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Unit 05b
PL: 910
Time/Date: Day 1, Morning
Location: Waiting Area
Tag: @CommanderCool

Unit 05b was replaying the memory of the registration that had occurred mere minutes ago, with how she had entered with her programmed name and had told the registration officials all her specifications and the capabilities of her A.I. Granted, she looked completely human, with the exception of the two holes in her calves which allowed her thrusters to activate. To others, she seemed lost in thought, her red eyes staring blankly ahead, unblinking and unmoving. However, her professor decided on a more lucrative task, watching those who decided to show off.

Her analysis program would find any flaw within their fighting styles, and it would allow her to more efficiently eliminate them from the competition swiftly. This would allow her to earn the zeni that Dr. Nanos would need in order to upgrade her and fight the likes of 5a, something that needed to be dealt with quickly. However, there was something that running through her A.I., it was a grudge, one of the first human emotions that she could feel. The fight that had originally ruined her plagued her, wondering how she had lost outright to 5a when she was designed to be able to counteract her. For a moment her hands balled into fists before her mind switched focus once more to avoid analyzing that fight.

Her eyes scanned the room momentarily, finding a woman with a strange hat on, holding up a dark green crystal. 5b cocked her head to the side before approaching the woman,asking “What kind of crystal is that?” The voice she spoke with was cold and emotionless, much like the expression within her eyes, though that was since she did not know how to properly display emotion yet.


So far everything is looking good, however, you did miss out on filling the personality segment which means the sheet is still, technically, incomplete.

1- I’m restricting, at least for the start, Weapons will be limited to everything that does not count as a power weapon, barring basic covenant weapons.

2- That would be fine.

3- I am aware! Jackals are simple creatures with simple desires!

We are indeed still open! Feel free to ask any questions if you have any!
Oguurec Dekaan

The treehouses were certainly something else, especially to such a small species such as the goblins. To them these homes seemed like monoliths, and the group simply looked in awe for a moment as they took the breath taking sight in. However, Uxu was the first to snap out of the splendor of the moment, forcing herself to think of what to do before these beings took notice to the small band of goblins. Though her mind was split on whether she wanted to be seen as a conqueror, prophet, or even "ally" to these new beings that had frightened Joz when he had first seen them. It took but a few moments before the goblin queen had made up her mind about the situation and raised her staff into the air and a magnificent explosion conjured itself in the tree tops above the party, the loud noise was no doubt able to bring the attention of this place to the party and the sunlight that flooded in through the opening would direct their gaze upon the group.

"Quick, put on a performance! Do it like I actually pay ya!," the queen commanded in a hushed voice.

The guards scrambled for a moment before they made a formation, flanking their leader on two sides before slamming their staffs into the ground and chanting deeply. They conjured up the smallest explosion they could under their staffs to produce a sparking effect, making them group probably seem more like a traveling band of performers rather than a highly trained magical group that would probably be able to level this place. However, they tried their best to make their queen look like a head of a religion, even though she technically already was in her own goblin like fashion.

As the initial blast shook the air and tore a hole through the canopy above, pale, panicked faces appeared inside windows up in the treehouses. Between the panicked screams, they heard one voice, "It's the blue exploder-things!"

But Uxu didn't enjoy the power trip for long before the tree next to her began to violently shake and move.

"I don't likes that? You guys?" Uxu said, in too calm of a voice.

"Not at all, boss," the guards said in unison, machining her calmness.

"Welp, you boys know exactly what to do," Uxu said before every single one of the goblins turned the tree and simply began to repeatedly conjure explosion, sending splinters to the ground and other scorched limbs of the trees. They caught a glimpse of a face in the thrashing tree's trunk for just a moment before it got blown apart. They would not be satisfied until the tree was just utterly obliterated. But other trees around were quickly coming to life, and from windows and balconies and ropebridges up in the treehouses above, there were now some humanoid figures firing bows at the goblin attackers.

"Well, boys," she paused to make a volley of arrows disintegrate in an explosion, "I believe that this is our queue to exit stage away from this place!" Uxu turned and began to run away, the other guards turning to run away before one turned back to make a rope bridge explode. The others did their best to stop the trees from coming to life by blasting them as much as they could while Uxu began to mutter under her breath.

"Darkness blacker than black,
I beseech thee, combine with my divine power.
The time of awakening hath come.
Great Explosion, I summon thee to deliver your child,
A most powerful child to conjure a destructive force with no equal.
Return these creatures to cinder,"

Arrows whistled by, one of them catching one of her fleeing guards in the back.

Uxu suddenly turned to face the trees and houses before thrusting her staff forward.


A light shined on the center of the tree town, staying there for a few moments before a flash of light expanded, a powerful wind rushing past the group and through the trees. Soon an explosion of a tremendous magnitude erupted in the center of that town. Scorching anything close to it before simply catching the trees on fire before the sound of the deafening them erupted, bringing with it the blessed ringing that the goblins so loved to hear, something that would bless any for miles away with its noise. The blast engulfed one of the great trees and the charred remnants of one treehouse cascaded to the ground as a mass of fiery debris, whilst the other treehouses were badly shaken and the remaining defenders were left to deal with the spreading fires once they recovered.

With that 'diversion' left for the strange treedwellers, Uxu made like her guards by turning around and running back down the road. They blasted apart the bridges as they crossed them, ensuring that they would not easily be pursued, and began to make their way back toward the mountains. Once the trees began to thin out and the ground grew more rocky, they finally rested a moment to catch their breaths.

"Well, what are we gonna do now?" one of the panting mages finally asked.

Uxu, thoroughly tired and exhausted from having to conjure what would normally be called the mother of most explosions, looked up into the treetop and thought to herself. It was a long way from home and frankly, she did not know the path that they had taken, especially now that they got all turned around from the brief battle. She looked back at the path, the broken bridges and stuff, only to sigh to herself. "Well, we lost one of our boys back there. Let's see if we can get him back, and see if we can subjugate those ungrateful beings!" Uxu ordered, turning to the path that they had come from, "Any of yas that don't wanna come along, too bad! You had the chance to be afraid before ya joined my beloved guard! But to guide ya back to the truth path, I'll bring some motivation! Our small blue style cannot be defeated!" Her hype was transferred onto her guard before they turned and began to run, and swim in the case of the rivers, back to the treetown.

It took a while for them to get back, but rather than sticking to the path, they ran into the thick of the trees, become stealthy little buggers. As they neared the forest retreat once more, they began to hear the roar and crackle of fires muddled with shouting and great pounding footsteps. The elves that lived in the treehouses, along with several animate trees, were drawing buckets of water from a well and using them in a desperate to contain the spread of fires. Since the creatures were distracted, the goblins began to spread out among the trees, taking cover behind the thick trunks and keeping an eye out for any trees that wanted to come to life. After a moment of silence among the group, Uxu peaked her head out and yelled as loud as she could to the humanoids, "Listen ya gits! I am a dee-vine being! And if ya want me to summon another one of them child-explosions then ya better send an envoy over 'ere t' discuss terms!" Her goblin speech was showing, not sounding like the dignified leader that she was supposed to be, causing some laughter in the guard.

A trio of the menacing ents spun toward the sound of her voice, raised their branches, and roared with the deafening sound of warping wood. One of the villagers, an important-looking man that nonetheless wore some skimpy robe woven from vines, turned to face Uxu. "You have gone too far, blue monster. Leave! The power of Nature compels you!"

"We was defending ourselves! Ya gits shot first!' Uxu retorted letting out a light huff before she continued to try and be diplomatic, "Listen, clearly yas are a buncha 'shoot first, ask questions later' types but perhaps we can come to sort of resolution that does not end with me summoning a bigger explosion to level the rest of this place! Yeah?"

The stranger pointed an accusatory finger at Uxu. "You push elven mercy to its limits, fiend! Old Wiseroot only tried to greet you, and then you blasted him back to sleep! It might be a hundred years before he wakes up again! So now if you don't back down with all your fire and explosions, I will call upon the power of Pan to expunge you!"

Uxu gave a look of confusion before she snapped back at the elf, "We thoughts he was gonna attack us! Ya don't just wake up next to a buncha summoners like us! See how small we are! Anything can come out of the woods and eat us! Like a hawk..." She turned to ask her guard a question, "Hawks are big right?"

"Sometimes," one responded.

"Yeah, like hawks! And squids!" Uxu said as she turned back to face the elf.

By this point it was hard to tell if the stranger was shouting or whining, but either way, it was annoying. "But you just burnt, no--explodified half the village!"

"You shot us first! I did what I needed to in order t' survive! I mean, I didn't hurt anyone did I?"

"First a big scary boom! Then you hurt poor Wiseroot! And then you blew up one of our houses and made three people inside of it reunite with Pan! And now the village is on fire and my flute collection is going to burn!" His soft hands were grasping at long tufts of silky hair and pulling. "You want me to like you? Then start by helping to put out those fires!"

"Wait, flutes? Not the flutes! Boys, we must save thems! I think," Uxu looked back over at her guards before whispering, "What's a flute?"

All she got was a silent shrug. The rest of the goblins came out of hiding, finding it pointless at this point.

"We'll help! But ya killed one of my boys, I want his body back!" Uxu said, walking up to elves with her guard in tow. "Now does we have a deal, mistah?"

"Elves don't kill anything! We merely reunite things with Pan," he huffed in correction, but then after a moment he finished, "Deal!"

"Alright boys, get some buckets! We are gonna be putting out fires!" Uxu shouted to her guard. Given the society that these goblins lives in, almost all of them knew how to put out fires by this point due to the endless explosions that they would summon. It was a sort of necessity, but with the banning of the duels inside of their town it was slowly getting better, though explosions are just so great that sometimes they just spontaneously come into existence, at least, that was the normal excuse. Though many of the walking trees seemed to cast the goblins baleful glances as they arrived to help, the giants were too preoccupied with trying to contain the fires. The elves were likewise fighting the fire using pails of water drawn from the wells, except for a few that possessed enough magical power to summon water out of the ground itself in great geysers, or blow out flames with great winds, or (in the case of the one that they'd first spoken to) smother the flames beneath wild growth, creating blooming eruptions of flowers and other plants that were so thick and green that not even the flames could consume them.

When it was all over, the elves began whispering among one another and casting furtive glances toward the goblins, whilst a dozen of the walking trees now stood at attention around the village in such a way as to make a flighty escape into a difficult proposition. One of the trees at least had the decency to pick up the fallen Kooch Hor in its branches and gingerly set down the body beside them, but the grim reunion of looking at their friend's corpse hardly lifted their spirits or set them at ease. But before tensions or nerves could rise too high, a small group of the elven sorcerers (they must have been this village's leaders) approached Uxu and her guards. "You have helped to stop the fires, and Faras thanks you for saving his flute collection! But we haven't forgotten that you also started those fires, and brutalized Wiseroot, and reunited several of us with Pan! For now your judgement is out of our hands, for we must divine the will of Pan! You all can sit by that tree while we call him!"


Bumping for those who have yet to respond.
@Holy Soldier

Oh that snippet for 5a was 5b’s own feelings toward her, not her function.
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