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Name: Viki Woods
Alias: N/A
Level: 3
Date/Time: September 1st, 6 AM, 5 PM
Location: Apartment, Work
Tag: @Holy Soldier - Gut punching Tatsumaki


The fun thing about waking up to the sound of silence was the serenity of it all, a blonde haired woman yawned and sat up in her bed and gazed out the window and at the rising sun. Unfortunately, the door to her room was kicked open to reveal a smaller, muscular version of the blonde woman in bed. “Sis, get up! We got school!” The smaller girl shouted before running forward and grasping the sister and throwing her through the door. The girl who had been up for almost two hours already was Viki Woods, the very excitable younger sister to Bianca Woods.

The two lived on the second story of an apartment complex, finding the two bedroom one bathroom being perfect enough to accommodate the both of them. It was a messy abode, even though Viki tried her best to clean up after her older, messier sister. In fact the house was already halfway cleaned with Viki’s hair going everywhere and grabbing things that were out of place and sweeping. The younger one could be seen inhaling some toast and eggs that she had prepared before she had violently tossed her sister out of her bed.

“Get up! I have a busy day today!,” Viki announced, her voice speaking with the same amount of authority that Mr. Gar had.

“Your days are always busy,” countered the sister, slowly walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee that Viki had prepared. She sat down next to her hardcore sister, “You need to try and relax a bit more.”

“Relaxation means laziness! Laziness means nothing gets done! Besides, as assistant manager of Mr. Gar’s Hero Supply & Bodega, I simply have too much work to oversee,”

The older blonde rolled her eyes at the remark and continued to counter with her level two wisdom, “Shut up and go to school, you might be late to being early to school!”

“Oh snap! You're right!”

With that, Viki dived out the window and swung her hair down, elongating four strands to act as legs that would walk her to school. Everything was going according to plan until something cut a connection of two legs, causing Viki to fall into the ground. With an angered look, the blonde brought her head up off of the ground and looked up to see the figure of JK-11 standing in front of her. “Well oh well, if it isn't my favorite annoyance. Good thing I managed to cut you off, I don't want you being early to school.” She turned away from the blonde and crossed her arms,”Have fun dealing with the mini robos, nerd!”

Before Viki had a chance to respond ten different robots jumped from their hiding places to beset her on all sides, luckily their programming trapped them in an area with one of the most ruthless heroes on the block. The blonde rolled out of the way, the robots colliding with the ground and creating a crater in their wake. They all turned to see Viki on her feet and the end of her braid a very bright green. “Oh now y'all done messed up!”

With a whip of her head, a green blob was launched at the group, only five of them were fast enough to jump out the way while the others were dissolved into a puddle of acid. The five tried their same tactic of pouncing her at the same time, only to be met with her grasping four of them while the last one had a fist go through its chest. Simple level one robots could never beat her, but that had done their job in distracting Viki. A smile grew on her face as the bots fell apart on the ground, “Looks like Poe really did have to scrap some of his work!”

The blonde looked at the time on her phone, with a gasp she began sprinting forward, a dust trail now in her wake. Somewhere along the line JK-11 turned her head, internal sensors detecting a fast moving object inbound, however, she was swept along a hand on her throat as Viki swept her away. The disguised robot began screaming before she hit a hard metal object, the object was the raised door of a dumpster, which then firmly closed the robot inside of it.


Such was the morning of Viki Woods.

Mr. Gar’s Hero Supply & Bodega

With wrestling club not being on September 1st, Viki had plenty of time to get to work, being extremely early and doing her job of taking stalk and making sure everyone was working so Mr. Gar wouldn't have to tire out his poor lungs. That was until complaints began rolling in and she couldn't investigate because customers kept coming up to her. Unfortunately, Mr. Gar had beaten her to it, voicing his concern on the intercom. Then she saw what had caused the blockage, a very bloated form of Tatsumaki, waddling into a corner to die.

Dying was laziness of life and work.


“Tatsumaki, get to work!” Viki yelled, jumping into the air and going to bring the full force of a hair punch down on the bloated fighter’s gut.
I'm gonna gut punch the food out of him!
If we are in the mood to keep sharing what minor characters look like, then this is probably what JK-11 looks like.
I have a feeling Viki and Lyle are going to get along terribly. She's gonna have to whup his lazy ass into gear constantly.




*neck cracking intensifies*

Lets go!

@Holy Soldier
Viki has been accepted, yes?
Great, is that you made the IC, GET BACK TO WORK!
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