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I'm thinking of playing an Artificer, debating on whether I want to be a gunsmith or alchemist, currently.
Let's get smashin', and bashin', and crashin', while we dashin'!
Keriss is a high school student, senior year
Lives with Vestec since her parents have abandoned her.
Is friends Tauga... kinda, things are strange.
Constantly blows off classes to peruse career as underground boxer.
Hurts people, banged a guy after a party.
Aborted child and ran off.
Hangs out with Amartía sometimes, he's a dick most of the time.
Often depressed. Adopted a puppy and put a hood on it.

I tried.
Itheraen General History

The Itheraen government, founded in 1709 after a large unification movement swept through the originally fractured lands, was a republic founded on the principles of ancient Itheraen traditions where all citizens had a say. All citizens had the right to know what their government was planning to do for them to better their well being and continue to keep them unified as one people. However, not all Itheraens could join the cause when the Tyro-Redian emperor had inherited a large sum of Itheraen lands from a few local lords who wished to keep themselves safe only two years before the unification had been set in motion. That is how over half of the Itheraen population had been lost and placed in the hands of prestigious empire who seemed to accept the people. Yet, the fact that half of the total Itheraen populace was in another empire had always been a cause of a certain resentment towards the Wolframs, but the government accepted it despite continuing to yearn for the return of their people.

The government always held an interest for those lands, it was hard for them not to when there was such a large density of Itheraens. Time and time again, it could be found that the nation government had attempted to fund independence groups, those before the Triple I, within the Tyro-Redanian Empire. Reasoning behind this was a simple one, the Itheraens lacked the manpower in order to properly fight a war to reclaim the loss of that many people, only numbering in the tens of thousands while the Wolframs had a horde to fight for them. Hence there had always been the question if the government should ally themselves with the Oslads to the the north or the Kalpians, a more than powerful republic. Of course none of these options had been chosen, Itheraen isolation becoming their primary foreign policy up until 1845 where they began to communicate with the Tyro-Redanian Empire and other bordering countries once again.

In the time between 1776 and 1845, the Itheraen military had grown in both training and nationalistic zeal as they prepared for a war between the Republic and the Wolframs. The war never came and instead the sense of urgency within the republic had stayed, keeping the Itheraen armed forces in top condition for any sort of crisis that might come to their doorstep. The government encouraged this act as well, wishing nothing more than to be seen as a formidable and independent country. Economically insignificant and lacking in interesting resources, it was hard for them to be seen as a true interest to any other lands. That was until 1847 when large quantities of oil had been found within the land, while the substance had limited use, it allowed their economy to grow and the importance of Oil to flourish within the Itheraen markets.
<Snipped quote by Lauder>
Perhaps the warlike child of a minor trickster god?

Are you implying what I think you're implying?
I'm finding it difficult to figure out what I want to be. This is strange.
Askia had seemed content with staying close to Cynthia, eager to continue with her aggressive flirtatious attitude. However, there were always those who seemed to be out to ruin all the fun, sadly it was something she would have to get along with. First, it was the beholder and the Kobold could ignore him easily enough for he was truly nothing but a big ball of putrid eyes, but the Tabaxi was a different story. The woman had pulled the mystic aside and, with rather persuasive words, had told Askia, “You just joined us, don't start making trouble.”

It was annoying but she couldn't help but agree with the Tabaxi, and so a response came ”Fine, fine. Just trying to have a little fun.” There was no lie, no hint of dishonesty in that statement, just the nonchalant voice of the Kobold. She followed, continuing to restrain her abilities to the best that she could manage, however it was hard and that took effort. It was a mental drain, but it wasn't something that bothered her as she had drained herself for more than what she was doing. Yet, she also focused lightly on paying attention to where everything was, but not before catching Cynthia’s little flirt. To that Askia responded in the only non-disruptive way she knew how, making finger guns towards the merwoman and winking.

Then that strange and flamboyant woman came around after that vastly creature spoke again, Askia turned to acknowledge Koan but did not do much listening to whatever she wished to discuss. Since the Kobold was new, she doubted that the question was meant for her because she simply had not much of a say in the matter. However, Askia seemed much more content with inching closer to Cynthia, the seductive smile planted straight on that small frame. ”I'm new here so I really don't quite know much of the context behind why we are here. But what I know is that I can play my lute for you any day!,” the Kobold chimed, bringing out her lute and began strumming the chords. To her dismay, her fingers did not seem to be wanting to play their most excellent but instead their average.

I'll toss in my hat.
...Isn't that the same thing? If Vestec is happy, everyone else is happy =D.

Unless you are Keriss, then you are just annoyed
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