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Ça va, mon homme

Yeah, sorry guys. I'm going to have to cancel this RP. I thank you for y'alls' time though and hope that y'all have a good time with other RPs. I will admit that I kind of rushed headfirst into this without thinking in crucial part of the story or the OOC in general. Have fun and hope to see you guys around!
@Antarctic Termite

Who isn't terrified of Australians?! They are genetically super human who are almost on par with the stereotypical Russian!

Nay, there shall be another. Another Kho who will save us from tyranny!

It can be weird like that. We can be active, then suddenly nothing.


The Kobold Huntress, The Deserter




Standing at roughly 3’6” and weighing just above 35 pounds, Eahara is covered from head to tail in light green scales with some form of spikes protruding from her head. She wears heavy clothing that appears to be roughly stitched together as well as gloves and footwraps. A red scarf sits around her neck, a more sentimental piece of clothing more than a truly useful one in her eyes.

Eahara is a mostly loyal creature, not being one to abandon friends or revoke friendships over petty things such as arguments, among other things. It is also worth noting that Eahara is a serious kobold who keeps her mind focused on one thing, her goals and anything that gets in the way can be accepted as acceptable casualties should they mean harm. As well, the kobold, like much of her race, is not very much into the sharing and prefers to hoard all valuables to herself. Furthermore, Eahara is a pessimist and always believes that the world is out to get her and her friends; always believing the odds are against her.

  • Kobald Longbow (shortbow to the races of man and elf)
  • 2x Bone Daggers

  • Bow Mastery - Eahara is fairly proficient with using bows so long as they are sized correctly with her species, still she has a fairly accurate with almost many shot.
  • Agility - This kobold is an agile creature, even with her heavy clothing that would seem to weigh her down. She is adept at avoiding attacks and balancing, nothing gets in the way of a good ranger.
  • Brand of the Traitor - A magical tattoo placed upon her left arm which glows a bright red and causes wearing pain whenever the forces of the Dark Lord; it acts as an early warning system for her at the sacrifice of being unable to hide well.
  • Enchantment Knowledge - While unable to enchant intend herself, Eahara knows how an enchantment should go and can guide someone with magical capabilities to do some enchanting for her. The only reason she knows this is from trying to rid herself of her mark.

Eahara was born into one of the last clans to fall under the control of the Dark Lord, one of the first to be drastically reduced in size due to their fight for their independence. She was raised as a hunter from the beginning of her life, supposed to be trained to join the dark army and bring death upon the Dark One’s enemies. The worst part was, she proved more than capable for the task that was presented the young daughter. More so, she was happy in her position of killing the likes of man or orc, being as useful as could be to her dark master. Of course, this was all before she saw the atrocities committed against her people.

Other Kobold clans fought against the Dark Lord and his minions, only wanting to live their lives in the natural isolation that was their way. It was after the slaughter of many that Eahara had realized what she had done, though she remained under the Dark Lord. Not by fear or by the promise of glory, but by her oath of loyalty that she took to serve him and give her life through her service. For three years did this continue until someone had framed her, she had not the faintest idea who, but she was found the primary suspect as she had already shown questionable loyalty.

Thus, the huntress was branded with the Mark of the Traitor then released into the wilds to be hunted for the rest of her life. Yet, she still lives, now having killed people who she may have once called an ally or a friend. They were all her enemies now and she swore that she would find the one who took her place away from her, then thank them. Now, she was free from her obligations to the Dark Lord and so she continued to flee for as long as she could. It was not until she came across one of her former allies did she swear to kill the Dark Lord, this friend she had known since they were hatchlings.

It all disgusted her, especially how quickly she had been prosecuted as a traitor when she had been completely loyal in the first place. She discovered that this friend was the one who spread the lies and betrayed her, mercy no lost to him as she slowly tortured him to death. This was when she realized that optimism was lost, nothing would ever go right in the world and that fighting was useless. Though, if no one dared fight then everything would be lost and she would rather die than see that. Hence why now she has undertaken this great quest to slay the Dark Lord, as futile as it may be.

Blood for the Blood god


Great minds think alike!
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

<Snipped quote by Lauder>




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