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Its not something you can level up to.

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

How could I become a deity?

From Demi-God? Just leveling up and the likes.

I saw, just had a busy day. I will get a post up tomorrow
@Lauder I'm confused is your guy claiming Civitan has something to do with the Terkavian uprising in the Seljuk Empire?

No, it's just him wanting to liberate Old Faith people in the Undecided state of Civitas

Empire of Vornehm

"Long have the Seljuks oppressed those of the Old Faith, refusing to allow them thhe same available thoughts as most free men of the Continent. That is why I, Yannik Schottel, commend these 'rebels' of the Old Faith, for they fight for their religion, true men of our time! That is why those in Seljuk, who worship the true religion, should rise up and help their brethren! It is not through waiting that will earn they will earn their religious rights, but through action! It is only through action that they may hope to see a better future! And that is why I believe that we liberate the people of our faith from those Civitan bastards!"
- Yannik Schottel, 1817

Yannik Schottel, long a member of the Vornehm government at the age of 77, releases his thoughts of what is currently happening in the Seljuk Empire. While the government denies any responsibility of this event, it is theorized that they had intentionally released this to encourage people within the Seljuk Empire to rise up in the name of religious freedom. Yannik has been commended by some of the people within his home town of Paindorf for being a true man of the faith and calls for the Emperor to take the words of Schottel to heart. After many, many days of thought, Reiter has finally decided that he would support the people's desires and calls for the full mobilization of his men in Bookhagen.

"While upon my exploration along the Weinde River, I have come across the most peculiar plant species to date. I name it the hallucinerende bloem, a flowering plant which causes people hallucinating upon ingestion. The plant can be identified with the budding flowers which have magenta and orange pedals with a yellow pollen center, even more they have leaves that resemble that of the common tea leaf. This plant seems to grow in large clusers which can occupy several meters of area at a time. These flowers tend to grow next to rivers, as that is the only area that we have found them to occupy, and tend to prefer an open area for growth.

While it is still under study, it is presumed that the pollens can also lead to hallucinations of the auditory variety as the men who have discovered the patch of these flowers have reported to hear terrible wailing off in the distance. What is even more peculiar would be the lucid hallucinations that some of the men have had upon drinking a tea made from these strange plants. They reported to seeing that they saw their wildest dreams coming to fruition, living twenty years within the span of three hours. I am tempted to try this tea that those sailors have tried, but I have more important matters to tend to.

I can still hear them talking of their dreams and I still wonder why I have gotten stuck with these men. Alas that is all for the day I suppose, we are having a grand time on this expedition. It is just me, my compatriots, and the guard and sailors who have come to enjoy this with me. Relaxing, isn't it?"

-An excerpt from Horst Heindl's journal regarding the Serrenthian expedition

- Increase Relations - +3 relations with Marnland
- Incite Unrest - Seljuk Empire [+3 unrest in random Seljuk province]
- Fabricate Claim - Civitas Republic
- Naval Ship Assignment - None as of now
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
-Economics [High = -3 Economic Rating/Year]
-Industry [Normal = -2 Economic Rating/Year]
@Double Capybara

To be fair, the disaster buttons are the best features of those games :P
Greetings, fellow deities. I look forward to work with you all and-

<Snipped quote by Lauder>


*just begins shouting, thinking it would power self up*
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