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I still found it to be a great post!

Looking nice so far, can't wait to see the finished product
ATD-170a - Nar Shaddaa

A red optic, alongside the sound of metals servos and feet moving in a deliberate and efficient path, was the callsign of a droid, however, this was no mere security droid. Such a droid was beneath the cold, ruthless programming that made up the constantly thinking mind of ATD-170a. The reprogrammed imperial droid stood before its master, Khulbe the Hutt, who had summoned it from the rather mundane task of assigning battle droids to security sweeps around the many women the Hutt kept. The singular optic was firmly placed forward as the droid peered into the darkness that shrouded the Hutt, the rather angry Hutt.

“You have summoned me, Lord Khulbe?” The androgynous, robotic voice asked in Huttese as it mentally noted the anger that the Hutt seems to be baring on its face.

“I have a task for you,” Khulbe responded, pausing for a moment before continuing on, “I require you to go with Raideon to Coruscant to deal with a problem there, the necessary information will be sent to you. And be quiet about it, no one on Coruscant must know of your involvement.”

The droid remained unmoving as it heard of its new task, absolutely as giddy as its programming allowed it to be as the task would mean a likely step up in the hierarchy of the crime syndicate, no more petty security duty on a bunch of slaves. ATD-170a would have to hide a smile if it had facial features, luckily it did not otherwise it would have been more noticeable after each passing nanosecond as the mind of the droid calculated each possible avenue of expansion inside of the syndicate. However, there was one lingering curiosity on a mission.

ATD-170a’s voice rang out again, this time asking, “May I bring a squad of-“

“No battle droids,” the Hutt snapped, “This mission is low profile, do not fail me, or else you will be scrap.”

“Very well, Lord Khulbe,” ATD-170a said, turning to leave the presence of its master with a new determination that not even it realized that it carried. After all, such emotion was not programmed into the personality of a droid, since droids were to serve a singular purpose and carry out that one purpose as efficiently as possible. ATD-170a was no exception, however, pride and ambition was a common resurgence within its personality and it seemed that it had developed once more within the core of the tactical droid. Not that it was a bad thing, nor was it a very noticeable thing as the droid tended to keep those emotions buried beneath the cold exterior and the calculating thoughts that it would spout to the nearest organic that was within its service, not that many were.

However, the fact that the mandalorian was selected for the mission rather than ATD-170a alone provoked a small glitch of jealousy, a jealousy that made Raideon seem to be more of a political rival within the syndicate. ATD-170a would need to find a way to dispose of such a rival, preferably without the use of blasters as that introduced a seventy-eight percent decrease in chances of success. The best route to such a goal would likely be sabotage to make the droid seem far more competent than the likes of the mandolorian, and it had already devised a plan with a ninety-six percent success rate, pending new information about the mission. However, it doubted that such information would prove to drastically change the margin of success within the droid’s parameters, though it would need to avoid a memory wipe at all costs to maintain the plan as well.

Once it succeeded, it calculated a rapid rise through the ranks and soon enough, it would be able to rule over a large portion of the syndicate. An evil smile would have gone across ATD-170a’s face, knowing that it would be able to perform this mission flawlessly while being able to carry out its own nefarious schemes to become Khulbe’s right hand. Such a rise was inevitable, but it seemed that this task would only accelerate that rise.

Eventually, the droid made its way through the halls of Khulbe’s palace to find itself in a hanger, buzzing with the normal activity that it anticipated. ATD-170a took a moment to further scheme, the nanoseconds passing slowly as it did, only wanting to perfect the plan to sabotage the mandolorian’s reputation with its master.

>primary objective updated: sabotage the mandolorian.
>failsafe objective updated: kill the mandolorian.
@Blitzy@Famotill@Enzayne@Rtron@Rhiven Knight

IC post up! It's a bit smaller than I intended, but I felt that if I continued, it would just be repetitive.
The spectre seemed all but fazed by the words of those who spoke to it, merely letting out a disappointed sigh to the group who seemed fixated on resisting him. The skeletal hand lowered the noose. The illusion of the body disappearing before the hooded head looked to the more outspoken of the group, only darkness and dread being able to be determined inside of the hood. The dread inside the hood, made that instilled fear in the men increase to dizzying proportions, a fear almost made as solid as the grip of a blade or the oak of a door.

“If ye not hear warnings true,
Then ye will end blue.
I am no Hanged Man.
I am no living man.
Ye speaketh with Death true.”

The figure looked between the dwarf, taran, and the elf almost casting an insidious gaze at it hunched over in the normal visage of an older man. He let out clicks and sounds of indiscernible whispers came from his form, all different voices, but all of those who had been lost to those in the room. With a silent motion, the hooded spectre moved to the body of the man and reaching a withered hand into the body, phasing through flesh and bone before pulling out a faintly white light. In a swift movement, it shoved the light into the blackened void of its hood, engulfing its light with an inescapable blackness.

“If ye seeketh the Hanged Man,
I shall feast of souls plenty.
Yet, ye destiny betrays thee,
No remorse received from me.”

The cryptic figure wandered over to the orcish body and did the same process with the light inside of that butler. Only then did the posture of the demonic being straighten once more, facing the group and holding aloft the noose again, only offering one last cryptic message.

“Fall towards the sky,
Meet the ally,
Trust not grandeur and spy,
Find the truth.”

In the blink of an eye, the being vanish with the candles of the room mysteriously being relit and the symbols of the Maker being unbroken and put back into place, albeit upside down. The only thing that remained the same within the room were the two corpses and the curtains which remained open, alongside the palpable fear that lingered within the room. The temperature of the room felt cold after the visage left, no warm embrace being left for those who continued to sit within the room. The silence hung, merely waiting for someone to cut through it.

Who would be the first to speak after such an encounter?

What had the visage meant?

Was the party damned to death?
Alrighty! I’ll have the post ready by tomorrow!

Tell me what that Pokemon is or so help me
@Blitzy@Famotill@Enzayne@Rtron@Rhiven Knight

I will work to move things in as quickly as I can! Unless @Blitzy, is working on his post, that is.

I look forward to it!
Achthend needs his carrot damnit! And Aurix is his carrot mama!
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