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Whilst the others shuffled after the chieftain, Eek, instead, would follow after the Goblin Druid known as Aya, wanting to know how the tribe operated and some of the outlying area over dealing with another species altogether. She watched some of the others leave before getting to her feet and moving after the Goblin Druid, albeit slowly and timidly. Eventually, she reached Aya and inspected her with a keen eye, not wanting to be caught off guard by any surprises that the Druid may throw at her. The only thing justifying her paranoia was the whole situation of waking up in a strange, foreign place.

”Miss Aya, would you mind showing me the ropes?,” the timid Goblin questioned, her head angled downwards and she avoided eye contact. Eek wanted nothing more than to get started on her own devices but first she would need to know the lay of the land and that would require some form of guidance by Aya. Granted, she would probably do just fine exploring by herself, but there could be hidden dangers around every corner. Dangers meant a potential for being harmed, being harmed might mean death, and death was never a good thing, or so she thought. Aya could help ward off any dangers, possibly.

Eek crossed her arms, her hands rubbing themselves against her green skin, preoccupying herself out of pure nervousness. ”That is unless you have better things to do. I don't wanna be a bother,” she continued, still not looking at the shaman. Her hands stopped for a moment as she thought to herself about what she needs to do, making a mental checklist of what needs to be done. Once that was done her hands began rubbing her arms again, fingers now slowly wrapping against her arms.


You mean Daddy-o? Oh he'll be thrilled to have his failure of a son, known as Amartía, contact him again to remind him of his mistakes! It's clear his favorite child is Keriss and will only do things for her. Heuheuheu.
Thar be my post. Now excuse me while I vigorously go to pet my animals.

Soon the chief had blessed them all with his non-divine presence, yet an intimidating presence nonetheless with his towering stature, strange skin, and claws that seemed to be as sharp as daggers to the cowering female. He answered their questions, explained to them how things would work for them once they met the tribe and such, interesting Eek and earning a slight gaze. She allowed her curious mind to begin to wander once more, wondering which of the hobgoblins would have been her parents and what they would be like. It was a strange topic to be wrapped around considering her situation, but it was one that seemed to be priority in that mind of her’s.

However, that concentration would be broken when already began to speak to her once again, attempting to coax her out of her comfortable corner. Though, he would learn that she would not budge, even if he earned a small gaze from the paranoid Eek. ”Please go away. Leave me alone,” she requested with a soft voice, tightening her grip around her knees before her eyes went back to the chief. Eek wanted to ask a question, so she opened her mouth and the words failed to come out, only strained sounds as if she were trying to formulate the words. Quickly did she shut her mouth, sighing at herself for her timidity.

After a few moments of thinking to herself on how to properly ask her question, she looked over to the chief and called out to him, ”Are there any quiet spaces within the village that I might have for myself?” Her head cocked to the side in a rather inquisitive manner. Eek felt the need that she needed an area to have to herself so that she may think and clear her head should she need to, a place where she could be left to her own devices, a place where she wouldn't feel this timidity. If there wasn't then she would make her own area, that she was set upon.
I'll get a post up tonight!
Amartía has human experiments to preform. Dis war tho.

Oh please, human experimentation is so nine-hundred years ago. Get with the times, is all ogre from here.

Shut it you tiny ass wind thing.


You're all my chums! Chum chummy chum chums. Chuuuuuuuumms.
Good thing I have maxed my Perception. I can literally see the molecules that make up that Ranger Gal and little miss Khan over there.
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