Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Age of Nations

Turn 4: October, 1816 to March, 1817

The world was rebuilding, nearly two years after the fall of Cato. Trade flowed freely across the Continent and relations were being mended. Among the most interesting events across the nation was the Conference of Sovereignty, held by King Richard Stuart II on November 1st, 1816. With the complete destruction of Cato and the Civitan threat now behind them, the conservative Stark party, named so after Leonard Stark, Prime Minister since 1814, wished to see the colonies "readjusted" following the lackadaisical policy approach of their governance during the war. All eight colonies sent representatives, and the conference was underway.

King Richard Stuart II, circa 1816

King Richard, abetted by Prime Minister Stark, handled the negotiations himself. The Merrick Isles off the coast of Mateen sent Lord Bartholomew Hasselbeck, the Viceoy of the Merrick Islands. Hasselbeck, a former army officer who fought Civitan rebels during the Mateen Campaign (1803-1804) was a resilient and confident administrator. King Richard stumbled here briefly, failing to sell the new restrictive policies of centralization, irrevocably angering Hasselbeck, who left the conference before it's conclusion. [+4 Unrest in Merrick Isles]

Merrick Islands, circa 1816

The ambassador from the Katar State, a former Seljuk territory taken in the 1630's during one of the Seljo-Gilbradian Wars, was Kenneth Mardow. An aristocrat from the well to do Mardow family, Kenneth spent little time in the very colony he was responsible for governing, instead spending his summers on the Lavarattian coast chasing exotic women and drowning himself in drink. A sycophant to the crown and sympathetic to any who would help him maintain his position, Kenneth agreed to the restrictions of trade set down in the policy without argument. [+3 Economic Rating/Year]

Katar State, bordering the Seljuk Empire, circa 1816

The remaining six colonies, spread across Faresia and Serranthia, submitted without much qualms. The fact was that the mere threat of a Gilbradian fleet on the horizon was enough to keep the colonial administrators in line. The Imperial Conference ended with the colonies that much closer in line with the Gilbradian international values, except for the Merrick Isles, which struggled to remain complacent in a world where the tiny islands contributed heavily to the Gilbradian trade economy. The slogan in Merrick was, "Merrick won't be forgotten," a testament to the War where Civitan rebels rose up and the Gilbradian Royal Army was sent, then turned back around at the threat of invasion by Cato himself.

In Norstra, the King of Marnland, Benedict IV of Marnland & the Principality of Kalubia, signed a trade agreement with the Empire of Vornehm--adding in a promise of it's cancellation in 1820. Benedict IV was a stark isolationist and feared growing dependence on Continental trade to fuel the agrarian economy of his nation.

Marnish painting entitled "Norstran Winter," by Adolf Finnius, 1799

The news that remained in headlines however was the fate of the Marnish ship Vahterpää. Built in 1788, she ferried supplies to the Continent during the War. Assigned to the Weichendorf-Nokia trade route, she set sail on December 4th, 1816 carrying 420 tons of iron ore. It was the last time she was seen. When she failed to arrive, King Benedict IV's foreign minister Eemil Nestor Setälä gave a rousing speech in the Senate of the Marn, the major parliament building of the state. In it, he said: "And this, brothers, is why I forbid the continuation of trade with Continental powers. Their carelessness to their Nostran brothers has cost us the lives of ninety-eight sailors of the Marn!"

Marnish trade sloop, Vahterpää

Papers in Naardan, Svea, Aontas and even Zeelia followed the story with great interest. The Mystery of the Vahterpää became front page news. Theories abounded within days--that the Vahterpää was carrying secret documents regarding the invasion of Svea, or that some Vornehm prisoner was aboard. An Aontan paper's front page on December 15th read: "Who is hiding the Vahterpää?" A hastily assembled Vornehm delegated aboard the trade ship Frauenlob that lasted from December 16th to December 25th reported that the ship probably sank due to bad navigation in the often frigid Smaragd Sea. Given it's small size however, the Marnish Foreign Office rejected this explanation, explaining in a report: "Losing a ship in the Smaragd is like losing a pebble in a bucket."

In the Kingdom of Dallin, an economist named Soren Rhodes publishes his treatise on base economics titled: The Properties of Wealth and Debt in the Nation State. Already in his sixties, Rhodes helped outline simple economic principles for the Dallin economy that helped create several preferable trade agreements with neighboring Azreka, a country that Rhodes spent nearly half his life in, teaching and studying. The principles of his treaty explained: Kings have always run up debts, borrowing money (sometimes at sword’s point) from subjects and great banking houses. The debt, however, was the personal responsibility of the king. The concept of national debt allows a nation to borrow to finance expansion and conquest. The nation sells bonds, and agrees to pay interest on those bonds every year. This simple idea increases the growth of national wealth and facilitates expansion by reducing upkeep costs.

Hathowayian economist, gambler, and rake Marcus Lorram (1671-1729) made several advances in his field, the most notable being the introduction of the Azrekan national bank. He also proposed state control over national finances and trade. He manipulated the market by using money from monopoly trading companies to buy government bonds rather than investing in overseas enterprises. Eventually his schemes collapsed, and many Azrekans were ruined. Lorram failed, but he gave the idea of government-backed bank notes, and the word “millionaire”, to the Continent."
[Kingdom of Dallin unlocks National Debt: [Can go -150 Debt without any Unrest. Recruit Soldiers costs 1 Economic Rating less.]

Dallin economist Soren Rhodes, circa 1789

Diplomats from the Kingdom of Vettucci visited the Batifegalé Empire in January of 1817. Several minor agreements were signed, establishing free trade between the two nation as well as open ports for citizens of the two nations. While many believed a certain laziness had fallen over the nation, no such thing seemed prevalent. The overall pessimism of the nation seemed only genuine in the government, as t he Batifegaléan economy was growing at a much stronger rate than it's neighbors, yet Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II seemed adamant that her Empire wallowing in the shadows.

A bright spot in the darkness was Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II's 37th birthday. With the budget nearly being cleared and the nation almost out of debt, the question arose on the cost of the monarch's birthday. An extravagant affair could help turn attitudes around, while a more frugal approach would help with the national treasury.

On February 1st, the 22nd Gilbradian Regiment landed at the Seljuk port of Cersin. While construction of a formal Gilbradian embassy began immediately, the 22nd Gilbradian Regiment made no efforts to downplay their pursuit. Without orders to remain in Cersin or route out the enemy, they advanced, under Colonel Marvin Hawkins, north toward Terkavia. Operating independently, the Regiment intended to test the Terkavian's taste for battle, and it was not long for wanting.

Gilbradian soldiers & officers, circa 1817

The Terkavians, having spent months training for an inevitable incursion by the Seljuks, attacked by the Gilbradians just as they left the Talesim Valley, the Battle of Talesim took place between February 4th, 1817. While the Gilbradian Royal Army was a determined and disciplined force, their equipment was not much better than the Seljuks they were aiding. Coming free from the valley, they were beset on several sides by approximately 6,000 militiamen on horseback. During the first three hours of battle, many Gilbradian soldiers reported running out of ammunition. [Combat Penalty due to 14% Preparation]

The Gilbradians, being attacked by a purely mounted force, were unfazed by the psychological impact of a wave of horse and men encircling their position. Colonel Hawkins ordered the men into an infantry square, a tactic perfected during The War. The cannons, stationed in the middle, were safe from attack. Ammunition was moved to the men in the center, giving them open reign to fire, while men on the outside affixed bayonets to hold the horsemen at bay. Most of the Takervians present were still woefully equipped, using bow and arrows or stolen Seljuk rifles.

Gilbradian 22nd Regiment during the Battle of Talesim, 1817

With the sun setting behind them, the Terkavians eventually retreated north, leaving 1,100 men dead in their wake. The Gilbradians had lost 24 men themselves, 3 of whom were lost to heat exhaustion. Given their dire straits, Colonel Hawkins ordered the 22nd to return to Cersin to await further orders from Wosley. [Gilbradian Great Victory +3% Military Morale]

In Azreka, the Castle of Kamenets--abandoned since The War when the Kamenets family abandoned it for the North--is converted into a fortress. Situated between Livonia and the border of the Veldlands, it's conversion provides an excellent obstacle from either the Veldlands or Dallin to reaching Livonia. Pockmarked when it was used as a defensive bastion during The War, reconstruction efforts begin immediately and a half dozen cannons are installed along it's ramparts.

Kamenets Fortress

Azrekan diplomats met in the Seljuk city of Cersin to discuss trade negotiations. The Seljuk, while kind and humble compared to their attitude historically, regretfully rejected the offer for the time being, instead asking for renewed negotiations later in the year. A gift of $20,000,000 Azrekan ducats was added to incentivize the deal--which the Seljuks promised--for later in the year.

The Zeelian Imperial Army conducts a slew of military exercises to retrain several thousand of their new recruits. The Army is without a single leader however.

In the North, in the city of Ligested, Aontas, the world's first transportation industry begins. Gjensidige Allmennaksjeselskap, started in February, 1817 by Bjorn Gjensidige, is a transportation company using horse drawn carriages. The company, though small--is privately owned. Several local nobles take a trip from their manor to a local park. [Aontas gains Transportation Industry [Privatized], see Industry* page]

Gjensidige Allmennaksjeselskap opened it's doors with just six carriages in 1817

In the East, the Osladian Empire saw the rumblings of tension as the Diet officially announced Katerina Matzow would also become part of the Imperial Tsardom with Lubomir's passing. It was not the distant, rural communities that saw such upheaval but rather the educated elites in the major cities that saw their long standing authority threatened by a fracturing of their millennia long hegemony over Tsardom politics. Matzow's family was not embedded deep in the Tsardom; whether she was brave or naive was irrelevant. Lady Matzow did not adhere to the Old Ways, and that was a problem.

Riots in Tolyaslav, 1817

While the minor nobles in outlying territories and in Karamov, Sulov and Massau went up in arms, not all was ill. In the city of Kamerovs, the Aktien Gesellschaft der Auto-Fabrik vormals G. Sigl started. A fledgling transportation company. Run by Anton Hechkov, it ran small passenger routes along the city's exterior with it's exotic tailored carriages. [Oslad gains Transportation Industry [Privatized], see Industry* page]

- Oslad
- Aontas
- Zeelia
- Dallin
- Azreka
- Gilbradia
- Vornehm
- Batifegalé
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 3 days ago

Empire of Vornehm

"Long have the Seljuks oppressed those of the Old Faith, refusing to allow them thhe same available thoughts as most free men of the Continent. That is why I, Yannik Schottel, commend these 'rebels' of the Old Faith, for they fight for their religion, true men of our time! That is why those in Seljuk, who worship the true religion, should rise up and help their brethren! It is not through waiting that will earn they will earn their religious rights, but through action! It is only through action that they may hope to see a better future! And that is why I believe that we liberate the people of our faith from those Civitan bastards!"
- Yannik Schottel, 1817

Yannik Schottel, long a member of the Vornehm government at the age of 77, releases his thoughts of what is currently happening in the Seljuk Empire. While the government denies any responsibility of this event, it is theorized that they had intentionally released this to encourage people within the Seljuk Empire to rise up in the name of religious freedom. Yannik has been commended by some of the people within his home town of Paindorf for being a true man of the faith and calls for the Emperor to take the words of Schottel to heart. After many, many days of thought, Reiter has finally decided that he would support the people's desires and calls for the full mobilization of his men in Bookhagen.

"While upon my exploration along the Weinde River, I have come across the most peculiar plant species to date. I name it the hallucinerende bloem, a flowering plant which causes people hallucinating upon ingestion. The plant can be identified with the budding flowers which have magenta and orange pedals with a yellow pollen center, even more they have leaves that resemble that of the common tea leaf. This plant seems to grow in large clusers which can occupy several meters of area at a time. These flowers tend to grow next to rivers, as that is the only area that we have found them to occupy, and tend to prefer an open area for growth.

While it is still under study, it is presumed that the pollens can also lead to hallucinations of the auditory variety as the men who have discovered the patch of these flowers have reported to hear terrible wailing off in the distance. What is even more peculiar would be the lucid hallucinations that some of the men have had upon drinking a tea made from these strange plants. They reported to seeing that they saw their wildest dreams coming to fruition, living twenty years within the span of three hours. I am tempted to try this tea that those sailors have tried, but I have more important matters to tend to.

I can still hear them talking of their dreams and I still wonder why I have gotten stuck with these men. Alas that is all for the day I suppose, we are having a grand time on this expedition. It is just me, my compatriots, and the guard and sailors who have come to enjoy this with me. Relaxing, isn't it?"

-An excerpt from Horst Heindl's journal regarding the Serrenthian expedition

- Increase Relations - +3 relations with Marnland
- Incite Unrest - Seljuk Empire [+3 unrest in random Seljuk province]
- Fabricate Claim - Civitas Republic
- Naval Ship Assignment - None as of now
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
-Economics [High = -3 Economic Rating/Year]
-Industry [Normal = -2 Economic Rating/Year]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Aontas

White Lion Post

Mystery of the Vahterpää Solved: Missing Ship Sunk in Preparation for War!

On December 4th, 1816, ninety-eight Marnish sons, husbands and fathers departed from their homes in Nokia on board the Vahterpää. A trade ship transporting iron ore mined in Norstra to be refined in the Continent, the Vahterpää and her crew of nearly a hundred had been tasked with the deliveries as a result of a trade agreement signed between the government of Marnland and the Empire of Vornehm. This arranged was approved against the wishes of King Benedict IV, King of Marnland & Prince of Kalubia, as well as over the objections of his Foreign Minister, Eemil Nestor Setälä. The deal, decried as fundamentally unfair and as fostering Norstran dependence on Vornehm, was both widely opposed by the people of the Marn and strongly condemned by their fellow Norstran nations of Naarden, Svea, and the Kingdom of Aontas.

The Vahterpää had left Nokia to sail towards the Vornehmian city of Weichendorf, the main port of call of the Vornehmian Navy. Iron ore consumption in the continental empire had sky-rocketed since the signing of the agreement with Marnland, as Vornehmian military officials exploited access to Norstran resources to construct new weapons of war. The Vahterpää's failure to arrive in Weichendorf inspired intense concern in the people of Marnland, who feared for their loved ones and were determined to discover the truth of the ship's disappearance. Investigations ensued, with organizations from all across Norstra utilizing every tool available to them to discover the location of the Vahterpää and ascertain the fate of the vessel's sailors. Papers from as far from Marnland as West Folamsiar reported on the story, expressing concern over the ship's mysterious disappearance and sympathy for the families of the missing Marnish crewmen. The Empire of Vornehm was disinterested in the ship's crew, expressing far greater concern over the loss of the Vahterpää's cargo of iron ore than over her crew of Marnish lives.

Despite incessant calls for action from the nations of Norstra, it was not until nearly two weeks after the last sighting of the ship, on December 16th, that Vornehm responded. A delegate was sent from Vorenheim to issue the Vornehmian government's official position: that the Vahterpää had sunk at sea due to the incompetence of her crew. The Empire of Vornehm's position was that the ship's experienced crew of nearly a hundred Marnish sailors had sunk due to "bad navigation", and then frozen to death—as bumbling, delicate Norstrans are oft to do. The Marnish Foreign Office, rejecting the notion that attempts to discover the whereabouts of the ship or her crew were inherently fruitless, retorted that, "Losing a ship in the Smaragd is like losing a pebble in a bucket."

For months since the ship's disappearance, the mystery of the Vahterpää has remained a mystery. Though rejected by all in Norstra, the Empire of Vornehm's position on the ship's disappearance has been allowed to remain as our best excuse for the truth. New revelations, however, have shed light on the Vahterpää's disappearance, and allowed the families of those men of the Marn lost at sea to have closure. It has been revealed by the Vornehmian government that their empire intends to reignite the Cataonianic Wars: to invade the Republic of Civitas using weapons forged from the Marnish iron being delivered by the Vahterpää and vessels like her. These shocking assertions were made by Yannik Schottel, a long-serving member of Vornehm's inner circle, who has called for Civitas to be 'liberated' by the Empire of Vornehm. Yannik said that his empire must, "liberate the people of our faith from those Civitan bastards!"

It is possible that Mr. Schottel's remarks were in reference to the Old Faith, which predominates on the south side of the Smaragd. Given the Empire of Vornehm's history and the context of Mr. Schottel's statements, however, it is equally likely that his comments were in reference to the true faith of Vornehm, the belief that dwells strongest in the hearts of its leaders: that of the superiority of might over right. The self-assuring righteousness of aggression is the 'faith' which Vornehm seeks to impose on Civitas.

It is that same faith that Vornehm's Navy imposed on the Vahterpää's innocent crew, when, as the ship approached the Vornehmian side of the Smaragd Sea, it was mistakenly fired upon in an exercise meant to plan Vornehm's navy for the future war with Civitas. It was the incompetence of the Navy of Vornehm, not of the crew of the Vahterpää, that led to ninety-eight Marnish lives being lost in the Smaragd Sea.

Confirmed by confidential sources in the Vornehmian Navy, these revelations cast as dark a shadow on relations between Marnland and Vornehm as they do on the Empire of Vornehm's hopes in their future aggression against Civitas. A sea force as small and unprepared as Vornehm's is unlikely to fare well against the naval might of Civitas, and it is even more unlikely that the people of the Marn will continue to allow their own labour to continue to feed Emperor Jörg Reiter's blood-lust. Incidents in the Smaragd Sea may well become less common in the future, if only because fewer ships will now fare them.

Action 1: Aggravate Relations between Empire of Vornehm and Kingdom of Marnland. [-2 Vornehm-Marnland Relations]
Action 2: Aggravate Relations between Empire of Vornehm and Kingdom of Marnland. [-2 Vornehm-Marnland Relations]
Action 3: Increase Relations with Kingdom of Marnland. [+3 Relations]

[Demobilization] - [Mobilization]

Naval Ship Assignment

Royal Fleet of Aontas; 1 First Rate, 5 Second Rates, 4 Sloops, 8 Frigates. [Home Port Kienne (North Eastern Sea)]
Ducal Fleet of Folamisar; 1 First Rate, 6 Second Rates, 5 Sloops, 7 Frigates. [Home Port Kardal (North Eastern Sea)]

Research Priorities

Army — Low
Navy — Low
Industry — Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year]
Social Thought — High [-3 Economic Rating/Year]
Economics — Normal [-2 Economic Rating/Year]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Grand Kingdom of Dallin

The King and all of his highest ranking officials of the Dallin government had gathered before the pride of the Dallin, the elite Infantry of the Line, who would be the most important in the battles to follow. They all looked ready for combat, but from what he heard from the military reports, the men had the will the fight, but not the equipment to match their will to fight. He had tried to improve the economy of his country as best as he could to prepare it for war with their long time neighbor and ally, Madeira.

He still felt that it wasn't such a good idea to war with them, however, the betterment of his people came before their alliance with the small allied nation. He had ordered some last time military exercises to improve the preparation of his troops, at least to make up for rather old equipment they were equipped with, after all, a disciplined army can beat a larger mob with ease, or at least that's what his father had told him.

As soon as the military exercise was over, the crowd had gathered before him to hear his speech, as to why he needed to start this war. He rose to his feet, determined not to buckle under the pressure ahead of him, and spoke, loudly and with conviction, knowing that his decision would benefit the nation in the long run.

"My people, many of you must wonder, 'why have we gone at war now?' and I understand your worries my good people, however, we need to show that we are not a weak nation as it happened when Civitas came here and destroyed our armies, we must show the world our fighting spirit, but we must also strengthen our position if another nation like Civitas were to rise again and threaten us." he shouted. "We must show our ally that we will not always need their help in battle, we must show them that we are able to win by ourselves, that we will not run to their aid at the smallest of conflicts!"

He wasn't very good at speeches, not really as his father had been, his father had known how to win the hearts of the people, he was a highly accomplished commander and strategist. After a few seconds of silence the crowds erupted into cheers for the king, many shouting for support. Adelius smiled, knowing a sigh in front of this many people would just convey his weakness.

"Now, is our time of glory!" he shouted, causing the crowds to cheer for him more fervently.

It is good that he had the support of the population... at least for now. He had started on the right foot with this, if he had the support of the people, it would also be much easier to make... some other changes, even in the government.

- Action 1: Declare war on Madeira
- Action 2: Incite Unrest in Beja [+ 3 Unrest]
- Action 3: Military Exercises [120.000/1.000= -120 Economic Rating]
- Naval Mission: No Navy
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities: Economics (Low)(0 Economic Rating)
Navy (None)(+2 Economic Rating)
Industry (Low)(0 Economic Rating)
Social Thought (Low)(0 Economic Rating)
Military (Normal)(- 2 Economic Rating)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 4 days ago

Azrekan Kingdom


Az' Gazette: War seems to be brewing on the Continent once again - after only around two years of peace. Viscountess Merebelle Light-Odrimus has appeared been asked several times on her stance between the sudden war, between the two allies. The Viscountess wasn't available to give answer, yet the Foreign Minister, Ramsey Enfield - explained that for the current time Azrekans wouldn't have to worry about any future wars inflicting upon their lands - with security and stability of the Kingdom being number one on their agenda. As evident by the renovation of the Kamenets Fortress in Livonia.

He added that Azrekans for the moment, should simply focus on their lives and work - without fearing a future attack from Dallin, as Minister Enfield was scheduled to meet his counterpart Minister Karmill in a week for tea. They keypoint, he repeated - was for the region of Azrekan to remain stable - and not get dragged into another bloody war. In that conclusion, he also added that the Royal Cavalry was getting a raise in their budget. Allowing four-thousand new recruits to be trained in the art of horsemanship.

- Action 1: Increase Relations with Kingdom of Dallin (+3) @Claw2k11
- Action 2: Increase Relations with Kingdom of Dallin (+3) @Claw2k11
- Action 3: Train 4,000 Cavalry (-15 Economic Rating)
- Naval Mission: Merchant Escort
- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities: Military (High)
Navy (Low)
Industry (Normal)
Social Thought (Low)
Economics (High)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Empire of Gilbradia

Turn: 4/ Year: 1817

Battle of Talesim

Wolsey, Gilbradia
Correspondence of Brigadier Arthur Pellam, Wolsey, The Empire of Gilbradia,
Colonel Marvin Hawkins, Port Cersin, Seljuk Sultanate

...irregardless of what transpired in that god-forsaken valley, Marvin, the King is weary of committing overwhelming forces to the Sultan's cause. The memory of the Gilbradian-Seljuk war lingers yet in the minds of his Majesty's Subjects (and the King Himself, God-Save-Him). Fortunately your expedition into Terkavian territory was a success both militarily and morally. The 22nd is famous Marvin, thanks to the Wolsey Times and the Foreign Office. Stories of your 'heroic' encounter in the Talesim Valley are spreading like wildfire. This is a good distraction from the 'colonial' situation...

...your being reinforced Colonel Marvin; immediately. You are given overall command for the time being. The 22nd will be joined by 18th and 37th with fresh supplies of ammunition, food and 8 more cannon. The Takervians bows & arrows will be met with a hail of his Majesty's finest cannon & musket-fire Colonel...

Forces en-route to Port Cersin, Seljuk Sultanate:
The Regiments are to fortify their position, with regular patrols to secure the area. Expeditions into Takervian territory must be limited, with only precise objectives in mind. If possible lure the enemy onto a favorable battleground and destroy him. Where possible, commit native militia to battle first, saving His Majesty's Troops for decisive and important victories..

  • Adding to the Seljuk Fleet: 1 First Rate ; 4 Second Rate
  • 37th Regiment ; 1,000 Regulars ; 1,300 Highlanders , 4 Cannon
  • 18th Regiment ; 2,800 Regulars ; 4 Cannon

Delegation to the Zeelian Empire

The Empire of Gilbradia sent a formal Delegation to meet with Members of the Zeelian Ruling Council. The Delegation was headed by Prince Edward Stuart, King Richard's Eldest son, who spoke with Kaiser-Regent Zachary Conrad and the interim-council. Emphasising the long standing relationship between the two Empires, and their common interest's, the prince hoped to lay the foundation for a future Alliance between the two great nations. They also spoke of a possible trade-agreement.

- Action 1 Increase Relations with Zeelian Empire @LordZell
- Action 2 Increase Relations with Kingdom of Hathoway
- Action 3 Train Soldiers: Generates 10,000 Soldiers, 4,000 Cavalry or 20 Cannons. -15 Economic Rating.
- Naval Ship Assignment
Home Fleet ; 10 First Rate ; 22 Second Rate ; 26 Frigate ; 26 Sloop (Protecting Gilbradia)
Colonial Fleet ; 4 First Rate ; 10 Second Rate ; 26 Frigate ; 2 Sloop (Mareenian Sea)
Seljuk Fleet ; 4 First Rate ; 12 Second Rate ; 4 Frigate (Ceresin, Seljuk Empire)

- [Demobilization] - [Mobilization]
- Research Priorities
- Army / Normal (-1)
- Navy / Normal (-1)
- Industry / High (-3)
- Social Thought / Normal (-1)
- Economics / High (-3)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
Avatar of Mao Mao

Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Summer of 1816 ~ June

Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II was turning thirty-seven years old on June 16th. Her family members planned a gorgeous celebration in the palace and throughout the city of Millares. The civilians knew that their Queen's birthday was coming and planned for several small events all over the city. The wealthy helped with getting the food and other things needed to make a party well-known for future generations to read about. But, the Varejão-Medellin families used most of the country's money for the party. It would cost twelve million dollars to make the Queen happy during her birthday. The wealthy of nearby nations soon heard word of an exquisite party for Queen Mariana. Hundreds of wealthy families began their trip to Millares for the party.

The Queen soon realized that the birthday party was being planned. At first, she was frustrated and angry at the fact that her birthday was going to be expensive at twelve million. Her family managed to convince their Queen that she earned the party for her "determination to making this nation better." She let them plan the birthday around the city. After months of planning, Queen Mariana's birthday was finally here. Civilians all over the empire arrived to Millares. Many of them were celebrating at local bars or on the local squares. Market places were filled with people buying supplies for the week long event. And the wealthy for several other countries soon arrived at the palace.

The event began with a big lunch inside the palace with donors and the wealthy foreigners. After the lunch, the Queen went out of the palace and went to different parts of the city. She met with locals and entered a bar to have a drink. After that, she went back into the palace for the dinner and the night party. Before dinner could start, word soon spread to the guest that the Kingdom of Dallin declared war on Madeira. The declaration of war wasn't a surprise to Mariana because of claims made by Dallin to annex the port city of Portimao.

The wealthy Dallins and Madeirans were in a heated argument about the sudden declaration of war. Things were about to get bloody as one of the Dallins pulled out his pistol. The Azrekans were right behind the Dallins and started to pull out weapons as well. Queen Mariana intervened in the argument and called for the "immediate banishment of all Dallins and Azrekans out of the palace." The Royal Guard started to escort the families out as they protested the Queen's decision and cursed at Madeirans. Once outside the palace, the banished groups started to head back to their rooms to leave the country.

Some, however, stayed behind and demanded that they return to the party at once. Those Dallins and Azrekans were drunk and upset at being kicked out of the party. One of the men threw a wine bottle at one of the Royal Guards while leaving. The bottle landed on the man's head and he suffered cuts all over his face. The guards went towards the group of men and demanded for them to stop. When they refused and kept walking, the angry guards arrested all of the fifteen men for attempted murder and causing harm to a military official. A massive brawl broke out as the guards tried to arrest the wealthy men. It only lasted two minutes before backup arrived to stop the fighting. After the brawl ended, one Royal guard and two drunken men had died. Now, the men are facing with additional changes that could get them sent to death. The Queen didn't know of the brawl until she was told about it after the birthday party.

Besides the fighting, both the dinner and the birthday party went on to be remembered in the history books for it's beauty and amazing detail around the city. The week long party wasn't over for the civilians, but the Queen went back to work to deal with the situation between the Kingdom of Dallin and Madeira. Mariana viewed the declaration of war as "the only way that King Adelius Odrimus VI could fill his hunger for power." She issued a statement towards King Adelius that questioned the declaration and warned that this war could "spell disaster for their relations in the coming years.” However, the Queen didn't want to go to war and ruin the country's growing economy.


Order 1 → Aggravate Relations with Kingdom of Dallin @Claw2k11 ~ -2 Relations & +1 Unrest
Order 2 → Incite Unrest on the Kingdom of Dallin @Claw2k11 ~ +3 Unrest
Order 3 → Increase Relations with Mariana ~ +3 Relations

The Queen's Birthday
Our queen, Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II, is turning 37. It is up to us to decide what to spend on her birthday. How much we spend will also determine who will attend.
A Stunning Affair → All the bells and whistles. We will attract royalty as far as Nostra and Lavarattia. They know not the state of our coffers and will be dazzled by the opulence of the Batifegaléan Empire ~ +3 Relations with Madeira, Kalpia and Duchy of Mille; -1 Relations with Dallin and Azreka; -1 Unrest in Silvite; -12 Economic Rating.

Military Orders
Batigefaléan "Orange" Fleet → Eleven Sloops, Seven Second Rates, & Six Frigates → Inner Sea ~ Patrol
Batigefaléan Merchant Fleet → Eleven Sloops, Seven Second Rates, & Six Frigates → Inner Sea ~ Merchant Escort

[Demobilization] [Mobilization]

Research Priorities
Army → Low (0 Economic Rating/Year)
Navy → None (+02 Economic Rating/Year)
Industry → Normal (-02 Economic Rating/Year)
Social Thought → High (-03 Economic Rating/Year)
Economics → Normal (-02 Economic Rating/Year)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zeelian Empire


“October 3rd, a day which will live in certain memory to all members of the Zeelian Empire, when Kaiser James Conrad was assassinated by the very men he had asked to speak to in hopes of resolving the Palovian question. Our nation mourns a great for the Kasier had kept the empire out of total war till victory was in sight, he will be remembered as an honorable and beloved Kaiser and as a warning to all palovian nationalists the Zeel shall never forget this. The Kaiser had even left a boy of 15 and his wife Lily. It is said his funeral will be a private ceremony for his family,close friends on October 15th” - Newspaper article from October 4th


Under the regency council of Zach Conrad, Michel Horthun is able to create some kind of Iron Horse that can carry both man and materials, while the old ministers that served with zach’s father care little about it Zach begins to keep his eye on it though he isn’t allowed outside the castle until the Palovian’s are dealt with.

Foreign Apologies

While many neighboring countries offered their condolences Zach still felt like an outsider and betrayed especially by the Emperor of Vornehm which also has Palovian nationalists and yet does nothing not even offer advice to the new king. Yet while foreign leaders may care little, the internal company have become more prideful and hopeful for this new kaiser.

Military Duties

While the former Kaiser had the army prepare on dummies for combat the regency council decided to have some real practice. The Council would send 60,000 Soldiers, 6,000 Cavalry and 10 cannons to the province of Lesgrev in hopes of keeping the peace and rooting out all palovian nationalists specifically those that murdered the Kasier. The army would be under the Command of Lucas Falkand who’d be given his first taste of combat. Meanwhile the rest of the armed forces would train near the Lavarattian Principalites in Evecope save for the 2,000 Elite Guardsmen which would protect the Kasier’s Palace.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Age of Nations

Turn 5: March, 1817 to October, 1817

The Second Terkavian Uprising had it's fiercest growth in the home province of Terkavia, but sympathizers began to make themselves known in neighboring provinces. Rioters and dissidents grew bolder with each passing day that the Terkavians roamed free. Gilfray de Nauvé, a native born Azrekan and Terkavian sympathizer, had long become obsessed with Terkavian culture--even so much as to move to the Seljuk Empire from Azreka itself. He brandished himself one of the founding fathers of the "Friends of Terkavia" movement. He gave a speech in the coastal city of Sezrit: “Give me the papers of the kneeling Terkavians to the sultans and the traitors in every village across the nation to burn them. Every place and every village that betrays our nation and it’s long battle to freedom, I will smash it, burn it and destroy it! FIRE AND AXE TO THE ONES WHO FALL ON THEIR KNEES AND THE TRAITORS! Fight for Faith and Fatherland! The time has come, O Terkavs. Long ago the people of the Continent, fighting for their own rights and liberties, invited us to imitation ... The enlightened peoples of the Continent are occupied in restoring the same well-being, and, full of gratitude for the benefactions of our forefathers towards them, desire the liberation of Terkavia. We, seemingly worthy of ancestral virtue and of the present century, are hopeful that we will achieve their defense and help. Many of these freedom-lovers want to come and fight alongside us ... Who then hinders your manly arms? Our cowardly enemy is sick and weak. Our generals are experienced, and all our fellow countrymen are full of enthusiasm. Unite, then, O brave and magnanimous Terkavs! Let national phalanxes be formed, let patriotic legions appear and you will see those old giants of despotism fall themselves, before our triumphant banners.”

Gilfray de Nauvé, circa 1810's

de Nauvé considered himself "a Terkav in all but blood," and circulated the pamphlet FUR SAZIRKA, TERKAVIA, or For Freedom, Terkavia in the neighboring cities. On October 25th, 750 members of the "Friends of Terkavia" swarmed the governor's palace in Sezrit and sacked the building, though the governor himself had vacated for the day. The smoke plumes were seen as far as the harbor, where disembarking Gilbradian troops were present.

With issues over the Vahterpää still fresh in the mind of the Marns, King Benedict IV demanded that if an apology wasn't issue within the year that the Marns may pursue an embargo against the continental nation. Reportedly, several Aontan advisers were admitted to the Marn national council during the ongoing investigation of the Vahterpää. King Benedict IV convened his war council, though without admission of any foreign delegates present. Vornehm military advisers believe that King Benedict IV, a young and brash king, might go to war to save face over the loss of the Vahterpää, a loss inflicted by a trade policy that his people were wholly against.

King Benedict IV in Marnish military regalia

On November 1st, war reached the Continent. The Kingdom of Dallin declared war on the Kingdom of Madeira. The Dallini king, wishing to strengthen his own position, found little friends--Kalpian, Civitan and Veldanic delegates denounced the Dallini as warmongers. The Dallini Army mobilized immediately, but would not be prepared for offensive operations until the November 18th. While the Dallini Army mobilized, the Madeirans scrambled to get their act together, moving to intercept any Dallini forces that might be coming through the St. Kerramore Mountains; the natural divide between the two nations.

Modern day image where the Dallii Army allegedly passed along the River Peja, circa 1817

On December 1st, the Dallini Army passed through the St. Kerramore Mountains just along the Batigefalé border, far from where any Madeiran troops had moved to intercept. The Dallini Army marched for sixteen straight days through the Sao Pass where the River Peja carved a path through the mountains. After passing through, unseen--with only casualties of the heavy winter conditions--the Dallini Army turned north into the open field. Ahead, the city of Portimao. The plan to cut Madeira in half was close at hand. The Dallini Army was faced with a minor crisis; the River Peja served as a natural obstacle to reaching Portimao in the north. Scout borne riders constantly roaming the flanks returned with news that the Dallini Army had not moved entirely unmolested. The Madeiran Army was moving--though piecemeal--to defend Peja.

General Dellius Arius decided under the cover of darkness, he would lead I and II Corps across the River Peja, south of the town town of the river's namesake. Where the river broadened into the River Marles and flowed south into Batifegalé, General Arius fabricated wooden pontoons and set about the task of moving 62,000 men and 30 cannons across the frigid, frozen December water.

Battle of Peja (1817)

The morning of the 2nd, the Madeiran Army awoke to find that the Dallini Army was on their bank of the river. General Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel, the commander of the Madeiran Artillery Corps maneuvered II Corps to form a bridgehead south of Peja and engage the enemy. While Dallini's I Corps (32,000 men, 15 cannons) and II Corps (32,000 men, 15 cannons) had successfully crossed in the twelve hour time frame--their supply wagons and ammunition carts had not. They would be fighting with limited ammunition and shot for their cannon. The force they opposed was the Madeiran II Corps (40,000 soldiers). The Battle of Peja began around nine A.M. on the morning of December 2nd, 1817.

General Miguel Ricardo de Álava y Esquivel was an experienced commander--the best in Madeira. He was not a commander of men however, but rather of artillery. His presence was due to the absence of Marshal Felix, Duke of Beja, the Chief of Staff of the Madeiran Army, who had returned to Portimao under illness. General Esquivel ordered his troops abroad and forward into a short, broad line, poised to fire. Historians of the age refer to Dallini bravery--or stupidity--in declaring war in October, forcing a harsh winter campaign that claimed a great many lives. The Dallini lined up, pulling their artillery into range to focus on the infantry.

Three volleys--two from the Dallini and one from the Madeirans--were exchanged, and the Madeirans charged, using the short thin line as a form of meat shield to close the distance. The ensuing melee was a brutal, desperate affair in four inch deep snow. So close was the battle many Dallini artillerymen were forced to the fray. The combat exhausted men's arms and spirits, and at 4 PM the Madeirans retired north to the walled city of Peja, the Dallini General Arius deciding not yet to pursue on the whims of collecting the dead and allowing his ammunition cart and supply train to cross the river.

Charge of the Madeirans at Peja, 1817

At the end of the day, the Madeirans suffered 12,000 dead and the Dallini 2,800 with a single cannon lost to conditions of snow and ice in the rugged, mountainous terrain. The losses of the Dallini Army in total had lost 5,300 men and 1,100 cavalry due to attrition in the St. Kerramore Mountains, and yet now their enemy was pressed to the walls of the city of Peja--the last obstacle to the sister city of Beja. Dallini Army units formed at the base of the city's south wall while secondary and tertiary Madeiran Army units flocked into the city.

In Azreka, an additional two regiments of cavalry were formed, while military and economic advisers were sent to Odrius to help keep the Dallini competitive in the war. Long time friends and cultural cousins, Dallini and Azrekan cooperation was at an all time high, though Azrekan advisers reported back to their monarch the questionable quality of the Dallini war councils.

The Gilbradian Army was becoming more involved in the Seljuk Empire. Firstly, they received new uniforms for fighting in the hot deserts of the East. The new, thin materials were easier to breathe in and not made of thick cotton that was suitable in the cool climate of Gilbradia and the Continent. With the 22nd Regiment now being supported by an additional 4,000 troops of the 37th and 18th Regiments, the fresh faced soldiers showed up to an exotic world that many of them had never before known.

Gilbradian Seljuk uniforms, 1817

Cersin was considered the Doorway to the East by Continentral traders. A mash of West and East, it was an exorbitant departure from the bleak, often rain peaked plains of Manfield and Blackridge. So alluring was the city that in the first ninety days, the Gilbradian Foreign Office signed off on over 120 court martials for soldiers who had gone AWOL or simply took leave and never returned. [Empire of Gilbradia] loses 120 Soldiers]

Governor's Palace, Port Cersin, 1817

Still souring the tastes of Batifegaléan Empire's dazzling birthday of the reigning monarch Queen Mariana Varejão-Medellin II were the Dallini. The poor behavior and outcome of the event had turned the mood in Aldius for the worst, where Batifegaléans were being targeted out of anger, and in response the province's mood was tense. Several shops closed down. A Dallini protestor, speaking out against the violence was beat nearly to death and left for dead--but whether by native Batifegaléans or fellow Dallini's was uncertain.

In Zeelia, the Zeelian Imperial Army was reorganized under General Falkand and began training. For nearly five months, Zeelian infantrymen marched and fired and trained. The Zeelian Army was nicknamed "Falkand's Army" given how much care he put into it's development. Foreign military observers reported back to their own respective governments the competency of the Zeelian Army. The average Continental riflemen could fire three shots per minute during a concentrated volley. The Zeelians could fire five shots per minute.

General Falkand overseeing troops in Evecope, 1817

General Falkand himself, having never seen combat, wrote in his memoirs: "Never have I felt so alive as to command men. Zeelia may yet return to her roots as the greatest power the world has ever seen. And if I am to lead her, then the Faith wills it, and if I am not--so too, the Faith wills it." [General Falkand gains +12% Momentum and +7% Experience]

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