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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Certainly not as elaborate as most here, but hopefully she's good enough:



Clara's words were welcome. But her shadowed face was not.

Etoile had seen suspicion before. She'd had plenty of it directed at her, both in her line of work, and afterwards. Pythia's parting jab--that the only strategists she knew were Inquisitors--they had hurt. They were true, no doubt about it; the military was the Church, and so the only real military strategists were those that the church had trained. But they still hurt.

Etoile was silent as the group moved into Pythia's formation, eyes burning into each of them in turn. If she was going to be the rear-guard, she needed someone she could count on if--when--things got rough. Pythia. She's paranoid, prideful, and has no understanding of strategy beyond "zap it with lightning from a sword." She's also crammed her way into the front, so she probably won't even notice if we get picked off one by one. Garbage. A rock would be more use in a fight than her. Lazulin. I don't know enough about him to gauge much of his combat potential, but he sets off warning bells in my head. He may be skilled, but I trust him about as far as I can throw him. Zestasia. He's less proud than Pythia, but also less intelligent. His magic is more versatile than hers, but I get the feeling that he's less competent at using it. Still, at least he'll listen if I call for him. Better than Pythia, at least.

Pagonia. A competent swordsman, and he seems smart enough. He's not too proud, either. But he's emotional, and Zestasia could be used against him. And he's in front. He's probably going to have his own things to worry about. And Clara. She seems to understand the concept of a command order, at least, which is more than the rest of them can say. Her particular brand of magic seems useful, though I've only seen it once. She'll be near me in the marching order. And she keeps a cool head under pressure. If I had to pick one of them to actually warn, it would be her. She'd by my choice to fight with--

But she stopped her train of thought there. As it seemed, she wouldn't be picking people to fight with. They would be picking whether or not to fight with her. And she didn't much like that.

She heaved a sigh and threw one last tired glare at Pythia--too drained by frustration and worry to put much energy into her malice--then ratcheted her awareness all the way up. She hadn't envisioned herself as the rear-guard here. But here she was. And Sol be damned if she'd let something by her. Just because she didn't like her job didn't mean she didn't need to do it. If there was anything she wanted to be less than ordered around, it was dead weight.

Especially after Pythia's words. These people didn't seem the type to wait for an explanation. And they still hurt.

don't mind me just screaming into the abyss



It almost hurt to grind teeth together as hard as Etoile ground hers when Pythia responded with...well, pretty much exactly what she'd expected. But expectation doesn't preclude disappointement, she groused to herself. The sting in the tail of Pythia's remark didn't exactly improve her mood.

"He'll probably rush in without thinking," she mocked, pitching her voice up in an exaggerated imitation of Pythia's, "someone has to watch his back." She scoffed, returning to her normal voice: "Of course, you're right. It's not enough to have three magi, all of whom have magic which is more useful for utility applications than direct combat, watching someone's back when they run in. It'll all be better if instead of that, we have a primarily offensive magi with a comparatively frail body run in next to him, be immediately crippled, and subsequently lose a great deal of direct combat magic. That's far more strategically sound than having other people drawing attention in a major conflict and said frail but powerful magi delivering an unexpected surgical strike and everyone being fine."

She placed a hand on her chest, heaving out a heavy breath. She needed to stay calm. If Pythia got under her skin, she'd be compromised, both in strategizing and in fighting. Best to just let her barbs skate off. She wasn't that much taller than Pythia. Five or six inches, if she had to guess. But she moved closer and straightened her back up, doing her best to emphasize the height difference as she threw her arms and shoulders into an exaggerated shrug.

"But if, in your opinion, what a veteran strategist thinks is wrong and you know better, Sparky--kid: then who am I to argue with you?"

She stalked away, taking up a position behind Clara, who...well. Perhaps it's best if I stay back here after all, with how she's looking. Wouldn't do for her to collapse and only Pythia to be there to help her if something unforeseen happens and we're separated.

"I'll just be back here if you actually want some advice. Zestasia, you've been promoted to a name. There's another person here who merits the moniker 'kid' far more than you do."

She lowered her voice to just above a whisper, moving closer behind Clara and murmuring into her ear: "Hey. What's going on?"



Etoile couldn't track magic through the air.

She didn't know why, but for some reason, she'd never been able to feel ether around her. It was like she was missing a sense, and she hated it.

But she didn't need to be able to track magic through the air to feel it stagnating around her. It felt like she was walking through existential honey. It was a feeling that she hadn't had in a very long time. Not since she was still in service of the church. And it was still just as alien to her as before.

"For once," she murmured, looking up at the innocuous trees above her, "I agree with the kid. We're in enemy territory, pretty much right in the nexus of this mysterious maleficarum's power. If they don't already know that we're coming, they're probably a strong enough magi to feel us now that we're this close. This is ambush tactics one-oh-one. If we're not very, very careful, I doubt we'll even see the enemy before we're overwhelmed. I would be pleasantly surprised and amazed if all they have are birds and krovar."

It reminded her of a quote from a book she'd read once: The triumphant seizes their victory before the war has begun, while the fallen goes to war and seeks to win. If ever she was going to war and seeking to win, it was now. Ill-prepared, injured, miscommunicative, in enemy territory, and with a list of misfits that, while perhaps competent in single combat, would be absolutely useless on a coherent battlefield with a command structure and likely had no idea how to fight a maleficarum...the list went on, and every item on it made her less and less confident that they would somehow manage to pull a win out of this disaster. Enough of that, she chided herself grimly. This will be hard enough as-is. Get your head together, these idiots stand zero chance without you. If there's no organization in the way we approach this, we're all going to die.

"Alright. Pagonia. You're probably the most suited for frontline combat and taking hits. When we go in there, you take point. Clara, the kid and I will be behind you, supporting you, watching the sides, and providing utility. Sparky? You can beat the tar out of anything you touch, but you don't look like you can take a hit and keep on doing so. You play rearguard. Anything comes up behind us, you zap it out of existence. Any objections?"

There was a desperate hope in Etoile that everyone would for once agree with something, but she wasn't very confident in its coming true. More likely, Pythia would be overly-prideful again, refuse to stay in the rear, take point, and then immediately be dropped by a threat nobody saw coming. And with her gone, so would be a great portion of their combat strength. She raised her eyes to the heavens, delivering a quiet prayer: please, Sol. Don't let these idiots die. I still need them.
Pretty much that.

Aidann isn't going anywhere quick, don't you worry.
I think there were only two Witchers tops, and they've been yoinked.
I'm sorry about the dead radio silence; my parents are really worried about the virus, so I've been running around most of the day stocking up on food and whatnot.
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