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Will have a post up later today!
General Elliot Webb

"I must disagree with both Mr. Adkins and General Rothington, a bicameral legislature elected wholly by the people would be the best for us. While yes, the process of making laws would become longer, I do believe that it is this system that has allowed for nations like the United Kingdom and the United States to stand. The United States is one of the most modernized countries in the world and they have this style of legislature. Additionally, investing power into one authority is a risk that the legislative branch would become corrupt. As such I cannot justify my decision being for a unicameral legislature." These were the final words of Elliot Webb regarding the legislator as he allowed those more qualified than he to make a decision of this government. It was this silence on the government that perhaps made his presence at the Constitutional Congress rather lackluster than what someone would have expected of him. However, he would allow his fellow supports to go and talk for him.

One such man was a Lawrence Watts, a fellow defector from the RAF, would later be mentioned to be the passion that followed Webb's words where he would speak fervently of how the people must elect all parts of the legislature and how it must be debated by two in order to ensure it is truly the best for the people. Where Webb was calm and composed, Watts was fiery and passionate, however, Webb would often tap the shoulder of Watts to reel him in if he ever got too aggressive. Webb would not allow Watts to speak too much out of a fear that whatever Watts would say would be interpreted as exactly what Webb would want. To avoid such a problem, it was said that Webb had explicitly told Watts to avoid speaking.
General Elliot Webb

General Elliot Webb, a man not known for idleness or politics, would be found as one of the influential speakers within the Constitutional Congress of Balruba, after having led the Air Force of the Balruban Independence War. He had been a key element, having known British Air tactics and thus being able to fight against most British Air elements with surprising effectiveness with the few resources he had at his disposal. However, Webb was out of place in a room full of politicals and statesmen as he was a man for war plans and flying. Though, he could not turn down an offer to have some say in the formation of a new nation, especially after leading the Air Force as he did.

When the time came to speak of the legislative branch, he immediately seized his chance so that he could get his ideas out first. Webb spoke loudly and clearly, stating, “It is within the interest of the nation as a whole that we adopt ideas close to that of the Americans, given their proximity to us and their strength as a whole. Thusly, we should adopt a similar bicameral legislature that the people should elect, furthermore, the people will feel more pride to live within this nation we have fought so valiantly to create if we were to allow them to vote on who gets seats within this legislature.” He had been calm and clear-spoken in an effort to make himself heard with a room of hundreds of different ideas.

Those close to him would support these ideas, especially those who understood the importance of not angering the Americans whose home had not been touched by the likes of an independence war or the wrath of World War II. Webb would say little else regarding the Legislative Branch of the new Balruban Government, allowing the politicians and statesmen to take control of the situation in a field that he admittedly knew little in. He would later admit in his biography that, “-[he] felt as if the [politicians] would care little for what a military man would have to say, but I was thinking tactically to avoid conflict against a foe that we would not be able to defeat.”

He would be known to be a rather silent character when it came to the likes of politics, but he would allow tactical thinking from his military career to guide his actions in the likes of these subjects.
Alrighty, I’ll get a post up tonight!

Thanks Theo! I am very excited to start!

“Get out of here, dumbass! The boss doesn’t do fucking charity, neither do I!” Asphalt said, keeping his knife close to him as looking at this bitch of a woman trying to hire him to steal some sort of ‘necklace that had been stolen from her and she knew that her neighbor had it’. She tried to appeal to his moral side, which did not work given Asphalt only did work that the Boss gave him and that would keep the likes of the Ghost nice and happy. He let out of sigh behind his mask as the bitch left, saying how absurd the service was; was it his fault that all people had to pay up front for these kinds of things?

However, he couldn’t help but give out a laugh as his hands fiddled with a necklace in his pocket, it was quite funny. Asphalt looked over at Twix, who had witnessed this excursion and simply shrugged his shoulders saying, “What can I say? It was a nice looking necklace and the Boss wants to sell it for the good shit.” He waltzed over to her, noticing how she seemed a bit weird on this rather fine day, not that he was not used to weird. Though, he liked that she was at least here, gave him something to talk to while he waited for further orders.

Asphalt looked around his extravagant little hole, fine-looking objects adorning the walls in a rather messy fashion. None of it was for sale, but it helped to add to how Asphalt was the greatest man for his usual jobs here given that technically, he did not own any of the objects here. The Ghost looked back down at Twix before he asked, “Let me guess, Milk on your ass again?”

She nodded. This was a normal thing to do, Twix normally came here to hide out from the likes of Milk if she did something objectively bad. It was not a bad idea either, not many people came to his little area, only the depraved came here offering money for Asphalt to steal things, other than that, the little hidey-hole was more or less an outpost for the Slaving Boys within Steelbird Landing.

“Whatever has got you worried, let's say, you, me, best ten minutes of your life in the back? I am-”

Asphalt stopped talking when the mood was ruined by the asshole guard, Twist, fucking shouting. “Damn it,” he sighed when Twist began to shoot at something. At least this caused Twix to start laughing, but soon it was like hearing fireworks. Asphalt took Twix’s hand and said, “I’ll be back. Offer still stands, just wait in the back if you want,” he let go and began to walk to the door before he turned, “Just don’t touch the table! The Boss uses that for… things."

With that Asphalt began to stealthily make his way to the nearby wall, climbing onto the roof of his place and moving to an area where he might be able to jump onto the wall. He was going to tell these assholes off for ruining his moment.


The HoloNet headlines fill every conceivable channel that it could access as it broadcasts one particular message that causes fear and panic to spread among the populace of the republic; the Supreme Chancellor had been a Sith Lord. With it came forwards the commencing of Order 65 by the Senate to temporarily suspend any orders by the now missing Supreme Chancellor, effectively giving the Jedi full control of war coordination for the time being. However, with the dwindling numbers of the Jedi and the clone army being needed to continue pressing the Confederacy, as well as the Coruscant Guard being used to find any other potential sith within the Republic, a formal investigation cannot be carried out.

That was when the Jedi Order began to reach out for volunteers to aid in finding the likes of the Sith Lord. With it, came a promise of pay and reassurance that they would not need to fight the likes of him as the Order does recognize his danger after the death of three Jedi Masters met their ends due to him.

For now, though, they just needed heroes.

Hello and welcome to Star Wars: Dawn of Heroes! If you could not tell this is a Star Wars AU where Palpatine was caught but quickly escaped any persecution by the Jedi. I will reveal more of the Universe through the story. Anyways, your characters will be enlisted by the the Jedi Order to aid in tracking down Palpatine, so expect a good mix of action and roleplaying in this campaign, just as a heads up. Also, do not be afraid to make up things, within reason, on the spot for some worldbuilding!

Onwards to character generation! We will be using Point Buy with 25 points or Planned Generation as the books but it. Additionally, I will be allowing all races that would fit in with the Clone Wars Era and limiting the Jedi class to one player at the beginning given story reasons, and how stupid powerful the class can be.

I would appreciate if the players would use myth-weavers to make a sheet, given that they have the full Saga sheet.

Also for those planning to make a sheet here is a link to all the Star Wars Saga books.

I hope to weave a wonderful with any interested!

Count me in, friend!

Vakk had expected this travel to the God of Souls to be something that would not take too long of a time, especially since it just to fulfill his own sadistic needs. However, as he forced open a way from the So’E to go to a different sphere, he had miscalculated his route and now he knew this endeavor would take far too long for his liking. The Lord of Speech felt utterly defeated for a moment, temporarily allowing the feeling of dread to catch up with him, but he calmed himself as he knew if he thought through this situation that he could easily get out. Yet, he could always just backtrack and go a different route.

The temporary gateway had closed.

Now he was trapped. He was trapped in a domain of a god that he knew would be hostile to him. He was trapped in the domain of a god who would make his time exceedingly more difficult. He was trapped, a rat in a den of snakes.

It was the Infinite Maze.

Vakk sighed out of annoyance and pressed forth into the endless abomination that would trap him for some time. Though, he knew that he could outsmart the likes of Eurysthenes, for he had done it before. The Lord of Speech, upon reaching the first junction, decided to travel upwards and go over the maze’s exceptionally tall walls. As he had before, he would go around the answer and not search endlessly for it. He would take such glee in falsely solving the God’s puzzle, just to mock him and torture him for locking him out of his own domain. A cheater was doing what he did best.


After the great underground maze had been completed, Eurysthenes would have liked to relax, though it felt something moving in its domain. Something large. This was going to be fun.
With the haste granted by its many legs, it reached the staircase and scaled it in no time. Soon enough to see Vakk trying to cheat. This possibility, one of the gods flying over, had not been considered.

Ever so quickly, This One seals off the top with a fine mesh, purposed to hurl anyone who touched it back to the ground. The mesh glowed faintly and hissed when anything drew near. The very fibers of it hummed with denial. Next, Eurysthenes seemed to split into a million of it, all hovering and looking down at Vakk, the endless blue eyes acting as a stripping backdrop, baring Vakk down to his core.

”This is the question all who find themselves lonely come nightfall ask themselves. The question one who guards may ask an intruder. The question that those who trespass in guilt ask. The question that those confused ask. And, naturally, the question that we ask now,” These Ones clicked without mouths while watching Vakk without eyes.

”Why are am I here,” Vakk answered, his jagged mouth looking up at the god that had hindered his process. He felt a rage bubbling within him, but decided it was not the best time to show such hatred, not yet. He let out a low rumble, unknown if it were anger or amusement towards the god of riddles. ”I am merely passing through Eurysthenes, I must see someone else and I would prefer not to be entangled in your pitiful excuse for a game,” he explained, not showing his emotion quite yet.

These Ones considered Vakk for a moment, then the Maze began to shift. The floor dropped a little. The corridors became slightly wider while twisting and hurling themselves around. By the end of this, Vakk would find himself face to face with Eurysthenes.

”A game?”

The corridor that revealed it to Vakk closed. Seconds later, Vakk would hear the unsettling clicking behind him, ”We are like cord. Spun around, wound together. Yet we are also patient.”
Again, the corridor closed. Before Vakk rose a large pillar with a knot on it. Each end of the rope that was involved in the knot vanished into a corner of the twelve-sided room that Vakk was now in.

”You cur! Get me out of this cage or I will feast upon your bones!” Vakk roared, slamming his body against the massive wall of the maze, to no avail. His words, while threats still carried his will of intimidation. ”If this is a war you desire, then I will make it a war of attrition!”

Vakk gave a laugh before a voice similar to Eurysthenes echoed through the Maze ”A collection of lies! That’s all I am, stolen thoughts and memories!” This was now a war on who would break first, Vakk’s will to go on or Eurysthenes control over its own body.

The Lord of Speech was not still, as he moved forward to inspect the knot before following on of the ropes. All the while, taunting the Puzzle God with its own voice, ”He asked and I answered. For a moment of safety, I risked damnation amongst the echoes.”

Somewhere in the Maze, This One chuckled. A good move with the voice.

Over in Vakk’s knot room, a new door opened, then vanished. Eurysthenes stepped out and walked towards the knot in the center of the room. Wavery in voice and slump-shouldered, it said, ”Go on then. E̶̺͠a̶͓̾t̵̍͜ ̸̞̎ḿ̸͚ÿ̷̫́ ̵͉̆b̶̻̚ō̵̬ṇ̸̆e̵̹͒s̶͇̾,”

Vakk had not even turned to face Eurysthenes, but his tendrils darted for it, aiming to skewer the god where it stood. However, it stopped only a mere hair length from it before Vakk spoke once more, this time in his own voice,
”Killing one who is needed,
A horrid move by those deceived,
Of false ambition and anger.
No. You are too meager.
Yet, you are needed.”

Vakk knew that he could not kill Eurysthenes for then he would be trapped within the Infinite Maze for an eternity.

”And yet a fake body is just that,
A pawn of a deluded rat.”

The lord speech raised his tendrils into one massive form before he slammed it down towards the suspected clone. Still looking in the same direction he had been facing.

The moment Vakk’s tendrils collided with Eurysthenes, they slowed to a trickle. The skin of This One began to pulse and warp. Small, discoloured lumps began to form. It grew a mouth. Grossly, it erupted. Tentacles formed, skin blackened, and it grew. A perfect copy of Vakk.

”Now don’t go losing myself in here,”

”You cannot fool me, welp.”

”I have walked the edge of the abyss. I have seen our future. And I have learned!”

Vakk maneuvered himself to the other side of the room, before inspecting the rope. Tendrils wrapped around each of them, spiraling towards the end before they could not go further away from Vakk’s form. With a great heave, Vakk pulled all the rope at once, watching the twine strain between the force of the trapped one and the walls of the maze. Something would have to give, and Vakk refused to allow it to be the rope. Nothing.

He snapped his jaws in annoyance before he went to look at the rope, following it to the wall. He found small holes beneath the ropes, merely gazing at them for a short while before he decided to force a tendril through one.

The walls gave a small jolt, and the rope slackened, allowing the walls to fall over, revealing more of the maze. The Other Vakk said ”Well done, me! I got something right for once. Even if it was by accident…”

The eyes bore in on Vakk, ravaging his soul. They blinked in unison, clicking the same way Eurysthenes did.

”One. Two? Four. Some of us have things to do, do you not?”

The walls convulsed, revealing a long, narrow passage with a vortex at the end. On a table behind Vakk there was a blade.

Some of Eurysthene’s looked at him, his voice coming from them, ”May I speak with you, please? … What’s your name? It’s very nice to meet you! … Ỳ͔ou̳͓̝̞͓̟ ͚͇̠͉͓̖ͅl̖̤̟͔̪͡i̺̞̟ḱ̮͉̼̪͓e͖̳͈̭ ̗̳͎́g̷̙̼͔̭̻͉ͅa̢̝̬͈̝̪͓m̪e̗͚s͎̖͍̣?̭͚̟̱̘̫͓ ͉͓̱͚̕S͙͎͓͜o̼͔͓̣̺̙ dơ͈ ̗͖̠͇̤͘Į̬͎͚̠͇.̲̠͔͚” However, if he looked away from them, they would look normal once more, was it a trick of the eye, or was he going mad?

Vakk approached the table and looked between the blade and the vortex before he wrapped a tendril around the hilt of the blade and picked it up. While he knew not what a shovel was, he was familiar with the likes of a sword, mainly being the other side of them, but he did know. He felt a smile creep across his lips as he spoke once more in his own voice,

”Think not of your own life,
Think not of another,
Instead, look toward the knife,
Come with a terrible pother,
And end your own strife.”

The wall across from Vakk melted. There, was standing Eurysthenes. From the center of its chest thrust a small, pure white shard of ice. An opaque fog hurtled from it, to the ground. It peeled across the floor, spiraling upwards in sickly laughs.

”My strife will be at the end of its tether soon enough. But, brother,” it spat, ”What is my strife?”

The wall un-melted and whisked away. The fog was thick as madness, pressing in on Vakk. Grabbing at his mind and gently tearing it. Across from him, the wall changed once more.

Another copy of Vakk, only this one had no mouth. His jaw pulled at the flesh around it, and no words came out.

The true Lord of Speech growled before he began to look around, snapping his jaws as he analyzed the new situation that he was in. He was no stranger to a fog for he had created it at the Feasting Forest, but this fog was stranger. ”Your strife is whatever I say it is. Your strife is your desire to trap people in your games. Your strife lies within your need to harm others with you puzzle!,” Vakk went in, his words being carried by that strength he had a tendency to infuse into them.

Focusing on the puzzle, Vakk raised his new blade and, with his might, tell upon the maddening crystal that dared to test him. He could just begin to feel it trying to slip into his mind the way that he would slip into other minds. It was subtle, but he refused to allow Eurysthenes any small victory.

”You truly are going mad, Vakk.” a voice said. He turned and standing in front of the false Vakk was the form of Atmav. There was no possible way for Eurysthenes would know of her, and so he knew that it was that crystal’s doing. He looked away, and back again, Atmav had disappeared. She was merely a trick of the mind.

Again, the eyes speak. ”Vakk. We will be direct so you can understand. Eurysthenes is simply too far away for words to take effect. It's seen your tricks before, and it won't let them happen again. But go on, be our guest, keep commanding. Eventually you will have to butcher yourself. Or are you too weak?”


This One felt Vakk’s voice through the soles of its feet. It was looking down at him, blinking it's million eyes to speak. It chuckled. This puzzle was one of the better ones. The look of shock on Vakk’s face when he found out would be priceless.

It wanted to feel bad about inflicting such torment upon its brethren, but the brethren in question wasn't exactly innocent of tormenting, himself. If anyone were to outsmart him, it would be Eurysthenes. Or K'nell.

With a sigh, it feels Vakk’s voice again. He was a terrible guest.

It exhales, and with the force of denial, it spoke through blinking once more.


”Vakk. I am denying you the privilege of speaking within my realm,”

Vakk looked at the clone of himself, he knew it was not him for there could only be one of his magnificence. But being denied speaking rights was something that he could not simply allow to go on. ”Very well, I shall not speak. They will. The Lord of Speech then let out a maddening laugh in response before he looked at the eyes, with a sadistic grin on his face. ”I know you can hear me through these farces Eurysthenes! I know you can! Come here and do not be a coward! Face your destruction!” Vakk roared before he turned the blade and cut off one of his own tendrils. His divine ichor spilled onto the floor, not crimson blood but a blackened substance with a green tint. He gave a roar of pain before he turned upon the illusion of himself, wanting to butcher that as well.

The words were stifled before he even opened his mouth. The fog reached up instead, occupying the empty air.
And when the knife tore through flesh, everything shifted. Vakk found himself on the other side of the narrow corridor, looking back into the room with the knife and the clone.

”Well done, me. I was brave. Brave enough to… well…” The new clone held up the stump of its tentacle, nodding slowly.

The Vortex shimmered in the room. Aside from the corridor, it was all there was. A milky twist, suspended. Eating reality, and pulling at Vakk’s form like the fog pulled at his mind.

Vakk snapped his jaws.

How much longer would Eurysthenes keep him trapped in this damned maze? How much would he have to endure before Eurysthenes felt satisfied?

He entered the Vortex, his form swirling into it and depositing him into a different area. However, Vakk would see no puzzle or riddle here, for it was the edge of the Infinite Maze and along with it, his ticket to the design Atkin he sought. The Lord of Speech looked back, seeing merely a wall to separate him from the rest of the maze.

”Another trick? … No. He did not know where I desired to go.” He was skeptical of this. ”Mark my words, Eurysthenes, you will pay for the injustice you have done against me.”

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