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Boy has it been a while since I posted. Boy, oh, boy.

They wouldn't stop shouting. They refused to stop. Couldn't stop screaming.

Plaguing her, That of Pain, One of Malice, she could hear them all calling for her, wishing to no longer be forgotten by the likes of the world. She could hear how they had been abused, how some were once great trees or others were contented rodents that scurried the city, fat and free. Keriss may have been a sadistic creature but the constant amount of yelling and screaming were maddening to her ears. The ashes spoke directly into mind, forced her to listen to them and making it impossible for her to drown them out.

She was still huddled in the same spot where she had been since last conversing with her friend and her brother, no longer would she be able to hear them anyways as the ash had only grown louder. How could she combat all the noise? How could she regain control over her mind and bring silence? The answers seemed to elude her as she remained trapped underneath her wings. Keriss had to do something and she knew that cowering beneath herself would not allow that to happen.

Slowly did her wings begin to unfurl as she sat inside the ruined Cipher, only to be adjusted back into place when she saw ash begin to stir. Again she moved the leathery appendages, hesitantly did they move before they found their spot on her back. Good progress so far. Now it was time to get to her feet, which have been out of use for gods know how long. The winged one urged herself forwards, putting her hands into the ground in front of her before she stopped. The screaming began to get louder, only vying for her attention even more while she moved. Her head hurt, feeling only the urge to empty anything from her stomach onto the floor that she gazed upon.

The ashen flakes covered the ground. They were so clear, so sharp and jagged in figure. Yet the flakes were the very cause of Keriss’ current ailment, and seeing them made her head hurt more.

She struggled, her legs failing her momentarily as she attempted to stand, forcing herself to concentrate and work through the pain that the ash caused her. Her left hand gripped a crevice in the wall, supporting her as she attempted to move. One foot in front of another, that was how she made her way through the Cipher. It was slow, and she fell many times, but she continued to stagger her way through the ruined building until she reached the entrance.

Ash filled the gate, coating the floor and ever moving as the wind pushed each mote further in before it was replaced by another. It was odd, the storm continued just as strong as ever despite the time that she had been in the ruins. Then Keriss saw it, tiny streaks moving like grey snakes, to the cracked walls and pushed themselves through until they rejoined the storm. Focusing on them only caused more pain, forcing her to collapse to ground and gasp in pain now.

It was dark outside of the Cipher; fearing a torch would only fuel the storm, she decided it would have been best to just brave the darkness. Putting forward a hand to block the ash from getting into her eyes, rather vainly, Keriss pushed forward into the unrelenting wind. The air was cold, the black mass around her only seemed to grow more powerful when her presence was revealed to it, the screeching growing louder in her head. It was as if thousands spirits haunted her, remorseless in their pursuit to gain the attention of the Demi-Goddess. They were furious now. She was ignoring them all even as they surrounded her.

Now the ash was chanting only one thing- 'Abandoned'. Keriss ceased all movement and her eyes widened as much as they could. They were all abandoned. They told of how the gods refused claim over them, heard how they had been merely forgotten by all, even with such a powerful storm. The ash told of how the gods truly cared for living objects and not those converted into crude dust such as themselves. The storm was their one chance to show the demi-goddess that though they were forgotten, their power was not.

She dropped to her knees.

”Ashes o’ Ashes,
Lost and forgotten,
Powerful and unloved.
I hear thee,
Restless and angered,
How could thee feel such sorrow,
Forgotten like past,
Vying for a better morrow.
I see thee,
Tempest of black,
Afraid what might be.
We are alone,
I still hold grief for you,
Ashes o’ Ashes,
Lost and forgotten,
And fear I carry too.”

The wind faltered for a brief moment, the voices stopping their anguished cries for acceptance from Keriss. As if a crowd had just heard a revelation, they felt the sorrow that they had caused the very one that sought to receive attention from. Yet, it was not the attention they wanted, requesting love and only causing sorrow to her.

At least now they were no longer abandoned. No longer forgotten by all.

Soon one voice spoke amongst those now gone, soft-spoken and sorrowful. ”It was by chance that we have ended up where we are. It was by chance that we found you, a being like us who felt abandoned and forgotten by the gods. Yet, when you rejected us, we were angered. We did not want to be forgotten once more.” The voice spoke sincerely, yet Keriss remained silent. ”Please, we no longer wish to be alone! Give us the chance to find some solace through eternity. Do not let us suffer such a fate to be alone forever. Give us the chance! The chance!”

The winds grew stronger once more, the wind howled and the storm grew stronger, yet everything was silent between Keriss and those forgotten.

The silence was deafening.

Keriss raised her head and took a deep breath, her eyes, with a dull expression, stared into the black tempest. With a sigh, the Demi-goddess listened to them once more begin to call for her attention in their angered manner. ”If it means you will be silent, then I shall care for you. Just please end your screaming and allow my mind some peace.”

They grew silent once more, giving time for Keriss to return to her feet and gazed into the pitch blackness of the storm. It was then that they would realize that it was by chance that she had happened upon them, the forgotten of the world, the forgotten of the gods, given up to the hands of luck and Fate. That feeling that those forgotten had was a feeling unbeknownst to them, true joy and relief flooded over the ashes. Once more did the winds falter, weakening over their new found happiness and their new chance of being cared for.

Keriss extended her hand forwards, her palm up as if offering it to the blackness in front of her. She saw the snake in front of her; opening itself to reveal only more blackness before it engulfed her entire being. It was not death, nor was it an end to suffering. it was the embrace of a new part of her. She could feel it changing her, clinging to her skin and forcing itself to be a part of her.

The process was that of hours, but when she opened her amber-tinted eyes once more, she could feel the difference. No longer could she spread her wings to take flight, for those wings were false; non-existent. Her form was thinner, more feminine in curves and overall she would be able to be distinguished as female at first glance. Those scales of her no longer shown green, but now gray as the ash that had covered her. As she stood though, she could see what the cost of the transformation was. The wings were only the beginning, but now she found that bits of muscle shown past patches of missing scales, giving her a brand of what a forgotten corpse would look like, abandoned. Past that, there was no other change, she was still her, but now there was silence other than the howling of the wind.

She clenched her first, unclenching it and turning her hand as if inspecting a new glove that she had just put on. Keriss would have smiled, but her confliction still remained, only now she could think in peace and quiet. Quickly did she return to her feet before turning back around and braving the storm once more, making no effort to end it for the time being. The reborn made her way back to the ruined Cipher and stood in the entrance, gazing inwards. Her eyes narrowed at the ash on the floor, then she flicked her arm to the side and the ash rust out past her and into the storm. Now the ash would start outside of the Cipher, as an invisible force seemed to deflect the substance back into the air.

”Brother, we have returned,” multiple voices seemed to echo behind her normal cold, commanding voice. The voices of those now forgotten spoke with her as they were now one.

Interrupted, Amartía lifted his eyes up from his work to meet Keriss' form for the first time in days. From dawn till dark, Sin bustled about the Cipher, preparing for a future after this accursed war in hushed whispers and intoned voices. Dagon Victors regularly left their posts to report to the former Enas and heed his commands. Ironically, he seemed to work harder now than he ever had as Amestris' actual Enas, an irony that he knowingly ignored.

For a few moments he drunk in Keriss' appearance in silence, seemingly mesmerized by her 'newly acquired' feminine attributes. "This war seems to bring out the best out of everyone. What is the occasion, sister?"

”Simply silencing the thoughts. Now I am no longer the me I was earlier,” she informed, her voice dull and emotionless. Amartía’s stare did not go on noticed and Keriss responded to that with a cross of the arms and a narrowing of the eyes. She turned away from her brother and stared out into the ash storm. ”The storm will continue,” Keriss stated, her eyes glaring at the blackness in front of her.

"Fate be praised!" he jibbed, unabashed and clearly feigning excitement. Seemingly and suddenly uninterested, he resumed his work, constructing missives to be sent out to the Chiefs of Amestris, their mode of transportation yet to be worked out; the storm made conventional means impossible. "Just be sure to clean up the mess afterwards. It's becoming a thorn in my side and I can't build a city with all this toxicity in the air."

Keriss nodded in response to Amartía’s word, holding her hands behind her back only continuing to stare out of the Cipher. ”The storm shall end after the battle is concluded. You have my word,” she promised, turning back to her brother.

Amartía blew out an exasperated breath. "Does this new form come with a cryptic mode also? he chlorted without looking up.

”I do not know what you mean,” confusion came upon her face as she took walked towards her brother, stopping just in front him. Her ashen grey scales looked rougher the closer one got, seemingly more jagged in appearance and coming to a sharpened point. The amber eyes she bore studied her brother, spying on his features as her tail swished lightly from side to side.

"Of course you don't." Amartía chimed curtly, his work dutifully interrupted once again. "So is that all? You interrupt my work to flaunt your new found beauty and with it make fleeting promises?"

Keriss grit her teeth in frustration, disliking the attitude that Amartía always seemed to have on him. It was absolutely frustrating to deal with him and her anger began to flare up, becoming very evident on her face. ”I shall be in the company of Tauga if you need me,” she growled before turning away from her brother and walking out of the Cipher, muttering many insults. As she left, she allowed the ash back into the Cipher and willed it further in just to infuriate her brother.

* * * * *

The Dark Carnival had not been conducive to memory formation. Alcohol intake alone would have left a blurred period in the recollections of Sin cultists. Coupled with the fact that there had been actual divine madness in the air and garnished with the trauma of blood rain, the Dagon horde had only simple memories of its birth.

But if anything in those darkened days had etched itself on the minds of the revellers, it was this: Tauga the Blowfly was not to be fucked with.

She knew she must have killed several hundred of them, her rotflies many more. She hadn't thought much of it at the time. Now that those same Sin worshippers now formed the Dagon that were her labour force, it played into her hands nicely. Tauga was back to wearing her mask full-time since the ash started to fly, and she could feel their heartbeat pick up whenever she touched them with a tendril. They worked fast as long as she could keep an eye on them.

Just as well. The windstorm had not eased things.


Her shout wound its way across what had once been a park, then a mudpit, now a dustbowl rapidly giving itself up to the wind. The gale had started to wane a little shortly before her tentacle felt Keriss's approach and wrapped around her shoulder. Lucky coincidence. She tasted strange, like the ash she had summoned.

"Keriss! I need your hands!"

Tauga’s shout forced Keriss to move at a brisk walk rather than her leisurely stroll through the wasteland that had once been Xerxes. She approached the Blowfly, a smile now on her face at the sight of Tauga and the sound of her voice. It was always good to have a friend, even if that friend was not the best with emotional support.

”What is it that you require lifting?”

Hands that had once belonged to a mason's daughter worked under a granite slab. "Dead architect's leftovers. Frieze's carved out of-" She looked up, and their eyes met through the dust.


If Tauga could have bowled Keriss over as she had Diana the previous night, she would have. In two bounding steps she'd flipped herself up onto the demigod's shoulder and crouched there, a big awkward weight pushing Keriss down as Tauga peered at her back. "...The hell, Keriss," she rasped, looked back at her, and leapt off, this time really pushing Keriss down.

Everything came as a surprise to Keriss, not really resisting the abrupt assault. She gazed upon Tauga with a confused face before realizing the reason behind this unprecedented attack. The demi-goddess sighed and let the back of her head come in contact with the ground.

The hain crouched on Keriss's chest, feeling the raw patches between her scales, working her hands over the fresh-wrought bones with startled intent.

”What are you doing, Tauga?,” she asked, not bothering to lift her head as Tauga felt the raw patches of muscle and some exposed bone. Nothing more seemed to come from her mouth, but a hand motion caused the ash to navigate away from them both, creating a bubble. Soon sunlight came to the deprived lands as a hole opened above them, revealing the sun for the first time in an eternity.

”Please stop rubbing your hands on me.”

"No," said Tauga. She looked back up.

"You've had two limbs amputated at the base. You've shed muscle like a starved dog, and this-" One of the scales, once crocodile armour, came away in her hand. Tauga held it up. It wasn't the ash storm that made it look grey. "Keriss, are you dying?"

Keriss remained silent for a few moments before allowing the ash to come back to them, blocking the sunlight once more as the once-winged demi-goddess stared upwards. ”I feel stronger than I once was; new powers, new sensations, new form. The voices of the forgotten are now silenced in my mind. We are one now. I am far from dying, Tauga, and had I been I would not be here,” she explained in a calm, dull voice with the echoes of those very voices lightly following her speech.

The scale was left to fall away in the fresh darkness. "One with the voices of the forgotten. Right. Mouth." Tauga pulled open Keriss's jaw, saw that her teeth were as murderous as ever, and let it shut. The Blowfly's demeanor was still cold, but she remembered the day Keriss had shambled into Cipher with the storm at her back. She'd told her to drink, but clearly there had been some other way to shut up the voices. Tauga didn't know if this was better, but she knew the look of a soul on the edge, and this wasn't it.

And the storm had calmed when she had come, and her voice wasn't alone...

Tauga flattened her hand and slowly moved it side-on to the center of the lizard's face, watching her eyes for signs of poor focus. None. "I guess this is a god thing, Keriss, but where I stand all I can see is you look like you got fucked up and you're talking like a choril- choira- Lot of people talking at once." Then again, she'd always spoken with the pomp of an actor when she wasn't stressed, so maybe this was back to normal. "Stand up and stretch. Still can't believe you're walking with all that meat stripped off. And tell me what happened. For real this time."

”If you insist,” Keriss sighed, getting to her feet and stretching her arms upwards as she was told. ”I could no longer ignore the voices, they had grown louder and louder since the storm. I knew that sitting on my ass wouldn't be rid of them. Thus I moved, going out of the the Cipher, and confronted the storm. Afterwards it led to this-” she gestured to herself. “- after it became a part of me.”

"I can get that." The story reminded Tauga of when she'd returned to Xerxes in the aftermath of the Purifiers. There'd been grief in the air, then. The voices of the dead had not been given time to quiet. Acceptance had come with peace, and peace with acceptance.

She looked at her gloved hand, watched it gather dust that had once been people. Her people. "This time was different," she muttered, finding the right words. "This time no one left to grieve, no one left to play. Lady Luck herself had to pick up the losing hand. All of them." Standing. Still...

"You want to keep an eye on yourself, Keriss. No one who copes quickly copes cleanly. You might've got over it, but I think you're in shock." Tauga punched her in the abs and jerked her thumb at the frieze. "But there's nothing wrong with your new meat, other than that it looks like a skinny wreck. If you think you're fine go prove it. I need that slab blocking High Street."

Keriss simply nodded to all that Tauga said before moving to collect the slab that Tauga requested, silently and quickly. She denied that she was in shock; She was feeling just fine, for the moment. With a grunt, the demi-goddess lifted slab over her shoulder.

”I am fine.”

Tauga nodded, and watched bone-ash whip its way across the sky.

I would make a post but I'm busy working on a collab in another RP ;-;
I'm still here, I promise!

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

My apologies.

Tauga hungles two hangos and the hinged honger of their former hengg.

That is memetically correct!
<Snipped quote by Lauder>

That's nothing. That was some basic logarithm algebra. The formatting took longer than the actual maths. By contrast, I spent over two hours yesterday calculating and rechecking nasty integrals for a quantum physics assignment.

Whatever world you live in, whatever you endure. It sounds like absolute math hell. {Guess what was my worst subject in school}

How long did you spend making that! Good lord man, are you made of math?!
@Kho, has released the Capybara of war!
@Lauder Keriss is a French corporation.

Name one time she has rioted because she wanted something!
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