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TFW you have similar health to the tank.

TFW the wizard almost has as much health as the tank and the warlock

It does seem that the link in that sheet does lead to Aurix, though to be fair, two Aruixes is better than fun. I can already see all the fingers being eaten!
That's also a good spell list right there. And my Devil's Sight pairs nicely with the Darkness spell since I can see in both nonmagical and magical darkness. Good synergy is good.

Hot damn, that AC is great. Mine would have been better had I not rolled so horribly.
Hexblade Warlock

OOF, nat 1s man. They suck.

I just took the average, I’m not risking rolling incredibly low as a front liner.

I believe the characters everyone is playing can be found in the CS section.

Here is that reference I told you about!


I made a reference sketch for how my character looks, I just wish I were at home so I could post it XC
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