They can be, as long as they aren't too different xD. Like if it's a Pikachu with weird eyes, we still have to be able to tell it's a Pikachu. And this would have to be something that's not too common. Kind of like how we don't see as many albino animals.
And grats on pulling through, your Charmander sounds like a trooper ^^
I'm not going to overuse it, but I like the idea of Pokemon being adapted to different environments, like different colors for their environment, not just the shiny colorations being the only alteration. So, like, a brown Pikachu for more wooded areas or something, or a brown or grey Rattata in a city, or a Charmander with real newt colors. And yes, she is, thank you. Sorta the reason I asked about the color, because I named her Ashecoat, so I sorta imagine her having a largely grey back, if not a dark spot so large only her fingers/claws are untouched. @Fox of Spades And btw, which five regions are we using? There are six? Thanks. Yeah. Kinda worried about her, but I have confidence she'll pull through. Oh, and how strict will you be about levels/evolutions? Like, you can, as the GM, limit how effective they'll be, but like, for example, the Pokemon that evolve once, but it's at like level 50, such as Mienshao, or Croagunk. Specifically, I love Noivern, but it evolves from Noibat at 48 I think. I don't expect at all to either have decent moves or have an easy time early game, but, like, narrative versus mechanic, where do you/we stand?
Ah, that's a neat idea. But for this RP, we'll be using standard Pokemon appearances save for the occasionally different looking one. And as for lvling, we won't have that, so we'll definitely be going for narrative over game mechanics. You guys will be able to have your pokemon evolve, but it won't be something I'll be allowing you guys to do too often. Most likely it'll be there as some sort of reward system, like should you guys do well in certain situations, I'll give you the option to have your Pokemon evolve.
And we'll be starting in Hoenn but OCs can be from any of the five regions :)
Appearance: Name: Claire Walker Age: 15 Personality: a girl with high optimism, Claire is friendly, hard working and determined young lady. She has a strong belief that "with hard work you can get to your dreams in no time" However, due to bullying during her childhood, Claire dislikes when everyone telling her that she can't be a real pokemon trainer, but in a way that she is determined to prove others wrong about it. Claire wants to do what is right as well, and combining this with her beliefs is what made her eager to prove that she is a real trainer ever since she was little. As an pokemon trainer, she tries to retain this while still trying to help those in need. Biography: When Claire was a little girl she always wonder "what does being a Pokémon trainer be like?" she was watching tv one day until a gym leader Appear in the pokemon battle and her name was Elesa Claire was so amazed how Elesa was and it was that point on she would the best Pokémon trainer she can be. but of course she would be pick on for it saying she would made the worse pokemon trainer but she didn't listed what they said, she will be the best. Now that Claire is 15 and a pichu on her side. she is ready to go on a adventure of a life....what she didn't know that it was harder then she thought. Pokemon Team: she got one pokemon for now and it a pichu. Claire was walking home from school until she saw a pichu all beat up so her and her sister nurse back to health and Claire decision that she would keep it and train her. At first Pichu didn't trust Claire she shock her if she come near her but over time her and pichu bond and accepted her as her trainer Inventory: Map, pokedex, 3 pokeballs, Pokégear and healing potions Extra: She have a sister name Riley she work as Pokémon Center Nurse
After everyone who expressed interest submits theirs, I'll begin the evaluation phase, give you guys some feedback and some time to tweak things then I'll pick out the final cast.
@Fox of Spades I made a character. Please let me know if it's alright. I had to guess a bit on exactly what you meant like on information about pokemon, also wasn't 100% sure about what the Extra section was for.
Name: Shawn Tyner
Age: 18
Personality: Most others see him as very intimidating by his appearance alone and his rather deep voice and some of his very peculiar behavior doesn't help. He can come off as narcissistic, and overconfident. Especially when he battles. As he almost seems to have a visable aura of smug superiority. But it's only because he has deep connection with his pokemon and believes that they will be the best.
He has a passion for being a trainer almost as much as taking care of the helpless pokemon he finds. He's very selfless and quite helpful especially to pokemon he believes are in need. He certainly doesn't mind being alone for long periods of time. At least with no other people around, because he doesn't socialize with many actual people, preferring to talk to pokemon. He definitely never starts a conversation and is also socially awkward and shy towards the opposite sex.
But he tries to be friendly to those who don't challenge him to a battle. Because, unless your a small child, he will take it offensively. As he is secretly is insecure that he is not good enough to ever achieve his dream. (Just don't ever say that to him if you don't want to make him angry.)
Biography: In his youth, he was already considered strange by his parents. As he often would sit and talk to pokemon for hours on end instead of playing with the many children around in the village he lived in. His mother was a nurse for pokemon, which he immediately took interest in. As he would act out being a doctor on his first pokemon he received an eevee who has been with him ever since.
He was seen as slightly scary from how he'd dress and behave and how he sounded. Which just furthered distanced himself from most human interaction and his interest in pokemon, often going to his grandfather's ranch. Who had dozens upon dozens of all sorts of pokemon all out of their pokeballs. Which made him question why keep them in their balls at all? Unless they want to be there. Which is why he started to just walk around with his pokemon frequently outside their balls. He was often taking care of injured pokemon, helping his mother at work. The only thing he'd do aside from talking and hanging with pokemon, was read about pokemon. His father had to get him a cellphone, and teach him how to use it because he was worried how I was behaving. As he would often leave the house at night without warning and not come back for hours, usually to meet other pokemon in the woods. Usually helping pokemon he'd find in need.
When his eevee had evolved into an Espeon, using telepathy to help him further understand the pokemon's language. After his grandfather passed from a mysterious illness. His will gave his favorite pokemon to his grandson. Despite being only an adolescent the pokemon liked him a lot and followed him without conflict. Missing him deeply, he decided from that point on. He'd become the best pokemon trainer, like his grandfather. Starting to battle other trainers and often win. He left home on his eighteenth birthday, to become the best trainer while also taking time to take care of any injured pokemon he finds along the way. Only recently, after constant bickering from his father. Has he decided maybe he should make some actual human friends...
Pokemon Team:
Soul Type: Psychic Short Bio: Given to him as a young boy, she has looked up to her trainer's behavior in admiration. Doing her best to teach him pokemon language. Almost never in her pokeball, making sure he stays safe. She's very protective of him and her personality is very perky and hyper around him, but she's pretty wild it's not uncommon for her to attack whatever she sees as a possible threat if she isn't stopped, as she listens to him without fault. She do things she'd be personally against if he ordered it so, without hesitation. She's always cautious when strangers approach. But she can warm up to others quickly. While she doesn't s outwardly speak any English, she will often use telepathy to communicate with other humans, even if they don't understand exactly whats said they'll be able to feel the emotion being conveyed. Her abilities are varied from mentally crippling her foes, casting illusions, to sheer power. She sees the other pokemon on his team as family and usually is the one to break up the personal squabbles.
August Type: Electric Short Bio: One of his grandpa's pokemon, he spent a lot of time with in the ranch, which caused them to bond very quickly and become almost like brothers, at least that's how Luxray sees his trainer. Only very recently evolved. Also often not in his pokeball either. He is not so friendly to others he's not familiar with or even that as he dislikes Houndoom as they were rivals back in their childhood. His personality is rather cocky and stubborn. Really doesn't like being told what to do, literally would be impossible for another trainer to deal with this pokemon, no matter what badges he had. But he still does what he is told. (when its a serious matter or battle at least.) He will often fight in battles until he or his opponent is down, finding it cowardly to run away from a fight.
Thrash Type: Dark/Fire Short Bio: The second one of his grandpa's pokemon, was one of his grandpa's first pokemon. Does stay in his pokeball only because he doesn't like having much company. He surprisingly is rather calm in most situations, wise and patient. Doesn't do anything until he is told, or when he feels like he needs to protect someone on his team or his trainer. Though rather antisocial and sometimes releases a bit of his anger out when Luxray is anywhere near him acting up or provoking him. Is still depressed, that his original trainer is gone making him want to just sleep in his pokemon most of the time.
Blade Type: Bug/Steel Short Bio: Found beaten and abused to near death, he healed it back to full health within a week, extremely grateful as they bonded overtime. It has been with him even since. Goes in and out of his pokeball freely. He is very friendly and usually in a pleasant mood, glad to be around any pokemon or human. Preferring to goof around then stay in his pokeball alone. Encourages his trainer to be more friendly. Preferring to not fight unless its in good fun.
(Remains nameless) Type: Normal/Flying Short Bio: Found with damaged wings unable to fly, which he took care of for several days until they were healed. He decided to stay with the trainer for a while which lead to him becoming his pokemon, friendly to other pokemon in general. But really scared of most humans interactions, having bad experiences. But he is comfortable with his trainer, letting him fly around when he needs some place to travel. He doesn't have a name, because he doesn't like them. Refusing to be called anything, in his pokeball most of time. Goes out flying at night.
Melody Type: Fighting Short Bio: Only became his a few days ago, It was released by another trainer for being too weak, seeing it be depressed. He offered to become her trainer and she accepted. If she's out of her pokeball, she'll be held in his arms or holding on his back. She behaves like a normal child would, so anything but normal. She likes to hum and sing which she does because she knows the trainer likes it. She is actually quite powerful for her just being a Riolu. But she is still a bit afraid of much bigger pokemon and getting into fights, not liking to get hurt. Has bonded with him and his pokemon quickly.
Inventory: A backpack (containing the following) - 6 Full Restores - Some Berries/Food for his pokemon (don't do anything.) - A full roll of bandages - A large flask of fresh water - A box with a dozen protein snack bars - A cellphone (with a spare battery pack.) - A wallet with little cash - A small switchblade
Extra: Despite having not listened to much as a child, he loves hearing music or singing. He and all his pokemon love and prefer spicy food.
(I'mma finish this later.) Appearance: Name: Hotaka Yamada Age: 17 Personality: Hotaka is a somewhat rigid individual, who sees battles as something that should be precise and exact. As such, he trains his Pokemon with precision in mind. He may come off as cold or uncaring to others, but his convictions come from a deep place in his heart. There are times when it seems he is ignoring people, but it's unclear if he's simply lost in thought, or thinks they're not worth his time, or just doesn't care. Biography: Hotaka Yamada was raised in Mahogany town, where he saw the harshness of Johto's mountain winters. After much exploration of his home, and other regions around it, he finally set out across the sea for greater adventure. When he was young, he would wander off, much to the dismay of his father, Ishiro Yamada, and stare at the roiling turmoil that was the Lake of Rage. Over the years, the sight became familiar, then calming, but ultimately boring to the boy. Soon, his father took him on the weekly trip to Blackthorn City for supplies, and Hotaka became fascinated with the formations of the Ice Path and the high rising ridges that lead to the Indigo Plateau, which could only be seen in the failing light of late sunset because of the mists of Mount Silver. One day, Hotaka heard a great loud sound come from Mount Silver, and started to climb it. The ascent was brutal, and almost cost the young boy his life. The last thing he remembers, before he was again in his home with his father at his side, is the sight of a phosphorescent seafoam green Pokemon with large wings. Because of this incident, he is always wearing a coat and thick gloves when outside. He never removes his gloves. After what he views as a failure to climb Mount Silver, he became fixated on success, which carried to the training of the Noibat he met in a cave on his second attempt, which ended when an avalanche closed off the path ahead.
Name: Seras Species: Noibat Nature: Timid Ability: Infiltrator Gender: Female Moves: - Air Slash - Tailwind - Whirlwind - Bite Characteristic: Alert to sounds. Place Met: Mt. Silver Other: Seras does not first approach other Pokemon or trainers, and often hides in Hotaka's coat's collar. She is quite intuitive, and often arranges things in a way to create reactions. This mischievous attitude can sometimes get her into sticky situations. She is great at sneaking into places, but sometimes gets her tail caught in doors or windows, as it is slightly longer than normal.
Name: Cewen Species: Houndour Nature: Hardy Ability: Flashfire Gender: Male Moves: - Fire Fang - Crunch - Smog - Incinerate Characteristic: Proud of its power, Hates to lose Place Met: Route 44 Other: Cewen is one of the few Pokemon who willingly followed Hotaka. He only hangs around to assist his sister Arwen in battle. He's a rough and tumble fighter who plays things close to the chest.
Name: Arwen Species: Houndour Nature: Calm Ability: Early Bird Gender: Female Moves: - Snarl - Roar - Leer - Flame Charge Characteristic: Thoroughly cunning, Highly persistent Place Met: Route 44 Other: Arwen is a fierce strike hunter, who relishes delivering a finishing blow.
An adventurer at heart, Rai is constantly on the move. Staying in one place for too long bores her, and she's a bit of an impulsive thrill seeker, one of the reasons her mom tends to fret whenever she's on the road. Daring, and not one to back down from fights or challenges, there's never really a shortage of excitement around her since she often gets herself into silly spats and arguments.
Rai is not what one would call a patient person. She's got a temper and this often leads to poor decisions or hurtful words. Often, these poor choices come back to kick her butt, but the girl tries to learn from them and takes things as they come. She might have a tendency to snap when upset, but Rai rarely ever holds a grudge. Temper aside, her dad sometimes likens her to a blaze because when she sets her mind on something, Rai burns bright and fights hard. She's a tough nut to crack, often hiding her fears and insecurities behind angry outburst or bright grins. Rai doesn't have everything figured out, but her heart is usually in the right place.
The daughter of a wildlife photographer and teacher, Rai was born and raised in Goldenrod city, but has traveled across most of Kanto and Johto with her father. Whenever left at home with her mom, she'd often wander off and make a fuss, so while her younger brother (a total mommy's boy) often stayed back home, she mostly lived on the road with her dad. And while Rai treasured every moment of it, it didn't stop her from feeling homesick from time to time. She's not going to admit that though.
Going on trips with her father only spurred her need for adventure. By the time Rai turned 13, she constantly pestered her parents to let her leave on her own journey, they told her to wait a few years, much to her dismay.
Sometime after Rai turned 15, her father returned from one of his travels with an injured Cyndaquil. She helped him nurse it back to health and named the Pokemon Flame. The Cyndaquil took a liking to her and Rai obtained her first Pokemon. Shortly after, she left on her own adventure. She's been on the road for a little more than two years now.
Pokemon Team:
Flame (M)
Rai's father rescued Flame on one of his trips. He brought the injured Cyndaquil home and Rai helped nurse the Pokemon back to health. Flame took a liking to Rai and the two have been partners ever since. The Quilava is very protective of Rai and will go to great lengths to make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble. He can bit a bit of a grump when it comes to others but after he warms up to people Flame will make sure to keep an eye out for them too.
Clock (F)
One of Rai's first Pokemon. Clock is calm and calculating, often noticing minute details before anyone else on Rai's team does.
Lavi (M)
The newest member of Rai's team. Lavi likes playing rough and never knows when to quit. The Jolteon sees Flame as some sort of rival, much to the Quilava's dismay, and often tries to get into play fights with the fire type.
Mia (F)
The biggest member of Rai's team, while she might look a tad intimidating she's as playful as a pup and is very affectionate. She captured the Growlithe during one of her trips to Kanto, Mia evolved on Rai's 17th birthday when Rai received a Firestone from her father.
Duke (M)
The newest addition to Rai's team. On one rainy night, Duke tried to scare the girl and her pokemon, but it didn't work. Rai applauded him for his shenanigans though and the curious ghost decided he wanted to tag along. He's a trickster who loves to scare people and is usually looking for attention.
Inventory: 1 Pokedex 5 Pokeballs 1 Antidote 2 Mint Berries 1 flashlight A half-eaten chocolate bar
The extra bit is for trivia ^^! Just put whatever you want. Like if your character has a peanut allergy, you can write it down there. And you did the info about Pokemon part correctly. I'll give you guys feedback through PM soon-ish. (Maybe by tomorrow or so)
Oh, I checked your character's items though and I'm going to have to ask you don't bring too many restores and heals. This part is a note to everyone, unlike in video games where a full heal will heal your Pokemon back to full health, in the RP it will not make an injured Pokemon magically a-okay again, it'll just help them feel better and help quicken the recovery process.
As for things like escape rope, they're not going to be of use in the RP ^^
I CANNOT believe that this took so long. Anyway, here is my character. I was wondering if her familial connection (if we can even call it that) and her job related to Team Rocket is okay.
Vesper Liu
Name: Vesper Alycia Liu Age: 19
Personality: Vesper tends to keep to herself, not trusting others as much. She can be a bit intimidating as she gives off a cool and dark aura. People have also said that she can be too brash and tactless, which has gotten her into one too many fistfights. She can handle herself though, as she always had. She's resourceful, taking whatever she's handed and making the most of it. She will also be one to take advantage of a situation when she can, even resorting to using less than favourable tactics. Vesper is someone you can trust to get a job done, no matter what it entails.
Biography: Vesper grew up at an orphanage near Hearthome City. The story the officials had told her was that they found her abandoned in the forest just as a wild group of Poochyenas and Myghtyenas were about to attack her. Vesper didn't care whether it was the truth or not, as she had more trouble than finding out who her parents were or why they had abandoned her. The orphanage was, to put it bluntly, piss poor. The children they took care off were too many for the funds given to them by donations and it made living conditions almost unbearable. To make matters worse, some officials had taken to physically abusing and bullying the orphans by making them to manual labour and punishing them when they stepped out of line. Vesper absolutely hated it.
She was ten when she attempted to run away alongside three of her friends. They were almost out of the area when the officials had ambushed them, apparently having been tipped off by one of Vesper's friends. He had lured them into the trap to get on the good graces of the officials. Vesper never forgot his betrayal and made it her goal to make him suffer.
She got her chance soon enough. That so-called friend of hers was about to be adopted and freed from that horrid place. Vesper couldn't let that happen. She had sabotaged his chances of getting a potential family, framing him for stealing from the couple and giving both him and the orphanage a bad reputation. Suffice to say, he got a good lashing and an assurance that he would never leave the orphanage, ever. Meanwhile, Vesper was off planning another escape, but this time she would do it alone.
It took her two more years before she made another attempt. An official almost caught her, but she was small and fast and she had managed to trick him into hitting a post. On a whim, she also grabbed the bag - which was heavier than she expected - that the official had carried with him.
When she reached the next city, she stayed in the alleyways and looked through the items in the bag for things she could sell. There were items there that had gotten her some coin for a meal, but she had kept the one thing that made the bag heavy - a Pokemon egg. Amazed at what she had in her hands, she made sure to keep it warm even when she was shivering with cold herself. She pickpocketed money from strangers in the streets for a meal and some blankets to survive, all the while making sure to take care of the egg and patiently awaiting the arrival of whatever was inside.
She found out just before the police found her little hidey-hole. The egg hatched into a Ralts, one that Vesper immediately loved. She grabbed the Pokemon and ran away as fast as she could.
That was how Vesper's life played out. She moved to different cities, pickpocketed from people for food and a place to stay, and then ran away when the police was catching up to what she was doing. She was 16 when she'd saved up enough money for a ship to Unova, where she thought she would have better opportunities. Once she made it there, she continued her habit of wandering from one city to the next, although this time, she didn't have to pickpocket from people as much. She aimed to start earning money honestly so she began working odd jobs at the docks of Castelia City.
Now at age nineteen and having made a somewhat better life for herself, Vesper was recruited for a job in Hoenn. Her employer promised to pay well for the delivery of a package to a group of people. It seemed shady, but Vesper wasn't going to turn down a job.
Pokemon Team:
Nickname: Peridot Gender: Female Description: Vesper met Peridot when she hatched from the egg she stole. Ever since then, Peridot has been her partner that followed her wherever she went. They were inseperable, and you would almost never see Vesper without the Psychic Pokemon hanging around her. Peridot evolved from a Ralts to a Kirlia during one of their runs from the police, particularly after Vesper had pickpocketed a locket from a wealthy and influential man. The police had almost cornered them, and Peridot's evolution came in time.
Peridot is an elitist, thinking that she's been with Vesper the longest that she shouldn't have to share Vesper's attention with others. She especially hates how much Vesper adores Jet.
Nickname: Jet Gender: Female Description: Vesper met Jet when she was holing up in an abandoned house. Jet had been lonely, having been left alone in such an empty house, and she'd been ecstatic to see someone wander in seeing as most people steered clear of the house out of fear. It didn't take long for Vesper to convince Jet to join them, much to Peridot's disapproval.
Jet is bubbly despite being a Ghost Pokemon. She's possibly the most optimistic member of the group and she loves discovering new things and meeting new people. She is mostly kept inside her Pokeball as to not scare people away but she's sometimes allowed out to enjoy herself.
Nickname: Pyrite Gender: Female Description: Vesper received a job that required her to join a group of people on a fishing expedition. She was just supposed to help with the manual labour but when she saw them fish up good Water Pokemon, she had been curious enough to try, thinking she would get a beautiful Pokemon to add to her team. When she fished up a Feebas, she dropped the pole and returned to her duties.
Pyrite feels like Vesper isn't too happy with her so she strives to become better and better. This is to no avail though as she is currently the weakest member of the team. She is determined to be more helpful instead of just being a burden.
Nickname: Citrine Gender: Male Description: One particular job Vesper had taken had her wandering inside a cave. Inside, her team had disrupted a nest of Joltiks and struggled to fight them off. In the midst of the fighting, Vesper was able to catch one. Once outside, Vesper noticed that this particular Joltik looked different than normal ones as the parts of it that were supposed to be blue were more of a dark green.
Citrine is very skittish, especially around the other members of the team. He's especially worried about Peridot, who he fears woulf squash him without remorse. He is very good friends with Pyrite though and enjoys fighting alongside her. She is mostly kept out, hanging around Vesper's scarf.
Nickname: Agate Gender: Male Description: Vesper received Agate as a gift from when she worked for a construction company. The leader saw that she was having trouble handling some of the heavier equipment and lent her one of the company's Scraftys. To keep matters short, the two immediately hit it off and Vesper was allowed to keep Agate.
Agate is the shyest member of the group. He lends a hand when needed but almost never interacts with the others. He doesn't do well with teaming up with the others because he feels its too awkward. He is very protective about Vesper and the team, though, and would do everything to keep them safe.
Inventory - A medium-sized black sling bag - A grappling hook - Seven Pokeballs - A pocket knife - Four pockets of food for her Pokemon - A lighter - Five Potions - Some cash - A watch
Extra: - Her biological father is a low ranking member of Team Rocket. Her biological mother is an actress in PokeStar Studios and doesn't know that she's still alive. - She's not particularly fond of heights.
Name: Edgar Felix Wright Age: 34 Personality: Rugged and gritty, Edgar is a determined bloke. Often loyal to the right people, he is no stranger to suffering and loss, and as a result he is also rather stoic. However amongst the younger folk, he displays a certain soft side, seeing the young as full of hope and ambition for the future. He will actively try to take care of the young in his group if he comes across them. And not just people too; Edgar displays a remarkable amount of knowledge about caring for Pokemon, and will go out of his way to help those in need.
However, to most others, Edgar will come across as stony and cold. His history as a police officer has made him efficient, observant and often critical of others' decisions. He doesn't let his past get in the way of his current life though. Survival and all.
Biography: Edgar was once a police officer within one of his hometown's many precincts. Hailing from Saffron City, he rose from the rank of rookie to senior detective through his two decades of service. While the city of gold shone with an allure most described as enticing, Edgar saw through the shine for what the city really was: a cesspool of crime. With Team Rocket's presence in the city, crime ran rampant, and his team were many times forced to respond to reports of Pokemon abuse, kidnapping or even worse.
Edgar's team built up slowly through the years, and his five-Pokemon team are the backbone of his office, often outperforming the other detectives and officers, including Edgar himself. They are his pride and joy, and he enjoys taking care of them and in return they take care of him too.
Pokemon Team:
Grove is a female Serperior that used to be just a little Snivy assigned to Edgar when he was just a rookie cop in the force. Through the years of service (and Pokemon training and catching), Grove stayed loyal to her trainer and is his main partner on cases. Along with the other members of Edgar's team, Grove is an integral part of how he handles suspects during work. Her serpentine body allows her to bind runaways with ease while allowing Edgar to catch up after chases.
Grove, being a Serperior, often regards other Pokemon as inferior, but Edgar has given his all to make her change her way of acting. It does show too; his kinder side often shines through Grove as well. Despite her inherent uppity nature, she is still very loyal not only to her trainer but to the other Pokemon in her team and those she considers friends. She often goes out of her way to protect them too, much like her trainer.
The other Pokemon assigned to Edgar in the force, Mag is a Magneton, plain and simple. Where Grove is flexible, fluid and fast, Mag makes up for that in his (hers? its?) techniques. His electric moves make for good taser alternatives, and Screech is a very good riot control move. When not in combat, Mag prefers to spend his time out of his ball, floating around Edgar and playing with his other Pokemon. He particularly enjoys giving familiar people a very small zap to scare them after sneaking up on them.
Mag is a little unique in that he sports a little white cross decal on one of his three Magnemite orbs.
Rigby is a male Hitmonchan that was given to Edgar as a gift from one of his older colleagues during his retirement. Edgar mainly treats Rigby as a sparring partner, though his fist strength is nothing to be laughed at. When not sparring, Rigby is also an integral part of Edgar's police team, acting like an extra officer during chases or investigations.
When not on the job, Rigby usually spends his time shadow boxing or meditating, alone or with a friend or two. He has a little band-aid on his right fist and wears a white bandana around his left upper arm.
Beat is a male Poliwrath that Edgar inherited from his predecessor on the force. Originally just a wee Poliwag, his predecessor had him trained to a Poliwhirl before he retired, and Edgar took the reins of his training after. With water, ice and his strength, Beat is Edgar's main source of crowd control.
Beat is one of the unruly members of Edgar's team, being cocky and headstrong towards threats that are bigger than him. For all that it's worth, his punches are just as painful as Rigby's, and the two share a friendly rivalry during their sparring sessions. Beat's forearms are wrapped with handwraps.
Runt is the newest member of Edgar's team, having been a recent capture during one of his mountain hiking trips while on vacation. Just like his name, Runt is a male Tyrunt, big compared to some of the other Pokemon on his team but still just a child otherwise. His strength though is unmatched amongst his whole team, and Edgar often uses him as a heavy mover to shove obstacles out of the way.
Runt spends a lot of his time out of his ball, playing with the rest of Edgar's Pokemon and chasing his own tail. He is reguarly unaware of his own size, and often shows his affection by leaning up against people. That often results in the person falling over from Runt's weight and him crushing them slightly until Edgar notices.
@Fox of Spades here we are, a lovely character for everyone to enjoy XD
Appearance: Name: Willow Age: 20 Personality: Crafty and clever, she is more concerned about survival than anything else. She is out for herself and will not hesitate to trample anyone who gets in her way. She can be a bit of a handful, and tends to get uncomfortable around large crowds of people. Because she lived for so long around wild pokemon she tends to notice and recognize behaviors of pokemon and is able to roughly estimate how they are feeling. She can be rather violent at times, and enjoys roughhousing as a sign of affection. She seems to have adopted pokemon-like behaviors due to her time living with them in the woods. As a result of her stint in the woods she has trouble discerning human emotions, and speaking to other humans in general.
Biography: She was born and raised by her mother in petalburg woods. Her mother was a free spirited hippie like person who thought people should live with pokemon in harmony. So from a young age, she taught her daughter how to live off the land beside Pokemon. Her mother also taught her how to treat small wounds pokemon would receive from trainers who had entered the woods and battled against them.
However, her mother died when she was eight, leaving Willow alone in a forest of wild Pokemon. Willow quickly had to learn to survive on her own, using the little equipment her mother had left her when she died, most notably a book all about survival. Due to the excellent training she had received from her mother, Willow managed to scrape by, teaching herself to climb trees and disguise her scent with the corpses of dead pokemon. However, she was soon stalked by a pack of Zorua living in the woods. Not wanting to die, Willow fashioned several spears, and thrust one directly into the chest of one of the wild Zorua. Apparently, she struck the alpha of the pack, which caused the others to separate through the woods. Instead of letting the creature die, Willow slowly nursed it back to health, sharing what little food and water she could scavenge with the creature until it was better. Willow even protected Zorua when several Mightyena attempted to kill her. From then on, the Zorua remained with Willow as her hunting partner, and would often bring her dead pokemon so the two could share a meal. Hunting with Willow eventually caused the Zorua to evolve into a Zoroark. Through their exploits, they befriended a Shroomish as well.
She was discovered living in Petalburg woods by a traveler, and convinced by the man to come with him into the city. Here she was clothed and fed normal food, and introduced into a world of people. Willow was immensely curious about the strange life of these humans, which was not like her's at all. She didn't like the noise and bustle, but the idea that food was everywhere really drew her attention. However, after spending close to a year in the human settlement, Willow decided it was time to move on. Instead of returning to her home in Petalburg Woods, she decided it was time to move elsewhere. She wanted to continue to see new things and explore new places. Along her way, she picked up a few allies. (this will be elaborated on Via Rp, and in the pokemon's apps)
Pokemon Team:
Zoroark Gender: Female Personality: Easily the most loyal of Willow's companions, Kali is the first to have helped Willow. She is extremely overprotective of Willow and her team mates and will attack anyone she thinks might pose a threat. With her abilities of illusion, she will often scare people away taking on the form of a more threatening pokemon. if she is upset she will use her illusionary powers to create her enemy's worst fear and replay it in that person's mind repeatedly until they go mad. She appears to be able to speak to humans using her illusionary powers. Apparently she can use her illusions to take the form of a human as well, which she will sometimes do to evade capture.
Swablu Gender: Female Personality: This tiny bird is extremely mischievous, she enjoys causing as much mayhem as possible and then laughing as she perches on Willow's shoulder. Its unknown why this pokemon decided to follow Willow on her journey, as it just perched on her head one day for no apparent reason. She is the newest addition to Willow's team.
Kabutops Gender: Male Personality: Violent and abnormally aggressive, this pokemon started following Willow around because it decided Fury was its rival. It will often attempt to initiate combat with him, which due to its sharpened scythes can be extremely deadly and dangerous for everyone nearby. So far it has been defeated twice by Fury, and subsequently nursed back to health by Willow each time. This has made him gain a grudging respect for the young woman. He is now waiting to bide its time for a day when it can defeat Fury. Is body is littered with scars, and it has an unknown origin.
Larvesta Gender: Male Personality: A pyromaniac, it will literally light anything and everything on fire. Initially started following Willow after she fed him, and now likes to stay with her because she brings him to places where he can burn more things. Likes to ride on Castiel's back for some reason.
Breloom Gender:Male Personality: The second pokemon who joined Willow when she was younger. Since it was poisonous, the two could not have eaten the creature anyways, so it was kept tied up for a short time and they used its spores to hunt other sources of food. After they let him go, Fury decided to stay. Probably because he had developed a small crush on Kali. He is actually one of the more 'normal' pokemon on Willow's team and is openly friendly to strangers. However, if he manages to hug someone, he might accidentally scatter spores on them, so be wary.
Inventory: one very tattered book on survival, a hunting knife, flint and tinder, a tattered backpack with three self-made healing salves folded up in protective leaves (one salve is for healing poison, another is for burns, and the third is for keeping out infection). Each salve can be used three times before she will need to make more, and are effective on both trainers and their pokemon. She also has an old canteen filled with water, six feet of paracord, and a moth-eaten beige sheet with tears in it. (the sheet used to be white at one point)
Extra: Willow thinks pokeballs are disgusting and relying on them to catch Pokemon is essentially making each Pokemon her slave. However, considering people might try to capture her friends, she had no choice but to catch each pokemon to keep them safe. Willow offers them freedom any time they wish. She allows her pokemon to come and go as they please in and out of their pokeballs. Sometimes she lets them out of their pokeball and allows them to wander without her for as long as they please. She does not like to rely on her pokemon's abilities and will often attempt to work her way around a situation without asking for their help. Since she believes pokemon are more of companions or friends, she does not give them orders, instead politely asking them to help if she needs it.
The only pokemon consistently NEVER in its pokeball is Kali. Kali straight up refuses to ever enter her ball, as she doesn't want to leave Willow to fight on her own.
@Fox of Spades Okay, good to know and I'll be sure to edit that then. (I changed it, let me know if that's better. Made it one per pokemon, thought that was fair.) The reason he was loaded up on heals, was mainly because my trainer was used to healing wild pokemon he saw, that's also why he carried bandages with him. And restores cure all status effects. Thought it make sense from a character standpoint. And alright, I'll have to think of something for the extra then. ;P I might add a little more in my pokemon's bio since others are putting more effort in them.
@tobiax I know that this is in progress. Just letting you know, this RP doesn't appear do be using movesets.
just posting this here (i gave it to fox of spades in a pm before)
"I like people. Money Cameras, too."
Name: Aimee Deniau
Age: 10-year-old Pokemon Master 18
Personality: Aimee is a very flirty girl. That is, if she's close or good friends with someone. If she hates someone, then she'll never ever talk to them or help them if she has the choice. If she doesn't really like someone, then she'll still talk to them, but not as often. There we go, that's her whole personality, thank me for not wasting your time.
Oh yeah, I forgot something.
Aimee is, as you could expect, very outgoing and adventurous. She's normally very friendly, and it's kinda hard to get her to really hate you. She might not like someone that much, but she'll still help them out and stuff. It's only if you really mess up when she'll never talk to you again.
Biography: Her mother was a reporter of a very popular newspaper that she owned for a long time, so she would always be traveling. That is, until she met Aimee's father and they actually had her. After that, the newspaper became a local thing. One of Aimee's favorite things to do as a child was help her mother out with the local paper. On her 10th birthday, she got the camera that she holds so close to her as a gift. She then took the pictures for her mother's paper, and when she got older, she'd sometimes do the interviews. Her mother taught her how to be the friendly and social person she is today.
Her father was the one who knew all about Pokemon. Almost every day, she'd go into her yard with her father and play with and take care of the Pokemon. During that time. her father would also teach her everything that he knew about Pokemon battles, types, weaknesses, etc. She loved those times, and they are what made her so smart about Pokémon.
Pokemon Team: Spinda, her first Pokemon. Spinda and Aimee love each other, and Spinda listens to all of her commands. Aimee got her on her 15th birthday. Spinda has a star-shaped dot on her head, and spends lots of time out of her ball.
Blastoise is her second Pokemon. They also love each other, mainly because he's one of the pokemon that Aimee took care of with her father. Her father gave him to her when she made the decision to go off and explore the world.
Pidget - Aimee's first captured pokemon. Pidget likes Aimee, and listens to commands. She caught him as a Pidgey.
Luxray - Aimee's second captured pokemon. Luxray doesn't really like Aimee, and doesn't listen to commands as well as others. Inventory: A sub-machine gun AND 100 healing potions.
In her mind.
She actually holds her camera, 7 poké balls, and 10 regular potions.
Extra: She always has her camera. If she has to put it away, it's in a safe spot and all of her pictures are also in a very special spot. She's also very smart, and knows how to take a perfect picture. She gets paid for it.
actually in my initial inventory i put it in and crossed it out XD though i edited it so many times i kind of forgot to put in in there XD
oh well XD
Ps, your trainer sounds like he would get along with Willow a bit. She actually might get along with him the best, because she kind of adapted certain pokemon-like behaviors from living in the woods on her own for so long XD (She literally will scratch her face with her foot if she's sitting down and in a comfortable position XD) Though he'd better not smile around her because she will think he's threatening her and probably tackle him XD
<3 I see we've got interesting characters all around. I'll try to throw in some feedback later tonight, but I won't make any promises. I've got a couple of papers I need to get out of the way first, so I might wait for the rest to throw up their sheets too. Anyway, keep up the good work, guys! And I hope you all have a great day~
It's a bit too short. Sticking to the basics is a-okay, but there's not much to work with in terms of personality and biography. If you could expand on it and maybe spruce it up a little, that'd be awesome :)!
Loving the contrast xD @him having an intimidating aura but actually being insecure. Everything looks good to me ^^ just make sure he doesn't shy away too much from interaction, since we will need that to progress the RP and stuff~
A cop, wonderful xD. Things are going to get serious, so having someone with experience along would be grand. He's got an interesting team too, I don't see anything that needs to be changed.
It looks good to me ^^ but I might have to ask you to put her mons in Pokeballs. Otherwise, they'd be out at all times and with several characters and Pokemon around, the presence of too many at once might make scenes a tad chaotic.
OUT WITH YOU. jk jk, she looks okay to me ^^ and I don't see anything that needs changing.
Okayyyyy, If anyone is still working on their sheet, I'll wait a bit before picking out the final cast :). @Arista,@Jpp188,@OneWayOut,@13 Critics, tell me if you guys are still interested and we'll chill for a bit as we wait. And @tobiax Don't forget to re-ping me if you update you sheet. I'll get to the PMs in a bit, but so far so good, guys!
all edited XD changed a few things in her bio, XD.
is it alright if i make some of them able to escape and enter their own pokeballs? Mainly this would be her Kabutops, who is kind of a weirdie. (oh, and her Zoroark hates leaving Willow alone.. so she never enters the ball. XD)
Also, i wanted to know. Are the pokemon going to be able to speak to each other? Of course the humans would not understand this speech. Or are the pokemon just going to communicate with growls and grunts and our own Rp powers of persuasion?