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Huzzah! A fighter!

surpresses urge to instant kill PC

There is strife over the lands, wars are common and lords are more than willing to attack one another to gain more power and solidify their hold over the lands. The one powerful and prominent kingdoms have fallen into civil war, nations which have stood for thousands of years had suddenly collapsed overnight. No one knows why the lands have turned into an area of bloody war, but someone must do something as no nation has been spared from what is being called the “Plight of Greed”.

Farms are left abandoned as levies are raised, taverns left cold as no one tends them, and roads a place ripe for ambush and pounded by deserters of their wars who have found better ways of supporting themselves. Whoever you are, you have been sent a vision, whether you be holy and believe it to be divine or a powerful mage summoning you, you have felt the need to travel to the one place still unaffected by the trials of war.

You can hear the wizened voice calling your name, and each day that you put off to travel, the calling becomes louder and louder until you cannot bars the noise anymore. However, you knew that it was time to take up your arms and travel the dangerous lands, whether you come from a different land or not, you must go!

Greetings and welcome to my 5e campaign! We will be starting at level one and we will be using the 20 point buy for stats. The only thing I need is a link to the character sheet, preferably from Myth-Weaver or something.

Combat will be done in the OOC which will take time, yes, but actual posts will just be a summary of what your character will be doing which will include your rolls and the likes. However, the more flare and style you put into anything will make the journey all the better!

You can use (almost) anything, the standard stuff, Uneartherd Arcana, but your CS must be approved by me before anything. PM them to me, or post them here. This will be started if I can at least 4 players.

Ask me if you have any questions!

Current Roster
Graham Douglas - Human Fighter
Kosara ‘Baba Yaga’ Rusnova - Human Druid
Norrlia Zelless - Half-Elf Monk
Jakyn Thrynorr - Wood Elf Warlock
Melody ‘Mel’ - Teifling Wizard
Hello! I see this has attracted quite a few players, but I was wondering if you would allow me to join! I haven’t quite figured out what I would want to play yet, but I’ll fill in a role that isn’t currently filled if I need to.

High Kingdom of Itherae
High Kingdom of Itherae

Since the start of the year of 1905, the approval of the Itheraen Government had dropped by a staggering amount, bringing the approval rating to the lowest Itherae had seen since the rule of King Atticus the Terrible over a hundred years ago. Queen Athena’s stunt coupled by policies set by the Supra Dobranie had clearly upset the people, leading to the founding of Maniatism, in August 4th of 1905, which wanted to overturn the monarchy and cleanse Itherae of its ‘impurities’. While it had a small following, it was still a worrying sight right outside of the Supra Dobranie for the young queen.

In a response, Queen Athena would summon representatives of every class of people in Itherae; including farmers, staunch democrats, those below poverty, the middle class, even those who followed a religion merely listed as ‘Other’ in the national census. Every representative would be called to be heard before both Queen Athena and Prime Minister Gregorio Netaxis, as well as the Supra Dobranie to discuss laws and policies that would better the people as a whole. This would be later known as the ‘Athena Doctrine’ in 1929, due to the effort to raise this approval of the government.

While the representatives were being selected, Queen Athena would take a trip through the country to meet these representatives and hold a brief rally to reassure the people of government. These rallies varied in topics, but all had a very common idea, the strength of the Itheraen people and the patriotism of the Itheraen spirit. There was no mention of the Queen’s ‘running for Prime Minister’ as her script writers had made sure to omit those facts as well as vigorous words from her advisors to even mention the event to avoid further embarrassment to both herself, the crown, and her father’s legacy. To the surprise of her advisors, she followed this and avoid a singular mention of the event, whether it was due to the backlash of the press or the words of her advisors, none would know.

In total there were over three-hundred representatives that had been gathered, except for any representative of the Maniatism ideology due to reasons of not being officially recognized by the government. In accordance to royal doctrine set in 1678, all representatives were searched for weapons by the Royal Guard and all were confiscated until the end of the meeting. There were reports that had stated that the meeting had lasted over a week with many different issues being brought to light, ranging from farmer’s disputes to women’s suffrage. All issues were recorded in a book named the ‘Ekdídei Nómous,” which would be translated as ‘Issue of Laws’ or ‘Issuing Laws’.

The Queen holding a rally in the town of Ankli, 1905

(+1 to all Orders)
High Kingdom of Itherae

July 19th, 1905,

The bombardment seemed brutal, six hours we waited for our orders to move, six hours we watched the Helroxi infantry weather out the bombardment while we were safe and waiting. I stood next to my squad and our field gun, simply waiting for the order to move. First, we saw the Tyrian infantry begin to advance, followed by our own soldiers to reinforce their position, then the shots began to ring out, I could see some of my friends popping their heads out of their cover to take potshots at our tired enemy.

After thirty minutes of fighting, my squad was told to move, our horses did not seem to get the same idea as they reared and kicked at the prospect of dragging a massive gun into potential enemy fire. In the end, they obeyed their training, just as we obeyed our training. As we moved forward, I swear a bullet flew past me and my mates, only later to be found out that the shot was a random miss by one of those conscripted boys across the way. Soon we reached our destination and we set up our gun, the infantry had advance some hundred meters, but our target was not the initial opposition.

We trained our gun to the rear of the enemy, we could barely see some of the wounded Helroxi being moved back or the conscripts pulling back enough to set up another defense so their forward brethren could pull back. I looked to my right to see another gun get into it’s position, to the left the same. We had a few field guns but they would effective at routing the enemy rear. We took aim, I got the honor of loading the gun and Demarius would fire it when Officer Valis gave the order. The gun then fired the first shot of our time here, I barely heard the other field guns fire, that meant we had fired at roughly the same time, but I did not care. I was eager to see what the Helroxi would do.

I squinted and waited a few seconds before our target was hit. I loaded the gun again and we adjusted our aim before firing again. They would not be able to properly defend the rear now, and when the conscripts ran, there would be little to save them. But I had little time to think, it was simply time to load the gun again…”

-Excerpt from Titus Kallis’, Artillerymen of the Itheraen Volunteer, journal

(+1 to orders)
High Kingdom of Itherae

Following his statement on the Queen’s actions, the Prime Minister held a rally in the city of Pelliraki, a city most devastated by the Great Farmer’s Strike of 1905, where he would give speeches on Itheraen unity as a people. While he was still a soft-spoken man, many could tell that his words did have a passion to them, not wanting the Queens actions of his own words to turn the people against the Queen in any way, as, despite her childish actions, she was still the symbol of Itheraen nobility, pride, passion, and, most importantly, the heart of the people.

”My words may have, at first, seemed to belittle the Queen and that my initial silence may have seemed like cowardice. It should be noted that our enemy is not the Queen or myself, the enemy is not another Itheraen for we are all together, as one nation should be. The enemies that currently plague us are abroad, either sharing a direct border with us or are overseas, these enemies to us are Illesian jingoism and Taran economics. The Illesians acting on the whim of an Empress, wholly fine with letting foreign armies march through her lands and slaughtering her people. Tell me, is that what you see happening to our people? It would be like the Cadians marching on Thermydon to slaughter Tyrian residents. While our government has not always made the correct judgements, it is noted that we are not Illesia, and we are not slaughtering helpless people who have been persecuted by the act of the few.

Though, our Queen has showed herself inept in recent days, it was with her blessing that our colony of Néo Méros was established, bringing in a significant growth to our industry as a whole. It was with her words that swayed the Supra Dobranie to air the fleeing Tehmigs. It is with my words that we shall not turn on each other in this time where unity is way of the future. It is with my words that we shall hold the peace in Siankouru. It is with our spirit that we shall hold in the face of adversity and strife. Together Itherae shall stand. Together Itherae will fight. Together Itherae will continue to be great.”

-Excerpt from Gregorio Netaxis’ Unity Speech July 29th 1905

His words would bring back some approval to the government, or at the very least bring more nationalistic zeal to the people. It was reported that after his speech, those who had gone on strike clapped for their government once more, whether it be for the Prime Minister showing a genuine interest in the country’s well being of he was attempting to sweep the entire situation of the queen under the metaphorical rug. However, he got his point across and media slowly began to turn away from the Queen’s childish ways, and to more pressing matters of Illesian militarism or the poverty that gripped some of the people in Itherae.

(+1 to all rolls)
High Kingdom of Itherae

In light of recent events regarding the Queen announcing her name in the vote for Prime Minister, the initial shock had prevented the Supra Dobranie from releasing an official statement on the matter. However, the ever silent Gregorio Netaxis would release a very simple statement on the breach of civil liberties regarding the Itheraen Constitution.

”I am a quiet and simple man. I have allowed the Queen to whine and nag. I have allowed her to flaunt around status as Queen of our fine nation. But I cannot condone her actions of running for a position that was made in the prospect of limiting the monarch's power. The way she acts as if her power is absolute is something in no way beneficial to what Itheraen tradition of honor and loyalty to the constitution we hold dear. I will allow her to hold these rallies, but she does not, under any constitutional right, have the chance to become a part of our government.

When the September election comes around, it will be found that she is not going to be a part of our vote, no matter much she nags or whines like the child she is. Ever since her father, our beloved King Ares the Great, had died, Queen Athena has acted like the child she always has been, constantly ignoring her duty as Head of State, while constantly bombarding myself and The Dobranie with pointless attacks. She thinks she holds an absolute power over our government, but this seventeen year old Queen will learn her place in our government quickly.”

The majority of the Supra Dobranie rallied their support behind the Prime Minister and some even outwardly spoke to carry on his words. However, the people, more notably the media, was still focused on Queen Athena’s blatant outcry for attention. Many were skeptical on whether they could actually believe in the Queen’s ability to be an appropriate head of state, but the Prime Minister’s words did help ease some of the people’s worries about the situation.

(+1 to all orders)
High Kingdom of Itherae

”No more tax!”

These words were echoed all around the streets of Thermydon after the introduction of the highly controversial Cereal and Grains Tax on July 4th, two weeks passed while the Head of Government, Prime Minister Gregorio Netxais, sat and did nothing on the situation. He was one who supported the tax increase, believing the people would either not notice the increase or they would just accept it like they were expected to. However the ‘Megáli Agrotikí Apergía’(translated to Great Farmers Strike) of July had arisen in protest over the tax increase, not leaving Queen Athena surprised nor most of the politicians within Supra Dobranie.

The Great Farmers Strike of 1905

Yet, the Prime Minister sat and did nothing, not wanting to give into the people’s demands, until the Queen had to personally threatened him to call for a vote on the fate of the tax. That was when Gregorio had caved and in July 29th, called for a vote on the repeal of the tax, which passed on an astounding 167-15 after a mere two hours of voting, returning the tax to its original total of 19.5%. While Gregorio would attempt to take credit for repealing the tax, Queen Athena would not sit idle and would instead release a statement regarding the situation.

”...Gregorio Netaxis may claim that the repeal of the dreaded Grains and Cereal Tax was his doing, it was most certainly lies that he had spoke to the people of Itherae. The truth of the matter is that I, your most beloved Queen, had to personally visit the Prime Minister and force him to call upon a new vote so that our farmers might enjoy their most important job of providing our people with the staple of our economy. If he wishes to lie to the people, how can we trust him or his cabinet? With this breach of trust, I am announcing that my name shall be put into the ballot as an official candidate for Prime Minister. No more will I tolerate lies and corruption from politicians, it is time for the Itheraen people to prosper!”
-Queen Athena’s ‘Speech of July’

It was a shock to see that Queen Athena would be running for office of Prime Minister, it was so much of a shock that news had began to cover the situation, calling her the ‘Queen-Minister’. While many statesmen objected to the claim of being governed by a woman, Athena would respond to these claims with If you didn’t want a woman to be put on the ballot then perhaps you should have a head of state that isn’t a woman.” The reply silenced, mainly due to shock, any further complaints in the status of her right to the ballot, ushering forth an internal Suffrage Movement in the process.

Queen Athena would launch a merciless campaign for the September vote, attracting people to be a part of her Cabinet and giving many rousing nationalist speeches on how the future ‘belonged to the Itheraen people’. While women were not legally allowed to vote or be elected, there was little the Supra Dobranie could do to stop the Queen as doing so would be persecuting their symbol of unity. It did not help that the leading party of the Dobranie was staunchly conservative and monarchist, leaving them utterly shocked at what to actually do in the situation.

(+1 to all orders)
High Kingdom of Itherae

”Here ye! Here ye!..."

Néo Méros, following the events of Black June, would open its borders to any Tehmigs fleeing the from the persecution of the Illesian Expedition that had landed. Following Etelian example in this way, would make the Itheraen colony a safe haven and it was a political move to make the colony less likely to be the target of Tehmigs who were expected to still rise up against colonial powers in the area. This move was sent due to the fact that Itheraen settlers in the area were already establishing trade with the native Tehmigs, and keeping peaceful relations between one another.

Another move, either to stick it to the Illesian Expeditionary Force for causing Black June or an imperialistic need to expand the Itheraen culture to the native population, would be that of the offer to any voluntary Tehmig would be eligible to become a citizen of Itherae, and would be taught the basics Itheraen History, Laws, and the Itheraen National Anthem. Those Tehmigs who did accept were sent to, “Native Halls”, impromptu schools for the Tehmig people, nicknamed by the Itheraen colonists, where teachers would instill these subjects into their students It was made clear that the native Tehmig people would have the same rights enjoyed by those of any other Itheraen citizen.

There were no attempt to take the native land away from them or relocate them, as the Itheraen Colonial Committee knew that doing such a thing would be an open invitation for rebellion which the colony was trying to avoid. At least until a colonial garrison would be established, which would occur later into June where the Itheraen Army would recruit five hundred volunteers to go through basic training before being sent to Néo Méros where they would act as the standing garrison against the various rivaling colonial powers than a Tehmig rebellion.

Many conservative elements in the Supra Dobranie were against the idea of letting Tehmigs join Itheraen citizenship, it was noted by Queen Athena that to do so would be an act of oppression against a minority people that were living inside Itheraen territory, which was outlawed by the Itheraen Constitution. This would sway the votes enough to allow the action to pass, but many were still skeptical on allowing a minority for Serrenthia to be a part the Itheraen sphere.

(+1 to July rolls)
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