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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
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Biting Spider Writing
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They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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One of the reasons I like her and Ifrit so much is because, if you look at several of my games, you'll find that I really like the human experiment angle. Ros is honestly the reason I started playing the game.
My God, I cried.

I cried a lot.

I am so proud of my daughters.

(Context, Ros is my favorite character in the game)
Quinn stared out into space and blinked.

When the elevator had docked into the Ange, a part of her had truly expected the hangar to be, if not almost exactly like the Aerie's, at least something she was used to: functional, utilitarian, spartan. Metal girders, exposed struts, a ceiling that, though cavernous, was plain. The familiar air of...not chaos, that wasn't the word. Some kind of friendly disorder. The sound of people chattering, the smell of oil.

That was decidedly not what greeted her.

She had never in her life seen anything like this, not even remotely. This enormous cathedraline space, the stone facades, the almost eerie order, this...she didn't exactly know what to call it, she knew what she thought it was, but she didn't think she knew exactly the word to describe it. Was this what all the other nations' Savior Corps looked like? It was like being fancy, but it was the fancy version of what something fancy would be. Double fancy. Fancy squared.

She was so occupied staring openmouthed at the sheer volume of stuff all around her that she barely noticed when Toussaint started speaking, and had to blink a few times and backspace herself through his sentence, barely managing to grab the "onboarding package" in any kind of timely manner. Even then, even as he spoke to her, her eye kept straying to the area around her, wide as a moon. Only once he was finished did she manage to find her voice at all, and it was quiet, a bit far away, and...awestruck, perhaps, was the word.

"This place..."

A moment passed as she blinked dazedly, Then looked down at the package in her hands. "Catering staff? Private chefs?" Her voice became something almost squeaklike. Not from panic, but because In the moment, she was simply overwhelmed. "Visitation hours?"

She blinked a few times again, shook her head, and when she looked properly back at him, she was a bit more focused. And mildly embarrassed. She was a Runan pilot, after all; she needed to act like it. She settled her voice back into her normal register. "I...Thank you, Toussaint." Toussaint? Should she just call him Toussaint? Mr. Toussaint? She blinked again. What would a pilot call him? What would a pilot say here at all?

A pilot would—Dahlia would say..."Is there anything I should do first, before I start moving in? Introductions with any staff? Medical examinations?" That was better. That sounded like something Dahlia would say. "I don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have."
I haven't quite finished it yet, since I'm doing my best to take my wrist as easily as I possibly can and using my fingers to play phone games does not fit into that. But goddamn, Irit and Rosmontis got my heart both bleeding and warming after she meets Loken.
Well would you look at that, turns out that if given enough time I can write a post using only dictation. Sorry for the wait!
Aoife sighed, heavy and long.

As much as she hated this—and she did hate it—it was...well, it was an occupational hazard now. She was an operator at Rhodes Island; did she really think that she'd be able to avoid talking to Victorians at all, even when working on a diverse landship like Rhodes? It wasn't as though she knew everyone on the ship, after all. as far as she knew, she interacted with tens of Victorians every day. Idiot, She admonished herself, get it together. You're making a fool of yourself. It wasn't like she had anywhere else to go if Rhodes Island fell through, after all. If this level of oripathy went untreated, she be dead before the end of the week, the month if she was really lucky.

So she did her best to take a long, calming breath, only to this time be rudely interrupted by a sudden stabbing pain from her chest that drew a sharp gasp from her and lingered for several seconds afterwards, setting her teeth grinding against each other. Her words grew grating, and maybe a bit harsher than she would have liked: "Then we're wasting time here."

By the time she bit the last word through to a close, she'd already turned and was heading towards customs, trying to breathe as little and as lightly as she could, using all of her self control to stop from doubling over as the knifelike sensation slowly, slowly began to abate and her jaws gradually unlocked themselves. She knew that it hadn't been long, but she still found herself wondering just how long it had been, and how long it would be until she could go back to Polka. It was too hot out, everything hurt, and she needed to talk to Victorians. Even though it was barely lunchtime, she was ready for this day to be over.

She had a sinking feeling it wouldn't be over any time soon.
In Lem's Stash 11 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
Also, I should mention that I have injured my wrists and so typing is a little bit awkward. It may be a little while before I'm able to properly post again.
@Nanolyte I did note that Elise thought about Aoife by her first name, even though she's only ever introduced herself as Ash Girl as far as Elise is aware. I don't know if that is due to Elise's unique sight, and it's fine if it is intentional, but I feel like it's at least worth mentioning.
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