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The foreign doctor, Otto Engel, sat at the family table, adorned in his normal dark and heavy clothing despite what the environment was like. He could not care less of what he wore at the moment, only caring that his close friend was now dead at the hand of some murderer who wandered the streets. The man only wished the most violent misfortune to befall whoever was behind this death, wanting vengeance for what had befallen Leon. Otto had seen the body, barely recognized with all the blood that poured out of the poor fallen one. With a sigh, he looked around the room, stroking his beard lightly as he attempted to formulate words to say to the very people of whom he shared the same house. It took but a moment for him to formulate the appropriate response for the situation.

“I am saddened that I could not do more for my dear friend. While I might not outwardly show emotion, I must assure that I grief in private over the death of Leon,” Otto stated with a grim tone overcoming his accented voice. He shifted within seat, looking away from the fellow members of his family. While what he said may not have been uplifting, it was honest as dishonesty was not a virtue that a great man, such as himself, should show. However, he realized that his eyes had become wet and he did his best not to allow the others to see by wiping the wetness to the best of his ability. Otto gripped the top of his cane, keeping it standing as the man leaned his head within his hand on top the armrest of his chair. “I wish I could have more,’ he repeated, lightly this time.

Emotion of the situation could not be shown, that would have unmanning of him yet he still restrained himself from breaking down in tears as memories overcame him. He let out another sigh, finding that it was best to not speak currently, in fear of being judged should he let out any unmanning emotions. Otto gazed at the picture of his past friend and the man’s wife, a twinge of guilt shown in his eyes as he still remembered with the mother of House Delorano had died and he had been powerless to save her as well. The doctor remained, staring at the portrait of the two for a while longer before forcing himself to look down.

I am thinking of a making a remnant group of humans mixed in with one group of aliens. Something like that, maybe a group of aliens that have been 'integrated' into this society and have a feel of the Americans integrating the native americans sort of. Just really need to come up with alien ideas.
I'll be getting a post up today.


So how is everyone on this fine day?
So I heard you guys liked fluff posts... I have provided, you monotheistic asses.

dont hang me
A World of Pure Imagination

A sudden jolt went through the essence of the female, jumping awake from her spot on the cold ground of gravel, the ground shifted with her movement. Shallow breaths overcame the female, she could not understand anything nor did she know anything. No memories to recall, no previous, knowledge, nothing to speak of. ‘Twas a strange predicament that she found herself in, thoughts surged through her head as she tried to recall something, anything.

A clap of thunder sounded, gaining the attention of the female as she attempted in vain to remember. Instinct kicked in and the being got to its feet, finding it a necessary to run along the gravel and away from the sound that only a storm could produced. She understood not how she knew a storm was coming. Nay, she understood not. The woman breathed deeply, letting her legs move her. A singular blink was all it took until she found herself in a different terrain altogether, a thick forest with a forest floor that seemed to be littered with leaves, such things were common in a forest.

A face of confusion came across the woman, as she looked back to see only more forest and not the gravel that she had been running on. How could such a thing occur? As far as she knew, that could not be possible and she barely knew anything. Deep howls - more or less growls but still frightening to her- sounded around her, fear grew inside the heart of the woman. She turned from where she heard the least growls and ran in that direction, letting her feet carry her once more. Pushing past trees, she ran and ran not stopping even when she began to tire. A turn to look behind her only worsened her fears as winged shadows ran after her. The shadows - while not truly shadows, only that way to her - had glowing red eyes, two horns on the either side of their head, and a serrated teeth. They bore a look of self-doubt, an odd feature.

Such predatory features were certainly frightening to one who knew nothing of the world, as well of one who even did know the world. However, the fear of the unknown was much greater than the fear of anything else as the imagination was an incredible thing. That fear of unknown is what drove the woman to run, best not leave it by chance and die some horrible death of cruel beasts. Indeed a strange thing to find that one would rather avoid the unknown rather than discover what the unknown bore and to see if it were peaceful. Imagination, both treacherous and true at the same time - it is a funny thing as well if one were to certainly think about it.

The woman came to a sudden stop, slipping on the leaves and skidding across the ground as she barrelled towards a cliff which may prove a fatal fall. She flipped to her chest and grabbed at the ground, attempting to slow herself before she became some sort of flat object against the ground. Her legs went over the edge, hitting the hard rock that made the cliff. The shadows continued only to run and she could see them getting closer by the second, she looked down and saw that it was a steep drop onto gravel.

Gravel, that substance she remembered from when she had awoken. Further back did she look to see an area she was familiar and some silhouette was running across the gravel. Confusion, spread across her face like a wildfire as she attempted to think before grunts and howls overtook her thoughts. The shadows seemed to be right on top of her, startling her enough to release her hold on the forest ground and allowed herself to plunge downwards through the air. Her eyes locked on the edge of the cliff seeing the shadows’ claws attempt to grab at her from the edge. Such a thing was not fated for them as she was well out of their reach now. The woman twisted her body to see the the wall of gravel approaching her at a scene in which she could not fathom. Bracing herself for an inevitable death, she closed her eyes and awaited.

Hard stones were not the objects to connect with the body of the woman however, it was something other yet still hard. The wind was knocked out of her before she felt her head become submerged. Submerged, that was not a word that would be expected to use in this circumstance. The eyes of she opened to find herself under water, struggling for a breath of the precious air that lie above the water’s surface. The question now, which way was up?

The woman shift in the water before swimming in the direction in which she thought was going to be the way to break the surface of the water. She was wrong, finding herself only going deeper and deeper as she struggled to turn in the water before her body truly ran out of air to use. Disparity ran through her, struggling faster and faster in that last ditch effort. Eventually, she broke the water and gasped for air, coughing up small amounts of water.

Luck was not on her side, however, thunder roared all around her and rain poured and seemed to try pushing her down. The waves did not help, only furthering to attempt to drown her. Though, a light shown in the distance, a light a brilliant white filled with holy ambition that compelled the woman to attempt to swim over to the light. With a sense of purpose renewed, the woman used what little strength she held to swim, wanting nothing than to end what seemed a nightmare. A form appeared behind the light, a barge of magnificent salvation moved towards her. To that she shouted in an attempt to flag the attention of whomever be on it.

A chain of blood and metal answered her call, impaling itself into her shoulder and dragging her onboard the barge. She let out a cry of pain, such as anyone would do in this situation and attempted to go back into the water. ‘Tis a lovely time when the very thing you attempt to escape becomes the one you wish to embrace once a worse fate is presented to you - not so strange if you think of the instinct of a living being, a being holding a will to live - forcing you to choose the lesser of the two evils. The chain continued to drag the bleeding figure of the woman onboard the barge tossing her onto the wooden planks.

The woman gazed up to see a large, round figure chortle before grabbing her legs and dragging her across the barge. The light illuminated the figure and she saw a fat, reptilian being with dark red scales. That color could be the blood of previous victims or rather it truly was the natural color, she was in no position ask nor did she want to. Finding it uncomfortable, the woman attempted to move into a more comfortable position which the being found as an attempt of escape. The lizard lifted the woman and slammed her into the boards of the ship, disorienting her.

She was dragged into a room adorned in blood and wicked machines, dimly lit at that, which held captives who screamed at the top of their lungs. It was not a pretty sight to say the least, but she refused to even open her mouth the great lizard. Being ruthlessly tossed into a cage, the woman had a chance to properly gaze at her surroundings after recovering from the disorientation. They were all reptilian in nature, all having blackened skin and an aura of depression around them. Recognizing them as the shadow beasts which haunted her, she gave a look of strange satisfaction to see her foes suffering. The lizard could be heard chortling at the screamers.

The machinations seemed to move independently; one slowly rotated a cylinder encased in spikes across a man’s legs, another seemed to be a metal coffin with red ooze flowing out of its cracks. There were many more, but the woman dared not look lest terror consume her entirely. More chortling was heard from the great lizard, earning a gaze in the direction of the beast. The ugly thing stood in front of the cage, examine the prize that it had fished out of the seas. It held a putrid breath, one of rotten meat and infection.

The woman looked away from the beast, intimidated by what was being presented to her. A large, meaty hand went through the bars of the cage and grasped the neck of the woman, pulling her towards the beast and reorienting her gaze. The two eyed each other for a moment; the beast having a sadistic look whilst the woman was one of terror. Desperately trying to avoid the gaze of the lizard, the woman rotated her eyes and noticed something at the lizard’s waste. A sword, not ornate in any fashion, just simply a sword. After a moment, the lizard released its grip and that was when she made her move.

With reflexes that only a child of a god could produce, the woman grabbed the handle of the sword and pulled it out of its sheathe. Another move lodged the sword inside of the lizard’s left eye, receiving a roar of pain from the beast as it clambered backwards and slammed into one of it’s own machine. With a kick, the door of the cage swung open, not having been locked by the trapper. The woman got to her legs and ran out of the cage, hearing large stomps as the lizard regained its composure and gave chase. The woman ran onto the deck of the barge, the wind and drops of water whipping her as she made her way to the bow of a ship.

“No run,” a voice of deep seated hatred rang from the other side of the ship, the lizard had caught up and it had a sword in one hand with a chain in the other. It was right, there was no where else to run unless she wanted to tempt fate and dive off the side of the ship. The woman looked at her body and found something strange, there was no sign of injury on her from the chain that had pierced her; no scar, no blood, nothing. However, that was not destined to stay as the chain which pierced her before had done so again, dragging the woman to the great beast.

Leaning back, the woman used her feet to stall her approach to the great beast and instead allow her the time to pull the chain from her leg. With a grunt of pain, the woman succeeded and the beast roared in annoyance before it charged her. With great agility the woman rolled to the side, dragging the lizard’s chain with her before she ran to the side of the beast and lodging the chain into the foot of it. She pushed and the lizard toppled over onto its fat stomach, suddenly it would find that a chain was wrapped around its neck. Gasping for breath the beast attempted to do anything it could to avoid death but to no avail as with one great pull the woman crushed its windpipe. Laughter followed the woman, she seemed to enjoy causing this suffering to the very thing who had dared trap her.

With the death of the beast, its body turned to a white light before a stream went straight into the chest of the woman. It burned - merely a feeling of burning as nothing outwardly was truly happening to her - as the stream pushed itself into her body. Memories came flooding her, horrible memories that only a sadist would enjoy, a sadist she was. A wicked smile came across the face of she. Now she understood, this was no reality and was truly only a dream of the mind that she possessed. She remembered what she had gone through as a person.

Doubling over, the woman felt her head swirl with thoughts, chanting one singular word, a word which she remembered that she hated. Choose. By her side to figures appeared, one was a woman with tabby wings and long red hair while the other was large and resembled the beast she had just killed. A blink of the eyes revealed the shadow beasts which she had previously run from. Her breath grew shallow once more, she couldn't choose.

”Choose” they all roared as she remained there on her ground, wanting her to choose between two opposing sides. One side preached an everlasting war to suppress the other in order to have peace for the world. The other want more blood, the promise of peace through destruction. The woman could no longer see, everything was black and only the sounds of savage pleas for her to choose were growing louder by the second. “What is my name? Who am I?,” the woman cried, she began forgetting once more. She closed her eyes in an attempt to stop the voices.

A jolt ran through the woman, forcing her eyes open to reveal a sight of gravel. She had no memory or recollection, what was her name?

A clap of thunder could be heard in the distance.

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Now keep that damn confetti out. Happy early birthday!

But the confetti is life!

thanks m8y. It isn't until the 28th though
Hoooold up. We're not there quite yet. The first OOC post was in fact posted on the 11th of February. Still got a long way to go.


also it's getting close to my birthday. Fun
You have my tentative interest, good sir. Bully to you!
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