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The Saurilian Empire

The Better Learning Legislation

The majority of the population within Saurilia are simple farmers who do not strive to adapt to the factory life even if more money would be earned within the factory as laborers. A legislator, Alexander Drosen, proposed that a new legislation be passed to help encourage people to get a job working at their local factory or move to find a job at a factory. Young men and women would receive education regarding the average salary while working at a factory and the other benefits of working at a factory. This would boost the Saurilian economy and allow the nation to better get out of the small amount of debt that it has.

The Saurilian Empire

Gun Money

The Tyro-Antarians had come the Saurilian government with a strange request, they wanted to buy guns from the Empire itself as tensions between the Bludlands and the Tyro-Antrans heated to no end. These people were no friends to the Saurilians, but they were no enemies either with the two nations being fairly alike. So, the government had signed off that it would release the weaponry in exchange for money and that the Tyro-Antarans would help rearm Saurilia after the war.

Travelling abroad

Sauilian colonial efforts are finally arriving once more as the news of the lands, and careful consideration from the government, settlers are being sent off to have the Empire encompass more land. It is a rather cheerful sight when the citizens of the Empire are so willing to go spread the influence of Saurilia herself. These people are in high hopes to finally stake a claim on the small island that they would be going to, wanting to start anew in a different land while still wanting to be a part of the empire and all her glory. Zellonian colonization would not deter these men and women and soon they exited the harbor with many a people waving goodbye and wishing these colonists good luck on their adventures.

The Saurilian Empire

Kavonian Denouncement

"The very fabric of peace is what Kavonia had sought to preserve several months ago, yet, they have refused to demobilize their men after this situation has died out. It is important to rationalize the hypocrisy of this situation, Kavonia who were people of peace still have their soldiers prepared for war. If they want a war so badly then Saurilian soldiers will give them what they want unless they stand down and recognize their own hypocrisy, maybe then they will find peace." -Queen Maine Sauril, 1910

The citizens of Saurilia along the Saurilian-Kavonian border, mainly farmers, have been getting anxious as the Kavonian government refuses to demobilize their men even after the original denouncement crisis had died down months ago. This had led the Queen going to denounce the Kavonian republic threatening war if their men do not demobilize.
The Saurilian Empire

Listen to Teacher

With the death of General Sjörn finally arriving the motherland of Saurilia, grief comes to many of the high ranking officials with of the government who worked with the man. The Saurilian Army Bureau reaches it to promising candidates as a replacement for the late General Sjörn, only looking within the officers academy for ace students or veterans who have entered after their service. They find a mister Colbert Runesen, a veteran of the army, who was a promising individual with acceptable test results. The only sensible thing was to pit this man against one of the former generals in a game of chess, multiple drawn-out games of chess.

After many bourse of many drawn out games, Colbert Runesen had prevailed and claimed his title as Commander of the 2nd Saurilian Armed Forces and was immediately sent to the city of Lobrand. There he would join be introduced to his staff and some of the soldiers that would be serving under him, though it would be soon found that this man would not care about using underhanded tactics or not when in one of the trainings the new Commander had beaten a Luitenant by sacrificing many of his men in the training to achieve victory.

The Saurilian Empire

Licking wounds

With the horrific loss of life in the Second Battle of Karalia, the saurilian men were shuffling about with their heads hanging while the wounded were being tended to. The men gathered what dead they could without having to get near or inside the city, they just seemed miserable with no general to lift their spirits, or motivate them to fight in a war that was not even theirs to fight. These men did what they could to help the Saljuks, but they refused to fight any further and the immediate replacement to General Sjorn, Lieutenant James Forn, had sent a message to the Seljuk general, Mahmed, detailing that the men would be out of the Seljuk's way and they would be headed home as soon as all the wounded were tended to. These ragged men grieved for their comrades and some were even performing makeshift remembrance ceremonies to the dead.

A Private Odin Farsen conducted a small speech in remembrance to General Sjorn, only 532 men attending the ceremony.
"The General, he was a good man and we know he cared deeply for our lives and the lives of others and it is imperative that we all live up to his name. I was on the front when we stormed the city, I was on the front when we got trapped, and he was on the front when he was shot. It is at this time that we shall not pass him on with grief, instead we shall celebrate for he will be in a better place and he shall know that we have gotten out of that city which he died trying to take. It is here where he has died and it is here in which he shall be remembered, and in the motherland. May we all hope to be as great a man as the General."

While those of the 1st Armed Battalion who attended the ceremony were not cheered up, they did appreciate that the Private had tried to get them all to have a better view.
The Saurilian Empire

Ashland Pact

After many hours of discussion about the well being of both Blutland and Saurilia, having shared ideals and the general samed attidute towards one particular nation of Zellonia, two diplomats, a Jakob Krahl and Anders Sjöberg, have formulated a Non-Agression Pact between the two nations that would last for three years. The two diplomats signed in the saurilian city of Ashland, afterwards the two shook hands and acknowledged on another as formal friends for the time being.

Support of Xian

While the Empire shall remain neutral within the conflict of this new independence war, that does not mean that the Empire will not be rooting for a side. As of August 8th, the queen of Saurilia has come out with a public statement to state what Saurila veiws on this situation. "While Saurilia has long been known to despise rebels of any kind, and we may not be a republic even if we do practice small-scale democracy, have chosen to recognize Xian as an independent nation. We refuse to get involved in this war until further notice, we do hope that this war is over quickly so that a loss of life will not be present.

The Saurilian Empire

New Commands

With how the military currently handles itself, it is a rather dull state where orders can constantly get confused with being passed down the chain of command which generally is not seen as good. That is why, some military theorists have gotten together to form a new way that Saurilian officers can pass orders down through the chain of command. By coming up with short phrases that could repeat the same order but in a clearer fashion as to avoid confusion, these men have seemingly begun making headway to making the military more competent. While the radicals may not agree with an increase in military spending to support this reform for the Officers, the government has simply went over the complaints without as much as batting an eye to them. The government has its eyes on seeing a newer and better military form that wil allow its soldiers the chance to act efficiently within the ranks.

The Saurilian Empire


With the upcoming event of the queen's birthday; a ball is in need of planning, music is to be organized, everything needing to be pristine, and most importantly invitations to be sent out. That was the only job that the queen had in front of her right now, planning who to actually invite other than relatives and close friends of course. Close friends... Of course! The Sultan of Seljuk would receive an invitation. Now that the queen had began thinking about it more and more, she had decided to send invitations to many more people; the President of Staratia, the King of the Blutlandians, the Emporer of Tyro-Antaria, and even the rival of Saurilia; the President of Zellonia. Even some rulers of smaller nations were invited; The King of Dongaria and the Cheiftan of Samgola

The date of the celebration was planned to be August 9th and the queen could only be excited to see if at least some of these people were to be coming. Details were out into the invitations; formal wear required, gifts are not required, and time of the a all was to take place at 7 PM.

The Saurilian Empire

Mille Annexation

With the annexation of the Kingdom of Mille by the now Empire of Sessau, brings great concern to the Saurilian Empire as citizens worry that Sessau may get in the way of the motherland. This does not bode well, since now the governemnt may have to worry about aggression of Sessau as well as the current Zellonian aggrasion, no doubt Zellonia feels the same way. Citizen do, however, mock the Zellonians by calling them treacherous plights who should not even own their colonies. The Motherland continues to watch as the world changes around them, finding cosolation within the Seljuks for being allies, at least for now. The colonies also present another issue as they are far and may rely on another nation for refueling, it would never be Sessau or Zellonia for they are the ones who concern the Empire the most, as well as Zellonia being a long standing rival of Saurilia.

"These are trying times for the Motherland," states Her Majesty in an interview, "The current goal of the Empire is to stay ahead of its rivals in what ways it can without hampering any current relations. With Zellonia, long known to be unpredictable, continues to pester us in more than on way, but that may be pride talking. Now Sessau has grown exceptionally large, it is only a matter of time until they begin aggression as well, so long as they do not care about any political positions."


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