Pepper watched some humans go by, in her solid form- a fluffy silver tabby cat. A girl they.. recognized. An old escapee? She spotted another- one with cameras and seemed to be... vlogging, perhaps? Heading toward the library.
They took their chance. Leap, grab belongings, the feline thought. So she leaped, swiping a bracelet from the escapee and one of the filming supplies of the one who seemed to be vlogging.
The feline raced toward the entrance to the library, where dried blood was upon the roof, where a local student was recently found dead.
come, follow that cat in you have no choice if you want your belongings, OoOoh . 👻
Pepper watched some humans go by, in her solid form- a fluffy silver tabby cat. A girl they.. recognized. An old escapee? She spotted another- one with cameras and seemed to be... vlogging, perhaps? Heading toward the library.
They took their chance. Leap, grab belongings, the feline thought. So she leaped, swiping a bracelet from the escapee and one of the filming supplies of the one who seemed to be vlogging.
The feline raced toward the entrance to the library, where dried blood was upon the roof, where a local student was recently found dead.
come, follow that cat in you have no choice if you want your belongings, OoOoh . 👻