Avatar of Lemons


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4 mos ago
Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
2 yrs ago
Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
2 yrs ago
Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
4 yrs ago
Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Most Recent Posts

Jesus Fixer Christ, I feel like shit.

Alja ran a hand through her hair, skin almost raw from the fervent scrubbing that last night had brought in an attempt to wash the stench of rat and sewer off. Her armor would stink for months if she didn't wash it, she just knew it. And that was going to be a chore unto itself.

Her face quirked into a slight smile. But at least I don't smell like shit anymore.

Eyes smarting from lack of good sleep, she stood before the tavern door, mulling over all that has happened. A dungeon that she'd never known about, filled with monstrous rats. An enormous boss that had taken an unreasonable amount of effort to finally kill. A brand new player that they'd found even deeper than Valena's group. And, for her, a steel warbow and a new sword to create. I need to get back to Toraenis one of these days. The sword she could create here, if she could buy the mats. But the warbow needed specialty materials that took her quite a while to acquire.

And, of course, blacksmithing was probably very, very different in a post-glitch Pariah. Who knew if she could do it at all anymore?

But those were thoughts for another time. For now, there were three orders of business.

One, See if the group were all okay.
Two, Wash her armor. She'd need to see about finding some soap or something.
and three...visit Prophecy's guildhouse. See Leaves. See Luci.

So. Best to knock out the first order of business. She threw open the door and strode into the Laughing Worg proper, hoping that someone would be in the tavern. Rael, Kalie, definitely Graves after what happened down there, Seele, Kazuki, Benkei, Alex, that Wayfarer Artemis...

It was going to be a long day.


i can't argue with that one

guess i'm gonna apply
Someone convince me that I don't have enough games going and can apply to this without regret please
lemon in database
livin in database

d a t a b a s e
a s
t a
a maxx b
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Well clearly, Maxx is living in the database.
There was a loud thumping sound from down the hall, and Kana snapped back into Alert Mode. She sighed, fingering the object that she'd taken from her room and wishing that she hadn't needed to put it on tonight. But it wouldn't do for her to be discovered, now would it? Suzushii wouldn't like that very much. And as much as she wasn't happy with them, she also didn't want them to cut her legs off and leave her to bleed out on the side of the road like they probably would if she caused enough trouble.

And so, on went the mask.

She turned to Kira, mouth pressed into a thin, hard line, though it was impossible to tell now. Her eyes narrowed. "I'm going to go see what that was. Want to avoid loss of life as much as I can." And so she carefully began her walk down the hall, supporting herself with her hand on the wall. She was keenly aware that she could run into a group of invaders at any time. Edgedancer hovered at the very edge of her awareness, desperately clawing to be unleashed, and she was all too ready to listen. She was reasonably certain that she could take three or four of them at a time. Maybe seven if they were initially unaware of her. But without her tech armor, she wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible. And so she winced with each tinking step she took on the hard decking.

After a short, relatively paranoid walk, she turned a corner, then arrived at the cabin that (she thought) the noise had come from. Could always be wrong. She listened for a bit, but heard nothing. Raising her hand, she hesitated for a moment, looking back and forth along the corridor. Her breaths were coming quickly. Her awareness was ratcheted as high as it could go, but she could hear nothing. She hated how vulnerable she felt without Edgedancer, but knew that she was on a high burn, and she only had so much EP to go around. She had the distinct feeling that this was going to be a long night.

Knock knock

"Hey. Anybody in there?"
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