I CANNOT believe that this took so long. Anyway, here is my character. I was wondering if her familial connection (if we can even call it that) and her job related to Team Rocket is okay.

Name: Vesper Alycia Liu
Age: 19
Vesper tends to keep to herself, not trusting others as much. She can be a bit intimidating as she gives off a cool and dark aura. People have also said that she can be too brash and tactless, which has gotten her into one too many fistfights. She can handle herself though, as she always had. She's resourceful, taking whatever she's handed and making the most of it. She will also be one to take advantage of a situation when she can, even resorting to using less than favourable tactics. Vesper is someone you can trust to get a job done, no matter what it entails.
Vesper grew up at an orphanage near Hearthome City. The story the officials had told her was that they found her abandoned in the forest just as a wild group of Poochyenas and Myghtyenas were about to attack her. Vesper didn't care whether it was the truth or not, as she had more trouble than finding out who her parents were or why they had abandoned her. The orphanage was, to put it bluntly, piss poor. The children they took care off were too many for the funds given to them by donations and it made living conditions almost unbearable. To make matters worse, some officials had taken to physically abusing and bullying the orphans by making them to manual labour and punishing them when they stepped out of line. Vesper absolutely hated it.
She was ten when she attempted to run away alongside three of her friends. They were almost out of the area when the officials had ambushed them, apparently having been tipped off by one of Vesper's friends. He had lured them into the trap to get on the good graces of the officials. Vesper never forgot his betrayal and made it her goal to make him suffer.
She got her chance soon enough. That so-called friend of hers was about to be adopted and freed from that horrid place. Vesper couldn't let that happen. She had sabotaged his chances of getting a potential family, framing him for stealing from the couple and giving both him and the orphanage a bad reputation. Suffice to say, he got a good lashing and an assurance that he would never leave the orphanage, ever. Meanwhile, Vesper was off planning another escape, but this time she would do it alone.
It took her two more years before she made another attempt. An official almost caught her, but she was small and fast and she had managed to trick him into hitting a post. On a whim, she also grabbed the bag - which was heavier than she expected - that the official had carried with him.
When she reached the next city, she stayed in the alleyways and looked through the items in the bag for things she could sell. There were items there that had gotten her some coin for a meal, but she had kept the one thing that made the bag heavy - a Pokemon egg. Amazed at what she had in her hands, she made sure to keep it warm even when she was shivering with cold herself. She pickpocketed money from strangers in the streets for a meal and some blankets to survive, all the while making sure to take care of the egg and patiently awaiting the arrival of whatever was inside.
She found out just before the police found her little hidey-hole. The egg hatched into a Ralts, one that Vesper immediately loved. She grabbed the Pokemon and ran away as fast as she could.
That was how Vesper's life played out. She moved to different cities, pickpocketed from people for food and a place to stay, and then ran away when the police was catching up to what she was doing. She was 16 when she'd saved up enough money for a ship to Unova, where she thought she would have better opportunities. Once she made it there, she continued her habit of wandering from one city to the next, although this time, she didn't have to pickpocket from people as much. She aimed to start earning money honestly so she began working odd jobs at the docks of Castelia City.
Now at age nineteen and having made a somewhat better life for herself, Vesper was recruited for a job in Hoenn. Her employer promised to pay well for the delivery of a package to a group of people. It seemed shady, but Vesper wasn't going to turn down a job.
Pokemon Team:
- A medium-sized black sling bag
- A grappling hook
- Seven Pokeballs
- A pocket knife
- Four pockets of food for her Pokemon
- A lighter
- Five Potions
- Some cash
- A watch
- Her biological father is a low ranking member of Team Rocket. Her biological mother is an actress in PokeStar Studios and doesn't know that she's still alive.
- She's not particularly fond of heights.
Vesper Liu

Name: Vesper Alycia Liu
Age: 19
Vesper tends to keep to herself, not trusting others as much. She can be a bit intimidating as she gives off a cool and dark aura. People have also said that she can be too brash and tactless, which has gotten her into one too many fistfights. She can handle herself though, as she always had. She's resourceful, taking whatever she's handed and making the most of it. She will also be one to take advantage of a situation when she can, even resorting to using less than favourable tactics. Vesper is someone you can trust to get a job done, no matter what it entails.
Vesper grew up at an orphanage near Hearthome City. The story the officials had told her was that they found her abandoned in the forest just as a wild group of Poochyenas and Myghtyenas were about to attack her. Vesper didn't care whether it was the truth or not, as she had more trouble than finding out who her parents were or why they had abandoned her. The orphanage was, to put it bluntly, piss poor. The children they took care off were too many for the funds given to them by donations and it made living conditions almost unbearable. To make matters worse, some officials had taken to physically abusing and bullying the orphans by making them to manual labour and punishing them when they stepped out of line. Vesper absolutely hated it.
She was ten when she attempted to run away alongside three of her friends. They were almost out of the area when the officials had ambushed them, apparently having been tipped off by one of Vesper's friends. He had lured them into the trap to get on the good graces of the officials. Vesper never forgot his betrayal and made it her goal to make him suffer.
She got her chance soon enough. That so-called friend of hers was about to be adopted and freed from that horrid place. Vesper couldn't let that happen. She had sabotaged his chances of getting a potential family, framing him for stealing from the couple and giving both him and the orphanage a bad reputation. Suffice to say, he got a good lashing and an assurance that he would never leave the orphanage, ever. Meanwhile, Vesper was off planning another escape, but this time she would do it alone.
It took her two more years before she made another attempt. An official almost caught her, but she was small and fast and she had managed to trick him into hitting a post. On a whim, she also grabbed the bag - which was heavier than she expected - that the official had carried with him.
When she reached the next city, she stayed in the alleyways and looked through the items in the bag for things she could sell. There were items there that had gotten her some coin for a meal, but she had kept the one thing that made the bag heavy - a Pokemon egg. Amazed at what she had in her hands, she made sure to keep it warm even when she was shivering with cold herself. She pickpocketed money from strangers in the streets for a meal and some blankets to survive, all the while making sure to take care of the egg and patiently awaiting the arrival of whatever was inside.
She found out just before the police found her little hidey-hole. The egg hatched into a Ralts, one that Vesper immediately loved. She grabbed the Pokemon and ran away as fast as she could.
That was how Vesper's life played out. She moved to different cities, pickpocketed from people for food and a place to stay, and then ran away when the police was catching up to what she was doing. She was 16 when she'd saved up enough money for a ship to Unova, where she thought she would have better opportunities. Once she made it there, she continued her habit of wandering from one city to the next, although this time, she didn't have to pickpocket from people as much. She aimed to start earning money honestly so she began working odd jobs at the docks of Castelia City.
Now at age nineteen and having made a somewhat better life for herself, Vesper was recruited for a job in Hoenn. Her employer promised to pay well for the delivery of a package to a group of people. It seemed shady, but Vesper wasn't going to turn down a job.
Pokemon Team:
Nickname: Peridot
Gender: Female
Description: Vesper met Peridot when she hatched from the egg she stole. Ever since then, Peridot has been her partner that followed her wherever she went. They were inseperable, and you would almost never see Vesper without the Psychic Pokemon hanging around her. Peridot evolved from a Ralts to a Kirlia during one of their runs from the police, particularly after Vesper had pickpocketed a locket from a wealthy and influential man. The police had almost cornered them, and Peridot's evolution came in time.
Peridot is an elitist, thinking that she's been with Vesper the longest that she shouldn't have to share Vesper's attention with others. She especially hates how much Vesper adores Jet.
Gender: Female
Description: Vesper met Peridot when she hatched from the egg she stole. Ever since then, Peridot has been her partner that followed her wherever she went. They were inseperable, and you would almost never see Vesper without the Psychic Pokemon hanging around her. Peridot evolved from a Ralts to a Kirlia during one of their runs from the police, particularly after Vesper had pickpocketed a locket from a wealthy and influential man. The police had almost cornered them, and Peridot's evolution came in time.
Peridot is an elitist, thinking that she's been with Vesper the longest that she shouldn't have to share Vesper's attention with others. She especially hates how much Vesper adores Jet.
Nickname: Jet
Gender: Female
Description: Vesper met Jet when she was holing up in an abandoned house. Jet had been lonely, having been left alone in such an empty house, and she'd been ecstatic to see someone wander in seeing as most people steered clear of the house out of fear. It didn't take long for Vesper to convince Jet to join them, much to Peridot's disapproval.
Jet is bubbly despite being a Ghost Pokemon. She's possibly the most optimistic member of the group and she loves discovering new things and meeting new people. She is mostly kept inside her Pokeball as to not scare people away but she's sometimes allowed out to enjoy herself.
Gender: Female
Description: Vesper met Jet when she was holing up in an abandoned house. Jet had been lonely, having been left alone in such an empty house, and she'd been ecstatic to see someone wander in seeing as most people steered clear of the house out of fear. It didn't take long for Vesper to convince Jet to join them, much to Peridot's disapproval.
Jet is bubbly despite being a Ghost Pokemon. She's possibly the most optimistic member of the group and she loves discovering new things and meeting new people. She is mostly kept inside her Pokeball as to not scare people away but she's sometimes allowed out to enjoy herself.
Nickname: Pyrite
Gender: Female
Description: Vesper received a job that required her to join a group of people on a fishing expedition. She was just supposed to help with the manual labour but when she saw them fish up good Water Pokemon, she had been curious enough to try, thinking she would get a beautiful Pokemon to add to her team. When she fished up a Feebas, she dropped the pole and returned to her duties.
Pyrite feels like Vesper isn't too happy with her so she strives to become better and better. This is to no avail though as she is currently the weakest member of the team. She is determined to be more helpful instead of just being a burden.
Gender: Female
Description: Vesper received a job that required her to join a group of people on a fishing expedition. She was just supposed to help with the manual labour but when she saw them fish up good Water Pokemon, she had been curious enough to try, thinking she would get a beautiful Pokemon to add to her team. When she fished up a Feebas, she dropped the pole and returned to her duties.
Pyrite feels like Vesper isn't too happy with her so she strives to become better and better. This is to no avail though as she is currently the weakest member of the team. She is determined to be more helpful instead of just being a burden.
Nickname: Citrine
Gender: Male
Description: One particular job Vesper had taken had her wandering inside a cave. Inside, her team had disrupted a nest of Joltiks and struggled to fight them off. In the midst of the fighting, Vesper was able to catch one. Once outside, Vesper noticed that this particular Joltik looked different than normal ones as the parts of it that were supposed to be blue were more of a dark green.
Citrine is very skittish, especially around the other members of the team. He's especially worried about Peridot, who he fears woulf squash him without remorse. He is very good friends with Pyrite though and enjoys fighting alongside her. She is mostly kept out, hanging around Vesper's scarf.
Gender: Male
Description: One particular job Vesper had taken had her wandering inside a cave. Inside, her team had disrupted a nest of Joltiks and struggled to fight them off. In the midst of the fighting, Vesper was able to catch one. Once outside, Vesper noticed that this particular Joltik looked different than normal ones as the parts of it that were supposed to be blue were more of a dark green.
Citrine is very skittish, especially around the other members of the team. He's especially worried about Peridot, who he fears woulf squash him without remorse. He is very good friends with Pyrite though and enjoys fighting alongside her. She is mostly kept out, hanging around Vesper's scarf.
Nickname: Agate
Gender: Male
Description: Vesper received Agate as a gift from when she worked for a construction company. The leader saw that she was having trouble handling some of the heavier equipment and lent her one of the company's Scraftys. To keep matters short, the two immediately hit it off and Vesper was allowed to keep Agate.
Agate is the shyest member of the group. He lends a hand when needed but almost never interacts with the others. He doesn't do well with teaming up with the others because he feels its too awkward. He is very protective about Vesper and the team, though, and would do everything to keep them safe.
Gender: Male
Description: Vesper received Agate as a gift from when she worked for a construction company. The leader saw that she was having trouble handling some of the heavier equipment and lent her one of the company's Scraftys. To keep matters short, the two immediately hit it off and Vesper was allowed to keep Agate.
Agate is the shyest member of the group. He lends a hand when needed but almost never interacts with the others. He doesn't do well with teaming up with the others because he feels its too awkward. He is very protective about Vesper and the team, though, and would do everything to keep them safe.
- A medium-sized black sling bag
- A grappling hook
- Seven Pokeballs
- A pocket knife
- Four pockets of food for her Pokemon
- A lighter
- Five Potions
- Some cash
- A watch
- Her biological father is a low ranking member of Team Rocket. Her biological mother is an actress in PokeStar Studios and doesn't know that she's still alive.
- She's not particularly fond of heights.