoughts of going back and living the rest of her life as a petty thief or criminal. The only thing that awaited her down that road, was nothing more than disappointment and possibly an early grave.

At least this way, if she went, she'd have a bit of excitement and adventure with her early grave.

As the caravan moved away the city grew smaller and smaller, though it was ever present in the distance. Senna couldn't help but to watch it disappear into the horizon, almost as if the desert sands were reclaiming its lost territory. A small frown crept across her face as she thought of her last meeting with Eimar the night before. It was difficult for her to leave him like that. Jut to cut off all ties with her old friends and gang...she was going to miss them, there was no getting around that, but she had made the decision to leave, and she wasn't going back on it now. So the girl simply stood atop the sands looking back, and waved good bye to her old life and friends before turning around, face full of nothing but confidence and determination to see this adventure through to its end, no matter what it might be.

As the day wore on, she made her way towards the front of the caravan. The heat definitely wasn't enjoyable and even if she grew up in Oasis, she had never been a fan of it. She much rather preferred the cooler temperatures of the night, though that might be because it was easier to commit theft and other things at that time. Either way, she was grateful for the cool desert breeze that began to stir as the sun set. After a long day of marching it was definitely a welcome event.

So was the brief break they were apparently getting from their leader. She couldn't help but to laugh either when he made a show of drawing his blade and striking towards the sun.

"Hah! See that my fellow gents and gals? We've vanquished our foe for the day and live yet to see tomorrow! Truly there's no finer group to make this journey!" Ahaha, that was definitely true! They had certainly made good progress and hadn't run into any trouble so far.

"Come-come, bring some Vino! We'll march with wine in our bellies and end this day with spirits high! Ah, this reminds me of my daring trip around Oasis, running outside the city walls for four days! Vicious hounds snarling at my heels, with only my trusty bottle of Scipio's to ward them off as I headed for the northern gate! Mind you, this was in my younger years. I'm quite content not to have hounds at my heels every step of this journey." Senna listened to his tale. Sounded like he was quite the troublemaker back when he was a kid like she was. The redhead could respect that, and well, it certainly meant he was an alright sort with her. Plus, his theatrical way of doing things was downright hilarious.

"Ah, this is how history is made I tell you. Those walls are a prison, and Humanity is locked away inside them." Senna fell into step beside Hannibal, a large grin on her face as she addressed the older man.

"Aha, they'll never see the wonders of the outside world, alright!" Senna excitedly replied, drawing her own cutlass, pointing it towards the horizon. "I almost feel sorry for them! Safely behind their walls, living a content life. That's all well and good, but where's the excitement? This reminds me of that one time I stole some iron from the guard. I got caught, and had to make a run for it. I managed to get out on the walls, but I stumbled and fell. Thankfully, I didn't majorly injure myself but I landed outside the walls! Getting back in without the guards noticing me was annoying, but with a little persuasion I managed it." She finished her tale with an excited laugh, flourishing her own blade before loudly sheathing it. It was probably obvious there was quite a bit of exaggeration in her tale, but she wasn't going to be spilling what actually happened any time soon.

"Senna Daher, nice to meet ya." She gave him a roguish grin as she introduced herself. "You're that inventor guy, Hannibal or something right?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aurelia Nekroz

Aurelia sat atop her camel, a hand grazing over a fresh cut she had acquired the day before. The parade out of the city had been anything but celebratory for her on account of the immense amount of heckling the shield maiden had attracted. She could hear them now, their hateful words cruelly stripping away any dignity she had left:

"The only good Nekroz is a dead one!"
"The wastes claim you, bitch!"

Though innocent of any crime levied against her, the treason her family committed had made waves throughout Oasis. Rumors spread from there, demonizing the Nekroz clan. Some spoke of incestual relationships, some of demon worship, and Aurelia distinctly remembered someone accusing her of necrophilia. Though untrue, whatever taboo subject the masses could think of, it was synonomous with the name Nekroz. Needless to say, the event had ruined the poor woman, and even 6 years later, the Nekroz Conspiracy was still fresh in the populace's mind. At one point during the caravan's procession, the harassing had gotten so bad that some of the hecklers had decided to hurl rocks at her. One of those stones hit the woman on the left side of her temple and drew a bit of blood, causing the current wound her fingers grazed over, plus a few other bruises. She pressed on without any reaction though, her ebony eyes always set on the city's western gates.

Once they set up camp at the gates, Aurelia had spent the rest of the night alone, isolated in the room she was given. There was no reason for her to go out, considering no one wanted to have anything to do with her. Even the innkeeper was skeptical about harboring a known pariah, and it took the Royal Guards' persuasion for him to keep her. After all, socializing with the last remaining Nekroz was all but forbidden lest she spread her "lies and heresy". Truly, it was a wonder the military had let the shield maiden remain within their ranks for 6 years with such animosity aimed at her, but Aurelia speculated the Queen herself had something do with it. The woman had no doubt they were glad to be rid of her once she signed up for this expedition though. So, while the others enjoyed their merriment in their presumed last night in Oasis, the shield maiden sharpened her weapons and packed a few last minute provisions before getting a long night's sleep.

The next day had brought some relief to her, as they finally ventured out into the vast desert that lay ahead. From listening in on the conversations, Aurelia had deduced that most of these volunteers were criminals, most of whom had little other choice than to take part in this adventure. This news didn't surprise her at all, considering their leader was none other than Hannibal Hughes. While she knew very little about him and could not have cared less about him, he was quite infamous, especially among the nobility. Her mother, Diana, and eldest sister, Lydia, would go on and on about his exploits when they were alive, and Lydia swore up and down she was going to marry him one day. That woman had every damn news clipping that concerned him plastered on her walls.

At the front of the column, her dark eyes caught sight of the eccentric man, flourishing his blade and screaming about wine. What her sister's obsession was based on, Aurelia hadn't a clue since he was clearly insane. The rabble rousing Hannibal was soon joined by a tall redhead, who proceeded to boast about accomplishments as a thief. Aurelia wasn't sure how someone could be so proud of such lowly deeds. However, at the mention of her name, a light bulb went off in her head, noting that this Senna Daher was also one of those miscreants that had broke into the Queen's palace. The guards had gossiped quite a bit about that occurrence, not to mention security on the palace was doubled afterward. Sighing, the shield maiden shook her head and pondered on how she had ended up in a ragtag group of suicidal criminals. Life had been so sweet, but now... She only continued to redeem her family's name.

Her strong legs signaled the camel beneath her to trot a little faster until her form loomed beside Hannibal and Senna, introducing herself with a courtly bow. "So you're the one the soldiers kept talking about... Do not forget to tell us about your great palace scheme." Aurelia told the redheaded thief, narrowing her eyes at the woman. Though the words she spoke were meant to mock, the softness and mousiness of her voice seemed to imply interest instead. She always had been terrible at sarcasm. Her head turned to Hannibal, acknowledging the man's attractive features, particularly that smile of his. Perhaps Lydia had not been too in the wrong for falling head over heels for him. "My sister, Lydia, loved you, Mr. Hughes. No... I should say the entire Nekroz family loved you. It is an honor. I am the remnant, Aurelia, and I apologize if my presence insults you..." her unassertive voice came out and stroked his ego. At the same time, Aurelia came off as a bit depressing and timid. Her blonde hair bellowed in the wind, and she prepared to fall back in line at his behest, assuming none of these people wanted to deal with a social plague such as herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 5 hrs ago

The Wanderer: Gabriel Del'Tannon

The previous day was the hardest thing he'd had to deal with in a long time. Gabe wasn't used to crowds, or attention, save the wary glances from those who knew his reputation. He stayed near the middle to keep away from the reaching hands and the gifts being thrown, but realized he was still in the center of attention. He moved to the back, but only just before the last man on the team, his guns out for all to see as a warning, even now, to keep their distance.

The procession tumbled along through the city, passing streets and alleyways he had run through and killed in his entire life. Memories passed through his mind like fading pictures. Gun shots echoed off the corners of his skull. Cries for mercy-
He cleared his throat and rolled his head along his shoulders. Most of those men deserved it, and right now, that was behind him. He finally had a chance for a new life, or maybe he was simply speeding up his death. In truth, he'd be fine with either one. When night came, he stayed out in the street next to the wagons and camels. He only walked in to get a pint of hard booze for the road.

He suspected everyone felt a sense of sudden fear or trepidation as they passed through the city gates the next day. He felt a small tremor of something, alright. He wasn't afraid, but neither was he filled with excitement or joy. Perhaps he was simply feeling the noose getting tighter. Whatever it was, it dropped around him like a tombstone. It passed quickly, thank Oasis. He put his hands around his gun hilts to feel something familiar, and he gazed around at his new position within the caravan.

Gabriel found himself a little off to the left of the group, near the front but a few paces back. Close enough to listen, at least. Listening could keep a man alive. His rough hand around the reins of his camel. The beast snorted and clopped along obediently. He patted its side to keep it quiet. He needed to hear what was being said up ahead.

The front man he'd heard about. Hannibal... Some crazy bastard known for his eccentricities and gadgets. As long as he didn't expect a warm hug, they'd probably get along fine. The two women caught his attention, and he grinned at the Shield maiden's words. He could understand her sarcasm. His family had been killed too, and he'd been forced to survive on his own. He just didn't quite have her publicity. Not that everyone had forgotten about the Del'tannons. He supposed he was just better or at hiding. His folks not being caught in a conspiracy also helped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snagglepuss89
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Member Seen 21 days ago

"You know of me? Splendid! Although I'm far from a simple inventor, no. To label me as such is to exclude my other many passions in life!"

He grabbed the red haired woman, linking her arm around his and spinning her around, carelessly, letting out another bellow of a laugh as he did so.

"I even took a fall from that damned wall myself! Can you recall the passion? Soaring through the air, weightless, that rush of life filling you as death rose up to meet you from the ground?Contrasting the hopelessness of your failed invention refusing to keep you aloft, against all sound reasoning and courtesy? Well! Hannibal Bartleby Hughes and Senna Daher still live, damn you Oasis!"

His shouting was cut off as the other woman approached and began speaking. He stopped speaking, eyes losing their mirth as he realized who she was. He took a couple steps towards her, not caring if it threw the redhead trapped in his arm off balance, and examined her face carefully. He had known the girl's father, somewhat, he had come interviewing Hannibal about the Queen some time after he had been removed from the palace. He thought it was a foolish venture, what her family had done, but also disagreed with the severity of the punishment. His opinion of the Queen had fallen sharply since then.

Solemnly, he clutched the locket around his neck.

"Ah, I recall receiving some fan mail from her. Terrible business that, your father was an intelligent man who was prone to foolish notions. I wouldn't be surprised to see him here in your place had circumstances been different."

Before he could continue further, movement caught his eyes, and he caught a bottle of red wine tossed at him from behind Aurelia. The grin returned to his face and he uncorked it immediately, the solemn spell broken. Still holding onto the bottle, he wrapped his other arm around Aurelia and began spinning once more, pulling her out of her saddle with abandon humming as he did so. As if his willpower alone was enough to move the two women.

"I would never be insulted by a lady's company though! Drink! The both of you! We'll be heroes by the end of this and need to celebrate as such!"

Perhaps indiscernible to the man in the back was a wink as he spun still humming. Whether in acknowledgement, or invitation, or just to get sand out of his eyes was any person's guess.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Naahdira Saaba

Naahdira saw the crowd, praising them as they left. Heard the shouts of raucous joy, regaling them as heroes. She also felt the glares on her back, when they saw her. Not many knew her, but those that did were staring, anger barely restrained by the presence of the guards and several of the local heroes. She glided through to the head of the caravan, passing through the densely-packed throng, where their leader, Hannibal, was surrounded by reporters. Walking a few steps behind him, Naahdira scanned the street, looking towards the West Gate, longing to meet with the caravan there, but following common sense, remained, walking behind Hannibal.

As soon as they reached the West Gate, she grew exasperated as they packed everything away for the night, and found places to stay, drunk and exhausted. This was taking altogether too long. She wanted, no, she needed to get away from this place. As long as she remained here, she felt uneasy. Like she was watched. Judged.


Naahdira had resigned to stay one more night, so, carrying her things with her, she had found her way to the rooftop of the building where most of the caravan was staying. Sitting with her back against the low wall that served as the flat roof's safety railing, she looked up into the sky, staring at the stars, while listening to the raucous noise of her fellow travelers below. She found the night sky... comforting, even though most of the atrocities she has committed have been at nighttime. For some reason, the endless stars let her sleep easy, and she drifted off.

Waking up to the sound of the camel masters of their caravan shouting at the laborers that carried their supplies to the animals, loading them, Naahdira stood up, and gathered her pack, slinging it around her shoulder, jumping down from the roof to a barrel that was placed against the wall, and landing on the ground. Following Hannibal, once again, she looked back once at the gates, before turning to the desert ahead. It felt.... good, to leave, as if there was a pressure that was crushing her that was... not removed, but lifted, greatly. Out here, on the sands, she was free of the dark thoughts in the quiet hours of the night, if only for one reason.

When they reached the Chasm of legend, she would throw herself in. It would be fitting, for her to die as far away from Oasis as possible.


After a few hours of decently paced travel, Naahdira saw that quite a few of the caravan were panting, sweaty, and tired already. This caused her to frown. How did they ever expect to reach the end of the desert if they were so... weak? The woman's hood was up, protecting her from the sun while not hiding her face, and her cloak flapped behind her as she moved, walking purposefully, leaving light, almost imperceptible prints in the sand behind her.

Following the front group, a little to the left, and behind, close enough to listen, but not take part in the conversation, Naahdira noted that a man, wearing quite a bit of leather, had the same idea as her. This... made no sense. Why would you go into the desert, on a mission that could take years, wearing a leather longcoat???

Her frown growing deeper as they walked, eventually, she spoke up, without turning her head to the man.

"You do realize... we are going to be on the move for quite some time, yes? Why... do you have such a heavy garb?" She did not ask out of malice, rather, genuine confusion at the, (what seemed to her,) ignorance or defiance of nature's laws.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As a man of science, the ulterior motives behind all the participants of the caravan deeply intrigued Urs. The desire to escape seemed to be the most prominent one he saw among the group, but still, mystery and intrigue surrounded every member's motives. Then again, now that the trek had begun, Urs wasn't so sure he knew why he had let his thirst for discovery get the better of him. Urs had no deathwish and no desire to lose all he had strived for in his life, and the seeds of regret began planting themselves into his conscience. His quest to discover what no man had discovered before seemed obtuse and trivial now, and his apparent impending demise was quite a bitter pill to take. For Urs, parallels could be drawn to stagefright; all is well beforehand, but once you're actually out there you begin to choke up. "Shut up." he murmured to himself, attempting to calm the discord and clout that was sprouting in his head. A moody scowl was beginning to be displayed on his facial features as he grew more and more in contempt for his foolish and suicidal decision. Just a day before, his heart had been filled with excitement at the prospect of his possible role in the advancement of science, but now, trudging along the sandy dunes, he began to see the err in his ways.

Urs was not a man of religion, he was too devoted to his field of work. He found that if there was a higher and divine power in the upper room, then how could such a being leave them to the wolves; or in this case, the Pack. But, if Urs was wrong, he sure as hell hoped he was in this very moment. Realizing that there was nothing he could do now, with the fading mirage of the Oasis slowly bleeding away to the crimson horizon line. Sands sifted lazily over Urs' feet as he was alone with his thoughts.

Conversation rolled over the extensive caravan, and Urs found himself at the middle of the caravan walking a brisk pace, yet to indulge in conversation with any traveler. He gazed the horizon worriedly, looking for any sign of the Pack. They were a large group, they would not go unnoticed for long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 5 hrs ago

The Wanderer: Gabriel Del'Tannon

Gabe raised his eyebrow at Hannibal's theatrics. He thought about his earlier opinion of the man. The eccentric was fast becoming just unhinged in his mind. He shook his head slowly, his duster flowing in the wind as he walked. Unfortunately, he was used to crazy people, having lived in the alleyways with the scum of Oasis most of his life. He couldn't see how the women would eat that kind of stuff up. Then again, he guessed it beat the alternative of what gang fellows did to women. Drink and force.

"You do realize... we are going to be on the move for quite some time, yes? Why... do you have such a heavy garb?"
"Hmm?" he reacted. His steely eyed gaze switched to the statuesque and ebony skinned woman beside him. She carried herself like a warrior. He also thought the question odd, coming from her. "Speak for yourself." he said gruffly. He let the silence last for a few moments, but he realized he should at least converse with her. If he was to be traveling with these folk, he might as well get to know them, or trust them enough to speak plainly. "I used it to keep away the sand and prying hands. If it gets too hot, I'll put it on the camel."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 12 days ago

"A fool is one of two things. An idiot or an actor. Both are easy marks."

The Parade

Opal Lennox heard the jubilation from the comfort of one of the caravan wagons. Such celebrations offered her little in the way of joy or concern, but it wasn't just a distaste for people celebrating such a silly event that kept her away from the limelight; it was far better for her not to risk being spotted by one of the many people lining the streets and causing a ruckus. The odds were high that at least one of them would recognize her for a swindle or two, and that sort of attention was not welcome. Wasn't that the point of this expedition, for Opal anyway, to let the heat cool? Funny how living a life of lies had the side effect of catching up to someone.

The wagon also offered Opal a moment to reflect on the night previous, when she said her goodbyes through the impersonal method of a forgery. What other choice did she have? How could she explain it to her proper and regal parents that she was going to say damn the aristocracy and their smug ways in order to join an expedition that good money says won't come back at all? And to say nothing of how she could explain the cons, the numerous deceptions that were her entire being now. Opal could lie better than anyone she knew...but even she didn't enjoy the idea of lying to the people that raised her. But the truth would hurt even more.

And so she left a simple note writ in a rushed scratch stating simply that Ophelia Harrington had been kidnapped and details of the ransom would follow shortly. A lie, yes, but an indirect one. A bitter pill to swallow. Opal couldn't afford to think of the Harrington family or her old life; while the population took to the streets to celebrate a caravan of fools, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington were no doubt bawling their eyes out damning whoever could do such a thing. They might even go to the guard but by that point Opal had expected to be well beyond the walls of Oasis, either one step closer to unearned riches or dead in the sand.

Saying goodbye was easier now. For all intents and purposes, Ophelia Harrington was dead, and as Opal shut the locket containing a photo of a younger, happier Ophelia, she was buried too. As the wagon and the caravan it was part of slowly made its way through the streets, Opal ran over the con in her head. She had to get into character; this was the long con to end all long cons and any slip up would spell the end of the ruse. In her head, the basics were repeated like a sort of mantra: 'My name is Miss Opal Lennox, I'm a merchant by trade in search of objects no other trader can offer. Twenty Seven years young, my father, bless the man, worked as a music man in a dive until sickness took him from us. My mother...shit' Opal shook her head as the fictional biography fell apart. The trick was to have occupations that were defined but just vague enough to not invite further questioning. The second trick was never to be the same age as you were, which is why Opal always went two years higher than her actual, it added credibility to the image of demure merchant.

As the caravan continued towards the gate, with the wagon bouncing and rocking along, Opal remained quiet well into the evening, only daring to come out after nightfall once her story was down pat.

It wasn't until the following morning that her eyes would start to identify potential suckers.

The Next Day

Opal remained in the wagon for the morning leg of the journey, conversing only briefly with others who sought shelter from either the sun or the difficulty of riding or walking along. No one truly stuck out, but then the ones that stuck out were a crapshoot. The ordinary ones made for the easiest marks while the ones drawing attention were rarely worth the time or the effort. And based on who was leading this caravan...Opal would take her chances on someone else. Of course she'd heard of him, who in Oasis hadn't at least by reputation? Opal almost pegged him for a fellow confidence man, but any good con artist knew the value in keeping things simple...and Hannibal was anything but.

When the caravan slowed, Opal left the wagon and took her first steps outside Oasis. Even in the setting dusk the heat was felt, especially given her black attire. The price one pays for looking the part. But she at least had the benefit of a full day's rest and was easily able to keep up with the front of the pack, albeit just enough paces back so as to not seem like she was getting involved. Recon. She spotted the caravan captain easily enough, the idiot had his sword out like he was posing for a photograph. Opal was surprised to find someone else joining in the sword waving lunacy. The red hair and that little swagger...Opal had heard the story of a band of thieves that once attempted to rob the Queen of all people though she recalled not the name. It didn't matter anyway, it just proved that the red haired woman was a shitty thief. Opal knew the best way to rob someone was just to have them GIVE their items to you. Still, a potential mark, though perhaps it was prudent to wait until the girl had something worth taking.

Another familiar sight rode near to them. Opal doubted there was any among the high class that didn't know of the Nekroz Betrayal. It was all the aristocracy cared to talk about for weeks after it occurred. Opal was curious as to why the daughter was on this fool's errand, but the curiosity turned soon to concern. Was it possible that the Nekroz daughter would see through the disguise? A test for later, but for now it was better to simply not get involved. But again, another potential mark. A man in leather counted himself among the roster, though Opal knew him not. He was quiet, that was a good sign, and that was all she needed to know at present. Opal's eyes were taken by an especially tall woman with a rather exotic look to her. She was speaking to the leather wearing quiet man and she wondered for a brief moment if they were a pair. They certainly looked the most...seasoned of the bunch, though given the competition was two loud mouthed sword twirlers and a disgraced daughter it wasn't high praise.

"Two fools, two serious sorts, and a would-be kindred spirit. Not looking great." Opal spoke to herself with a soft sigh. "I expect half of them not to make it longer than a month. The thief, the daughter, the leatherman, and the giant...now which one is lucky number one?"

She looked again to Hannibal and shook her head, writing him off as a target immediately. Not worth it. Not at all. "Bit early for the sauce. We're being led by a drunkard." Opal had her work cut out for her, but no one said the life of a con artist was easy.

@Snagglepuss89 @Rune_Alchemist @Viciousmarrow @POOHEAD189 @Athinar
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ava Hemingway

Camels. Oh, how she hated camels. They stunk to high heaven, they weren't exactly the smoothest ride, and they tended to drool all over the place. Frankly, they were disgusting. If sand weren't so difficult to walk in she would have just walked the entire way, but alas she rode on this damned camel instead, jerking left and right with each and every step.

Despite excluding herself from the drinking and merriment of the previous night, Ava was exhausted. She had barely slept as thoughts of her mother and brother kept her awake, along with becoming increasingly anxiety ridden over leaving Oasis. It wasn't the fact that she had never been further past the walls than a mere fifteen feet, but it was the idea of leaving her scanty family on their own. The lump sum of money she had given them after signing up for this crazy adventure would help a great deal, but she had always been near to protect them if need be. Hopefully her brother would hold out and she wouldn't return to find him dead... if she returned at all.

Her thoughts broke as a breeze began to kick up loose sand, causing her to raise up her hood to protect her face. Emerald eyes scanned the group of misfits surrounding her in all directions, recognizing some although most had forgettable faces. How many of them would be left by the end of this? Who would be the first to go? In all likely hood, it was foolish to believe that this entire group would survive. Oasis was probably better off with this lot gone in all honesty.

As she examined faces and behaviors, she noticed that some others must have came to the same realization as they wandered further and further from the safety of Oasis. The walls, once immense and mighty, slowly became dim and puny in the distance. People began to trail behind in the caravan as they marched on, becoming tired and hesitant to leave. Some completely stopped to take a look at Oasis behind them, which made Ava wonder if they would soon desert this death wish.

"Hah! See that my fellow gents and gals? We've vanquished our foe for the day and live yet to see tomorrow! Truly there's no finer group to make this journey!"

Her eyes snapped back to the front of the caravan, where their infamous leader called out and began to swing his sword around dramatically, as if he were some sort of stage performer. People in the crowd called out in response to him, drowning out Mr. Hughes next words as she was much too far back to hear him through it. He could inspire high moral rather quickly, she would give him that. However, as she watched him, all that came to mind were all the rumors that circulated around the city about him. A particular murder accusation had always interested her. Had he done it truly in defense of a woman's honor, or was it some kind of revenge ploy? Perhaps they would never know. Hannibal Hughes was quite the bullshitter. The Queen didn't seem to care about the accusation, as he was pardoned not once but on two accounts. What had he done for the Queen that she owed him that?

Mr. Hughes was certainly an interesting "leader" to say the least.

Soon enough, wine was being passed around through the crowd. Just as an entire bottle was shoved into her hands, a woman caught her eye. Aurelia Nekroz. Ava raised a brow as she watched Hannibal yank her down from atop the camel and twirl her and another red headed woman around. Aurelia didn't know about her, but Ava certainly knew a lot about Aurelia. In fact, the young woman had a hit placed out on her head not too long ago. Ava had picked up the contract, but after only a week or two of tracking her down and figuring out her routine, it was retracted. She had never known why, but at the time she didn't care to ask questions. Her contact hadn't been the chattiest of people and neither was she.

"What is she doing here?" She thought, watching the awkward blonde and occasionally analyzing the group of miscreants to see who shot dirty looks and who didn't seem to care about Aurelia and her dreadful past.

Her eyes then found a man beside her on foot, looking to the horizon with the most distressed look on his face. She had heard him mutter something to himself earlier, but chose to ignore it then. "Hey," She called down to him, "I think you need this more than me." She tossed him the bottle of wine when he looked up at her, a slight smirk on the edge of her lips.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Senna Daher~

"You know of me? Splendid! Although I'm far from a simple inventor, no. To label me as such is to exclude my other many passions in life!"

Well, she could immediately tell her and Hannibal were going to be best friends after this. Even when he grabbed her arm and started spinning her. She happily returned the laughter, a large grin on her face. He was definitely someone she was gonna have lots of fun with.

"I even took a fall from that damned wall myself! Can you recall the passion? Soaring through the air, weightless, that rush of life filling you as death rose up to meet you from the ground?Contrasting the hopelessness of your failed invention refusing to keep you aloft, against all sound reasoning and courtesy? Well! Hannibal Bartleby Hughes and Senna Daher still live, damn you Oasis!"

She laughed a bit louder at this. Indeed, it had been rather exhilarating falling from the wall - that part of the story had been true for the most part. It was the first time she as a kid, had gotten a good look at the world outside the wall. A vast ocean of desert and sand, just begging to be explored. You could say that was the first time she had seriously considered leaving the wall.

"So you're the one the soldiers kept talking about... Do not forget to tell us about your great palace scheme." Her thoughts were interrupted by the other woman's voice. Despite the seemingly friendly nature of her question, Senna knew sarcasm when she heard it. The redhead frowned slightly, fixing the woman with a small glare as she spoke. Though as she introduced herself as a Nekroz, Senna sighed. Out here, things like that didn't matter. They were all in the same boat now, and besides, It seemed the two knew each other on some level.

Oh, and she was cute. That was a plus. Maybe she could have a bit of fun with her. She'd have to...get to know her a little bit later, perhaps.

She let the two of them converse for now, giving a small voice of protest as Hannibal pulled her along almost making her stumble over her own two feet. She listened as she said something about her sister and Hannibal knowing each other. Seemed like they had some unresolved business or whatever. Well, it wasn't her business so she'd keep her mouth shut. Not that they were going to be doing much conversing anyways. Soon, a bottle of wine was tossed at Hannibal. The inventor uncorked it, and grabbed Aurelia out of her saddle and began spinning them around again, humming a fairly pleasant tune as he did so.

"I would never be insulted by a lady's company though! Drink! The both of you! We'll be heroes by the end of this and need to celebrate as such!"

Senna laughed, snatching the bottle of wine from Hannibal's grasp with her free hand. She wasn't going to turn down an invitation for a drink. That would be just plain rude and foolish.

"Heroes indeed! They'll sing our names in songs! History will tell of us as great heroes who conquered the world outside the walls." The redhead brought the bottle to her lips and took a large drink of the stuff, just as another woman walked up. Another cute one, too. Heh, maybe she could get in good with one of them.

"Bit early for the sauce. We're being led by a drunkard." Senna laughed at the womans statement.

"Early? Hah! There's not such thing as a bad time for drink." She said, passing the bottle back to Hannibal as they continued their impromptu dance. "Had a friend back in my gang who'd say it was too early to be sober." Senna then joined in Hannibal's humming. Might as well enjoy themselves while they could, shouldn't they? They might not really get another chance all the way out here.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sagittarius
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Sagittarius The Archer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Io Murkveld

Io sat on the front of a wagon, updating his notes on the people who were participating in the expedition alongside him. Since he already had the names of everyone who was participating, it was just a matter of confirming what had changed about them since the last time he'd gotten study them. There was a certain… joy that Io felt watching others grow and change. Io would be able to see everyone, everyday, and that reason alone made him ecstatic.

Externally, Io seemed bored out of his mind, glancing about with dead eyes that were searching for something interesting. His actual thoughts were completely different.

“Uwa~ there are so many people coming along!” he raved to himself, his heart racing from being so close to his study material. “Hannibal Bartleby Hughes. 35 years old. His height from 27 days ago doesn't seem to have changed, but he seems to have gained about three pounds of weight. He seemed a little wistful lately. There was a rumor that he suggested the expedition, so he might be searching for more story material. It's really fun finding out which parts are exaggerated, and--”

Io spent the rest of the parade reviewing his notes on every person like this, speculating his theories on why they were going on this “fool’s errand”. However, there was one person who stood out.

“Opal Lennox. Previous data on her… does not exist. She's at least… 20 years old, if not more.” Io smiled at the “no data” part. It'd be impossible to go that many years without your name being mentioned. “She seems to be from an affluent family, so not from those Lennox… so it's a fake name, huh?” The other options were either ruled out or extremely unlikely and, regardless, it was far more fun this way.

“Well,” Io said, finally hopping off the wagon after daylight was long gone, startling the guards settled there. “Let's see what secrets I can dig up before we leave.” He could sleep on the caravan, while they were leaving. There was something far more interesting to do that night.

Io was sound asleep in the wagon for his usual five hours, exhausted from his search last night. But, he'd gotten what he wanted. There were three particularly “loud” events that had happened that day: the supposed abduction of “Ophelia Harrington”, the only things left being a note and some of her hair; the search for the swindler “Clarabelle Chetwynde”, who was forced to flee after a failed scam and, the person whose sudden appearance made Io investigate in the first place, “Opal Lennox”.

Eavesdropping on the conversations between the guards, he learned that Clarabelle had a very similar appearance to Ophelia, who went missing shortly after the search order went out. The next day, Io saw Opal, who had similar specs to Ophelia’s latest, 16 days old data. Io had also found that the hair that was left with the ransom note matched the difference between the length Opal’s bangs and Ophelia’s. It was a short period of time between the escape of Clarabelle and Opal’s boarding of the caravan wagons; it'd be faster to cut the bangs than reaching around to cut the hair in the back, and she was probably panicking and moving quickly at the time.

The conclusion that all three of them were the same person was still just a guess, however, and Io would have to find some way to confirm it. That, he decided to figure out after he slept, while they were traveling.

Io woke to quite the rambunctious crew, Hannibal probably drunk and spinning around Aurelia, Seena downing a bottle of fairly expensive alcohol, Gabriel... flirting with Naahdira? and Ava, almost definitely flirting with Urs.

Opal was on the side, seemingly studying the others. “I wonder if she likes watching others too,” Io thought to himself, immediately dismissing the foolish notion. Though Io rarely ignored other’s hobbies, he'd learned that there was almost no one else that shared his interest, and they always seemed to get creeped out when he mentioned it to anyone that did.

Disregarding that, Io figured it would be best to pull her away from the group before he confronted her about the truth behind her identity. Stretching out as he walked over, Io put on a childish visage and gently tugged on Opal’s sleeve. “Miss Opal!” Io said to her in a loud whisper.

“I wanna tell you a secret. Could you follow me?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ishar the Bard

Ishar listened to everyone at once, finding slight solace that he was among people that got along, seemingly, well. It was all very, very satisfying and he couldn't help but keep a slight smile on his face. Casually, he began strumming the lute that he had brought with him, hoping to aid in a bit of a calming tone for everyone. He did not plan to speak, just to play for everyone and hope they would continue on their merry way. Absolutely fantastic.

The bard loved to listen in on the various conversations, he loved the little speech that the inventor had done, everything. The sand was shifting as he walked over it, the desert opening up fully as they got further and further from the city. Ishar let out a sigh, not a sad one, but a happy one. His mood was too good to be truely saddened by anyone right now, unless they broke his flute. Though, no one wanted to fight among one another and he knew that one well.

His fingers continued to strum the lute, enchanting the air with the luxurious sound of calming music. Ishar did not wish to spoil the mood either, so he made no pause to the sounds he was making. Finding himself being slightly taken away in it as he looked around at the scenery. There was nothing but sand, however, it was the sand that everyone had known for their lives. With another happy with he went back to playing his music.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Aurelia Nekroz

I’m not so open like the window you are.

Aurelia was hardly expecting to be touched by the eccentric Hannibal, let alone twirled around by him, yet the unforeseen became a reality. Her mouth was hanging open to reply to him when, all of a sudden, their great leader's arm tugged the woman from her camel. Panic gripped her, forcing her ebony orbs wide, as she was inhaled into Hannibal's spiraling maelstrom. A single person hadn't dared to touch the former noblewoman since 6 years ago, and the shock of something like this happening so rapidly left the poor Nekroz shaken and confused. Her fight or flight response activated, instinct flying to decide her actions rather than rational thought.

Unfortunately for the man, instinct determined the best course of action to be a violent one. As Senna began speaking about the proper time to drink, Aurelia spun herself about and used that momentum to bury a heavy hand into Hannibal's gut. However, Aurelia's face went beet red when she realized what she did and instantly regretted it. They had only just begun their journey and she was already attacking their leader! How was she going to redeem her family's name when she could add "mutiny" to their list of crimes?! Not to mention this happened in front of everybody, so this definitely was going to reinforce all the rumors about the Nekroz clan! It didn't help that she felt like a halfling next to nearly everyone presently nearby, considering the shield maiden's short stature.

"I-I am so sorry!" she stammered out. Her hands, clad in leather gloves, covered her mouth in shame, and her legs backed away from the scene to give the head of the caravan some space to recover. On the bright side of things, Aurelia was glad she hadn't pulled out her gladius and stuck him like a pig. That would have been awful. As luck would have it, one of the wine suppliers thought it would be a great time to toss a bottle to the shield maiden. Unable to catch the bottle in time, divine retribution struck her in the chest in the form of Scipio's and sent the blonde straight onto her bottom. Aurelia's face went a shade of red darker, feeling utterly humiliated.

To avoid being trampled by a brunette's camel, the woman quickly stood up from the hot sand, an expression upon her visage that spoke a thousand words of indignity. "...Sorry..." she meekly apologized for being an inconvenience to the lady upon the camel. There was laughter from behind her, only worsening how she felt. For the first time in ages, people were actually talking to her, but Aurelia was just making a mess of things! Bowing her head and hiding her countenance behind a wall of blonde hair, she held the bottle of Scipio's to her sore chest and began to stride back to her camel. The best course of action was just to remain silent and still until she was needed. Otherwise, someone else might get hurt. Or worse.

@Snagglepuss89@Rune_Alchemist@The Muse@Fabricant451
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 5 hrs ago

The Wanderer: Gabriel Del'Tannon

Gabe's keen vision and steely eyed gaze caught all that transpired up ahead. He let out a whistle when he saw her gut punch Hannibal, and despite his pity at what was happening, it was the most amusing thing he'd seen in awhile. Served Hannibal right, he thought to himself, tearing that poor Nekroz girl straight off her camel. He'd have shot someone if they did that to him, after all. Then again, people only touched him when they meant to do him harm, mainly because it was a last resort before he killed them himself. But despite all the killings and all the lonesome days, somehow he still had a bit of heart left.

"Scuse me" he said to Naahdira, giving her a tip of his hat. He led his camel forward at a quicker pace, guiding it by the reigns until he made his way up to the fore of the column. He sighed, as he usually did before he spoke to someone in conversation. It made him uncomfortable doing this, but so did many things he had to do. Stoic, he walked over towards Aurelia and gave her a tip of his hat as well, before catching the reins of her mount along the way for her. "Are you alright?" he inquired, giving her as warm of a tone as he could manage. His gruff voice carrying over the sand just loud enough for her and anyone extremely close could hear. He peeked out from under his hat, and his dark eyes met hers as he spoke.

Judging by how she had been acting previously, this girl was uncomfortable around people. Rightly so, he'd reckon. He saw the kind of reception she had gotten from the crowd back in Oasis. He wasn't usually the charitable type, but he'd always had a soft spot for women and children, and especially for other orphans. He pulled forward the reins of her camel, and held them out for her to grab herself. Actions spoke louder than words, and he wasn't planning on speaking anymore than he had to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Senna Daher~

And things were going so smoothly.

Everyone was happy, dancing, and drinking...well, okay, maybe just her and Hannibal. Most of the others were simply sighing and shaking their heads at their actions. Spoilsports should learn to relax a little, but that was a thought for another time. Senna was currently trying to stop herself from laughing like the rest of the folks. Aurelia had just punched Hannibal right in the gut, stopping their little foray into their respective tales of mischief and drink. The redhead definitely hadn't expected Aurelia's reaction at all, and maybe she thought the girl was overreacting just a bit, but she couldn't say Aurelia was wrong either. A lot of people out there didn't like the sort of thing Hannibal just tried to pull.

Senna pulled herself away from Hannibal. He'd be fine. He's probably had a lot worse than a woman punching him in the gut. In fact, that was probably a daily thing for him. For now, she simply stifled laughter at Hannibal's expense. That would just be adding insult to injury for Aurelia, and she didn't want to make her more upset then she already was.

"Alright, you all can just go back to whatever you were doing!" She shouted in an annoyed tone to the group laughing behind Aurelia. "If not, I'll introduce your face, to my crossbow!" Whether they shut up after that though, was irrelevant. She'd keep that threat if they didn't shut their mouths, but for now she wanted to see if Aurelia was alright.

"Geez, some people..." Senna quietly commented as she walked over to Aurelia. No need to be angry or upset with her, even if it was probably obvious Aurelia didn't like her or her previous...occupation that much. Seemed like she wasn't the only one with the idea, too. A man walked up, and offered Aurelia the reigns to her camel. She didn't recognize him but it seemed like he had the same idea as she did. That was good - she was glad that there were at least some halfway decent people in this caravan, then. She knew how Aurelia had been treated in the city, it was kind of hard not to know.

"Hey, you're still adorable, so don't worry about it." She chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood just a bit with a little compliment, though her voice took a more serious tone as she gave her a slightly concerned look. "But yeah, you alright, Aurelia? Not hurt anywhere?" She echoed the mans question.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snagglepuss89
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Member Seen 21 days ago

Pain replaced merriment as the spinning man came to a screeching halt, Aurelia's hand buried in his gut. The woman was small, but damned if she wasn't a soldier. His humming was replaced by a gasp as she walked away and he clutched his gut in confusion as she walked away, followed the the redhead and joined by another man. Was he not the one injured here? Why was she getting the crowd's sympathy and attention? With a grimace, he spit, and then took a mouthful of wine from the bottle in his hand, letting the rich taste overwhelm his annoyance.

He supposed, at least she apologized. Perhaps years of the military life had sucked all sense of fun from the woman. He sympathized, truly, it could be a stifling institution at the best of times, his own years serving in the guard were a bleak memory for him. Well, if she wanted serious, Hannibal Bartleby Hughes was capable of it. With a few long strides he made his way over to the small group and held his hand up to silence the man and redhead for a moment. Standing in front of the Nekroz woman, he unsheathed his sword just the smallest amount, and ran his thumb down the blade, drawing blood. A quick motion smeared it in a line across his forehead. It was an unofficial salute of sorts in the military, known as A Penance by name. A definitive apology in a career where actions meant more than words.

"I apologize."

He spoke simply, with a bow, before turning away and leaving the three. It was going to be a long journey, and he would need all the support of the caravan to survive it. Whether or not his enthusiasm was appreciated, he'd need them to listen when the time came. As he walked towards those further back in the caravan he removed a handkerchief from his pocket and began cleaning up his blood, first off of the blade at his side and finally wrapping it around his thumb after cleaning his face. With each step, his swagger slowly returned, and he grinned as he approached another woman, more tan than the rest just a little ways from the group, passing a woman and young boy in the process. If he was phased by her derision about his passion drink, he gave no sign, and proclaimed to everyone as he passed:

"Ho! My fellow beacons of life in this cruel wasteland! A joyous close to the first day, isn't it? I feel as if the whole of Oasis couldn't stop us if they tried! With luck this blasted desert won't either."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dregan

Dregan Ynot Meat

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Day of Departure...

He watched the group as they gathered for the big launch. He watched the crowds and the revelry that sprung up around them and not for the first time he asked himself just how he had landed himself in the middle of all this. Benji wasn't the sort to look for attention, not this type anyway. Attention like this was bad for business, but this was business. Scratching idly at the two day stubble on his cheek his gaze scanned the group again. They seemed the normal sort to go for a fools errand like this, yet he knew better then to judge solely on appearance. Truth be told he didn't give a damn what their reasons were, he had his own reasons for being here and it wasn't just for the profit.

A Few Weeks Prior...

”...so yah see Bennie tis right up yer ally.” Cole smiled like a letch. He was one too, but he got the contracts Benji fulfilled and whatever his other faults were, Cole was loyal to a hair.
“Where did you hear about this Cole?” Benji wasn't in the mood for the others half drunk ideas of what would be right up his ally. He didn't need wealth or riches even though he had a fair bit saved up, he had other plans.
”Y'know how't is Bennie, my info is good...” Cole took a big swig of his mug before continuing. ”...y'know it always is.”
“So this 'Expedition' is setting out over the sands, and you're sure about the rest?” Cole nodded and resumed his mission to best the mug. “Then I'll have to find the leader of this expedition and make my services available as a hunter and guard. But Cole...” The drop in tone and temperature in Benji's voice made him stop mid gulp. “...if it isn't someone's going to have to answer.”Cole swallowed hard on the grog as he watched his usually silent partner slip out the door.

Day of Departure...

Last night Benji tied up the last of his unfinished business in Oasis, at least as far as securing some assets. And as he moved with the group he kept to himself in his role as caravan guard. He carried a well crafted crossbow in front of him like a warning and shield and it seemed to do the trick, the sturdy piece was just right for the job. A part of him, a small voice far in the back of his mind, wondered if these people were celebrating the expedition or just looking for a reason to get drunk and forget about the worries of the day. People seldom seemed to need a reason to drink other then to get drunk, all the better when you had a valid excuse. A lot of headaches will be going around tomorrow.

As they camped by the West Gate for the night Benji watched the group indulgent in the spirit of the crowd. Excitement seemed rife in the night air. Even the guards were partaking, perhaps trying to drown their fear of the coming morning and the final step away from the safety of Oasis. Benji felt it too, it was a stupid man who didn't fear death or the unknown, it was a coward that backed down from it. Benji was neither stupid nor a coward, his own feelings on venturing outside the city were mixed. Sure he'd gone hunting before, that was different. There was always the tether to the city and the inevitable return, now though. Here the tether got cut and the inevitable return was a sliver of a hope on a wayward night.

First Day...

The expedition plodded along at an even pace and the city was left in the dust tracked up by their movement. Benji was on guard somewhere along the middle and to the right. That morning he had quite enjoyed the groans of self loathing and swears to never touch another drop of drink that rose with the wear revelers from the night before.
To Benji the set out was more an eagerness to be one step closer to his goal and he was eager. Perhaps the other members of the group felt a similar sense of excitement.

By midday his throat was dry with dust and his clothes quite damp with sweat. So far it was uneventful at least where he was concerned. Adjusting his grip on his crossbow Benji scanned the sands, again he asked himself what he was doing here or if it was worth it. But what other choice did he have left, he'd already exhausted all his other leads in Oasis and every other shred pointed him in the direction that the expedition was heading. He'd combed through the vastness of the city in the last four years and came up with nothing more then a name whispered in fear on the breaths of dying men and women. Even in death they feared this person, the mention of his name.
And recently work had been slow and there had been a silence in his quest that left him feeling uneasy. Then Cole had mentioned some rumor that seemed to be floating down in the Dregs. Apparently someone had systematically taken out key players in the Underworld of Oasis over the past couple years and that an unnamed outside party was looking into the flux in business.
Benji did his own digging and it lead him here in sorts.
True Cole had set up the gig for the guard position, but that was because Benji had him looking in that direction. The expedition was just a timely and convenient way for Benji to get closer to his goal. Somewhere out in these sands lay the answers and if it didn't and he somehow made it back alive to Oasis he would just have to start from the beginning.

As they stopped for the night Benji got drafted for the first watch shift and he actually preferred that to taking the dead shift or early shift. He settled in keeping whatever light came from the caravan at his back and let his eyes adjust to the dark. He'd had a light meal of salted jerked meat and sweetened water. In the morning he would set out with a small scouting party, but for tonight he would do a little exploring of his own.
As the camp settled down for the night Benji became a shadow in the dark that moved around its edges. He checked on the others on watch duty with him before he went to his pack. Retrieving his walking stick and a small vial wrapped in oiled cloth he returned unseen to his post just in time to be relieved.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 12 days ago

Opal was certain beyond a doubt now that an alarming percentage of the people in the caravan, or at least up at this section of it, were hovering somewhere in the realm of laughably inept. Or perhaps they were putting on an act; she couldn't put it past them and what better way to fool people than by acting a fool yourself? Of course, the possibility also existed that it was just the vino talking - reinforcing her earlier sentiments that the sauce was being imbibed far too early. Spirits were reserved for celebrations of merit, marriages or birthdays or funerals, but Opal didn't find that surviving a day out in the sands was cause for celebration.

But then, it was possible that she just didn't want anything that could impair her judgment and mental capacity.

"And what happened to that gang friend of yours, if I may?" Opal asked after the jovial lass refuted the initial remark, "Why, drinking is a right and I respect that and those that indulge every now and again," How easily the lies rolled off her tongue, "But the man that drinks before nightfall is the man that misses the sunrise. You, miss, well I can't rightly fault you for nothing, but the humming sort has our lives in hand and between the both of us, miss, I'd surely prefer someone that can withstand the temptation of a bottle." Opal really hoped her tone and semi-huckster bend wasn't too overdone, but that was always the risk in these dress rehearsals. "No offense to you, good sir, of course."

“Miss Opal! I wanna tell you a secret. Could you follow me?” A younger sounding voice and a tugging at her sleeve drew Opal's attention away from the caravan leader, the lively lass, and the Nekroz girl just as things seemed to be getting good - she heard what sounded like a slap of some sort - and found her eyes looking at someone who seemed far too young to be a part of this little expedition. And yet, the young man's appearance wasn't the oddest thing, but rather the fact that he knew her name. That was unexpected, doubly so since the only one who would know that would be people that had access to the caravan roster.

Tricky. A delicate situation. But he was just a kid, and kids were easy. Too easy. Opal could swindle a child out of three weeks' allowance without breaking a sweat.

"Miss Opal Lennox, if'n it pleases you, child, you have my attention there's no need to tug on my sleeve like that." Opal spoke to the lad, pulling her sleeve, and thus her arm, away from the curious boy. "I suppose there ain't no harm in hearing you out, though I wonder if this caravan has a case of the loose lip." Secrets were a dangerous thing to have and a deadly thing to keep. Yet Opal was curious. How could anyone have a secret so early on? It was probably some sick person or perhaps he just wanted to show someone a trinket or bauble. Opal supposed she just had the look of someone trustworthy and kind.

"First tell me your name so we're not at a disadvantage and then I'll hear you out, little one."

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Naahdira Saaba

Naahdira barely nodded at the leather-clad man's departure, staring towards the horizon. What lay there, beyond human sight, where world met sky? Surely, the legends could not all be untrue. There had to be something there. Or what if the world was a disc, in a sea of stars, like some philosophers liked to say? Would there just be endless nothing below them? Would- Naahdira's thoughts were interrupted by their captain speaking loudly to everyone at the front of the train.

"Ho! My fellow beacons of life in this cruel wasteland! A joyous close to the first day, isn't it? I feel as if the whole of Oasis couldn't stop us if they tried! With luck this blasted desert won't either."

Cruel? That was certainly one way to look at it. Was life truly cruel? And was the desert a wasteland, if Oasis existed? And why would Oasis even try and stop the journey? "Mr. Hannibal, why would they want to stop the Caravan? There are quite a few people, including yourself, whom most of Oasis would be glad to see die in the desert."

Naahdira had no idea how pessimistic and insulting the statement had sounded before she had said it, and a little bit of a wince worked its' way onto her normally placid face. "Ah, I didn't mean to imply that the Caravan would fail to return, and I didn't mean to say that you wouldn't be welcome back in Oasis. I just meant that there are quite a few people who are unpopular back there in Oasis on this trip."

Damn it, why couldn't she say what she meant the first time? Why was she so... awkward in social situations? What was wrong with her?

Was it the years of being alone in the desert, hunting, without her sister to guide her? Was it all of the violence and the reputation that followed it as a mercenary? Or was it the lonely, dark nights, in which she exterminated people like animals as the Wraith? Why couldn't she... be like the others?

This was why she was going to kill herself, after all. She was guilty of more crimes than almost anyone in Oasis, she didn't deserve to live. She was a freak who couldn't even speak to other people right- again, her dark train of thought was interrupted once more by Hannibal speaking.

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