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I'll post up something by tomorrow!
Huzzah! The dry spell is over! Bless these rains down in Africa as we have a wonderful post where Aurix seems to have scared a noble!
“We’re almost to the top, keep moving!” Kyla exclaimed as she kept climbing, reaching the top. She grabbed Elav by the arm and pulled him upwards, San Anin and Jaslyn already there. She spoke to Elav as he gingerly rose to his feet alongside her. “Are you alright?”

“No. I don’t feel good at all, my entire body feels like it is on fire,” The twi’lek replied, holding a hand against his temple. Unknowingly feeling the poison from the Terentatek coursing through his veins. “Those things, they aren’t normal. We have to stop them.”

“We need to retreat. Who knows what's going on at the Temple,” She glanced back to the shuttle they had arrived in, noticing someone inside of the cockpit. A stranger, she felt a tinge in the Force as she looked upon them, then started moving towards the vessel, San and Elav following. Jaslyn was way closer to the shuttle than the rest of them were.

As Kyla turned her head back towards the Rift her eyes went wide, the half dozen Terentateks climbed out of the gorge. The fearsome beasts snarling as they slowly stood on even ground with the Jedi. This was a terrible situation. The battlemaster activated her lightsaber, attempting to center herself with the Force. Bathe herself in the calming aura of the light as Elav once more activated both of his own weapons. Pushing through the intense pain.

“What do we do, master?” San Anin asked, turning her head slightly as she held her curved hilt in one hand, her vision jumping from Terentatek to Terentatek. She pointed her saber towards one as she began to step backwards, eventually stopping and steeling her nerves like she had on the ship. In a moment of clarity, she calmed her mind from the fleeing and the hectic chaos that had been brought to the planet. She gazed inward with force, slowing her heart rate and forcing herself to herself. The padawan let out a long exhale as she stepped towards her master, only stopping when she was next to Kyla.

The padawan looked to her master before putting a hand on Kyla’s shoulder to grab her attention before she was hit with the feelings of confusion and uncertainty. It wracked her mind as she felt the repressed feeling of fear, such emotions were not the padawan’s as she had only calmed her mind moments before. Her goggled eyes seemed to stare into her master for a few moments before San Anin decided to speak, knowing that it was not the student that needed to be comforted in the moment, but rather the master. “Master, do not let the uncertainty cloud your mind,” she said simply, retracting her hand to focus on the beasts.

Kyla breathed deep, hearing her padawan’s words. Her eyes dashed around them, searching for any way to escape. They were quicker on foot than those monstrosities, but they were outnumbered by the creatures. A speeder sat to their side, an ideal way to get back to the temple. But only two of them could fit on it at most, and there were three Jedi itching to escape. The shuttle was lifting into the air, with only Daslyn and the stranger onboard. As the creatures charged towards them, Kyla readied herself, centering herself on the light side once more.

Turning back from the Rift as she was getting to the surface Jaslyn pulls herself up to standing. The wind whipped her hair back like a flag as Jaslyn planted her feet and looked over at the shuttle. The lights on the shuttle are on and they weren’t on when Jaslyn had passed it last. Breaking into a run Jaslyn makes for the shuttle to stop the survivor from leaving the rest of them stranded. “NOOOO!!!! STOP!!!!”

Amazingly keeping her feet under her Jaslyn makes it to the shuttle. Diving for the door she manages to get inside just before it closes and the locks are engaged. Pushing up off the floor of the shuttle Jaslyn scrambles to her feet.

Kopris’ response to her complaint was as much as she could expect from someone like him, though it still annoyed her a great deal with the oozing sarcasm of his voice. She could not help but dignify him with a rather annoyed and mocking voice, “‘Could you please hand her over?’ At least if we went through the front, I’d already had access to their network.” She let out a huff as she raised the volume of her music and muted the comms of the medic before he could respond to her in kind. The quarrelsome quarian was just as petty as a krogan was, but at the very least she could control her temper, mostly.

There was much in the way of practically wading through sewage and whatever waste happened to be lying within it, merely desiring to spread its sickness to the weakly immune. Luckily enough, Hann could avoid such calamity thanks to her suit, though the worry of a suit breach continued to stick with her as her HUD fed the many, many contaminants that lurked just outside her sanctuary. Additionally, there was the smell, not that she was remotely bothered by it given her suit was an internal environment so she could only imagine what it was like. However, her mind was more focused on merely listening to her music which had since changed from the turian themed to old krogan war chants, mostly songs about killing Rachni. In fact, she probably wouldn’t hear any of the chatter from the comms had her VI automatically lowered the volume of the music so she could know what was happening.

The music and its heavy drums helped to keep her entertained on the rather long and boring walk through the dark sewers, though the music could only help so much and Hann was doing her best not to focus too much on her imagination. This was what was going on long before the message of radio silence had been sent by Koyla. Had the imposing krogan, Vash, not been in front of her, she probably would have walked directly into someone. She had learned from the morning to keep an eye out for others, namely for the sake of not embarrassing herself further within the crew, though it seemed that her distracted nature meant that she would almost repeat it. She stopped mere inches away from the Krogan as a report of Eclipse members being in their way.

Eclipse was a group that she had considered joining when she had sold the Jalazi before, though she had abstained from the idea as they were merely too big of a group for her to enjoy getting on with. Plus, Hann was more comfortable with the smaller close-knit groups, much like how it had been with her old Krogan friends.

However, a rather evil laugh came out of Hann as she saw the words ‘Sentries’ came across her HUD. She was still laughing when Koyla had begun his assault, igniting some of the poor mercenaries with a gas. As Koyla charged, Hann ran up, her fingers swiftly tapping on her omni-tool and as she turned the corner, pointed her orange-enveloped hand at one the sentries. Suddenly, it switched itself around to begin gunning down its handler, continuing to fire until he was clearly dead, turning to another to begin firing at the other turret. Such a sight made Hann giddy as her image faded from view, allowing her to begin moving forward.

>Invisible, right side

Came the text appearance on everyone’s HUDS as Hann ran forwards, predator raised and ready to fire when she had closed the gap between her and the Eclipse.
Doing good! Been keeping myself busy with good ole fun writing and drawing!
The speeder hummed and screeched as the Jedi battlemaster accelerated over the hills and plains of Tython, causing a roaming pack of Uxibeasts to screech and scatter. Kyla swiveling between the gap in the herd as she rocketed closer to the temple. The disturbance was still evident within the Force, dark storm clouds gathered in the once clear blue skies. As the temple came into view she heard the fierce rumble of thunder, birds screamed in the air as they flew in seemingly random directions. She’d almost forgotten the animals reacted to these fierce fluctuations in the Force just like the Jedi did. It had to be a force sensitive of some sort who crash landed, perhaps not a Sith though that was not yet ruled out.

Around her people darted around in confusion, as lightning into the mountains beyond them. She could sense the oceans churning, the planet as far from peace as she could ever recall it being. Kyle took a deep breath, focusing her mind on controlling and assessing the situation at hand. She slammed on the brakes of her vehicle, another screech echoed as it came to a full stop in the middle of the courtyard in front of the main building. She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling the Force flow around her as she sensed for her padawan. The young girl must have been terrified, but Kyla had taught her well to compose her fear. San was here, that was something to be thankful for at least.

The battlemaster then jumped off of her speeder, leaving it behind as she jogged towards the entrance. Temple guards brought organization to the confusing, frightening situation, waving any Jedi inside. Two Jedi knights carried around holopads as they did head counts, accounting for all personal in the temple. There were still others in the wilds of the now chaotic planet and all Kyla could do at this moment was hope the Force was keeping them safe. She had to deal with the crash head on, but not alone. She pushed through the entrance, then let out a relief filled sigh followed by a slight smile as she spotted her padawan.

“San! Are you alright?” Kyla asked, placing a comforting hand on her young apprentice’s left shoulder. Care evident in her facial expression.

“Master!” San exclaimed happily as her master reunited with her. Her mask blocked her expression but the sense of ease that Kyla had brought was clear as day knowing her master was with safe. Her mind did not linger upon this happiness, however, as the Kel Dor looked to the mountains with a troubled feeling over taking her. She let out a rather hesitant noise as she thought to speak but failing to find words in order to properly relay what she was feeling at that time. That was merely how San Anin was as she awkwardly fumbled to find the words.

“D-do you know what is happening, m-master?” San asked softly, her reclusive nature coming to her as her hand sank a bit. When her confidence failed, San Anin’s hands began to interlock as her mind attempted to put itself at ease like it had before her master had come. However, it was merely impossible at the moment, there were too many people for her to try such a thing. It was clear that she was more concerned by the crowd of peers than the situation, at least, that was what it had seemed as her body language went inwards. San Anin kept herself closed off, hunching her back as her face went to look around at the crowd.

“A ship broke through orbit and crashed in the Rift beyond the mountains. I’m not sure of what make the ship is. I don’t believe it's a Sith though,” Kyla replied as her small smile at seeing her padawan faded, she kept her hand on San’s shoulder, then led the Kel Dor down a hallway towards her office. “This planet is extremely rich in the Force, you feel it don’t you? Unlike any other world. When there’s a disturbance in the Force on Tython it just causes the planet to go haywire, the environment reacts, the animals react and the Force itself reacts. I fear its only going to get worse, but that's why we’re going to fix this situation immediately.”

She gave her apprentice a firm nod of confidence, trying to word what she said as if not to apply intense pressure on the young girl, or frighten her. As they stepped inside of her office Kyla moved behind her desk, opening a cabinet from which she quickly changed into her Jedi armor. Marked and scarred from the battles it had been through even before San was born, it still was Kyla’s choice when she was called to action. She lifted one foot up, placing it on the edge of her desk as she tied her boot.

“I’m not sure what we’ll encounter in the Rift, I doubt that we’re the only Jedi heading there. Though the Order is advising all Jedi on the planet to stay in the temple. We’re going against that. You’re going to have to be at your wisest, strongest and readiest. I’m going to need your help if we’re going to solve this.” Kyle stated calmly as she finished tying both her boots, then all of her armor on slipped her long Jedi robe on top and walked out of her office with San in tow. They walked towards the front entrance, seemingly going the opposite way of everyone else.

San Anin seemed apprehensive at the idea of going after something that managed to breach through Tython, though her master seemed far more intent on it. “M-master, are you sure this is best idea? I, ugh- it’s just…,” her voice trailed off as she looked at her more confident master before clearing her voice, “I-I am not exactly the best duelist and I w-would suspect whatever we are going after is going to be, erm, stronger than me.”

The padawan lacked the confidence that her master had, partially from the fact that she had been putting off her studies of the lightsaber. San Anin knew that if they were going after whoever had decided to come to Tython then she may have to demonstrate her poor saber skills. Yet, she could not tell her master out of fear of being punished, or worse, finding that she had disappointed her master in any capacity. The teen looked back the other Jedi who retreated into the confines of the temple before her head swiveled back to her master.

“N-not that I doubt your decisions, m-master. I just d-don’t k-,” her voice trailed off again as she spoke, this time not bothering to continue with the worried statement.

“I know that you feel you are lacking with lightsabers, San. Chances are we are only facing one or at maximum a couple of Force users if any. The ship looked small, like a fighter, and it was the only one which fell. Regardless you are strong in the Force, San. Stronger than you believe you are. A Jedi’s strength does not only come from how well they swing a lightsaber.” Kyla said as she turned to give her padawan a reassuring glance.

“Believe in yourself San, and in my advice. I have had an apprentice die on me before and it was my own fault. I will not allow any harm to come to you. I promise you.” She added, firm in her words as they walked now outside of the temple, passing the guards who gave them a confused parting glance.

San Anin stares at her master in silence for a few moments, her previous apprehensions fading only slightly as Kyla promised to protect her. However, her feelings on the whole operation was still keeping her in a more worried state, despite the ease that her master brought. The padawan let out a sigh as she looked to the ground as she tried to clear her mind the best she could.

To their left was a small dropship, a plain grey with no weaponry. The battlemaster flicked a switch and the back began to open up to them. As she motioned for San to head inside Kyla heard a familiar voice behind her.

Tokuda awoke from his nap with a start, his breathing very rapid as he remembered the black hole hurling towards him like a sphere of death. He had raised his shield and looked away to avoid looking at imminent destruction before he had awakened in yet another strange room, but this time with the same weird people. It seemed that the events that had transpired were not just some dream that he could waive off and continue the day. However, it seemed that he was safe, or rather as safe as he could be while in the tower.

He got to his feet, his shield dissipating as his head turned around to absorb the bar-like atmosphere that the group found itself in. Tokuda’s eyes eventually traveled from the old faces to the new; Lin and Touka, then upon the one known as ‘Smitten Kitten’. The lad let out a sound as he processed what was going on, the talk and such before his mind began to refocus on everything else. At least, they were no longer fighting that figure that they had encounter moments earlier, though he did not know how long he had been sleeping on the floor. When his mind was done processing the information, he finally looked down at the card in his hand, seeing that it read ‘Charlie’ and had a green snake on it. Tokuda put the card in his belt before looking up to the group.

‘His harem’ being the first words he had properly paid attention to cause a large red blush to go across his face, not so much embarrassed as it was sparking the thoughts of why people kept pointing it out. “Eh, I’m Tokuda,” he said, finally introducing himself in a rather awkward voice that made him seem more of a teenager than an actual man, voice cracks and all. Tokuda cleared his throat before continuing, “Sorry, for not introducing myself earlier. I was, eh, surprised to -erm, wake up with a group of ladies after falling asleep the night before.”

With that wording, Tokuda planted his palm into his face as he turned away from the group and allowed his social awkwardness to isolate him more than he had already done by not talking earlier.
The day of the job, Hann had awoken early in the day so that she may get ready in a bit of relative peace and quiet. Her helmet had already begun to play her morning music which stirred her into a fierce action of maintaining her sniper rifle and pistol, making sure that they were properly ready for whatever was thrown at her. It was easier when nobody was bothering her, leaving her enough time to sit in her heavily sanitized area and actually brush her short, choppy hair. For a moment, she could actually breathe in unfiltered air, though she knew it was for the best to not have an extended exposure to the outside environment, despite her meticulous cleaning. Hann, with some hesitation, put the visor back on her helmet, allowing her VI to take care of the air quality and so on.

The song went on repeat as she danced towards the place they had called their dining room the other night, moving in tune with the music and humming, rather loudly as she went about. When she passed their makeshift table, Hann drummed her fingers along the surface, throwing her cares about what the others had been doing out the metaphorical window as she began to joyously sing along. However, the table was not where Hann was going, in fact she was in her way to the lounge in order to get started on work. Eventually, she resorted to just skipping and singing rather than actually dancing.

In her absent minded stupor, she entered the lounge, singing and happily bouncing along before jumping over the back of the couch. Then, Hann remembered that could belonged to a sleeping Krogan and in a panic, as her bottom made contact with the krogan’s body, shifted her weight too much forward. The Quarian nearly slammed visor first into the ground, it managed to twist around and land on her back instead.

“Oooooow,” Hann groaned, unmoving from her position on the floor and the music from her helmet still blaring.

Vash had been peacefully snoring in his drunken slumber, hands tucked behind his head as he slept in total relaxation. As the quarian slammed into his armored frame he was startled awake, falling off of his comfortable couch and onto the hard floor. The heavy krogan exclaimed in shock as the lounge floor shook from his collapse, spare ammunition falling onto the floor near him. He groaned then rolled backwards to reach for his shotgun, fearing that he had just been jumped. His stance relaxed as he realized it was one of his new squadmates who had collided with him accidently.

“What the hell? I thought the ship was being invaded.” Vash stated, the alcohol strong in his voice as his words slurred. Letting go off his shotgun as he rubbed his head gently, then moved towards the quarian to lift her off the floor and help her to her feet.

“I forgot you slept on the couch,” Hann sighed in embarrassment as Vash lifted her up, her feet catching the ground though they felt like giving out due the the embarrassment. She rubbed the back of her head before walking over to an available chair and sitting. From what the Krogan could see, she seemed to be avoiding making eye contact with Vash before opening her Omni-Tool and typing on it. Once more did Hann let out a sigh as her gaze finally went back to look upon Vash.

“You are in luck, you know,” she stated, the tone of her voice shifting to how it was the night before with a professional, business oriented side coming over her. “It isn’t confirmed, but I have heard rumors that our target had a Krogan husband,” she continued, emotion draining from her voice as she went back to looking at her Omni-tool.

“I don’t blame her one bit, us krogan are the most dashing species in the galaxy. We excel in more than just combat mastery” Vash stated jokingly with a smirk as he moved over behind the bar to fetch a flask of krogan liquor and a whiskey glass. Pouring himself a drink of his own then reaching for another empty glass.

“Care for a drink?” Vash asked as he tried to remember her name. The alcohol flowing through his systems making that much harder than it would normally be. “Henn?”

“Hann,” she corrected, clearly annoyed at the slight before she leaned forward in her seat, visor seemingly transfixed on her Omni-Tool. “And I do not drink before a job, liquor will make my aim off and I cannot have that,” she said in an equally annoyed fashion as her fingers danced around the Omni-Tool as Hann seemed transfixed as to whatever she was searching for. After a few more moments of this, the orange glow of her device faded away as Hann turned her attention back to Vash. She leaned back into her chair, crossing her legs as she watched the alcoholic Krogan.

“Perhaps you could use this information to get closer to Salisa, assuming we don’t shoot everything on sight the moment we set foot over there,” Hann suggested, her professional tone returning to her, “It would be a better chance to use that syringe. Otherwise I might have to start threatening her daughters if she doesn’t come quietly.”

“Hey, sorry, I was close. Names are hard when you’re as old as I am,” Vash replied with a nod as she turned down his offer. Then he knelt down and opened a cabinet underneath the bar. Rummaging his hands through until he found what he was looking for.

“Aha! What about this?” The krogan asked as he bounced back to his feet, clenching a bottle of Quarian made whiskey. The lettering on it strange and alien to him, but not her. “Knew we had this somewhere onboard, who knows how old it is.”

“Going into a mission all strung up in my experience is not good either. Better to be relaxed even in the chaos of battle. But your choice,” Vash said calmly as he set down the quarian whiskey on top of the bar, then took a sip of his own poured drink. “I’ll try to seduce her, lay the old krogan charm on her. Maybe quote some of my people’s poetry. If that fails then I’ll just blow up all of her troops and tackle her.”

He added with a shrug and a laugh. Wondering what the professional acting quarian was looking up on her omni-tool.

“The latter sounds more like your kind’s specialty. I am very familiar with that kind of work from the Krogan,” Hann stated as her head cocked to the side a bit. “I have done a lot of research on our target, digging up some good stuff, like how this Salisa is military trained and very good at her damn job at that,” she explained with a bit of annoyance towards Vash before her visor seemed to momentarily look at the Quarian alcohol. She shifted in her seat a bit, clearly holding herself back from going for the bottle.

“I would recommend not to underestimate Salisa. It may cost you your life if you do,” Hann informed he Krogan before looking back down at her Omni-tool then back to Vash, “I would get cleaned up if I were you. The smell of alcohol might give us away.”

“I think that's the way I’ll go. I don’t know any krogan poetry, I don’t think there is any. That’s like trying to find a Vorcha scientist,” Vash replied with another smile as he walked around the bar to sit in a chair across from the quarian. His drink in one hand and the quarian whiskey in another. He took a long sip, then continued speaking, nodding his head slightly. “She’s not that tough. No one is invincible, not even an asari matriarch. Shoot her enough and she’ll go down like the rest of them, though we’re taking her in alive which is trickier.”

“She’s not a varren, she can’t smell us from a mile away. I’ll take a quick shower and be fine, this isn’t even me fully drunk. Now that’s a sight to behold.” Vash added with a laugh. He was already set for the mission, he didn’t ever really do much planning or bring too much equipment. The krogan set down his drink on a low table in the center between them then rose once more to his feet.

“Here, this is yours, Hann. Have a drink of it with me if we survive taking down this crazy asari bitch.” The veteran mercenary said with another laugh as he passed the bottle to his shipmate, then sat back down in his comfortable seat.

Hann held the bottle for a moment, merely gazing at it with what could be assumed to be a lust for the Quarian-safe liquor. She sat in silence as she admired it before looking at Vash and letting out a laugh, setting the bottle back down. “That would be nice, if has been a good while since I’ve had a drink with a Krogan,” Hann said with a more relaxed tone cusping the edge of her professionalism. She got to her feet as she typed a bit more on the Omni-Tool.

“I should probably come up with a few ideas of how to use the information I found,” she said, walking away from the lounge, stopping just as she was about to turn the corner. “See you after the briefing,” she said before walking off into the depths of the ship.

“Take it easy.” Vash said calmly, waving his hand as she left his lounge with the bottle in hand. It was of better use to her than him.

He had stocked up plenty of other kinds of liquor in his lounge, drinks that wouldn't wreck his insides like Quarian whiskey would. He was a nice girl, someone that actually decided to pay him some company, albeit accidently. A part of him was happy to see her reaction to receiving the gift, he couldn’t stand it when people he was fighting alongside got into that ‘trance’ where they only thought of the mission. Every waking thought seemingly focused on it. Perhaps it was just the experienced mercenary in him speaking, as Vash had his own sense of relaxed readiness for the mission. He quickly downed his own glass of alcohol, gulping down the smooth, aged whiskey. Then the krogan popped out of his seat with an excited handclap, moved to his equipment and began suiting up to take down a matriarch.
The Fundamentals of Makashii

It was a data book that provided a very in-depth analysis of the second form of lightsaber combat, having many tips and many instructions on the art of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. For many aspiring Jedi Knights, it would have proved to be an interesting read and extraordinarily helpful for furthering the understanding of the extended uses of the Jedi’s sacred weapon. However, it provoked no such interest from the padawan known as San Anin, who sat cross-legged in her chair in front of the computer screen. The Kel Dor merely had no true passion for studying the art of battle, even though Battlemaster Kyla had ordered her to study the form.

Instead, San Anin found herself in a rather pleasant meditation, connecting her mind with the force and for a moment becoming one with it. Yet, as strong of a connection she had, maintaining it was one of ever-growing difficulty as the thoughts of disappointing her master grew into her worried mind. With a sigh, San Anin opened her eyes, looking through her goggles at the computer screen for a moment. Had she not gone into meditation, she would have been done with the databook by then, however, it was just something exceptionally boring to her. Her eyes read the lines, but her mind did not absorb the knowledge that would be needed if the cold war between the Republic and the Empire ended. War was something far from her mind and far from any form of interest that may have been carried with her, only because she refused to focus on it. It was war and hostility that had already taken something from her and she wished to avoid thinking such thoughts.

San Anin leaned forward, attempting to concentrate on the databook as her master had instructed her to. There was a brief moment of where she truly focused on the databook before it was quickly interrupted as to what force techniques she felt like brushing up on and perfecting. It was the force that clouds her mind from concentrating, or rather her interest in the mysterious power that flowed through all life. Her eyes were soon closed again as she entered meditation once more, allowing her mind to focus upon it and grasp it with all of its mental capabilities.

However, a great disturbance thrust her out of the meditation and her eyes snapped open in response to the strange feeling. San Anin cautiously got to her feet and began to walk towards a viewing area, very carefully stepping forwards to look into the air. She saw a fighter, smoking and descending at a rapid pace towards Tython. A moment of worry struck her mind, wondering what, or who may have been in that ship to cause her to feel a disturbance in the force. It was not often that she felt a noticeable change in the force and her mind raced between curiosity and worry at such a change before the strange sensation crawled up her spine to envelop her fully.

In a matter of instinct, San Anin rushed out of the study hall and towards the entrance of the temple to try and get a better view of what was going on. By the time she had reached the entrance, the ship had already disappeared from her view but it had already disappeared behind the mountains. She did not know what to do nor how to react as others caught the notice of what was going on around her, spurring other worry and confusion from the others. How was she supposed to react to all of this? Was it Sith? Was it an assassin to claim another master from her? More worry flooded into her mind as she began to think of the worst, causing her to search herself on what to do in the situation, but then the studying she did of what to do came to her.

San Anin inhaled deeply, exhaling as she cleared her mind and focused on the disturbance and what to do. Soon, her mind settled on an answer.

She would wait.

There was a moment of pure terror when Tokuda saw the great ball of fire and rock coming towards him, causing his body to tense up to where he could no longer move a singular muscle. He closed his eyes and looked away from his impending destruction only to feel the bulk of the meteor strike against his shield and for a moment he believed that he was dead. This was not the case, even though he felt the hulking bit of rock and fire slam into him, he did not move a singular inch. A feeling of astonishment came over him as the fire spread around him and he was generally left unfazed by the attack.

Tokuda looked back at the girls, seeing them figure out that nothing could truly affect the clones, though that was hardly something he was focusing on. He looked forward, staring down the slow walking one and formulating a plan to get closer to the real one in order to properly attack. With one step he launched himself forward, his legs going against his desire to run away as he charged towards the mysterious figure, holding his shield towards him.

He had heard them say how they needed to focus on the real one, Tokuda figured that purely focusing on the real one would do some good for them. The shield, he figured, was going to be good enough for protection, but he hoped that the others would try to follow him forwards to end this fight quickly enough so that none of them would die to an overwhelming amount of ghostly clones. Tokuda knew there was little he would do in terms of damage to this figure, but if he could distract the mysterious one enough, then perhaps that would be enough to stop any more meteors from being hurled at them.
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