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Saurilian Empire

Replacement of Librus Konrad

"As many of you may know, we have held the funeral for the now late Librus Konrad. He was one of our finest diplomats in recent history," Queen Maine Saurilia announced to her cabinet of advisors while a few reporters took notes in the background. The Queen cleared her throat before continuing on with her statement, "Now it is time for his replacement as our official representative for the empire, a Mr. Zackery Hasselhoff, shall be that new representative. It makes me proud to say that as well and I shall let him takeover,"

The queen slowly gets up from her seat and exits the room only to be replaced by the aforementioned man who seemed well groomed for the event with his slightly grayed, mostly black hair slicked back, no beard seemed to be on this man and he held a very wide smile. Unfortuneately, the young queen had to take her leave before the man could begin his little speech.

Supply and Demand

Days later, the Queen would be plagued by her officers sending her requests for my rifles in order to fully supply the army with the well needed rifles. She sent many responses that would say she would allocate them the money if they would just order from the Lithuanian Arms themselves, which was a bad idea as some of the officers were a bit incompetent with the spending operation that many overspent which the Queen had to explain to the Arms company that they only needed a certain amount which didn't go over well with the company as they would lose some of that well needed profit if they complied with the Queen. So, after several days of arguing and the likes, an agreement would be made which would detail that the company would comply with Queen's amount only for the original amount of money that the officers had spent. Needless to say after that, some officers had to get yelled at or even fired, so goes the circle of military life. The Queen was not impressed with how some of her officers had handled thing, but she could always rely on her r to find potential pilots for the new aviation department. While they had a small amount of plans, they would need pilots to fly them efficiently so recruiters gathered as many pilots as they needed and began to put them through the basic training. This pleased the queen to know that there was some competence within the military.

On the other hand, the navy simply requested that they get a new ship to accommodate the fleet, but the shipping company would not do it unless the government promised to fund the construction of a new dry-dock for them. Tired of annoyances, the Queen agreed and sent some money to fund the dry-dock so that Throng's would construct a cruiser for the navy. Finally, the queen could get some momentary peace while the military sorted itself out with what she had done.

@Willy Vereb'

The kashar prefer deserts or dry grasslands/Savannas for their home and think of the people as a whole, never the individual though they do occasionally fall for the regular mortal desires. Their communities are reluctant to trust people, especially those of other races and would prefer to live in a place they could have for themselves. As for activities, they would enjoy hunting, crafting, conversing, and singing.


I am just kind of waiting, already did the App
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

As if Orruks are any better :p

Shut it welp! You lost!
@ClocktowerEchos Yay! I dont have to worry about the crazy bestiality people! One less enemy to cross off the list...

*remembers that beastmen are still savage animals*
@RisenDead True, true... And they're simple minded creatures! I can seduce him Fluffy Tails and bomb the absolute shit out of him! THIS IS A GREAT IDEA!

*evil laughter of all Orruk kind as The Red Fangz may just defend the Golden Horde*

Name's Official Name: The Saurilian Empire

Nation's Government: Despotic Monarchy

Head of State: Queen Maine Saurilia

Nation's Description:
The nation is a very urbanized country who prides itself with the progress of the land as a whole, not really caring on expanding and instead working with the resources that it has. The people are generally unsuppressed with little civil rights taken away, however, should they get unruly then rights get taken away and the military must step in to enforce peace. The country is normally in an isolated condition, simply judging the people of other nations.

That being said, the military is a mix of volunteers and conscript soldiers as the the queen says that it generally helps with keeping a standing army nice and maintained.

The land of the nation is very barren and icy with mountain ranges dotting the nations borders, the land is hard to cultivate unless you move down to the southern most portion of the border where crops can be grown for a portion of the year.

Desired Location: Between Staratia and Dongaria, extending up the the peninsula

Major Arms Company Name: Lithuania Arms Manufacturers
Major Naval Shipping Company Name: Throng's Shipping Inc.
Major Industrial Company Name: Copperhead Industries
Nation's Major Bolt-Action Rifle: Type-07 Saurilian Bolt-Action Rifle
Nation's Primary Artillery Piece: A-33 Whistle Shooter
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