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Name: Viki Woods
Alias: N/A
Level: 3
Date/Time: September 1st, 5 PM
Location: Work
Tag: @Holy Soldier @HeroicSociopath @Kafka Komedy

Viki had masterly dodged the rainbow of lasers, a smug smile on her face knowing that Tatsumaki would never be able to her with such a predictable thing. She turned away from the bloated form before telling both Jacuzzi and Tatsumaki, “Get to work you two, time is money and I want this place looking great for Mister Gar, that included all of his employees in their stations.” She gave a slightly evil chuckle before her nose smelled something, or rather she had just seen the fox for a brief second but it was cooler if she had smelled what was the pose of productivity.

“Lyle! Get to work or else!,” Viki roared, looking towards the camera to give a smile and thumbs up to Mr. Gar who was likely watching them all. “The freezer is out again and I need you to fix it before the ice cream melts,” the blonde stated before walking into an aisle that contained some weapons, inspecting them and making sure they were all in the right place. Everything had to be perfect, everything had its place, everything had to have a price tag, luckily Clay was doing his job unlike his good for nothing brother.

“Cleanup on Aisle… all of them,” Viki announced, allowing her hair to grow and grab mops and other cleaning supplies to get rid of the rainbow colored vomit. It was almost a subconscious thing, cleaning up messes before customers could get to her and complain, luckily there was no more blockage in the front door. With a sigh, the long haired wonder quickly finished the detailing before everything was put back where it was supposed to be.

“Good job, Viki,” she said to herself in a low voice, imitating Mr. Gar.

“Why thank you boss! I know I'm the best employee here!”

“Have a promotion! One-hundred dollars per hour!”

“Mister Gar, you know I can't accept such money! But thank you!”

Little did she know this was her talking to herself and not a scenario played in her mind.

The night was filled to the brim with ecstasy, Koan and Askia doing a very dirty dance that satisfied their most carnal desires. Though, the Kobold did manage to get her rest, allowing her mind to rest and relax in between two large cushions.when the supposed morning had come along, the mystic was the first of the two lovers to awaken, and silently did she move from her position on the jester to get her clothing on. She felt much better, between Koan’s healing touches and Askia’s natural healing abilities, the Kobold was in much better shape than when she had stumbled into the bar.

Cynthia was a pleasant sight to see, even if she was simply leading us to the destination where their adventure would begin. Yet, Askia seemed compelled to engage with her once more, ”I don't see you around last night. Was a shame I couldn't take you into my room with me. Maybe next time I can bunk with you.” It was yet another subtle attempt to try and seduce the merwoman, though even Askia was unsure that it would work this time since they were being led to an adventure of a lifetime. However, it was probably Askia's stalkerish breathing or something about her demeanor that probably would make Cynthia cringe.

I have not been active at all, and it's not that I'm bored of this RP, I'm just bored of Keriss herself. She was not a very well designed character, nor will her type very well be. I just don't have much interest in playing her. Yet, I wish to stay.

That is why, if @Antarctic Termite and co. will permit, I was wondering if I could maybe trade Keriss in for a new character, a level one demigod. I have some though put into it and I think I would know how to introduce her.

Kingdom of Itherae

In the wake of the Tyro-Itheraen War, with the installation of Queen Athena as absolute ruler over the nation, many predicted that there would be much unrest over the subject of being reverted back to a monarchy. However, no riots came, the people had begrudgingly accepted this and went on with their lives as, in the end, it was but a minor change for them. Yet, a majority of Itherae approved at the prospect of having Queen Athena rule over the nation, a strange fact to both the Queen and, no doubt, the Tyro-Redanian administrators that had arrived to Itherae to collect the first payment of $5,000,000 in war debt that had been thrust onto the nation. With promises of more payment in the following year, the Tyrians left without much of another word, a pleasant experience to the ears of the lady Wolfram.

However, the payment was the least important thing to happen in the month of February, a new decree was given to the entire nation, on February 18th, from the former capital building in Itherae. “After much discussion with the Senate, it has been decided that the city of Diopolis has been selected to be the new capital of Itherae. This is for the reasons of culture, with a great ancient empire having been founded in the area many centuries ago, in the early years of the bronze era. As many historians might now, this empire, the Aliban Empire. It lasted for dozens of centuries before its ultimate collapse from famine and war. Additionally, the city of Itherae shall be renamed to before the founding of the Republic, the city of Hermara.”

With that, the public knew that Diopolis was then the capital of the Itheraen kingdom, a much needed move to prove that Athena was to mold the kingdom away from some of the ideals that the Republic had. Yet there was a problem, Diopolis had no railways to speak of, and while the Republic had attempted to connect the city to the railway network, their interventionist views had stopped them from getting it done. Though, they were smart enough to put aside funds for an Itherae-Diopolis rail line, though they were not smart enough to see the potential to of connecting all the cities to the capital by rail. Athena saw this as a chance for the locomotive industry to boom and ordered for the railways to be constructed from Diopolis.

Furthermore, the lady saw another need from another nation, Survia and their lack of industry. Though, there was a great advantage to getting on the good side of such a power, with their powerful navy and ability to aid Itherae at a moments notice given their short relative distance for the Kingdom. Being the proactive lady that she was, sent a telegram addressed specifically to the king of the nation on February 26th, 1901.

Foreign Office of the Itheraen Kingdom

February 20th, 1901
Foreign Embassy,
Almeida, Survia

To the Crowned King Alfonso Joan VII, it comes with great delight that the Kingdom of Itherae finds much potential in the blooming industry of Survia. While currently Survian Industry may not yield much, Itherae is prepared to offer $5,000,000 in investment towards the Survian industry. It is also a symbol of good faith from the Kingdom to Crowned Republic of Survia itself, a hope to foster good relations between our two nations.

Queen Athena Wolfram of the Itheraen Kingdom

Tatsumaki wants to try and fight Mr. Gar?

Color me interested!
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